Region: Bay Area, California

Bay Area Nonviolent Communication

“BayNVC is home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request. VISION: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.”

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Media Alliance

“Media Alliance was formed in 1976 by a group of media workers to unite the professional media community with the public interest communities of the Bay Area. MA was founded with the belief that in order to ensure the free and unfettered flow of information and ideas necessary to maintain a truly democratic society, media must be accessible, accountable, decentralized, representative of society’s diversity and free from covert or overt government control and corporate dominance. MA dedicates itself to fostering a genuine diversity of media voices and perspectives, holding the media accountable for their impact on society and protecting freedom of speech. Media Alliance is a media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists.”

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