Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 2072 Results

Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia

“The Anti-Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) acts as an umbrella group for organisations campaigning against the nuclearisation of Australia.”

Anti-oppression principles and practices

“In order to build a world free from domination, we will use the following principles and practices in our lives and in our work.” Includes: Personal practices, Organizational practices, Meeting practices


“Australian news, and some related international items”

Antiwar Blog

Blog “Your best source of antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities”

“Your best source of antiwar news, viewpoints, and activities….This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, “greens,” and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism. Our initial project was to fight against intervention in the Balkans under the Clinton presidency. We applied the same principles to Clinton’s campaigns in Haiti and Kosovo and bombings of Sudan and Afghanistan. Our politics are libertarian: our opposition to war is rooted in Randolph Bourne’s concept that “War is the health of the State.” With every war, America has made a “great leap” into statism, and as Bourne emphasized, “it is during war that one best understands the nature of that institution [the State].” At its core, that nature includes an ever increasing threat to individual liberty and the centralization of political power. “

AORTA (anti-oppression resource & training alliance)

“AORTA is a worker-owned cooperative devoted to strengthening movements for social justice and a solidarity economy. We work as consultants and facilitators to expand the capacity of cooperative, collective, and community based projects through education, training, and planning. We base our work on an intersectional approach to liberation because we believe that true change requires uprooting all systems of oppression.”


“Apache-Stronghold, San Carlos, Arizona, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community organization of grassroots organizers coming together to battle continued colonization, defend holy sites and freedom of religion, and is dedicated to building a better community through neighborhood programs and civic engagement.”

Appalachian Voices

“Appalachian Voices has been the region’s grassroots advocate for healthy communities and environmental protection for over 20 years, and a leading force in Appalachia’s shift from fossil fuels to clean energy and a just future.”

Arctic Sea Ice Blog

“interesting news and data” (scientific)

Are your vegetables Veganic? – The Veganic Agriculture Network

A 1 page pdf explaining what veganic means and information on the Veganic Agriculture Network including links to find out more.

Arid Lands Environment Centre

“The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) is central Australia’s peak environmental organisation that has been advocating for the protection of nature and ecologically sustainable development in the arid lands since 1980.”

Arid Lands Environment Centre – Latests News

News. “The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) is central Australia’s peak environmental organisation that has been advocating for the protection of nature and growing sustainable communities in the arid lands since 1980.”

Arms Control Association

“The Arms Control Association, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies.”

Article 20 Network

“The Article 20 Network was formed by activists whose personal experiences convinced them that, despite a blooming global protest movement, encroachments on and negative attitudes toward public demonstrations were threatening expression. Someone had to stand up for those who stand up. The Article 20 Network defends and advances the human right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly worldwide. Here’s how. The Article 20 Network calls attention to abridgments of and assaults on the freedom of assembly and fosters positive public attitudes toward assembly and its practitioners. Our team brings a variety of experiences as human rights scholars, lawyers, nonviolence experts, and activists. Together, we form a passionate, results-driven team devoted to a vision of humanity enjoying the benefits of thriving democracies perpetually balanced by public demonstration.”

Articles by Glenn Greenwald on Salon Media Group

“Salon Media Group has driven the national conversation since 1995 through its fearless journalism”

Asha Sanctuary

“Asha Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 Not for Profit Organization that rescues, rehabilitates and provides shelter to abused farmed animals. “

Association Defensa Derechos Animal (Defending Animal Rights)

“The Association’s work and aims are based mainly on the following areas: Denounce the abuse and ill treatment of animals. Promote and participate in drawing up appropriate legal standards. Pressurise through acts of protest or vindication. Information and awareness campaigns. Preparing and publishing educational programmes. Editing publications and awareness material. Promote participation platforms in favour of respecting animals. The people that direct the NGO, and set up activity programmes, do so full time, voluntarily and generously.”

Association for the Protection of Animals “Anima Mundi”

“The ANIMA MUNDI Animal Welfare Association is a citizen association created to initiate a commitment and public fight against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation by humans. We aim at individual and collective change of human consciousness and spreading awareness of the true nature of animals as beings that experience pain, suffering, fear. We believe that all living beings who feel they have a right to life and freedom. The ultimate goal of ANIMA MUNDI is to abolish all forms of animal abuse, torture and exploitation. ANIMA MUNDI’s vision is a humane world – a world free of violence, torture, exploitation of animals by humans and their perception as conscious and sensitive living beings naturally entitled to life and liberty. The mission of the association is to incite and lead the fight against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation by humans and act through 1) education (dissemination of information in order to create individual and collective awareness); 2) lobbying and cooperating with institutions for favorable legal framework and implementation of laws; as well as through 3) active field work. In this way it will contribute to the protection of animals and humanization of the Macedonian society as a whole.”


“The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. Audubon’s state programs, nature centers, chapters, and partners have an unparalleled wingspan that reaches millions of people each year to inform, inspire, and unite diverse communities in conservation action. Since 1905, Audubon’s vision has been a world in which people and wildlife thrive. Audubon is a nonprofit conservation organization.”


German website – Anti-nuclear. “.ausgestrahlt ist eine seit 2008 bundesweit tätige Anti-Atom-Organisation. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass der Betrieb von Atomanlagen ein schwerwiegendes Unrecht ist, weil er Mensch und Umwelt schädigt. Unfälle wie in Fukushima und Tschernobyl können sich jederzeit wiederholen. Der strahlende Müll wird noch viele Generationen belasten.”