Resource Library

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Found 1620 Results

Challenge 22

“Are you ready for the Challenge? Join thousands of participants for a 22-day vegan experience. You’ll receive fabulous recipes and personal guidance from our mentors and clinical dietitians.”

Change Your Food Change Your Life

DVD: “Illustrates the health benefits of a plant-based diet that can help you regain lost energy, lose weight, and avoid cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Packed with practical advice on how to change your life by changing the food you eat.”

Changemakers – Blog

Blog. “Changemakers activates a global network of social entrepreneurs, innovators, business leaders, policy makers and activists to build an Everyone a Changemaker world.”

Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People’s Minds

“Think about the last time you tried to change someone’s mind about something important: a voter’s political beliefs; a customer’s favorite brand; a spouse’s decorating taste. Chances are you weren’t successful in shifting that person’s beliefs in any way. In his book, Changing Minds, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner explains what happens during the course of changing a mind – and offers ways to influence that process. Remember that we don’t change our minds overnight, it happens in gradual stages that can be powerfully influenced along the way. This book provides insights that can broaden our horizons and shape our lives.”

Changing the Game: Animal Liberation in the Twenty-First Century

“Norm Phelps has long been one of the leading theoreticians, historians, and strategists of the animal advocacy movement. His new book collects his recent writings on this subject, as well as offers in print for the first time a fully revised and updated version of the e-book he published with Lantern in 2013 (978-1-59056-379-3). Phelps argues that faced with the overwhelming wealth and power of the animal exploitation industries, animal activists are like David trying to stand up to Goliath. But rather than following the unsuccessful strategies of the past, Phelps proposes that we change the game by adopting David’s strategy of refusing to play by Goliath’s rules. Additional essays explore class and race in animal advocacy, the place of public policy vs. private morality in creating social change, and the unyielding barrier of human exceptionalism. Trenchant, wise, and deeply committed to the reduction of suffering and the liberation of animals, Changing the Game is sure to offer animal advocates much food for thought as the movement charts a way forward for all sentient beings. “

Charles Eisenstein – Author & Speaker

Topics include: -Ecology & Earth Healing. -Political & Social. -Alternative Narratives. -Self & Psyche. -Money, Gift, & Economics. -Science & Philosophy. Resources: Books, Essays, Podcasts, Audio, Video, Cources and Events.

Charles Eisenstein – Podcasts

“From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and those from the elite. Topics revolve around concepts of interbeing and “technologies of reunion” — anything drawing from and contributing to a new story, including material, social, psychological, agricultural, healing, and educational “technologies.” For greater interactivity, the podcast includes live chats, discussion forums, and Q&A sessions. “No one can occupy the new story alone,” says Charles. “We need to hold each other there.” That is the purpose of this podcast and the community that surrounds it — to strengthen the field and spread the ideas of a new and ancient story.”

Charter for Compassion

“We support the emergence of a global movement that brings the Charter for Compassion to life. To do so, we are a network of networks, connecting organizers and leaders from around the world, providing educational resources, organizing tools, and avenues for communication; sharing lessons, stories, and inspiration; providing the umbrella of the Charter for Compassion for conferences, events, collaborations, conversations and initiatives to create compassionate communities and institutions.”

Chasing Coral

Film: “Coral reefs around the world are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why and to reveal the underwater mystery to the world.”

Chasing Ice

Film: “In the spring of 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog headed to the Arctic on a tricky assignment for National Geographic: to capture images to help tell the story of the Earth’s changing climate. Even with a scientific upbringing, Balog had been a skeptic about climate change. But that first trip north opened his eyes to the biggest story in human history and sparked a challenge within him that would put his career and his very well-being at risk. Chasing Ice is the story of one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Within months of that first trip to Iceland, the photographer conceived the boldest expedition of his life: The Extreme Ice Survey. With a band of young adventurers in tow, Balog began deploying revolutionary time-lapse cameras across the brutal Arctic to capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. As the debate polarizes America and the intensity of natural disasters ramps up globally, Balog finds himself at the end of his tether. Battling untested technology in subzero conditions, he comes face to face with his own mortality. It takes years for Balog to see the fruits of his labor. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. Chasing Ice depicts a photographer trying to deliver evidence and hope to our carbon-powered planet.”

Chenoa Manor

“For over 10 years, Chenoa Manor has served as a sanctuary for animals. Nurturing and respecting the interconnectedness of all strands in the web of life through humane education. Chenoa Manor is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization. So we rely exclusively on the support of volunteers, fundraisers, and contributions from people like you.”

Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition

“The Chesapeake Safe Energy Coalition came together for the first time in May of 2007. The groups consist of representation from MD PIRG, Public Citizen, Beyond Nuclear, Sierra Club (MD), Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Green Party (MD), Clean Water Action and a few local anti-nuclear activists.

The coalition was formed to challenge and subsequently stop the proposed new reactor at Calvert Cliffs.”

Chicken Run Rescue

“Chicken Run Rescue fosters an evolution in critical thought about who is food and who is friend through rescue, rehabilitation, sanctuary and education. Help all animals by adopting a vegan diet. Help individual chickens by adopting them as companions.”

Child Poverty Action Group

“Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) strives to achieve the elimination of child poverty in Aotearoa New Zealand. We work to provide evidence-based research about the causes and effects of poverty on children and their families, and to inform the public, policy makers, media and politicians of the changes to policy needed to reduce child poverty.”

Chomping Climate Change

“Chomping Climate Change addresses the failure of politicians for 20+ years to implement international policies on climate change. Now most people don’t trust politicians on climate change. But we provide unique, widely-cited analysis on how to address climate change through food and forestry.”

Chomping Climate Change – Blog

Blog. “Chomping Climate Change addresses the failure of politicians for more than 20 years to implement international policies on climate change. Now most people don’t trust what politicians say about climate change. But we explain that there’s a fast and inexpensive opportunity to reverse climate change – by replacing most of today’s least eco-friendly food products with better alternatives. Raising animals for food uses an estimated 45% of all land on earth, and most of that land was once forested – and it can be reforested with trees that will draw down carbon from our atmosphere to a safe level.”

Choose Veg

Information on eating more plant-based food.

ChooseVeg – Blog

Blog on veganism

Choosing Voluntary Simplicity

“A blog about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle where you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead.”

Christian Peace Witness

“Christian Peace Witness is an ecumenical, ad hoc group of Partners who are called and committed to raising a Christian voice for peace. Our staff is volunteer (although often staff of Partner peace organizations) and our budget is based on donations. We witness to the power of God’s Spirit in bringing us together and enabling this work….Christian Peace Witness is committed to making “Conscience in War” a major theme for our work. We seek to foster a serious nationwide discussion on following Jesus in matters of conscience and duty, violence and nonviolence, war and peace.”