Resource Library

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Found 1617 Results

The Vegan 8

“The recipes on this blog are vegan, oil-free, dairy-free, tofu-free, no added gums, almost all are gluten-free and 8 ingredients or less!”

The Vegan Body Care Guide

A resource directory of vegan brands. “Vegan products contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Even further, some vegans don’t consider palm oil production to be vegan; as many plantations are causing forested land to be clear-cut; displacing and harming wildlife. “Cruelty-free” is the term used for products that are not tested on animals, but it does not always mean there are no animal-sourced ingredients. More and more companies are making it easy by labeling the product with vegan symbols and certification. I never had this luxury when I first went vegan 4 decades ago! The post concludes with some simple free recipes shared by vegan friends.”

The Vegan Book of Permaculture

The contents, introduction and chapter 1 (Permaculture and Veganism – The Basics). 32 page pdf

The Vegan Society

“Founded in 1944, The Vegan Society is a registered educational charity that provides information and guidance on various aspects of veganism.”

The Vegan Society – Events

“Check out events in your local area! “

The Vegan Strategist

“This blog is mainly written with an audience of vegans/animal rights activists in mind. The strategies and ways of communication that I support and write about, are usually pragmatic and friendly in nature. What I hope to do is to provide arguments why pragmatic and friendly activism and communication work. Being friendly and pragmatic is not (just) about a concern not to offend people, and it certainly is not about compromising or selling out. It is also not about being slow, or thinking that we have time to spare. It is not about not being vegan or betraying the animals. Rather, being friendly and pragmatic is a matter of strategy. It is about being effective. It is about diminishing animal suffering in the fastest possible way. The friendly and pragmatic part of our movement needs arguments for why this approach works, lest they not be accused of not being interested in veganizing the world and just sitting around sharing recipes and eating cupcakes. I try to provide these arguments.”

The Vegetarian Site

“Welcome! has been online since January 2000 with the goal of promoting and providing support for your vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. We offer authoritative information on a wide array of topics, from health & nutrition to animal rights issues to agriculture & environment. Additionally, we offer complete online vegan shopping including vegan footwear, clothing & accessories, a huge selection of foods, personal care products, books, videos, and plenty more. We are unique in that we donate 5% of the amount of every single purchase you make (not merely 5% of net profits) to vegan and animal rights organizations.”

The Vegetarian Site – Shop

Vegan products: Footwear, belts, groceries, videos, books, accessories, clothing, personal care, hemp products, juicers.

The Vegetarian Travel Guide™

“Join the millions of others who are making the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle their chosen lifestyle for the 21st century. Plan your next vacation using our FREE state or country travel guides, and discover how exciting a healthy plant-based lifestyle can be! Find vegetarian B&B’s, sports & fitness retreats, natural hot springs, living food retreats and educational centers, meditation retreats, spas, and yoga retreats — around the world. We also feature an annual Events Calendar, eZine, and exclusive interviews.”

The War You Don’t See (2010)

“A powerful and timely investigation into the media’s role in war, tracing the history of embedded and independent reporting from the carnage of World War One to the destruction of Hiroshima, and from the invasion of Vietnam to the current war in Afghanistan and disaster in Iraq. As weapons and propaganda become even more sophisticated, the nature of war is developing into an electronic battlefield in which journalists play a key role, and civilians are the victims. But who is the real enemy? John Pilger says in the film: “We journalists… have to be brave enough to defy those who seek our collusion in selling their latest bloody adventure in someone else’s country… That means always challenging the official story, however patriotic that story may appear, however seductive and insidious it is. For propaganda relies on us in the media to aim its deceptions not at a far away country but at you at home… In this age of endless imperial war, the lives of countless men, women and children depend on the truth or their blood is on us… Those whose job it is to keep the record straight ought to be the voice of people, not power.””

The Web Directory

Agriculture, Animals, Arts, Business, Databases and Directories, Design, Disasters, Education, Employment, Energy, Forestry, General Environmental Interest, Government, Health, Land Conservation, News and Events, Parks and Recreation, Pollution, Products and Services, Publications, Recycling, Science, Social Science, Sustainable Development, Transportation, Usenet Newsgroups, Vegetarianism, Water Resources, Weather, Wildlife

The Western Mining Action Network (WMAN)

“The Western Mining Action Network’s (WMAN) mission is to foster and support a strong network that protects communities, land, water, air, and wildlife by reforming mining practices and holding government and corporations accountable. More than 300 individuals representing organizations, communities, tribes, and First Nations participate in WMAN. “

The Witness

Film: “How does a tough Brooklyn construction contractor become an impassioned animal advocate? With moving personal stories and colorful insights, Eddie Lama describes how he feared and avoided animals for most of his life, until the love of a kitten opened his heart, inspiring him to rescue abandoned animals and bring his message of compassion to the streets of New York. The film’s final scene, featuring Sarah McLachlan’s song Angel, powerfully depicts Eddie’s heartfelt efforts to awaken public awareness. “The Witness is one man’s truth that cries out for mass exposure” wrote Los Angeles Times columnist Howard Rosenberg, “may be the most important and persuasive film about animals ever made.” A story of beauty and transcendence in the face of tragedy and despair, this award-winning documentary will challenge viewers to question their own ideas about the human-animal relationship.”

The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)

“The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) aims to achieve a more just and equal world, free of war and violence, where everyone has the full benefit of human rights. Do you wish you could be part of a group which works for peace, freedom, justice and human rights? Which works to educate others to understand why violence and war don’t work? Interested? Then please join us. One person alone can make a contribution but by working together women can and do achieve much more. WILPF is here for all persons who want to work together to fulfill our aims.”

The World Hunger-Food Choice Connection: A Summary

A summary on world hunger as it relates to our food choices.

The World Peace Diet

Book and website: “Welcome to The World Peace Diet: a best-selling book by Dr. Will Tuttle that has become a movement. The evolution to a more conscious society begins with each one of us. As Gandhi emphasized, there can be no positive social change without positive personal change. The World Peace Diet, now translated and published worldwide in 16 languages, connects many dots–culturally, historically, nutritionally, ecologically, psychologically, and spiritually–to reveal how our routine exploitation of animals for food and other products boomerangs in countless ways, affecting both our outer world and the inner landscape of our daily experience. A more conscious way of living is beckoning, and the World Peace Diet approach blends mindfulness with kindness and respect for each other and all expressions of life, creating a practical foundation for harmony and freedom for ourselves and our world.”

The ‘Sustainability’ Of U.S. Cow Production

“Shifting cow production nationwide from grain-fed to grass-fed cows would only be sustainable if consumers eat much less of their meat.”

There’s an Elephant in the Room blog

“Thoughts about veganism. Promoting an end to the use and the property status of members of nonhuman species.”

Things you can do (Greenpeace)

“We act with hope and determination. We take on the impossible. We are everyday people connected around the world, embarking on a billion acts of courage. Join us today.”

This Changes Everything

“Filmed over 211 shoot days in nine countries and five continents over four years, This Changes Everything is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change.”