Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1620 Results

Kindred Spirits Sanctuary

“Kindred Spirits is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to ending the abuse and suffering of farm animals through rescue, advocacy and education. We seek to provide a place where people can connect with these sentient beings and discover their unique (and often humorous!) personalities. At Kindred Spirits, farm animals are our friends, not our food. We are passionate about helping others form bonds with these remarkable animals, and gladly give tours on scheduled days. Kindred Spirits Sanctuary invites you to come and give a pig a belly rub, or get a kiss from a cow! Volunteers are also welcome to join our “Work Parties” and are invaluable to our rescue work.”

King’s Work

“a list of some of Dr. King’s most well known writings, speeches and sermons, as well as books by and about him.” (Martin Luther King Jr)

Lakota People’s Law Project

“Our first program, the ongoing Lakota Child Rescue Project, launched in 2005 to address the actions we discovered, and to assist in the return of Lakota children to their families, tribes, and communities. This mission has expanded to include the creation of a tribal foster care program funded with direct Title IV-E funds from the federal government, bypassing the state of South Dakota. It was natural for us to expand our mission when the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) threatened the Lakota’s sacred lands and water. The injustices perpetrated against the Lakota during the peaceful and prayerful resistance to DAPL further demonstrate the government’s blatant pattern of contempt and disregard for the Lakota and their sovereignty. LPLP engages in ongoing efforts to reclaim ancestral lands, and to stop all threats to Lakota land and resources. We believe that Native peoples possess inherent sovereignty and the right to autonomous rule and self-determination. The Lakota flourished for centuries before Europeans arrived on these lands, and their tradition of living in relation to all things is more important today than ever before. We are committed to working with the Lakota toward the revitalization of their people and culture. Learn more about our campaigns and discover how you can get involved!”


“Lantern is your source for books on animal advocacy, veganism, religion, social justice, and family therapy. We publish books for all wanting to live with greater depth and commitment to the preservation of the natural world.”

Last Chance For Animals

“Founded in 1984 by Hollywood actor Chris DeRose, Last Chance For Animals (LCA) has its roots in fighting and exposing the inherent cruelty of vivisection. In the organization’s early years, DeRose led teams of dedicated activists employing non-violent strategies modeled after social movements led by such leaders as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr….With an increased budget and staff, LCA expanded its focus beyond vivisection. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, LCA has worked on virtually every animal rights issue, including farming, fur, and animals in entertainment. LCA’s primary focuses are vivisection, pet theft, fur, and circuses.”

Last Chance For Animals – Blog

“Blog for Last Chance for Animals, an international non-profit dedicated to ending animal cruelty and exploitation.”

Latest News from WRI

“WRI leaders and experts—spanning more than 25 countries—offer commentary and insights on the latest issues in natural resources, environment, business and economics. Our staff are regularly quoted in the world’s leading media outlets.”


Mission: “Promoting and bringing about a cultural change in the way we relate to other animals, with a view to achieving a lifestyle and making political choices based on respect for and solidarity towards all living beings, irrespective of their species. Putting a stop to any form of exploitation and suffering by asserting animals’ rights and promoting the issuing and implementation of new laws.”

Leading Medical Journal Cites Meat as Major Harm to Health and Environment

“The Lancet, one of the oldest and most respected medical journals in the world, has gone on record questioning the sustainability and healthfulness of meat in a new op-ed titled “We Need to Talk About Meat.” “What is a healthy amount of red or processed meat?” the editorial board writes. “It’s looking increasingly like the answer, for both the planet and the individual, is very little.””

Learn Nonviolent Communication

A resource directory on NVC trainings, practice groups and the CNVC bookstore

Learning and Teaching about the Environment

“This website provides K-12 students and educators with access to quality homework resources, lesson plans and project ideas for learning and teaching about the environment. Environmental education (EE) is a multi-disciplinary approach to learning about environmental issues that enhances knowledge, builds critical thinking skills, and helps students make informed and responsible decisions.”

Lee Camp Official Website

“Lee is the head writer and host of the national TV show Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp on RT America. He’s a former contributor to The Onion, former staff humor writer for the Huffington Post, and his web series “Moment of Clarity” has been viewed by millions. He’s toured the country and the world with his fierce brand of standup comedy, and George Carlin’s daughter Kelly said he’s one of the few comics keeping her father’s torch lit. Bill Hicks’s brother Steve said Lee is one of only a handful with Bill’s “message and passion.””

Legal Issues / Risking Arrest

2 page pdf with practical tips and information. “The decisions that we make are political, not legal. The reaction of the government to what we are doing, to what we stand for, will also be political. We can have quite an impact on what happens to us in jail, in court and during processing, if we are prepared. It can be an important part of our nonviolent opposition as anything that comes before the arrest. “

Leilani Farm Sanctuary

“A gentle cow munches contentedly in a shaded corner of rolling green pasture overlooking the sparkling Pacific. Goats frolic, deer bask in the warm sun, pigs roll happily in the mud, and a pair of inseparable donkeys anticipate sweet nibbles of carrots and apples. Friendly chickens cluck and turkeys gobble, while ducks and geese splash in ponds. Rabbits and guinea pigs scamper through cool gardens. Exotic flowers bloom. And cats by the dozen greet visitors with expectant purrs. This is Leilani Farm Sanctuary—an island paradise for rescued animals where compassion for all living beings reigns. Located on eight lush acres of pure love, this all-volunteer, non-profit sanctuary on Maui saves animals destined for slaughter or orphaned after hunters took their mothers and educates the community on the humane treatment of animals. Tour the farm and meet the Leilani Farm Sanctuary ambassadors, and consider sponsoring one or more of the animals who touch your heart and help us continue our mission of providing hope and education, one life at a time.”

LEPOCO (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern)

“Our Mission: We envision a world free from war, violence, and injustice. Our members share a vision of a more peaceful society and we are deeply committed to the nonviolent action we know it will take to make that vision a reality. What we do: As concerned citizens, we plan, organize, and initiate change at the local, national, and international level. We advocate for political action, participate in demonstrations, and host public conversations. Who we are: LEPOCO is a non-profit citizens group that brings residents together to work on a range of problems that threaten peace and our planet.”

Let Fish Live

“Let Fish Live is dedicated to advocating for the consideration and protection of sentient aquatic animals…Fish are sentient animals who experience pain, fear, and suffering. Like many land animals, humans subject them to cruelty in the many ways we use them, including catching them from the wild, farming them, killing them for consumption, breeding them, holding them captive for our entertainment, and using them as subjects in experiments. We need to bring fish into our circle of compassion. They deserve consideration and protection.”

Letter from a Birmingham jail

20 to 30 minute training plan. “Goal or purpose: To explore different elements of a campaign strategy. To help a group reflect on the power of nonviolent direct action.”

Library on Wheels for Non-Violence and Peace

“The Library on Wheels for Nonviolence and Peace, located in Jerusalem and Hebron, offers educational programs and serves as an active library interested in promoting nonviolence and peace for Palestinian children. Founded by the Palestinian Center for the Study of Nonviolence in 1986 and became independent in 1994. LOWNP developed a variety of ideas to explore the significance of nonviolence and peace tradition in Islam, enhance its practical use at personal, family, school and also at the social level under violent situations. LOWNP has a special interest in nonviolence and peaceful means leading to empowerment for social change and justice. LOWNP believes active nonviolence is empowering. It’s presence and activities are helping make a positive in the quality of life for thousands of Palestinian families”

Life Changing Videos

Mission: “Ending the horrendous and unbearable exploitation of nonhuman animals. We invest a lot of effort in spreading a message of compassion across social networks using the most powerful materials available.”

Life stages (The Vegan Society)

Vegan nutrition at different life stages. “Vegan nutrition tips for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Information about vegan nutrition for children less than five years old. How to ensure that 5-10 year old vegans hit nutritional targets. The lowdown on vegan nutrition for 11-18 year olds. Advice about vegan nutrition in later life.”