
You won’t need to register if you would just like to browse our pages, articles, resources, etc., or submit comments to articles.

You will need to register if you’d like to participate in our forum (the Conscious Cafe) or to register for any of our events.

As for the forum, due to getting a lot of spam on it recently, you’ll automatically be assigned only “spectator” status (so you can view the forums but not participate yet). The administrator will be automatically notified and update you to “participant” status as soon as possible, at which point you’ll be able to participate in the forums as much as you’d like. Thanks for your patience with this.

Regarding etiquette for participating in our forums and blog comment sections, we just ask everyone to respect our “Dialogue Agreements.”

We hope that you enjoy the website and our many resources, and we would love to hear your voice.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.