Description:  “An outstandingly talented programmer and activist, the founder of RSS and contributor to the creation of Reddit and Creative Commons among numerous other projects and campaigns, Aaron Swartz (November 8, 1986 – January 11, 2013) took his own life at the age of 26. He was under federal indictment for alleged computer crimes. In line with the ideals Aaron Swartz fought for, one of the aims of the Open Society Archives is to broaden access to primary sources by overcoming technical, legal, geographic, and socio-cultural barriers. István Rév, director of Blinken OSA remembers Aaron Swartz.” Includes a link to the Aaron Swartz fellowship.


Resource Type(s):  Article/Post

Location:  (Universal)

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Other Wholesome Practice