Our Life Compass Cards consist of 2 decks – 58 Feelings in one deck; and 58 Needs in the other; an instruction booklet with a number of different ways to use the cards; individual cloth bags for each set of cards; and a larger cloth bag to hold everything.

They are currently only available for purchase in NZD, by direct deposit to the New Zealand bank, Kiwibank.

1 to 5 sets:   $30 each plus $5 shipping (so $35 for 1 set, $65 for 2 sets, etc.)
6 to 10 sets:   $25 each (shipping is included)
11+ sets:   $20 each (shipping is included).

Please deposit the amount into the following account:
Bank: Kiwibank
Account Name:  Centre for Nonviolence and Conscious Living
Account Number:  38-9017-0225338-00

…and once you have done so, please contact Toni Mcerlane, letting her know you have submitted payment, and letting her know what address to send them to:  toni@restorativerelationships.co.nz