Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
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Found 1617 Results

Upcoming Events with United Poultry Concerns

“United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl. We hold that the treatment of these birds in the areas of food production, science, education, entertainment, and humane companionship situations has a significant effect upon human, animal, and environmental welfare. We seek to make the public aware of the ways in which poultry are used, and to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle.”

Upper Hutt Animal Rescue Society

“Upper Hutt Animal Rescue Society (UHARS) operates as a shelter that takes in homeless, stray and unwanted animals, providing them with a safe haven until they find a permanent home. We offer affordable adoption packages which include sterilisation, vaccinations and a flea and worm treatment for cats and kittens.”

uranium network

“information on Uranium Mining around the world! Our mission statement: To inform the world of the hazards of uranium mining. If people know about how this dangerous material is taken from the earth, they will have an enriched point of view on the nuclear power issue in general. Our work is about human rights, geological affairs, and last but not least these questions: Is it still viable to mine uranium? Is this a path governments and big firms should take to make their money? We think you should think about it!”

Uranium Watch

“Uranium Watch works to educate and advocate for protection of public health and the environment from past, current, and future impacts of uranium mining, uranium milling, nuclear waste disposal at uranium mill sites, and other impacts of the nuclear fuel cycle. Uranium Watch is encouraging and facilitating public participation in state and federal regulatory decision-making processes related to the uranium industry. The Uranium Watch Web Site was developed to provide citizens with news, information, and resources about current and historic uranium mining and milling activities and issues.”

Uranium: Wealth or Woe?

“Debates rage over whether energy generated by uranium induced nuclear fission is beneficial or harmful. The debate often settles into familiar bipartite arguments of nuclear power plants versus nuclear bombs. However, this article demonstrates that this approach is too narrow; the threats to land and livelihoods generated purely from the extraction process are substantial but unknown or ignored, as the Topnaar Nama people in Namibia are discovering.”

Validated Independent News stories

“Validated Independent News stories (VINs) report information and perspective that the public has a right and need to know, but to which it has limited access. Before being posted as a VIN, each story undergoes evaluation by student researchers and faculty evaluators to determine that it is important, timely, fact-based, well documented, and under-reported in the corporate media. These VINs are candidates for inclusion among the top 25 stories in Project Censored’s annual book.”

Vegan & Vegetarian: Essays & Editorial

Vegan & Vegetarian: Essays & Editorial (The Animals Voice)

Vegan Action

“We inspire people to be vegan to save the world!…Vegan Action is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (FIN# 94-3224024) works to eliminate animal suffering, reduce environmental impacts, and improve human health through a vegan diet. Created in 1995, is one of the oldest and most visited vegan websites in the world. Our efforts over the past 25 years include certifying thousands of vegan products with our logo through our Vegan Certification Campaign by: * introducing humane organizations to veganism with our Humane Outreach Campaign, * bringing vegan food into public and private facilities nationwide with our Food Service Campaign, * educating animal welfare organizations about the connection of care for companion animals and veganism, * leading cooking and plant-based nutrition lessons to students and community groups, * sharing the compelling ideas behind veganism with thousands of people with our Share Vegan Campaign and additional tabling events. We also raise awareness to over a quarter of a million people a year through this website.”

Vegan Action – Blog

“We inspire people to be vegan to save the world! Vegan Action works to eliminate animal suffering, reduce environmental impacts, and improve human health through a vegan diet.”

Vegan Australia

“Vegan Australia is an organisation which campaigns nationally for veganism. We believe that by working at a national level we can more effectively support the vegan community, inform the public about the principles of veganism and, importantly, present a strong voice for veganism to governments, institutions, corporations and the media. We are dedicated to making a difference for animals, people and our planet. The name “Vegan Australia” is significant. The organisation is more than just a social group for like-minded people. Rather, the name represents an ethical and political statement about what we want – a vegan Australia (or a vegan world, but let’s take one step at a time!). Vegan Australia works in cooperation with other vegan, animal and other progressive organisations around Australia and provides a strongly vegan perspective. We are aware of the “tyranny of distance” in Australia and so strive to ensure that organisations and individuals from all parts of the country are involved.”

Vegan Blog

A blog on vegan topics

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness

“Vegan bodybuilding is about fueling your body with a vast array of natural, healthy foods, combined with resistance weight training and exercise, providing your body with the appropriate tools to build your physique and achieve your fitness goals.”

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness (book)

Book: “One of the world’s most recognized vegan body builders presents a comprehensive guide to building a fit body while eating a plant-based diet. Author Robert Cheeke inspires people to develop magnificent bodies. His passion for doing the most amount of good while causing the least amount of harm has inspired athletes, trainers, and anyone interested in a strong, healthy body. This title includes information on the most important things to consider in order to be a successful vegan bodybuilder including the best way to put together vegan meal programs and training regimens, how to find sponsorship and make bodybuilding a career, and where to find access to vegan products, services, and equipment. There is also advice on how to take bodybuilding beyond a personal endeavor and use it for activism and outreach.”

Vegan books on every topic: recommended titles

“Newly-released vegan books, compassionate food choices, get started eating vegan, easy vegan starter cookbooks, nutrition and health, fitness and sports, veggie & animal activism, children’s books”

Vegan Chic

“Vegan Chic is focused on bringing vegan fashion to the mainstream. We’re proud to be 100% vegan, all the time while never losing our focus on quality and style. With a selection ranging from budget conscious quality to handmade designer brands, all Vegan Chic products have been vetted to ensure they meet our high standards of cruelty-free sourcing to fair and safe working conditions during production. We search diligently for eco-friendly and cruelty-free products because it’s the right thing to do.” Women’s Shoes, Men’s Shoes, Kid’s Shoes, Bags & Accessories, Gift Cards.

Vegan Easy

“promotes veganism to millions of people through free literature, outreach, recipes and more”

Vegan Egg Replacement Options

“Vegan Egg Replacement Options & Why You Shouldn’t Eat Eggs”

Vegan Enthusiasts

Vegan Blog. Categories: News, Recipes, Plants, Animal, Health, Nature, Other

Vegan Family House

“The Vegan Family House went online in 1998, back when the internet felt new, before blogs and Google and RSS feeds. It’s had to move and change. The best bits of the site and the blog are now situated here among the trees: recipes, books, photos, thoughts on life… more will be added as we go along.”