Description:  “The goal of the German Animal Welfare Association is that every animal can lead a species-appropriate life. Be it in private households, in agriculture, in research and wherever humans deal with animals. We want animals to be protected in their natural habitats. Animal, nature and species protection are inseparable for us. Here you will learn everything about pets, animals in agriculture, animal experiments, wildlife, animal welfare abroad and how animals are protected by law.”


Resource Type(s):  Full Website, Resource Directory, Blog/News Feed, Actions/Events, Local Training, Event Organizing Tools

Location:  (Universal) Germany

Accessibility:  Online-Free, Offline-paid

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Vegan/Vegetarian, Animal Care, Cruelty-Free Products, Political Campaigning

Harmful Practices Critiqued:  Animal Farming, Hunting/Fishing, Animal Research