Resource Library

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Found 1617 Results

Isa Chandra

Vegan recipes and cookbooks. “Isa Chandra Moskowitz is the bestselling author or coauthor of the hit books Isa Does It, Veganomicon, Vegan with a Vengeance, and many other titles. She created the beloved website Post Punk Kitchen (now, and her restaurant, Modern Love, has locations in Omaha and Brooklyn.”


“Itsois is a virtual platform of iniatives and creative material dedicated to the planet and all its inhabitants.”

James Lawson Institute

“The James Lawson Institute (JLI) was established in 2013 by the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict, Washington, DC. It is now independent. The institute offers periodic assemblies for individuals to have an intensive learning experience in the basic theories and practice of the historic technique of nonviolent action. The institute stands in the tradition of Mohandas K. Gandhi, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ella Baker, Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta, the anti-apartheid United Democratic Front of South Africa, and other individuals and struggles that have helped to improve nonviolent resistance as a method for social change.”

Jane Goodall’s Good for All News

“Jane Goodall’s Good for All News shares the stories of the many positive advances being made in the world for protecting wildlife — especially chimpanzees — and how every individual can do their part to make a difference for a better world. The stories and information shared on Good for All News are guided by Dr. Jane Goodall’s Reasons for Hope. With so much global media focused on doom and gloom, our stories, emphasize why we should continue to embrace hope, and inspires us all to take action. Good for All News brings stories and information written by Dr. Goodall herself, as well as the staff of the Jane Goodall Institute and members of the wider wildlife conservation community.”

“a non-profit news network for animal rights & the vegan lifestyle.”

Jay Brave – Youtube channel

“Vegan Ambassador | Spoken Word Artist | Comedian | Podcaster. I am Jay Brave, vegan activist and entertainer – The time is NOW”

Jewish Initiative for Animals

“The Jewish Initiative for Animals provides new ways for the Jewish community to bring its values of compassion for animals into practice and strengthen Jewish communities in the process.”

Jewish Peace Fellowship

“The Jewish Peace Fellowship unites those who believe that Jewish ideals and experience provide inspiration for a nonviolent commitment to life. Drawing upon the traditional roots of Judaism and upon its meaning in the world today, the JPF maintains an active program of draft and peace education, opposition to war and belief in the reconciliation of Israel, Jews and Palestinians. It also aids and supports those who, in a spirit of nonviolence, address themselves to the remaking of a more peaceful society. “

Jewish Veg

“We encourage and help Jews to embrace plant-based diets as an expression of the Jewish values of compassion for animals, concern for health, and care for the environment.”

John Dear

“John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. A long time activist, popular lecturer, and movement organizer, John is the author of 35 books and hundreds of articles, including “Living Peace,” “Jesus the Rebel,” and “The Nonviolent Life.” He was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.”

John Pilger

“The films and journalism of John Pilger”

Johns Hopkins University – Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

“The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), founded in 1981, is part of the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, with a European branch (CAAT-Europe) located at the University of Kostanz, Germany. We promote humane science by supporting the creation, development, validation, and use of alternatives to animals in research, product safety testing, and education. We seek to effect change by working with scientists in industry, government, and academia to find new ways to replace animals with non-animal methods, reduce the numbers of animals necessary, or refine methods to make them less painful or stressful to the animals involved.”

John’s Blog

“John Robbins is the author of nine bestsellers that have collectively sold more than 3 million copies and been translated into 31 languages. These include Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution, and Healthy at 100. John is Founder of EarthSave International, and Co-Founder and President of the 500,000+ member Food Revolution Network. He has inspired millions of people to make food choices that have helped reverse illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, and to contribute to a more compassionate and sustainable world.”

Jonah House

“Jonah House is an intentional, peace-and-justice community located in Baltimore, Maryland. We aim to live by these four roots: community, spirituality, stewardship, activism”

Joshua Kahn Russell

“Joshua Kahn is a social movement facilitator and has trained thousands of activists across the globe. He is a core trainer with The Wildfire Project, and facilitator/action-coordinator with the Ruckus Society. Most recently, Joshua managed the Global Training Program at He has helped campaigns win against banks, oil companies, logging corporations, and coal barons; worked with a wide variety of groups in a breadth of arenas, from local resiliency projects, to national coalitions, to the United Nations Climate Negotiations. He has spent the last 17 years as an organizer, campaign strategist, and non-violent direct action coordinator.” Webiste includes a blog and resources for change agents.

Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary

“Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary is literally the only hope for farmed animals in Colombia and the only project to provide help by rescuing them from suffering or providing emergency medical care. We are the first sanctuary established in South America and are currently the only one in Colombia. We have also established strong educational programs, including vegan cooking workshops, vegan comics, vegan food relief and strong social media activism.”

Just One Organics

“Mission: 1. Heal our earth, air and oceans by restoring healthy farming practices through thriving microbial soil systems, which have been balancing our global carbon emissions for billions of years. 2. Preserve and revitalize local food economies with market support for organic farmers, made possible through a secure and scalable cooperative buying network. 3. Make available nutrient-rich, flavorful, long-lasting food to all people and communities around the world. 4. Share knowledge and best-practices across a network of production centers in order to upscale quickly.”


“Welcome to JustGiving, your new home for social giving. We’ve worked with the world’s most trusted social giving platform to help you reach more people, raise more money and change more lives.”

Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire

“Brian is well known to Australian activists for his extensive work around whistle-blowing and resisting repression. His new text deals with tactics against injustice. Case studies include the massacres at Sharpeville and Dili, the 1930 salt march in India, the beating of Rodney King, treatment of whistleblowers, environmental disasters, the invasion of Iraq, Abu Ghraib, torture technology, and terrorism. (ps The publishers offer a discount.)”

Karl Grossman

“I’ve specialized in doing investigative reporting in a variety of media for more than 50 years. I teach as well as practice journalism. I’m a full professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury where my courses include Investigative Reporting.”