Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1617 Results

Top Pizza Chains with Vegan Options

“Vegan eating has gained a significant amount of traction within the restaurant industry—sparking mega chains like Chipotle, Wendy’s, Burger King, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, and countless others to add plant-based options for their diners. Among all the food industries, the pizza world seems to be the quickest in listening to customer demands. Here are our top five picks for pizza chains that are now offering vegan options—yes, all of them have vegan cheese.”

Toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices | Melanie Joy | TEDxMünchen

“Melanie Joy on Carnism and other food choices. “

Towards a Nonviolent World

“The name “Towards a Nonviolent World” stands for a big vision that this world can be more nonviolent, if there is the awareness and willingness to direct our actions towards that goal. It is a process, or ‘journey’, for which we need to train our ‘peace-building’ skills.”

Towards a Nonviolent World – Webinars

Recordings of webinars on nonviolent action. “The name “Towards a Nonviolent World” stands for a big vision that this world can be more nonviolent, if there is the awareness and willingness to direct our actions towards that goal. It is a process, or ‘journey’, for which we need to train our ‘peace-building’ skills.”

Towards Common Ground: Permaculture and the Vegan Way

“Some of the online responses to my recently published Vegan Book of Permaculture have highlighted a polarity that exists between vegans and those who use animal products or integrate animals into their systems. Whilst I think most of the time both sides of the debate co-exist (reasonably) happily together, it’s an emotive topic, and when it does come to the surface can lead to raised passions, often resulting in hurt all round. This article is an acknowledgement of this divide, and hopefully moves towards a more positive and constructive outcome arising from the compost of the anger and miscommunication that can occur.”

Toxics Action Center

“Toxics Action Center’s mission is to work side-by-side with communities, empowering you with the skills and resources needed to prevent or clean up pollution at the local level. Since 1987, we have organized over 1,000 community groups and trained over 20,000 individuals across New England to put together plans and strategies to effectively solve the problems they face. Not only do we provide the tools they need to defend their health and safety, but also the expertise they need to think strategically and come together for proactive, positive change. In our 30 year history, we have helped win hundreds of campaigns to protect the health of citizens and neighborhoods across the region.”

Tracking Sea Turtles: Lessons in Saving an Endangered Species

Resources and ideas for teaching students about sea turtle.

Training For Change

“Training for Change is a training and capacity building organization for activists and organizers. We believe strong training and group facilitation is vital to movement building for social justice and radical change. Since 1992, we’ve supported groups taking direct action, building strong teams and organizations, and working at the grassroots. We train thousands of people each year in North America, and also internationally, across issues and sectors – from campaign strategy retreats for anti-gentrification community groups, facilitation training for union leaders, to de-escalation skills for immigrant rights groups resisting deportation.”

Training for Change (programs)

“Training for Change is a training and capacity building organization for activists and organizers. We believe strong training and group facilitation is vital to movement building for social justice and radical change. Since 1992, we’ve supported groups taking direct action, building strong teams and organizations, and working at the grassroots. We train thousands of people each year in North America, and also internationally, across issues and sectors – from campaign strategy retreats for anti-gentrification community groups, facilitation training for union leaders, to de-escalation skills for immigrant rights groups resisting deportation.”

Training for Change – Publications

Publications (books, training activities, handouts, etc). “Training for Change is a training and capacity building organization for activists and organizers. We believe strong training and group facilitation is vital to movement building for social justice and radical change.”

Training for Change – Tools

“Below is our toolbox of tool topics. Click to reveal tools that correspond with the categories you select…3rd Party Nonviolent Intervention, De-escalation & Peacekeeping, Direct Action, Diversity & Anti-Oppression, Energizers & Games, Meeting Facilitation, Online Training Tools, Organizing & Strategy, Team Building, Training Fundamentals”

Trainings – Climate Change

“Share knowledge, build relationships and lead effective workshops…tools and activities for leading interactive workshops, seminars, and retreats…tools and activities for leading group meetings…tools and handouts to build long-term capacity and power…Educate yourself! Become an expert on climate change and social change, and learn the actions you can take to help.”

Trauma Healing: Advanced Workshop Manual

“Trauma Healing: Advanced Workshop Manual is designed for Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) volunteer facilitators and includes complete descriptions for:
Workshop Routines – schedule, agenda, methods, evaluations and closings. Workshop Sessions – safety, remembering, mourning and reconnecting. Workshop Threads – companions, grounding techniques and self care.”


“TreeHugger is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, we strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information. We publish an up to the minute blog, weekly and daily newsletters, and regularly updated Twitter and Facebook pages. “

Tri-Valley CAREs

“Tri-Valley CAREs works to strengthen global security by stopping the development of new nuclear weapons in the US and promoting the elimination of nuclear weapons globally. Nuclear weapons decrease rather than increase human security. Nuclear weapons pose one of the great social, economic and ecological challenges of our time. Tri-Valley CAREs was founded in 1983 in Livermore, California by concerned neighbors living around the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of two locations where all US nuclear weapons are designed. Tri-Valley CAREs monitors nuclear weapons and environmental clean-up activities throughout the US nuclear weapons complex, with a special focus on Livermore Lab and the surrounding communities.”

Tribe of Heart

“Inspired by the words and deeds of social justice visionaries of past eras, we create documentary films, educational web sites, critical thinking essays, teaching presentations and grassroots advocacy programs that expose hidden injustices, awaken compassion, empower individual transformation and encourage nonviolent resistance to oppression and socially sanctioned violence.”

True Wealth

Book: “In True Wealth (titled Plenitude in hardcover), economist and New Dream board co-chair Juliet Schor offers a groundbreaking intellectual statement about the economics and sociology of ecological decline, suggesting a radical change in how we think about consumer goods, value, and ways to live: a plenitude economy. Responding to our current moment, True Wealth puts sustainability at its core. But it is not a paradigm of sacrifice. Instead it’s an argument that through a major shift to new sources of wealth, green technologies, and different ways of living, individuals and the country as a whole can actually be better off and more economically secure. As Schor observes, plenitude is already emerging. In pockets around the country and the world, people are busy creating lifestyles that offer a way out of the work-and-spend cycle. These pioneers’ lives are scarce in conventional consumer goods and rich in the newly abundant resources of time, information, creativity, and community. Urban farmers, D.I.Y renovators, Craigslist users, cob builders—all are spreading their risk and establishing novel sources of income and outlets for procuring consumer goods. Taken together, these trends represent a movement away from the conventional market and offer a way toward an efficient, rewarding life in an era of high prices and traditional resource scarcity.”

Truth Dig

“The website’s mission is to dig beneath the headlines, provide expert reporting and commentary from a progressive point of view and offer an outlet for original work by exceptional journalists.”

Truth In Media

“Truth In Media is an independent media organization founded by Emmy-winning journalist Ben Swann. Our team at Truth In Media is committed to providing quality content focusing on issues that impact humanity, featuring a number of fearless journalists sharing their expertise with a diverse audience that honors genuine and compelling reporting that transcends political, social and geographic boundaries. Truth In Media’s content echoes the honest, unabashed and groundbreaking reporting that millions of people have appreciated from Ben for many years. Our mission is to continue our role in upholding integrity and impartiality in the Fourth Estate with an exceptional lineup that shares an ambition to preserve candor in the media.”


“Truthout is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing independent news and commentary on a diverse range of social justice issues.”