Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 2072 Results

Animal Liberation Victoria – News

News. “Animal Liberation Victoria (ALV) was founded 40 years ago, with the mission of saving lives and ending animal exploitation.”

Animal Liberation: The Definitive Classic of the Animal Movement

Book: “Since its original publication in 1975, this groundbreaking work has awakened millions of people to the existence of “speciesism”—our systematic disregard of nonhuman animals—inspiring a worldwide movement to transform our attitudes to animals and eliminate the cruelty we inflict on them. In Animal Liberation, author Peter Singer exposes the chilling realities of today’s “factory farms” and product-testing procedures—destroying the spurious justifications behind them, and offering alternatives to what has become a profound environmental and social as well as moral issue. An important and persuasive appeal to conscience, fairness, decency, and justice, it is essential reading for the supporter and the skeptic alike.”

Animal Place

“Animal Place is one of the oldest and largest sanctuaries for farmed animals in the country. Nestled on 600-acres in Grass Valley, CA, Animal Place provides refuge to hundreds of neglected farmed animals. In addition to permanent sanctuary, Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch is a 60-acre adoption center, placing needy farmed animals into permanent homes. Sanctuary is important work, but Animal Place strives to create meaningful change for farmed animals through advocacy and education. Thousands of visitors flock to the sanctuary each year to learn more about the animals and farming. Volunteer classes introduce folks to the more intense ways people can help. Internships are also available. We invite you to put your compassion into action by becoming vegan, volunteering, interning, donating, adopting, or rescuing!”

Animal Rights and the Ethics of Testing

“Testing Regulations, The Animal Rights Movement, The Future of Animal Testing”

Animal Rights National Conference

“The Animal Rights National Conference is the U.S. animal rights movement’s annual national conference. It is the world’s largest and longest-running animal rights gathering, hailing back to 1981. This year’s event will take place July 25-28, 2019 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center just outside Washington, DC. With 100 presenters from more than 60 organizations across the movement, the conference offers a variety of educational and networking opportunities including activist support workshops, group discussions, 100+ exhibits (free to visitors), film screenings, and so much more. Our multilayered program informs and inspires newcomers, trains and empowers activists, and strengthens the animal rights movement to advance our shared mission of creating a world free of animal exploitation. #AR2019 strives to be a safe space, inclusive and accessible to all. In an effort to minimize financial barriers, we offer registration discounts, working opportunities, and full or partial scholarships. For those who can afford more, we invite you to join us as an individual sponsor and/or make a donation toward our scholarship fund.”

Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach

“The mission of this website is to provide a clear statement of an approach to animal rights that (1) requires the abolition of animal exploitation and rejects the regulation of animal exploitation; (2) is based only on animal sentience and no other cognitive characteristic, (3) regards veganism as the moral baseline of the animal rights position; and (4) rejects all violence and promotes activism in the form of creative, non-violent vegan education.”

Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach – Resources

Information, pamphlets, cards, posters on Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach. Available in multiple languages. “The mission of this website is to provide a clear statement of an approach to animal rights that (1) requires the abolition of animal exploitation and rejects the regulation of animal exploitation; (2) is based only on animal sentience and no other cognitive characteristic, (3) regards veganism as the moral baseline of the animal rights position; and (4) rejects all violence and promotes activism in the form of creative, non-violent vegan education.”

Animal Sheltering

“Rescue. Reunite. Rehome. Rethink. …We’re dedicated to providing support to your organization as we take on issues together”

Animal Visuals

“The mission of Animal Visuals is to provide compelling visuals and interactive media to empower animal advocates, educate the public, and expose the injustices of animal exploitation.”

Animalia Media

“Animalia is a civic and expert association promoting animal rights. We work especially for fur animals, farm animals and experimental animals. Animalia is an animal rights advisory and non-governmental organization established in 1961. Animalia is opposed to animal treatment that causes animal suffering or essentially prevents their species-specific behavior. Animals cannot speak for themselves: they need an organization of people who care about animal welfare. Animalia demands that animal welfare and rights are better taken into account in legislation, education and our everyday relationships with animals. Animalia’s work is based on both experience and research results.”

Animals & Us

“Animals & Us provides resources on animal issues for teachers and students in New Zealand secondary schools….Animals & Us is a groundbreaking education initiative provided by SAFE. Our vision is that Animals & Us will advance knowledge and critical thinking about the relationship between human and non-human animals while fostering attitudes and values of compassion, respect and empathy. The quality of the Animals & Us programme is guaranteed by SAFE’s ability to draw upon the knowledge of the most experienced animal advocates, and to combine this with the expertise of researchers, academics and teachers working in the area of human-animal studies.”

Animals Agenda

“At the heart of the animal advocacy movement is an uncompromising commitment to compassion for all sentient beings, human and nonhuman alike. Any action that claims to be in the name of furthering animal protection but which results, directly or indirectly, in real or threatened suffering, pain, and/or taking of human or animal life is totally antithetical to this ethic of compassion that guides our actions for a more humane world.”

Animals as Persons: Essays on the Abolition of Animal Exploitation

Book: “A prominent and respected philosopher of animal rights law and ethical theory, Gary L. Francione is known for his criticism of animal welfare laws and regulations, his abolitionist theory of animal rights, and his promotion of veganism and nonviolence as the baseline principles of the abolitionist movement. In this collection, Francione advances the most radical theory of animal rights to date. Unlike Peter Singer, Francione maintains that we cannot morally justify using animals under any circumstances, and unlike Tom Regan, Francione’s theory applies to all sentient beings, not only to those who have more sophisticated cognitive abilities.”

Animals Australia

“We are Australia’s leading animal protection organisation. Our investigations and campaigns are recognised the world over. We unite millions of people who believe in a world where animals are free from cruelty….Our Mission: -Investigate, expose and raise community awareness of animal cruelty. -Provide animals with the strongest representation possible to Government and other decision-makers. -Educate, inspire, empower and enlist the support of the community to prevent and prohibit animal cruelty. -Strengthen the animal protection movement.”

Animals In Print

“Welcome to Animals In Print – A Newsletter concerned with Animal Rights. We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.”

Animals Should Be Off The Menu debate

“Philip Wollen addresses the St James Ethics and the Wheeler Centre debate.” Subtitles in 18 languages

Animals, Property & The Law

Book: “”Pain is pain, irrespective of the race, sex, or species of the victim, ” states William M. Kunstler in the Foreword. This moral concern for the suffering of animals and their legal status is the basis for Gary L. Francione’s profound book, which asks, Why has the law failed to protect animals from exploitation? Exploring every facet of this heated issue, Francione discusses the history of the treatment of animals, anticruelty statutes, vivisection, the Federal Animal Welfare Act, and specific cases such as the controversial injury of unanesthetized baboons at the University of Pennsylvania. He thoroughly documents the paradoxical gap between our professed concern with humane treatment of animals and the overriding practice of abuse permitted by the law.”

Ann McKnight – turn toward conflict

“Ann McKnight has been a licensed psychotherapist for over 20 years. Ever curious about what moves us toward wholeness and satisfaction in everyday living, she has been exploring the crafts of Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Circles for the last 10 years. Through experimentation in all areas of her life, she is growing to see conflict as an invitation to deeper understanding, strengthened relationships and dynamic, vital community. Ann is currently working with Grand Haven and Spring Lake Public Schools, Community Policing Officers through the Holland Police Department, Hope College, Western Seminary, Hope Church, Black River Public School, various health care organizations, churches, schools, families, couples and individuals in West Michigan.”

Answers (Dr. Michael Klaper)

“Dr. Michael Klaper answers questions on a wide variety of health and nutrition-related subjects.”


“Anti-Media’s evolution from a fiercely independent news blog to the Homepage of Independent Media is now complete. Our journey started when our founder Nick Bernabe launched a small anti-establishment Facebook page, and it grew into millions of social media followers and hundreds of millions of visits to our website. By combining our strengths of broad-spectrum anti-establishment journalism, strategic partnerships with dozens of premier independent media outlets, and a huge network of activists and free thinkers from across the political spectrum, we’ve created a new homepage for the independent media movement. Anti-Media is a non-partisan, anti-establishment news publisher and crowd-curated media aggregator. Users can sign up, submit content, and decide where the content is located on the homepage by using Anti-Media’s voting system.”