Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1620 Results

Sierra Club Canada Foundation

“The mission of the Sierra Club Canada Foundation is to be a voice for the earth. We work to protect and preserve the natural environment and to empower people to be stewards of the earth in their communities…Sierra Club Canada Foundation empowers people to protect, restore and enjoy a healthy and safe planet. At its heart, it is a grassroots organization with a “think globally, act locally” philosophy, and members are encouraged to actively contribute to environmental causes that engage or inspire them, in a capacity that best suits their capabilities. Working with a strong volunteer base and collaboratively with other organizations has allowed SCCF to successfully engage in a range of environmental activities that directly benefit both people and the planet. “

Silaturahmi: The Power of Visiting

“Silaturahmi: The Power of Visiting. Friends Peace Teams in Asia West Pacific presents a Blaze Nowara film, a 33-minute video that introduces the work of Friends Peace Teams and the power of visiting in preserving peace in the world.”

Simple Happy Kitchen

“I’m most passionate about two things. I love all animals. I love most plant-based food (fennel tastes weird…) My goal is to use my design abilities to promote the values I believe in, and I am dedicating my life to do so. Prior to this project, I have volunteered my talents for many great causes, including: Educational materials for the Freedom Farm Sanctuary, Illustrated materials for ‘Meatless Monday’ organization, Illustrations for SPCA and another animal welfare organizations, Illustrated interior design for a hospital’s pediatric department. My current ambition is to use my illustrations to promote plant-based nutrition with Simple Happy Kitchen. This happy project is based on reliable resources and research, to bring you the very best in vegan living. All nutrition information is verified and approved by vegan nutritionist BSc Tal Porat.”

Simple Living Forums

A forum to discuss simple living. Many topics.

Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals

Book: “An extensive vegan nutrition section written by Reed Mangels, Ph.D. R.D., on topics such as Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B12, Pregnancy and the Vegan Diet. Over 160 Vegan recipes that can be prepared quickly.”

Singapore: Biophilic City (2012)

“A whirlwind week in Singapore exploring the amazing story of how Singapore came to be one of the most ‘biophilic’ cities of the world, on the cutting edge of ecocity design and innovation. Did you have any idea? There has been unprecedented priority given in recent years to sustainable cities and green building (a very positive trend), but too often the result are places that are not especially green in the literal sense. While not a perfect story, there are few dense cities in the world today that can claim a better record of greening the city than Singapore.”

Sir! No Sir! – The GI Movement to End the Vietnam War (2005)

“This feature-length documentary focuses on the efforts by troops in the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to oppose the war effort by peaceful demonstration and subversion. It speaks mainly to veterans, but serves as a ready reminder to civilians that soldiers may oppose war as stridently as any civilian, and at greater personal peril.”

Site of the collective “Areva will not make the law in Niger”

“For 40 years, the French company AREVA, the world leader in civilian nuclear power, derives nearly 40% of its uranium production from North Niger, a country still ranked today as one of the 3 poorest in the world. In 2007, Areva loses its monopoly and the Nigerian state receives license applications from North American, Australian, Asian and South African companies. Although Azelik, future large-scale exploitation, was granted to the Chinese via the Sino-U (CNUC) company, Areva has nevertheless recently obtained the authorization to exploit the huge Imouraren site with which Niger should become the 2nd largest producer worldwide…We call on the French government, the European Union and international bodies : -to put pressure on the Nigerian authorities to respect human rights standards, in particular non-derogable human rights. We urgently call on the French government, the Nigerian government, the European Union and international bodies : -to recognize the urgency of the humanitarian crisis related to mining operations. -to make every effort to help the victims of the conflict (displaced, refugees, detainees). -immediate action for a quick and equitable return to peace.”

Small cetaceans, big problems

“A global review of the impacts of hunting on small whales, dolphins and porpoises” (70 page pdf)

Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability

Book: “Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability portrays the growing sustainability movement in K-12 education, showcasing inspiring stories of public, independent, and charter schools across the country. This 216-page book describes strategies for greening the campus and the curriculum, conducting environmental audits, rethinking school food, and transforming schools into models of sustainable community.”

Snake River Alliance

“Mission: The Snake River Alliance serves as Idaho’s nuclear watchdog and Idaho’s advocate for renewable and nuclear-free energy. We raise community awareness about the dangers of nuclear waste, weapons and power while working to identify and promote sustainable alternatives. We do our work through advocacy, collaboration, education and grassroots organizing. Vision: We envision responsible solutions to nuclear waste and a nuclear-free future. We seek to strengthen Idaho’s economy and communities through the implementation of renewable energy sources in Idaho and the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation.”

SNCC: The New Abolitionists (Radical 60s)

Book: “Howard Zinn tells the story of one of the most important political groups in American history. SNCC: The New Abolitionists influenced a generation of activists struggling for civil rights and seeking to learn from the successes and failures of those who built the fantastically influential Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. It is considered an indispensable study of the organization, of the 1960s, and of the process of social change. Includes a new introduction by the author.”

SOA Watch

“SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas. We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.”

Social Ecology: Applying Ecological Understanding to Our Lives and Our Planet

Book: “Social ecology addresses the burning question of how to apply ecological understanding to every aspect of our lives. The twenty-seven contributors, all of whom have directly or indirectly contributed to the teaching of social ecology in Australia and beyond, share their experiences in this “coming of age” anthology of keynote articles. These are of particular relevance to educators and students. The book provides a holistic framework for change, based on the interrelationships among the personal, social, environmental, and spiritual. It helps the reader realize how we got where we are and how to better understand sustainable, caring futures. Students from all disciplines can use this valuable resource to help enrich their learning with insights and principles from the field of social ecology. The introduction maps social ecology as an emerging field. Articles about place, story, nature, education, and community illustrate ways to apply our understanding of social ecology, systems theory, transformative learning, holistic education, empathic intelligence, sense of place, shamanic practices, poetic inquiry, archetypal theory, deep ecology, aesthetics, creativity, curriculum design, drama education, cross-cultural learning, and indigenous knowing. Includes inspiring stories of activists and community educators applying the wisdom of social ecology at the leading edge of change, including a chapter by tCA director James Whelan.”

Social Justice Resources

“Physicians for Global Survival believes that human rights must be respected. Equitable sharing of resources is an essential part of working for peace. We promote Socially Responsible Investment: We do not support arms manufacturers and arms dealers by investing in them. Members are encouraged to engage in discussions with financial institutions for “ethical investment” options.”

Social Responsibility and Nuclear-Disaster prevention physicians

“The Social Responsibility and Nuclear-Disaster prevention physicians (PSR / IPPNW Switzerland) are committed to the worldwide abolition of nuclear weapons and the withdrawal from civilian nuclear technology. PSR / IPPNW Switzerland are also committed to promoting renewable energy and saving energy in order to identify alternatives to nuclear power plants and other polluting energy sources.”

Soil Association

“The Soil Association is the UK’s leading membership charity campaigning for healthy, humane and sustainable food, farming and land use…The Soil Association, formed in 1946, is the only UK charity which works across the spectrum of human health, the environment and animal welfare. That’s because we cannot tackle these issues in isolation…We campaign for change …We support farming innovation…We serve healthy food…We support and grow the organic market…We protect forests”

Solar Action Alliance

“Solar Action Alliance is a platform for a large group of like-minded people who are concerned about the environment and what the world will be like in the future if nothing is done to conserve its energy sources. Solar energy is available freely, it’s abundant, it’s clean, it’s reliable and what is the most important thing it’s renewable energy from the sun. Far less of the world’s resources are depleted to supply energy if the sun is used to fulfill our insatiable demand for it.”

Solar Trainings

“Gain the knowledge and real-world skills to make a positive change in your community. Join ASES and partner HeatSpring for regularly-scheduled, professional trainings. HeatSpring works with industry experts to develop and teach top-notch curriculum and forge long-lasting relationships with leaders in the clean energy and sustainability spheres. Trainings are available to solar and renewable energy engineers, installers, contractors, policy makers, enthusiasts and change-makers. Find a training in your area of interest, and check back often for upcoming training dates and times.”

Solutions for a Healthy Earth (SHE)

“A window into the abundance of existing solutions.” A resource directory of videos on: Animals Plants and Biodiversity | Water | Housing | New Economy | Food and Agriculture | Ancient Wisdom and Consciousness | Art | Peace | Plastic, recycling and consumerism | Women and gender | Cities and Communities | Governance and Law | interconnectedness and Interdependence | Education | Activism | Energy | Humanity and Compassion | The Planet and Climate | Awakening | Media and Celebrities