Resource Type: Blog/News Feed

Energy Matters

Blog on nuclear power. “Wm. Roger Witherspoon has spent more than 50 years working in all forms of the media as a journalist, author, educator, and public relations specialist. Along the way, he has written extensively on state and national politics, foreign affairs, finance, defense, civil rights, constitutional law, health, the environment, and energy.”

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Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

“We are named after Ella Baker, a brilliant, black hero of the civil rights movement. Following in her footsteps, we organize with Black, Brown, and low-income people to shift resources away from prisons and punishment, and towards opportunities that make our communities safe, healthy, and strong. “

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Electronic Frontier Foundation

“The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.”

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El Paraíso de los Animales

“We are a nonprofit foundation. We work in the care and protection of more than 800 animals of multiple species rescued from situations of abuse and exploitation. Each member who arrives at the Shrine has a struggle to go through and a past to overcome. We want to share it to show that we can dream of a world where humans and animals live together in peace.”

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Education for Justice

“Education for Justice is an award-winning global digital subscription membership service that provides resources for those who wish to study, teach, and practice Catholic social tradition. We offer members access to a growing library of thousands of text-based and multimedia resources, a monthly e-newsletter, and other benefits to help them approach the world’s headlines from the perspective of Catholic social tradition.”

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Een DIER Een VRIEND (An Animal A Friend)

“Every year many millions of animals suffer needlessly. AN ANIMAL A FRIEND fights as an advocacy organization for the rights of animals and animal-friendly consumers for the welfare and the rights of all those animals whose suffering generally takes place behind heavily guarded fences and, for the public, not accessible places; and for the consumer interests of citizens who want to live in an animal-friendly way out of their philosophical convictions. Foundation A ANIMAL A FRIEND has as main objectives: -Promoting the rights for / of animals to live free from abuse. -Promoting an animal-friendly way of life as a means to prevent animal abuse.”

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Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary

“Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Co Meath, Ireland, is a vegan home where farmed animals who have been rescued from the animal use industries, are given sanctuary for life. At Eden they are regarded with the dignity and respect that is their right. We may be different species but we have equal fundamental rights not to be bred, owned, used, exploited, harmed or killed.”

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“EcoWatch is a leading environmental news site engaging millions of concerned individuals every month. We are leading the charge in using online news in the U.S. to drive fundamental change to ensure the health and longevity of our planet. EcoWatch provides original content from a team of reporters and features insights from prominent environmental and business leaders. News is also curated from more than 50 media partners, and we amplify the message of hundreds of environmental and science organizations from around the world.”

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“Ecobob is a platform specifically developed to make eco friendly living easy and accessible for all walks of life. If you are looking for inspiration, information and eco home products and services, Ecobob has got you covered. Visiting means having access to relevant and up to date information on the ever changing, ever expanding world of eco homes, zero energy homes and high performance homes. At Ecobob, we believe that owning or living in an eco home shouldn’t affect your ability to enjoy the creature comforts of luxurious living, in fact quite the opposite. Present day eco homes offer the latest environmentally sound technologies coupled with state of the art architecture completed with small-scale renewable energy generation. This allows occupants to enjoy power on their own terms, free from constant, expensive monthly power bills. Ecobob makes it easy for like-minded individuals to engage in environmentally conscious practices by having up to date, practical information at their fingertips.”

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Eastern Environmental Law Center

“The Eastern Environmental Law Center (EELC) advocates on behalf of organizations and community groups to resolve environmental problems that threaten people, natural resources, and communities throughout New Jersey and the surrounding region. EELC represents national, state, and local citizen groups that generally cannot otherwise afford such assistance. EELC’s representation includes general client counseling to our 35+ clients and advocacy to promote effective environmental and land use regulations, to restore, maintain, and enhance the quality of water bodies, to protect communities from disparate impacts, and to promote sustainable development and clean energy. Based on the needs and requests of our client base and our view of the critical issues facing the State and region, EELC’s work emphasizes protection and preservation of open space, air quality, and water quality, with an emphasis on statewide issues as well as those issues affecting the Highlands and Pinelands regions, and selection of appropriate energy sources and technologies to meet demand and lessen environmental impacts. EELC will also continue to advocate on behalf of environmental justice communities, such as Newark, with respect to polluted sites, open space, and climate change.”

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East Point Peace Academy

“The East Point Peace Academy is an organization dedicated to bringing about a culture of peace through training, education and the practice of Nonviolence and Conflict Reconciliation. We are grounded in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, and work with incarcerated populations, youth, activists and community leaders working to bring about the Beloved Community. We come from the traditions of the Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, the leaders of whom trained for a full year before engaging in direct action, and Gandhi and his 78 followers who went through a 15-year process of training and self purification before embarking on the Salt March. We believe that in order for us to create a peaceful world, we need to invest as much into peace as the military invests into war. Investments not only in money, but in time, commitment, strategy, unity and training. Through training and education, East Point transforms the hearts and minds of individuals, connecting them to a broader history of nonviolent social change movements, and inspiring them to become advocates for transforming the policies, cultures and value systems of their communities.”

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EarthEcho International

“EarthEcho International is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that youth have the power to change our planet. Established by siblings Philippe and Alexandra Cousteau in honor of their father Philippe Cousteau Sr., and grandfather legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, our mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future.”

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Earthlife Africa

“Earthlife Africa is a non-profit organisation, founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1988, that seeks a better life for all people without exploiting other people or degrading their environment. We want to encourage and support individuals, businesses and industries to reduce pollution, minimise waste and protect our natural resources.”

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“EarthSave International is a California non-profit agency committed to serving individuals and families in need. Through our Meals For Health program, EarthSave drastically improves the health of underserved populations. Hunger and obesity are often flip sides of the same malnutrition coin. Both hunger and obesity can be symptoms of poverty. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel diseases, arthritis and a host of other degenerative conditions are rampant in communities experiencing food insecurity. Being poor and having serious health problems create nearly insurmountable obstacles to success. The central health problem plaguing the underprivileged is the same one plaguing much of the modern world: it’s the food.”

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Earthcare Education Aotearoa (Facebook page)

“Enlivening Community through Permaculture and Deep Ecology. A non-profit trust dedicated to the ethics and principles of sustainability and Permaculture….Our mission (kaupapa) is: * Recreating Right Relationship with ALL Communities – respecting ALL life as sacred. * Facilitating sustainable human settlements, where culture embraces nature. * Restoring ecosystems whilst establishing food security.”

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Earth Times

“The Earth Times aims to provide you with current environmental news coverage and green blogs to give you the background information needed to better understand what can sometimes be enormously complicated and controversial environmental issues. Our encyclopaedia or guide to environmental issues and to some extent environmental concerns, is a relatively new addition to the site that we hope will give you the knowledge to understand these global environmental issues in the rapidly changing world around you. Written to be understandable, without the need to hold a degree in climate change science on the effects of global warming, biology or ecology, The Earth Times Encyclopaedia tries to make sense of these environmental problems, conservation topics and environmental issues that more and more people are becoming engaged and familiar with as they try to make a difference to our planet. From untangling climate change to helping you find an environmental organization you can be happy supporting we do hope you find The Earth Times Encyclopaedia on environmental issues a useful resource to highlight environmental sustainability for a greener life.”

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News about our planet: Headlines, Environment, Science, Lifestyle, Animals, Plants. Videos and Earthpedia

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Earth Policy Institute

Resources and data available. “EPI’s goals were (1) to provide a global plan (Plan B) for moving the world onto an environmentally and economically sustainable path, (2) to provide examples demonstrating how the plan would work, and (3) to keep the media, policymakers, academics, environmentalists, and other decision-makers focused on the process of building a Plan B economy….Plan B is a comprehensive plan for reversing the trends that are fast undermining our future. Its four overriding goals are stabilizing climate, stabilizing population, eradicating poverty, and restoring the earth’s damaged ecosystems.”

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Earth Day Network

“Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 50,000 partners in nearly 192 countries to build environmental democracy. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. We work through a combination of education, public policy, and consumer campaigns.”

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Earth | Food | Life

“Edited by Reynard Loki, Earth | Food | Life explores the critical and often interconnected issues facing the climate/environment, food/agriculture and animal/nature rights, and champions action; specifically, how responsible citizens, voters and consumers can help put society on an ethical path of sustainability that respects the rights of all species who call this planet home. Earth | Food | Life emphasizes the idea that everything is connected, so every decision matters.”

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Dr. Klaper

“As a physician, consultant and educator, I help clients and patients around the world on their journey to health and well-being. I have the deepest respect for the body’s ability to heal itself. Every day, I witness countless ‘miracles’ when the body is provided optimal fuel: pure, whole, plant-based foods, and, when needed, a small amount of beneficial, time-tested medicine and complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, massage and herbal medicine — and, at all times, generous doses of love.”

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Don’t Nuke the Climate

“The Don’t Nuke the Climate Coalition is a loose network of anti-nuclear organisations and networks from all over the globe that work together to keep nuclear out of the climate agreements and the Paris agreement. In the run-up to the UNFCC climate negotiations we come together to prepare actions an lobby activities. During the COP’s itself we engage in activities both inside and outside and we seek cooperation with other environmental and citizens networks to protect the climate agreements from being polluted by pro-nuclear language.”

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Don’t Bank on the Bomb

“Don’t Bank on the Bomb is the only regularly published source of information on the private companies involved in the production of nuclear weapons and their financiers. The report examines contracts for the production of key components of nuclear weapons and their specifically designed delivery systems. It provides information on the financial institutions seeking to profit from these producing companies. The report also profiles those institutions and others that limit or prohibit any financial engagement with companies associated with the production of nuclear weapons.”

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Dogwood Alliance

“Dogwood alliance mobilizes diverse voices to protect southern forests and communities from destructive industrial logging. For over 20 years, Dogwood Alliance has worked with diverse communities, partner organizations and decision-makers to protect Southern forests across 14 states. We do this through community and grassroots organizing, holding corporations and governments accountable and working to conserve millions of acres of Southern forests.”

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“Our mission is to bring you news and insights from all around the world backed by video-reports, documentary films and photographs. Today, news and stories can spread around the world within seconds. We aggregate & produce films and constantly observe what is happening on the globe. We report on current events, dig deeper when it is unwanted and connect people. helps you saving time by filtering the mass of content on the web and by curating only quality content that is really worth spreading. We the people have the most powerful voice, together we can achieve something for the better. Please contribute by sharing and sending in links, videos and stories.”

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Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany

“We are a charitable organisation of doctors and scientists who work in the medical field. We support the immediate abolition of all animal experiments on ethical and scientific grounds. In order to make the cruel and unscientific nature of animal experiments public, we provide scientifically based information material on animal experiments both for doctors and scientists, as well as for the general public.”

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Do the Math Tour

“We’re jumpstarting a new movement, and we need your help. It’s simple math: we can emit 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide and stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth. The only problem? Burning the fossil fuel that corporations now have in their reserves would result in emitting 2,795 gigatons of carbon dioxide — five times the safe amount. Fossil fuel companies are planning to burn it all — unless we rise up to stop them. In November 2012, Bill McKibben and hit the road to build a movement strong enough to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis. The Do the Math Tour was a massive success, with sold out shows in every corner of the country. The USA tour is now over, but the campaign it launched is just getting started and the tour has gone global. “

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Dissident Voice

“Dissident Voice is an internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves. The goal of Dissident Voice is to provide hard hitting, thought provoking and even entertaining news and commentaries on politics and culture that can serve as ammunition in struggles for peace and social justice.”

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Disciples Peace Fellowship

“Founded in 1935 at the International Convention of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in San Antonio, Texas, DPF began with 75 dedicated individuals, and is now one of the largest independent but integrally related organizations within the denomination. It is also the oldest existing Peace Fellowship of any denomination in the United States. Disciples Peace Fellowship is dedicated to the elimination of war and the Biblical principles of peace and justice. We serve as a voice to/for members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who long for peace and justice to be at the forefront of our teachings and witness.”

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Direct Animal Action

“Direct Animal Action is a community of passionate activists. We aim to empower people by providing a supportive group structure to facilitate and drive direct action. All animals deserve to live their lives free from exploitation and abuse. Through direct action campaigning we will confront and disrupt the practices that cause animals to suffer. Animals currently lack the legal and social standing necessary to protect them from harm. Direct Animal Action will challenge the current system to create robust laws and values which reflect the moral imperative that we must break the cycle of exploitation and abuse animals are forced to endure.”

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Derechos Humanos

“Derechos Humanos is a grassroots organization that promotes the human and civil rights of all migrants regardless of their immigration status. Consequently, we fight the militarization of our southern border home and combat the discrimination and human rights abuses of both our citizen and non-citizen brothers and sisters.”

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“Our Vision: Bringing six billion poor people to clean prosperity and clean up the rich of 1.2 billion…..Within 6 hours the world’s deserts receive more energy from the sun than humankind consumes within a year. This means that sufficient clean power can be generated from the world’s deserts to supply mankind with enough electricity on a sustainable basis. The DESERTEC Concept promotes the large-scale production of solar and wind power in the desert regions of the world, combined with a smart mix of photovoltaics, hydropower, biomass and geothermal energy.”

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Develop Good Habits

“In my opinion, the only way to improve yourself is to set achievable goals and develop daily habits that move you towards these outcomes. And that’s why I started DGH. Think of the successful people you admire. Odds are they have a set routine that makes them high achievers. They don’t ask “the universe” for a better life – they go out and build one on a daily basis. In other words, it’s their habits that separate them from everyone else.”

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“Demotech is an organization based in Maastricht, in The Netherlands which tests and promotes a unique approach to sustainability, development, and daily living around the globe….Re-design is our job. Re-designing concepts, tools, methods, ideas to make them accessible and affordable to everybody in the world. By re-designing the way we live, Demotech works to improve our lives with techniques and tricks aimed at a single over arching goal: More Joy Per Person. “

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Defenders of Wildlife

“Defenders works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife across North America and around the world. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.”

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Demand Progress

“Demand Progress and our more than two million members seek to protect the democratic character of the internet — and wield it to make government accountable and contest concentrated corporate power. We work to win progressive policy changes for ordinary people through organizing and grassroots lobbying. We focus on issues of civil liberties, civil rights, and government reform. We run online campaigns to rally people to take action on the news that affects them — by contacting Congress and other leaders, funding pressure tactics, and spreading the word in their own communities. We work in Washington to provide an advocate for the public in all the decisions that affect our lives.”

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Demand Progress – News

News. “Demand Progress and our more than two million members seek to protect the democratic character of the internet — and wield it to make government accountable and contest concentrated corporate power. We work to win progressive policy changes for ordinary people through organizing and grassroots lobbying. We focus on issues of civil liberties, civil rights, and government reform. We run online campaigns to rally people to take action on the news that affects them — by contacting Congress and other leaders, funding pressure tactics, and spreading the word in their own communities.”

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DC Peace Team

Mission: “We commit to sustaining a DC Peace Team that cultivates the virtue of nonviolent peacemaking and key corresponding practices. We commit to unleashing the power of ordinary civilians to increasingly serve their communities particularly as nonviolent peacekeepers, and by extension as peacemakers and peacebuilders.”

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DC VegFest

“Compassion Over Killing is proud to host the annual DC VegFest in the nation’s capital – the largest vegan gathering on the east coast! Each year tens of thousands attend DC VegFest, including vegetarians, vegans, and meat-eaters alike (all are welcome!). DC VegFest is a free event and features over one hundred vendors, celeb speakers, cooking demos, a kids zone, and more!”

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Daisy Alliance

“Daisy Alliance is a nonpartisan peace organization that seeks to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons through grassroots education and advocacy. We particularly focus on building diplomacy skills and political will among youth and college students in the Southeast. Our blog features pieces by students, young adults, and scholars who are passionate about nuclear disarmament.”

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“DailyGood was born in 1998, when one college student started sharing inspiration with a half a dozen of his friends by sending them an enriching quote every day. Today, DailyGood leverages the internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through the daily and weekly newsletters. Readers receive a news story, an inspiring quote, and a suggested action that each person can take to make a difference in their own lives and the world around them.”

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Cruelty-Free Lifestyle

“Cruelty free lifestyle org is your cruelty-free lifestyle website. We provide you with all the information you need to enable you and your family to make a better outcome for animals by living a healthier lifestyle and helping the planet. We have a ‘No upsetting images’ policy. Cruelty-free is trending. Be part of the trend!”

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Cruelty Free International blog

“We present scientific, factual, reliable information and reasoned moral argument….Cruelty Free International works to end animal experiments worldwide. We do this by investigating and exposing the reality of life for animals in laboratories. We challenge decision-makers to make a positive difference for animals. And we champion better science and cruelty free living.”

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Cruelty-Free Kitty

“I created Cruelty-Free Kitty in 2014 as I realized the lack of a reliable, all-in-one cruelty-free resource. We grew from being a small blog to the largest cruelty-free resource, and today we’re helping hundreds of thousands around the world choose cruelty-free options and stand against animal testing. My goal is to make it easy for everyone to switch to cruelty-free brands and boycott unethical companies for good, so that together we can raise awareness and call for a global ban on animal testing.”

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