Archives: Resources

Daisy Alliance

“Daisy Alliance is a nonpartisan peace organization that seeks to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons through grassroots education and advocacy. We particularly focus on building diplomacy skills and political will among youth and college students in the Southeast. Our blog features pieces by students, young adults, and scholars who are passionate about nuclear disarmament.”

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Cynthia King Vegan Ballet Slippers

“When you choose Cynthia King Vegan Ballet Slippers, you have taken a graceful step towards reducing cruelty to animals and improving our environment. You not only help save the lives of the animals used in the production of shoes, but you also help to conserve the habitat of many others. Gorillas, chimpanzees, and many other species face deforestation and homelessness every day due to unnecessary destruction of their habitats for livestock production. Waterways around the world continue to suffer lingering effects of pollution from factory farms and tanneries, some closed generations ago. Using cruelty free ballet slippers directly conserves natural resources and saves lives.”

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Curtailing Corruption: People Power for Accountability and Justice

Book: “How do citizens counter corruption and exact accountability from power holders? What strategic value does people power bring to the anticorruption struggle? Can bottom-up, citizen-based strategies complement and reinforce top-down anticorruption efforts? Addressing these questions—and demonstrating the critical role of grassroots efforts in the anticorruption/accountability equation—Shaazka Beyerle explores how millions of people around the world have refused to be victims of corruption and become instead the protagonists of successful nonviolent civic movements to gain accountability and promote positive political, social, and economic change.”

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Culture Unplugged

“An online film archive to watch films (documentaries, short films, talks & more). Promote films here and join the mission to promote global consciousness. Believe in yourself who sees the future to be united and harmonious, for the wellbeing of all. Support learning about the ‘self’, culture, nature and the eternal soul – the evolution of life. Support the humanity in the process of becoming ‘that’…”

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“DailyGood was born in 1998, when one college student started sharing inspiration with a half a dozen of his friends by sending them an enriching quote every day. Today, DailyGood leverages the internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through the daily and weekly newsletters. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them.”

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Cultural Survival

“CULTURAL SURVIVAL works toward a future that RESPECTS AND HONORS Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in LANDS, LANGUAGES, SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.”

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Cultural Resistance Reader

Book: “This expansive and carefully crafted reader brings together many of the classic texts that help to define culture as a tool of resistance. With illuminating introductions throughout, it presents a range of theoretical and historical writings that have influenced contemporary debate, providing tools for the reader’s own interventions. In these pages can be found the work of Karl Marx, Matthew Arnold, Antonio Gramsci, C.L.R. James, Bertolt Brecht, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Virginia Woolf, Mikhail Bakhtin, Stuart Hall, Christopher Hill, Janice Radway, Eric Hobsbawm, Abbie Hoffman, Mahatma Gandhi, Dick Hebdige, Hakim Bey, Raymond Williams, Robin Kelley, Tom Frank and more than a dozen others, including a number of new activists/authors published here for the first time.”

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Culture of Empathy Builder: Thich Nhat Hanh

2 videos: “Thich Nhat Hanh on Compassionate Listening – Oprah Winfrey Network” and “Conversations on Compassion with James Doty, MD, and Thich Nhat Hanh” and a link to article “Practising Listening with Empathy, by Thich Nhat Hanh”

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Cultural Survival – News & Articles

Relevant News & Articles “Cultural Survival advocates for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures and political resilience, since 1972…Cultural Survival envisions a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in lands, languages, spiritual traditions, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.”

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Cultivate Christchurch

“Cultivate aims to engage and inspire young people in meaningful learning and career opportunities around urban agriculture.”

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Cruelty-Free Lifestyle

“Cruelty free lifestyle org is your cruelty-free lifestyle website. We provide you with all the information you need to enable you and your family to make a better outcome for animals by living a healthier lifestyle and helping the planet. We have a ‘No upsetting images’ policy. Cruelty-free is trending. Be part of the trend!”

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Cruelty Free International blog

“We present scientific, factual, reliable information and reasoned moral argument….Cruelty Free International works to end animal experiments worldwide. We do this by investigating and exposing the reality of life for animals in laboratories. We challenge decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals. And we champion better science and cruelty free living.”

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Cruelty-Free Kitty

“I created Cruelty-Free Kitty in 2014 as I realized the lack of a reliable, all-in-one cruelty-free resource. We grew from being a small blog to the largest cruelty-free resource, and today we’re helping hundreds of thousands around the world choose cruelty-free options and stand against animal testing. My goal is to make it easy for everyone to switch to cruelty-free brands and boycott unethical companies for good, so that together we can raise awareness and call for a global ban on animal testing.”

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Cruelty-Free Products

“The term “cruelty-free product” is generally understood within the animal rights movement as a product that has not been tested on animals by the manufacturer. While you may not have a special affinity for rats, guinea pigs or even rabbits, it’s important for you to know that dogs, cats, and primates are all used in laboratory testing, and the tests are inhumane.” Includes: Gray Areas, Cruelty-Free v. Vegan, Companies v. Products, Where to Buy Cruelty-Free Products

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