News and Research

Russia-Ukraine: Western Media Are Acting As Cheerleaders for War

Right now, we need voices from Russia to understand what Putin thinks and wants, not what the BBC’s “chief international correspondents” think he wants. We need information sources ready to quickly challenge both western and Russian “fake news”. And most of all we need to stop with our racist view of the world, in which we are always the Good Guys and they are always the Bad Guys, and in which our suffering matters and the suffering of others doesn’t.

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Cheyenne River Sioux Chair Offers to Rip Down Mount Rushmore—”Free of Charge… By Myself If I Must”

Describing the iconic South Dakota mountain carving that depicts the heads of famous U.S presidents as nothing but a monument to “our molesters,” the chairman of the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation this week said he would willingly tear down Mount Rushmore if given the chance—with or without help—and pay for its destruction personally.

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The Five Corrupt Pillars of Climate Change Denial

The fossil fuel industry, political lobbyists, media moguls and individuals have spent the past 30 years sowing doubt about the reality of climate change – where none exists. The latest estimate is that the world’s five largest publicly-owned oil and gas companies spend about US$200 million a year on lobbying to control, delay or block binding climate policy.

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Fishes, Sentience, And The Law

Despite recent increases in the interest towards bird and mammal protection, less attention is paid to the suffering experienced by fishes in the fishing industry. But without a morally relevant difference between aquatic and land animals, the same moral obligations should apply to fishes and other aquatic animals, too.

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Assange in Court

The campaign of demonisation and dehumanisation against Julian, based on government and media lie after lie, has led to a situation where he can be slowly killed in public sight, and arraigned on a charge of publishing the truth about government wrongdoing, while receiving no assistance from “liberal” society.

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Global Climate Strike – Sep. 20–27

By now, you’ve probably received plenty of emails about the Climate Strike on September 20th. You probably already know that masses of people of all ages will join youth in the streets in over 500 US cities. But you might still be wondering, why are all these people striking? Why should I get involved?

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Room to Roam: How Animals Benefit From Wildlife Corridors

Development, resource extraction and roadbuilding have fragmented landscapes and reduced wild spaces making it harder for animals to find food, search for a mate and adapt to a changing climate. Ecologists and conservationists have been working for decades to create wildlife corridors — areas of natural habitat that can reconnect fragmented habitats.

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