Description:  “Every year many millions of animals suffer needlessly. AN ANIMAL A FRIEND fights as an advocacy organization for the rights of animals and animal-friendly consumers for the welfare and the rights of all those animals whose suffering generally takes place behind heavily guarded fences and, for the public, not accessible places; and for the consumer interests of citizens who want to live in an animal-friendly way out of their philosophical convictions. Foundation A ANIMAL A FRIEND has as main objectives: -Promoting the rights for / of animals to live free from abuse. -Promoting an animal-friendly way of life as a means to prevent animal abuse.”


Resource Type(s):  Full Website, Blog/News Feed, Actions/Events

Location:  (Universal) Netherlands

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Vegan/Vegetarian, Animal Care

Harmful Practices Critiqued:  Animal Farming, Hunting/Fishing, Animal Research