Social Change: Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (9wks)
Avoiding conversations about domination, power, race, gender, or sexual orientation is no longer an option.
Why? Because the pain engendered by avoiding difficult conversations shows up in your classes, your meetings, your workplaces, and your relationships.
But HOW do you hold such a conversation? How do you address power differences, unearned advantages, or racial oppression? How do you open a conversation about race, gender, or sexual orientation? And how do you embrace people from all walks of life and facilitate groups so everyone feels fully heard, valued for their contribution, and acknowledged for their unique experiences?
If you’ve been walking on eggshells – afraid you’ll say the wrong thing – and you’re ready for a change, join us for this exciting 10-week series.You’ll discover how Nonviolent Communication can give you the courage to address some of the most challenging issues of our times through deep listening… heart connections… needs awareness… and clear requests.
Together we’ll delve into how you may:
- Craft safe yet courageous space that fosters inclusion, is free from judgments, and welcomes ALL parts of ALL people;
- Create shared reality about oppression using clear observations to explore isms as well as how rank influences who gets to speak, take space, and determine a group’s direction;
- Expand your capacity for observing and recognizing historical patterns, microaggressions and fragility;
- Mourn in ways that create sacred space and enable you to empathize with the pain of those harmed as well as those who have harmed others, healing the wounds of personal and systemic oppression;
- Raise awareness around and choose strategies that meet more needs for a greater number of people, shifting from a culture of shame to a culture of support; and so much more!
You may also expect to explore ways of responding to bias, slights, and stereotypes. For example, what do you do when someone in your workshop or meeting says one of the following phrases:
- Where are you from? (Here.) Well, where are your parents from?
- I’m not even going to try to pronounce your last name.
- I don’t see color. There’s only one race: the human race.
- Women are more empathic than men. That’s a fact.
- You’re Asian right? How do Japanese people feel about this issue?
- Can’t we just focus on how we’re alike instead of how we’re different?
- You need to check your privilege.
- Why does someone who looks like a woman get so upset when people can’t remember to call her “they”?
And, how you could strengthen your programs when you learn how to:
- Call people in to dialogue as opposed to calling them out or shaming them;
- Identify your own unearned advantages and make the system more equitable;
- Shift from fragility and defensiveness to become a courageous ally;
- Honor the needs of all;
- Discover what you need to know about working in the global south if you’re from the global north; and
- Look at your own personal isms and biases, as well as ways of changing your behavior instead of pointing a finger at other people’s racism, sexism, and phobias.
We’ll also be looking into ways NVC may be used as a tool for changing social systems.
As you can readily see in the above illustration, the starting line is not the same for everyone. Leaning on the framework NVC enables you to hold honest, creative conversations about systems. It helps you look beyond diversity to focus on inclusion and change, and invites others to engage in creating solutions with you. When people are engaged, they connect – and they take action. They take a stand against systems of oppression and power-over… they participate in openhearted, practical conversations about inclusion… and they do the challenging work of changing the systems – and the culture.
Who Should Take This Course
This program is for trainers, facilitators, teachers, people who hold meetings, and leaders of all kinds who want tools for inviting greater diversity and inclusion into their work.
This course was first offered in 2018: over 100 people registered. Based on feedback and many requests, this year’s course has been extended to 10 full weeks. This will allow everyone to practice more and gain more confidence.
Feedback from 2018 Course Participants
This was one of the most beneficial courses I’ve taken in ten years. It was my first NVC experience, and I was impressed by the excellent content presented in class and in the supporting documentation, the significant time dedicated to practicing and role-playing, the vulnerability of the trainers, and the welcoming nature of the trainers, moderator, and participants. –Kim Kelly MD, Physician and Leader ~ Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Grateful for the learning and for the practice around being an ally. I speak for myself and for my pain when confronting injustice. Pairing NVC (connection and caring for all needs) with Kingian nonviolence (to raise awareness) is an effective strategy. –Rachel Turiel, Freelance Writer and NVC Teacher
The transparency demonstrated by the moderators gave me a sense of trust, compassion, and comfort around stepping out with this class. I felt invited to explore during the breakouts and exercises. Roxy’s sharing helped me connect and feel secure in my learning. Martha’s vulnerability was helpful to learn from: I could easily see how we’re all learning together. –Marcia Christen, CNVC Certified Trainer
Dates & Times