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International Action Network on Small Arms

“The International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) is a global movement against gun violence that links organizations working to stop the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons. We have Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, and are the official coordinator of civil society participation in UN meetings on small arms. We are providing resources on this website–briefing papers, reports, UN Conference documents and videos–to support civil society organizations, government officials, journalists, students and individuals in their work on issues related to small arms and light weapons.”

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International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

“The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) is a coalition of non-governmental organizations in one hundred countries promoting adherence to and implementation of the United Nations nuclear weapon ban treaty. This landmark global agreement was adopted in New York on 7 July 2017.”

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International Campaign to Ban Landmines

“The International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) is a global network of non-governmental organizations, active in some 100 countries, that works for a world free of antipersonnel landmines, where landmine survivors can lead fulfilling lives.”

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Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

“IEER provides activists, policy-makers, journalists, and the public with understandable and accurate scientific and technical information on energy and environmental issues. Our aim is to bring scientific excellence to public policy issues in order to promote the democratization of science and a safer, healthier environment.”

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Institute for Social Research

“ISR is the world’s largest academic social science survey and research organization. We are a leader in developing and applying new social science methods, and are committed to educating the next generation of social scientists.”

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Interfaith Peace-Builders

“Interfaith Peace-Builders fosters a network of informed and active individuals who understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the United States’ political, military, and economic role in it. To build and nurture such a network, we lead diverse delegations to Israel/Palestine…IFPB’s two complementary programs, the Eyewitness Palestine Delegation Program and the Education and Advocacy Program, ensure that the US based movement for Israeli-Palestinian peace is rooted in the activism and life-stories of those that live the conflict everyday…Interfaith Peace-Builders is much more than a delegation program. Our comprehensive vision aims for a new reality and a new framework for US policy in Israel and Palestine.”

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Institute for In Vitro Sciences

“The Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc. is a non-profit research and testing laboratory dedicated to the advancement of in vitro (non-animal) methods worldwide. Founded in 1997, the Institute is unique in its position as a high quality testing laboratory while also offering technical and educational resources to advance the field. Our Vision: A day when methods based on humane human-specific responses will be used by industry and regulatory agencies to determine the safety and efficacy of substances. This vision fuels the passion we have for our organization, driving us to provide innovative solutions for industry and regulatory agencies. Our Mission: To increase the use and acceptance of non-animal testing worldwide.”

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Innovative Direct-Current Microgrids to Solve India’s Power Woes

“In India, roughly one-fifth of the population has no access to electricity. Solar direct-current microgrids can provide reliable, affordable electricity to areas not served by the traditional grid…We know that this technology can transform lives. We’ve seen what even a modest level of access to electricity can do, and we’ve heard many moving and inspiring stories from villagers who now enjoy comforts, conveniences, and security that they never thought they’d have. This is one of those rare moments when technological breakthroughs can come together to make it possible to do good on a massive scale. For the 1.2 billion people in this world who still live without electricity, it cannot happen soon enough.”

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InsideClimate News

“InsideClimate News is a Pulitzer Prize-winning non-profit, non-partisan news organization that provides essential reporting and analysis on climate, energy and the environment for the public and decision makers. We serve as watchdogs of government, industry and advocacy groups and hold them accountable for their policies and actions. Already one of the largest environmental newsrooms in the country, ICN is committed to establishing a permanent national reporting network, to training the next generation of journalists, and to strengthening the practice of environmental journalism.”

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Inspire Awareness Now

“Ecological Organization Advocating for Sustainability…Inspire Awareness Now substantially curbs or solves many major interconnected world problems by providing a comprehensive public platform of information about the realities of our collective food choices. Inspire Awareness Now develops innovative initiatives that provide solutions, including a viable plan to implement many new green job opportunities. Inspire Awareness Now bridges previous disconnects by aligning with other progressive organizations dedicated to the truth about our world’s needs.”

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“This site publishes a large number of nonviolence resources including regular editions of ‘Nonviolent News’.”

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Initiative for Equality (IfE)

“Initiative for Equality (IfE) is a global network of individual activists and partner organizations working to build more equal and participatory societies around the world….Our mission is to work towards a more equitable world. We facilitate the empowerment and participation of people who have been socially, economically or politically marginalized. We promote more equitable political and economic systems, and coordinate citizen monitoring of governments and corporations. We help civil society groups around the world share information, develop political strategies, and take collective action towards more equitable and sustainable development.”

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Injustice: a film about Crime, Prison and Us (2018)

“2016-17 saw the worst prison riots in decades. Across the country the prisons estate exploded as warned by campaigners and prisoners. The flames of the riots cast a light on the so-called prison crisis. Look hard and you’ll see it’s not that prisons are in crisis, prisons are the crisis. Injustice investigates the crisis, and delves into the world of prisons, crime and the judicial system. Ex-prisoners, activists, criminologists and even prison governors tell us who the prisoners are and why they are inside. We hear what happens inside, and outside. Injustice asks what are prisons supposed to do and what do they actually do.”

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Inequality For All (2013)

“A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, INEQUALITY FOR ALL features Robert Reich—professor, best-selling author, and Clinton cabinet member—as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate portrait of a man who’s overcome a great deal of personal adversity and whose lifelong goal remains protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the American workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the economy, Reich uses humor and a wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic inequality affects each and every one of us.”

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Independent Media Institute

“The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. We work with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels. For more than three decades, the Independent Media Institute has served the public through the creation and distribution of content about political and social issues. In 1998, IMI founded AlterNet, an award-winning news website that published original reporting by independent investigative journalists, syndicated a broad range of partner publications and reached diverse audiences for more than 20 years, reaching a peak of an average of 6.5 million unique monthly visitors in 2016, and publishing 1,000 articles a month. “

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Independent Media Center

“The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media’s distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity.”

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Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

“The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC) is a coalition of environmental, health and public policy organizations, founded in 2001 to address the vulnerability of the nuclear reactors at Indian Point. Over 20 million people live within 50 miles of the plant. Our concerns include both existing radiation releases and potential additional releases from either human error, aging infrastructure or terrorism, and the flawed, unfixable evacuation plan. Our grassroots efforts have enlisted the support of hundreds of local, state and federal officials.”

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Indigenous Environmental Network

“IEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law”

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Indraloka – Animal Sanctuary

“Indraloka provides “heaven on earth” for farm animals that have nowhere else to turn. We inform, inspire, and empower the community, especially children, on ways in which we can better care for ourselves and the environment while helping animals in need. We advocate for a kind and compassionate diet that protects animals, the earth, and our own health.”

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In These Times

“In These Times, an independent, nonprofit magazine, is dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.”

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Inciting Democracy

Book: “Inciting Democracy offers a vision of what a good society might look like and explores how we can overcome five key obstacles to creating such a society. It offers a practical way to develop a large, decentralized education and support program (the Vernal Education Project) that would bolster grassroots movements so that people of goodwill can democratically and nonviolently transform society.”

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In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times (2012)

“This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up community power stations. Transition is an idea that has gone viral, a social experiment that is about responding to uncertain times with solutions and optimism. In a world of increasing uncertainty, here is a story of hope, ingenuity and the power of growing vegetables in unexpected places. It features the following subtitles, all of which have been done by volunteers in their respective countries: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.”

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In Context

“Context Institute’s award-winning journal, IN CONTEXT, A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture. While In Context is no longer in print, all of its articles are available here in this section of the website…Our fabric included environmental and social concerns, but we weren’t simply activists. There were always spiritual threads, but they were worn lightly and we just didn’t fit in the New Age box. Many of the articles had scholarly sophistication, but we weren’t an intellectual publication…So I invite you to explore the over 900 articles from In Context here on this website. You might find it helpful to start with the summary listing of all 43 issues with brief descriptions and cover photos. I hope you will be nourished by what you find.”

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In Defense of Animals – News & Alerts

News & Alerts “In Defense of Animals has become an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 valued supporters and a 30-year history of protecting animals, people and the environment. We accomplish our mission through education, campaigns, sanctuaries and hands-on animal rescuers in India, Korea, and rural Mississippi. “

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In Defense of Animals

“With your help, In Defense of Animals has become an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 valued supporters and a 30-year history of protecting animals, people and the environment. We accomplish our mission through education, campaigns, sanctuaries and hands-on animal rescuers in India, Korea, and rural Mississippi. Our main headquarters are established in San Rafael, California.”

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In Communion

“In Communion is the name of the educational and publishing arm of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. Several book series, a podcast, blog, university courses, this website, and an occasional journal are among the many initiatives of In Communion. Our mission is to promote the fullness of the faith through research and education.”

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“ImaniWorks ​is a 501(c)(3) Noprofit Public Charity for the promotion of Human Rights through advocacy and education. We believe: -Human Rights are to be enjoyed by all. -Advocacy is easier than you think. -Sustainable living is healthy and fun.”

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Impact of Food Choices on the Environment

“It has been several years now since I recorded my lecture for the Plant-Based Nutrition course where I describe the connection between food choices and ocean health. I have mixed feelings about what has happened in the intervening years since that lecture was recorded. I have watched the oceans and planet in general continue to be degraded by many measures, but I have also watched with great satisfaction a growing public awareness of the connection between food choice and the environment. In this article I present a long list of troubling trends concerning meat’s harmful impact on the global ocean and the earth environment in general and then try to persuade you to raise your voice for positive change.”

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“Animal Equality has pioneered a cutting-edge experience in animal protection. iAnimal is a virtual reality project that creates a 360 degree, immersive experience in which the viewer is transported inside factory farms and slaughterhouses. The animals we eat suffer from the time they are born to the time they reach our plates. iAnimal allows the viewer to access the day-to-day abuses that are hidden from the public by the agricultural industry.”

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IDA Africa

“Sanaga Yong Chimpanzee Rescue, formerly IDA Africa, was founded by In Defense of Animals in 1999 under the direction of veterinarian Dr. Sheri Speede. The Rescue center became full independent in 2019 and today continues to provide sanctuary for chimpanzee orphans in Cameroon, while promoting social and cultural conditions that ensure that endangered great apes survive and thrive in their natural habitats.” Includes link to website.

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IDA India

“IDA India is a nonprofit grassroots level animal protection organization dedicated to establishing and defending the rights of all nonhuman living creatures. IDA India works to: -Promote Animal Birth Control program and discourage brutal extermination of stray animals. -Rescue abused animals. -Promote vegetarianism. -Lobby for amendments to existing animal protection laws in India, to make them effective. -Create awareness amongst people for animal related issues; for example, commercial breeding and exploitation of animals, animals in zoos, and conditions of enslaved elephants.” Includes link to website.

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I Have No TV

Online Documentaries “I collect and stream documentaries. No pseudo-science, religion or aliens. Only good, scientific-based content.”

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Humanure Handbook

“Center of the Humanure Universe. Compost toilets can provide a sanitation solution when water or electricity are not available, or when you simply want to make more compost or less environmental pollution.”

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Humanity’s True Purpose

“Is humanity nothing more than a cancer on the planet, consuming its host until it is gone, guaranteeing its own destruction in the process? A quick glance at the effects of our behavior might lead us to say yes. But looks can be deceiving. Nature shows us that what is destructive on one level can also be part of a larger process of change that creates new forms of value at another level. This story is supported by science.”

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Humane League Labs

“Humane League Labs is a unit of The Humane League, an international non-profit dedicated to farm animal advocacy. Our mission is to inform advocacy strategies through actionable research on their effectiveness…At Humane League Labs, we take an integrated and comprehensive approach to the evaluation of farm animal advocacy. Whether you are a researcher, a veg-oriented business, an activist, a donor or just an interested party curious about what works best in animal advocacy, we invite you to subscribe to our blog, offer feedback, participate in our research and join us in strengthening our work on behalf of farm animals.”

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“We are a community of former farmers, animal rescuers, animal sanctuary founders, educators, and artists working to create a just and nonviolent future. Currently, both the animal-using industry and some animal advocacy organizations are propagating the idea that it is possible to use and kill animals in a manner that can be fairly described as respectful or compassionate or humane. We believe that this “Humane Myth” misrepresents the realities of animal use, and cultivates a positive image of activities that are neither just nor kind nor sustainable. The purpose of this web site is to correct the misinformation that is associated with the Humane Myth, and to inspire a form of working for the peaceful transformation of our society that fully respects the inherent dignity and worth of animals and people alike.”

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Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming Charitable Trust

“Founded in April 2013, the Humane Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming Charitable Trust (HURRAH) is an independent, north Auckland based charity run solely by volunteers. Its objectives are to: -Rescue dogs with a proven temperament from euthanasia at council and privately operated pounds. -Prevent unwanted pregnancies through desexing initiatives. -Educate owners on the importance of removing their dog from a life on the chain. -All of our dogs are spay/neutered, vaccinated, micro chipped, and registered before rehoming.”

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Human Liberation Animal Liberation

“Human Liberation is Animal Liberation…Understanding the connections between animal and human liberation is important for two reasons: 1) It focuses on the roots of oppression. We cannot make systemic change in society without a full analysis of power and domination. Challenging the oppression of one group requires us to understand the oppression of others, and challenge the oppression of all. 2) Individuals need to examine oppression in all of its forms. By educating ourselves on the intersections between our movements, and by building an intersectional analysis of oppression into our activism, we can simultaneously fight for the liberation of humans, nonhuman animals, and the earth, strengthening all movements.”

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Human Development Data (1990-2017)

“Select data by dimension, indicator, year and/or country to see a dynamic interactive visualization of the data (represented as line for trends, or bar for single years)” (United Nations Development Programme)

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Human Rights Watch

“Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. We are roughly 450 people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need. We direct our advocacy towards governments, armed groups and businesses, pushing them to change or enforce their laws, policies and practices. To ensure our independence, we refuse government funding and corporate ties. We partner with organizations large and small across the globe to protect embattled activists and to help hold abusers to account and bring justice to victims.”

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Humane Borders

“Humane Borders, motivated by faith and the universal need for kindness, maintains a system of water stations in the Sonoran Desert on routes used by migrants making the perilous journey here on foot. Our primary mission is to save desperate people from a horrible death by dehydration and exposure and to create a just and humane environment in the borderlands. We locate our water stations on government and privately owned land with permission from the landowners. Founded in the summer of the year 2000, Humane Borders, Inc. is a non-profit corporation run almost exclusively by volunteers. Our focus is strictly humanitarian assistance. Donations to Humane Borders are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, and we depend upon gifts from individuals and religious groups of all faiths to continue our work.”

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Human (2015)

Film: “What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery? Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist Yann Arthus-Bertrand spent three years collecting real-life stories from 2,000 women and men in 60 countries. Working with a dedicated team of translators, journalists and cameramen, Yann captures deeply personal and emotional accounts of topics that unite us all; struggles with poverty, war, homophobia, and the future of our planet mixed with moments of love and happiness…HUMAN shows the dark side of mankind but sheds light on the best of it, for we all have inside of us this will to live together. This is the message that this film tries to convey. Together, united, we can meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. HUMAN is part of an overall logic whose intention is to gather together initiatives and resources from the community scene and from the humanitarian, ecological or social sectors. “

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How Many Servings of Fruits and Vegetables to Improve Mood?

“…researchers found the same “strong relationships between daily positive [mood] and fruit and vegetable consumption.” Additionally, “[l]agged analyses showed that fruit and vegetable consumption predicted improvements in positive [mood] the next day, not vice versa…On days when people ate more fruits and vegetables, they reported feeling calmer, happier and more energetic than they normally do…[and] also felt more positive the next day.” So, eating fruits and vegetables really “may promote emotional well-being.” Single bouts of exercise can elevate one’s mood, so why not the same with healthy food?”

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How Not to Die

Book: “The vast majority of premature deaths can be prevented through simple changes in diet and lifestyle. In How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger, the internationally-recognized lecturer, physician, and founder of, examines the fifteen top causes of death in America—heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and more—and explains how nutritional and lifestyle interventions can sometimes trump prescription pills and other pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, freeing us to live healthier lives. The simple truth is that most doctors are good at treating acute illnesses but bad at preventing chronic disease. The 15 leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn’t have to be the case. By following Dr. Greger’s advice, all of it backed up by peer-reviewed scientific evidence, you will learn which foods to eat and which lifestyle changes to make to live longer.” Includes a book trailer video and an audiobook sample.

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How to Access All Science for Free?

“Sci-Hub and LibGen are your access to fee-free science. Virtually all scientific papers that have ever been published (48 million) are accessible with a simple search. You just put the title or doi in the search bar and the website first searches for the article on LibGen (Library Genesis). If the article is there, enter the captcha, sometimes click on random Russian words and voilà! You have your article.”

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Hot Dry Rock EnviroVideo Documentary

“Hot Dry Rock – An energy free lunch! Yes, Hot Rock Geothermal Energy can supply all the energy we’ll ever need, say scientists and environmentalists familiar with the technology. It taps the heat in the rock just below the ground. There is no environmental cost, no safety problems, no waste. And it works! This program explains how Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy functions – and why it’s not being fully developed.”

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How Cigarette Smoke Harms Animals – Hint: It’s not in the way you Think

“While the use of animal testing by tobacco companies was once more widely known, few realize that these tests are still taking place. Tobacco companies routinely use animals for experiments in order to determine what effect new products might have on humans. During the course of these studies, rats, dogs, monkeys and other creatures are forcefully exposed to tobacco smoke or tar for extended periods of time. They are often killed and then examined to determine what effects cigarettes have on their organs, lungs, and even unborn fetuses.”

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Hope Animal Sanctuary

“Since 1993, IDA’s Hope Animal Sanctuary has rescued, provided refuge, and fought for justice for abused animals in rural Mississippi. In a region devoid of animal shelters and other vital animal control services, the ongoing work of the Sanctuary is beyond critical in providing hope for animals continuing to suffer in America’s Deep South.”

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Hope Haven

“Hope Haven is a 501(c)3 non-profit farm animal sanctuary nestled in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Our mission is to rescue neglected pigs, goats, sheep, llama, donkey, alpaca, emu, and all farm birds. These animals have been surrendered at local animal shelters, confiscated by local humane agents and police, or saved from factory farms. They now live out their lives with comfortable housing, nutritious food, and companionship from others of their own kind. They also receive endless love and affection from the human components of the sanctuary!”

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Honor the Earth

“Honor the Earth uses indigenous wisdom, music, art, and the media to raise awareness and support for Indigenous Environmental Issues.  We leverage this awareness and support to develop financial and political capital for Indigenous struggles for land and life.”

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“Each of us wants to have control over how and with whom we interact. In order to evolve and thrive, our communities must support everyone’s uniqueness. Yet today, our online relationships are dominated by centralized corporate web sites. Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information.”

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Hooves Hope & Love

“We are a non-profit farm sanctuary in Southern California that takes in unwanted and abandoned farm animals.”

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Hope – The Film

Film: “Half of the population in Western society suffers from being overweight. Cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer are epidemic. Our meat consumption has quintupled over the past 50 years. 65 billion land animals are being slaughtered every year for food consumption. One third of the global grain production is fed to animals for fattening while 1.8 billion people worldwide suffer from hunger and starvation. Can there really be a solution to all these problems? It was the search for an answer to this question that led Austrian author and filmmaker Nina Messinger on a journey through Europe, India and the US to investigate the consequences of our diet. Meeting with leading experts in nutrition, medicine, science, and agriculture, as well as with farmers and people who have recovered from severe illnesses, simply by changing their eating habits. The film´s deeply distressing images and moving stories make a clear case for a plant-based diet that is not just a short-lived lifestyle trend but provides a solution for preserving our entire world. The movie serves up a stunningly simple, yet comprehensive solution – right on our plates. Changing our eating habits will rebalance not just our health, but the planet itself. H.O.P.E. is a life-changing documentary uncovering and revealing the effects of our typical Western diet high in animal-based foods. It contrasts the limited interests of the pharmaceutical and agricultural industry with the all-encompassing interests of living beings on this planet and with the power of responsible consumer action. H.O.P.E. is an urgent call to action to all of us to commit to a change towards sustainability and safeguarding our living environment. It has a clear message: By changing our eating habits, we can change the world!”

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“Highlander serves as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement building in Appalachia and the South. We work with people fighting for justice, equality and sustainability, supporting their efforts to take collective action to shape their own destiny. Through popular education, language justice, participatory research, cultural work, and intergenerational organizing, we help create spaces — at Highlander and in local communities — where people gain knowledge, hope and courage, expanding their ideas of what is possible. We develop leadership and help create and support strong, democratic organizations that work for justice, equality and sustainability in their own communities and that join with others to build broad movements for social, economic and restorative environmental change.”

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Holistic Security

“Holistic Security is a strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.”

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HFA (The Humane Farming Association)

“The Humane Farming Association (HFA) is dedicated to the protection of farm animals. Founded in 1985, and over 250,000 members strong, HFA has garnered worldwide recognition and respect for its landmark anti-cruelty campaigns including, most notably, its successful National Veal Boycott. HFA is particularly well known for its unparalleled track record of credibility, accuracy, and integrity in addressing legislative issues pertaining to farm animals.”

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet

News, Schedule, Pictures, Videos and more. “The Dalai Lamas are believed by Tibetan Buddhists to be manifestations of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the patron saint of Tibet. Bodhisattvas are realized beings, inspired by the wish to attain complete enlightenment, who have vowed to be reborn in the world to help all living beings.”

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Helen Caldicott

Physician – Author – Speaker. “Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, author, and anti-nuclear advocate who has founded several associations dedicated to opposing the use of nuclear power, depleted uranium munitions, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons proliferation, and military action in general.”

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Henry David Thoreau

“Henry David Thoreau lived for two years, two months, and two days by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. His time in Walden Woods became a model of deliberate and ethical living. His words and deeds continue to inspire millions around the world who seek solutions to critical environmental and societal challenges.”

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Healthy School Food

“Plant-based meals provide students with good nutrition today and promote healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. The Physicians Committee works with school districts, the government, and parents across the country to bring plant-based food to schools….The Physicians Committee provides plant-based recipes, webinars, toolkits, and more for schools, parents, and students looking to improve school nutrition.”

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“HEARTWOOD is a regional network that protects forests and supports community activism in the eastern United States through education, advocacy, and citizen empowerment. We are people helping people protect the places they love. Heartwood was founded in 1991, when concerned citizens from several midwestern states each defending their national forest from logging, mining, roads and ruin, met and began to work together to protect the heartland hardwood forest.”

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Heinrich Böll Foundation

“The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for policy reform, and an international network We work with 160 project partners in over 60 countries and currently maintain 29 international offices.”

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Healthy Happy Life

“Kathy’s mission is to inspire everyday people to eat more plants, embrace their natural compassion towards animals, and show love to their own souls + bodies — all while changing the world one vegan meal at a time.”

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Healing Anger

“Our objective is to provide counseling that focuses on anger management tailored specifically for women and couples….Anger moves us. Anger can be like a hot coal, only burning the one who holds it. When this occurs anger burns. Anger can also illuminate. Anger can move people to really pay attention to what needs to be looked at. In this healthier response to anger, we reflect, and choose who to speak with, how to speak, what to say, and become deliberate and thoughtful. The emotions are present, but are expressed without hostility. People don’t often think of anger as healing, but we believe that in fact it is behind all significant change. Look at history. Do you think that maybe Ghandi was a little pissed off that the British were ruling India? What about Nelson Mandela? Any significant political change seems to start with anger. Anger can fuel you to do what is needed. When women attend our groups and individual counselling it is to turn that energy, that focus, that drive, into something that creates an accomplishment.”

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Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary

“Our mission is to provide life-long care for our rescued animals, and to educate the public about humane animal care and practices. We rehabilitate, both physically and psychologically, mistreated animals and, if possible, we will find appropriate homes for them. In an effort to prevent further cruelty to these animals, we educate the public on caring for companion animals as well as on issues concerning farmed animals.”

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Happy Cow

“HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find plant-based / vegan options and healthy food. We are vegan-run, from a vegan perspective, and staffed by vegans and vegetarians. Today, our online community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living. More than simply a restaurant and health food store guide, HappyCow is an ever-evolving online hub that serves millions worldwide each month.”

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Happy Cow – the veggie blog

Vegan and Vegetarian blog with many categories. “Our purpose is to make healthy food easy to find and more accessible. HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find plant-based / vegan options and healthy food. We are vegan-run, from a vegan perspective, and staffed by vegans and vegetarians. Today, our online community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living. More than simply a restaurant and health food store guide, HappyCow is an ever-evolving online hub that serves millions worldwide each month.”

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Hands Off Venezuela

“The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, which is a broad-based campaign, was established to generate awareness about Venezuela within the labour and trade union movement and among young people. Our main task is to promote the social gains of the Bolivarian Revolution and mobilise public opinion against imperialist aggression towards Venezuela.”

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Gutter Kitties

“Gutter Kitties is Auckland’s largest no-kill cat rescue, run by volunteers, and relying entirely on donations to make a difference to the lives of Auckland’s street cats. We pride ourselves in running a no-kill shelter, and dedicate our time and efforts to rescuing timid, anxious and/or undersocialised cats.”

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Hanford Challenge

“To create a future for the Hanford Nuclear Site that secures human health and safety, advances accountability, and promotes a sustainable environmental legacy.”

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Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

“Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Want to read the papers featuring the most famous results of the sciences? You’ll need to send enormous amounts to publishers like Reed Elsevier…..With enough of us, around the world, we’ll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge – we’ll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us? “

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Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating

Booklet (pdf): “Thank you for taking the time to consider the following ideas! This guide is for all thoughtful, compassionate people—from lifelong meat eaters who are just learning about factory farms, to vegetarians seeking new recipes and nutritional information, to vegans interested in more ways to help end cruelty to animals.”

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“Better Data. Better Decisions. Better World. Each year, millions of people use GuideStar information to make decisions about nonprofits and the work they do. Donors explore charities and issues they want to support. Nonprofit leaders benchmark their organizations against their peers. Funders research grantees. We strive to provide the highest-quality, most complete nonprofit information available.”

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Growing Green: Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg

Video: “Graham Cole demonstrates how you can feed your family on your allotment and garden using vegetable compost and green manures to obtain good crops of high nutritional value. No poisons or artificial fertilisers are used. This method is the kindest to the environment and all Earth’s creatures.”

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Growing Green International magazine

“Growing Green International is the twice yearly magazine published by the Vegan Organic Network, and is free to members – it is available in printed or digital form. You can download a pdf of a recent back issue, GGI 40 (Winter/Spring 2018), which includes an interview with Wild Earth Farm & Sanctuary in the USA, and a feature on Hodmedod’s, Britain’s pulse and grain pioneers…The magazine reflects a broad range of information and opinions, covering the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of vegan organic growing. We try to feature a mixture of articles that cover practical, technical and ethical issues, as well as hints and tips, letters, photos and illustrations. Most of the articles on our articles page on growing are from this magazine. Growing Green International is now recognised and widely read by those concerned with vegan organic cultivation in many parts of the world.”

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Greyhounds As Pets (GAP)

“Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) is a registered charity established by Greyhound Racing New Zealand to find pet homes for retired racing greyhounds. Retired greyhounds make great pets – they are intelligent, affectionate and lazy. They adapt to pet life with surprising ease, becoming a family favourite in no time. There are greyhounds coming out of racing throughout the year. The GAP adoption programme steers them through the career change and helps them find a new home as a pet. We also provide advice and support to new owners. Many owners become totally smitten with their greyhound and go on to become part of the GAP community, helping more hounds find homes and enjoying walks and social events.”

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Grow Biointensive

“Our mission is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources. What do we do? Since 1972 we and our colleagues have been researching and developing GROW BIOINTENSIVE®, a high-yielding, sustainable agricultural system that emphasizes local food production and is based historically on intensive gardening systems.”

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Greentech Media

“The global electricity sector is in the early stages of its most dramatic transformation in over a century. The rapid expansion of distributed energy, combined with the newfound availability of data and analytics for utilities, will reshape how the world generates, distributes and consumes power. With market research, authoritative news, and events, GTM is the leading information services provider for this next-generation electricity system.”

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