Resource Library

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Found 2072 Results

Dr. Richard Oppenlander

“Dr. Oppenlander is a sustainability consultant, researcher, and author…Dr. Oppenlander is a much sought after international lecturer on the topic of food choice and how it relates to sustainability”

Dr. Tushar Mehta’s Categorized Reference List for Vegan Health

Extensive list of resources on food choices and health. Research Papers and websites.

Dreaming New Mexico Local Foodsheds and A Fair Trade State Map and Booklet

“The Dreaming New Mexico Map envisions New Mexico in the Age of Local Foodsheds and Fair Trade. The front of the map shows current farming and ranching in New Mexico. The back of the map displays 13 technical maps including farms and crops, biocultural legacies, eco-friendly agriculture and many more. The Dreaming New Mexico Booklet compliments the map and provides a more in depth explanation of the artist’s depictions and the dream. It discusses the bridges and barriers to our sustainable food future and additional information.”

Dreaming New Mexico Renewable Energy Map and Booklet

“The Dreaming New Mexico Map envisions New Mexico in the Age of Renewables. The front of the map depicts the dream. It displays the best areas for wind and solar energy, some of the “green grid” and existing biofuel areas. The back of the map displays the technical maps and provides some of this doable dream’s strategic research. The Dreaming New Mexico Booklet compliments the map and provides a more in depth explanation of the artist’s depictions and the dream. It discusses the bridges and barriers to our energy future and additional information including graphs and energy-related maps.”

Dreaming the Future: Reimagining Civilization in the Age of Nature

Book: “The world is entering a period of great change. The environment is collapsing. Social disruption abounds. All around, it seems, societies are experiencing breakdown—even collapse. Out of this chaos, however, comes the opportunity to avoid a complete breakdown and instead foster a breakthrough. It is time, argues award-winning social entrepreneur, author, journalist, and filmmaker Kenny Ausubel, to reimagine our future and our connection to each other, and to nature. In Dreaming the Future, Ausubel tracks the big ideas, metatrends, and game-changing developments of our time being led by some of the world’s greatest thinkers. As more communities take the initiative to shape their own future and become more resilient, Ausubel shows how it’s possible to emerge from a world where corporations are citizens, the gap between rich and poor is cavernous, and biodiversity and the climate are under assault—and create a world where people take their cues from nature and focus on justice, equity, diversity, democracy and peace.”

Drop Dairy

Information on going dairy free. “Hazardous to human health & the environment. Studies have found strong links between dairy consumption and higher rates of bone fractures and osteoporosis, multiple types of cancers, Parkinson’s disease, type 1 diabetes and various autoimmune disorders. Milk sold to consumers often contains small amounts of faeces and pus. Meanwhile, Australia’s dairy industry produces around 12% of our total greenhouse gas emissions and accounts for 10% of our water usage, needing 1020 litres of water to produce 1 litre of milk.”

Dropping Serious Truth Bombs

“Comedian Lee Camp Drops Vegan Truth Bombs on TV.” Climate change, farming, environmental issues and health.


“The Animal Alliance works to help the animals that need the most. As an organization, Dyrevernalliansen specializes in professional investigation, contact with the authorities and dialogue with the business sector. Our first priority is always the animal’s best. If we are unable to prevent the suffering, we work to limit it by all legal means.”

Earth Activist Training

“Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”

Earth Activist Training – Shedule

Courses, workshops and educational events. “Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”

Earth Day Network

“Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 192 countries to build environmental democracy. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. We work through a combination of education, public policy, and consumer campaigns.”

Earth Day Network – Blog

Topics: campaign for communities, climate change, endangered species, green cities, green schools

Earth Day’s Ecological Footprint Quiz

“Follow the quiz and see the impact you are having on the planet!”

Earth Force

“There is little doubt that we face environmental challenges on a scale we have not seen before and that solving those challenges will require a deep understanding of STEM concepts and the ability to apply those concepts to real-world situations. Earth Force is committed to ensuring that young people have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to be effective civic participants who bring their environmental values to public decision-making. To do this we are partnering with school districts, education and environmental organizations to incorporate civic experiences into STEM and environmental education. Together we are working toward a world where everyone has the knowledge and skills they need to participate in environmental decision making in their community.”

Earth Island

“Earth Island was founded in 1982 by legendary environmentalist David Brower. For more than three decades, Earth Island has been the organizational home to more than 200 grassroots environmental action projects and currently has a vibrant network of more than 75 projects. This is the largest, most diverse, and most skilled team of established and new leaders that we’ve ever had. Our project leaders work in communities spanning the globe protecting sharks, confronting plastic pollution, preserving forests, helping indigenous leaders protect their sacred sites, restoring wetlands, greening schools, and getting kids outside into the nature, to name just a few.”

Earth Policy Institute

Resources and data available. “EPI’s goals were (1) to provide a global plan (Plan B) for moving the world onto an environmentally and economically sustainable path, (2) to provide examples demonstrating how the plan would work, and (3) to keep the media, policymakers, academics, environmentalists, and other decision-makers focused on the process of building a Plan B economy….Plan B is a comprehensive plan for reversing the trends that are fast undermining our future. Its four overriding goals are stabilizing climate, stabilizing population, eradicating poverty, and restoring the earth’s damaged ecosystems.”

Earth Times

“The Earth Times aims to provide you with current environmental news coverage and green blogs to give you the background information needed to better understand what can sometimes be enormously complicated and controversial environmental issues. Our encyclopaedia or guide to environmental issues and to some extent environmental concerns, is a relatively new addition to the site that we hope will give you the knowledge to understand these global environmental issues in the rapidly changing world around you. Written to be understandable, without the need to hold a degree in climate change science on the effects of global warming, biology or ecology, The Earth Times Encyclopaedia tries to make sense of these environmental problems, conservation topics and environmental issues that more and more people are becoming engaged and familiar with as they try to make a difference to our planet. From untangling climate change to helping you find an environmental organization you can be happy supporting we do hope you find The Earth Times Encyclopaedia on environmental issues a useful resource to highlight environmental sustainability for a greener life.”

Earth Voice Food Choice

“Vision • To demonstrate to Americans how a plant-based diet is a simple and workable solution to many of the health, environmental and economic problems in the United States. • To encourage parents and school food services to serve more whole, organic plant foods in their homes and cafeterias. • To inspire young people to eat more organically grown, whole plant foods, and to realize their power as consumers.”

Earth | Food | Life

“Edited by Reynard Loki, Earth | Food | Life explores the critical and often interconnected issues facing the climate/environment, food/agriculture and animal/nature rights, and champions action; specifically, how responsible citizens, voters and consumers can help put society on an ethical path of sustainability that respects the rights of all species who call this planet home. Earth | Food | Life emphasizes the idea that everything is connected, so every decision matters.”

News about our planet: Headlines, Environment, Science, Lifestyle, Animals, Plants. Videos and Earthpedia