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Film: “A Prayer for Compassion is a feature length documentary that strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious or spiritual path, to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life, regardless of species, and make choices in alignment with this value. The film follows Thomas Jackson on a quest across America, that ultimately takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask the question, “Can compassion grow to include all beings? and Can people who identify as religious or spiritual come to embrace the call to include all human and nonhuman beings in our circle of respect and caring and love?”” “A reasonable response to 60 questions and comments vegans typically hear from nonvegans. “ “A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group built tiny houses, planted veggie gardens, practised simple living, and learned how to live in community.” “I personally have been watching solar activity for many years now and have watched the activity gradually decrease. As a consequence, I began keeping a rough spreadsheet in summer 2016 as I watched activity begin to drop dramatically. So I have about 2 years of recorded data.” “In this session, we examine a particular and very pragmatic strategy to veganize the world. We will examine how the world could become vegan without expecting people to go vegan right away and without having to talk exclusively about animal rights. The aim of this workshop is to help you think anew about strategy and to help you pick the best ideas and strategies for the current phase of our movement.” Book: “In A Theory of Nonviolent Action, Stellan Vinthagen draws on these examples as well as a rich collection of other historical social events that represent nonviolence movements that combined resistance and constructive change. With this groundbreaking book, Vinthagen provides the first major systematic attempt to develop a theory of nonviolent action in decades, making this essential reading for anyone involved in the study of nonviolence movements.” “A Well-Fed World is a hunger relief and animal protection organization chipping away at two of the world’s most immense, unnecessary and unconscionable forms of suffering… the suffering of people hungry from lack of food, and the suffering of animals used and abused for food. We have a positive, practical, and action-led approach that produces immediate assistance for those in need and structural change for lasting results.” International Humanist Organization. World Goals without Wars and Violence: -Global nuclear disarmament, -Withdrawal of troops from occupied territories, -Reducing arms spending. -Concluding international non-aggression treaties and making states renounce war as a way to resolve conflicts “Send messages directly to decision makers… The AAVS Action Center facilitates communication with government and corporate representatives that have power to effect change. Use your voice to influence today’s urgent issues” “Abolition 2000 is an international global network of organisations and individuals working for a global treaty to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons. Abolition 2000 is open to all organisations endorsing the Abolition 2000 Founding Statement. The Network provides a forum for the exchange of information and development of joint initiatives and campaigns. We meet once a year and communicate on an ongoing basis via a number of list servers an through conferences, teleconferencing, and period mailings.” Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Resources (Physicians for Global Survival) “During the less than 13 years of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s leadership of the modern American Civil Rights Movement, from December, 1955 until April 4, 1968, African Americans achieved more genuine progress toward racial equality in America than the previous 350 years had produced. Dr. King is widely regarded as America’s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history.” “The practical and philosophical basis for ecological veganism – that we can feed the world healthily and compassionately and protect the planet with a diverse, mostly home grown, plant-based diet that includes tree crops…We are faced with the challenge of providing for the needs of a rapidly increasing world population from the diminishing resources of a finite and endangered planet. Fundamental changes in the values and practices of the dominant world system, which has created a situation in which millions of people and animals already suffer extreme deprivation and die prematurely, is essential. What is needed is a trend towards compassionate living the vegan way, with the emphasis on the use of trees and their products. As people face the challenge of environmental crises, as the supreme importance of using awesome intellectual powers with compassion for all sentient beings is realised, an evolutionary leap will be achieved. An era of truly abundant living will dawn in which humans, at peace with themselves, with each other and with all living creatures, will reach heights of creativity as yet unimagined.” Book: “Pollution, overcrowding, global warming, species extinction — everyone knows the Earth is in trouble. Is there anything we can do? Our book Acting for Nature tells the remarkable stories of 15 young people from around the world who didn’t get discouraged. They saw environmental problems in their communities and found ways to solve them.” “Action For Nature, Inc. is an international non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, that encourages young people to take personal action to better their environments and to foster love and respect for nature. Founded by Shimon Schwarzschild, whose personal environmental initiative is an inspiring story, the AFN board believes that the long-term health of our planet and all who live on it depends upon reaching young people with this message: Learn to love and respect the natural world in which you live. Do not be afraid to take action to stop or hinder the degradation of your personal environment and the annihilation of many of the creatures — including human beings — found in it.” “Get the latest news and updates from Action For Nature and our Eco-Heroes! Subscribe to our Newsletter and join us on social…Action For Nature, Inc. is an international non-profit organization based in San Francisco, California, that encourages young people to take personal action to better their environments and to foster love and respect for nature.” Environmental literacy, Suggested outdoor activities, Suggested indoor activities. (1 page pdf) “Why Become an Active Peacemaker? Active Peace is a holistic approach to personal, interpersonal, and collective healing. It takes in the big picture and addresses the root causes of disrespect, division, and violence. Inner healing is fully integrated with heart-centered service to life and future generations. Through a restorative justice-inspired model of community peacemaking (Active Peace Circles) we address even the most challenging issues in a transformational way that includes root causes and systems change. After successful workshops in Boulder in January 2019, the Active Peace Circle model is ready to be implemented in communities hungry for an integrated and consistently nonviolent approach to conflict transformation. Active Peace prioritizes respect, deep relationships, personal responsibility, and repairing harm at all levels and includes unmasking Privilege, Patriarchy, and Internalized Racism in a proactive and compassionate way. As an Active Peacemaker you will become more relaxed, courageous, compassionate, and resilient. You will be a positive example of what humans are capable of and bring more hope into the world. You will also join a growing network of people channeling their care into effective action.”Found 1617 Results
A Prayer for Compassion
A response to typical comments vegans hear from non-vegans.
A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016)
A Solar Activity Update- By Stephanie Osborn
A Strategy for Achieving Vegan Critical Mass: How to Make Compassion Easier – Tobias Leenaert
A theory of nonviolent action: how civil disobedience works
A Well-Fed World
A world without wars and violence
AAVS Action Center (American Anti-Vivisection Society)
Abolition 2000
Abolition of Nuclear Weapons Resources
About Dr. King
Abundant Living in the Coming Age of the Tree
Acting for Nature
Action For Nature
Action For Nature – News
Action for Nature – Teacher Guide
Active Peace