Resource Library

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Found 2210 Results


“Veganuary is an organisation (and a UK registered charity) launched in 2014 that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. During this years campaign, more than a quarter of a million people took our pledge to try a vegan diet, while more than 500 brands, restaurants and supermarkets promoted the campaign, and launched more than 200 new vegan products and menus in the UK market alone. Throughout the year, Veganuary encourages and supports people and corporat​ions alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering and improving the health of millions of people. Our Vision: Our vision is a world without factory farms and slaughterhouses. A world where food production does not decimate forests, pollute rivers and oceans, exacerbate climate change, and drive wild animal populations to extinction. Our vision is simple: we want a vegan world. Our Mission: Our mission is to inspire and support people to try vegan, drive corporate change, and create a global mass movement championing compassionate food choices with the aim of ending animal farming, protecting the planet and the environment and improving human health. What we do: Veganuary works internationally to promote and support the mass shift away from animal products and towards the consumption of plant-based foods. We work with corporations, the media, like-minded organisations and high-profile individuals to help drive change – for the good of our planet, to improve health and to relieve the suffering of animals.”

Veganuary – News & Blog

Vegan news & blog. Articles, news, recipes and videos


“Your Online Guide to Vegetarian Dining Around the World…What better way is there to introduce a friend to vegetarianism than to invite him or her for dinner at a fully vegetarian restaurant? It was with this in mind that the seeds for were planted in the summer of 1999. That’s right, we’re now into our 20th year!!! Our mission is simply … “To do our best to promote vegetarian restaurants – and vegetarianism in general – around the world.””


“Francophone reference site on organic vegan agriculture. To discover the history, influences, motivations, cultural methods, visit gardens and contact other people.”


A Vegan Blog. Topics: Animals, Planet, Society, Culture, Science, Sports, Policy, Lifestyle

Vegetarian Friends

“Vegetarian is the publisher of the monthly journal The Peaceable Table. We are dedicated to providing inspiration and support for Quakers and other people of faith in the practice of love for animals and a vegetarian diet. This journal is a project of the Animal Kinship Commitee of Orange Grove Friends Meeting.”

Vegetarian Society

“The Vegetarian Society is the place to go for everything you want to know about the world of vegetarian food. Our mission is to inspire, inform and enable people to be vegetarian.”

Vegetarian Society of Hawaii Lecture Videos

A list of links to videos on veganism and vegetarianism “supporting human health, animal rights and ecology”

Vegetarian Society of Richmond

“Welcome to the website of the Vegetarian Society of Richmond, Virginia! We are here to support you in pursuing a healthy, compassionate, earth-friendly vegetarian lifestyle. Whether you are a committed vegan or just trying out a few vegetarian dishes, you are welcome here! See our events page for a list of upcoming events. We hope to see you soon!…The Vegetarian Society of Richmond is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting vegetarianism through education, activities and advocacy. We seek to unite vegetarians and those interested in vegetarianism in the Richmond area. Activities may include restaurant visits, potlucks, lectures, classes, hikes, field trips, outreach, etc. Membership is open to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. “

Vegetarian starter kit (pdf)

“the whys and hows of a healthier diet, the new four food groups guidelines, useful tips for beginning a vegetarian diet, delicious low-fat, no cholesterol recipes”


“Producing delicious, healthy, plant-based foods to satisfy all your eggy cravings without ever using any eggs….The Vegg produces and distributes the world’s healthiest 100% plant based-egg substitutes. Our products are all 100% vegan, plant-based, cholesterol free, gluten free and Kosher. Created in 2012 by Rocky Shepheard in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, the company is now under new management and headquartered in Carle Place, New York. We pleased to serve a broad range of customers within the United States and around the world.”


“Europe’s major online shop for purely vegetable specialities. Vegan delicacies as far as you can see! VEGGIE-SHOP24.COM is Europe’s major online shop for purely vegetable products and stands for premium foodstuffs for which animals had not to suffer. Since its foundation in 2001 the company located in Nabburg, Bavaria, convinces with its comprehensive range of healthy and biologically valuable meat alternative products. This product range is enlarged by a great number of popular classics and exclusive novelties of the vegan and vegetarian cuisine. From hearty sausage-, cheese- and fish-alternatives to plant-based spreads to vegan sweets and bakery products: the product range of VEGGIE-SHOP24.COM leaves nothing to be desired. Our philosophy: Being part of the Absolute Vegan Empire (AVE) we offer 100% vegan products produced without genetic engineering. Moreover, we actively support the protection of animals, the environment and its natural resources. Wherever possible, we resort to products of organic farming. A healthy diet for which no animal had to suffer – this is an aim that VEGGIE-SHOP24.COM meets with its private brands Vantastic Foods and Vegan Bakery. Apart from foodstuffs, our online shop also comprises a steadily growing choice of vegan cookery books, information materials, green fashion as well as eco-friendly household products and decorative cosmetics.”


“Vegetarian Dating for Vegetarian Singles and Vegetarian Social Networking. VeggieDate is considered by many to be the premier vegetarian dating site in the world. Our members include vegans, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians, pescatarians (fish and vegetable eaters), semi-vegetarian, those who are becoming vegetarian and macrobiotic eaters. Many raw vegans, raw vegetarians, and raw foodists are among our vegan single members and our vegetarian single members. VeggieDate is also a great place to meet like minded friends and activity partners including people who enjoy a healthy lifestyle, eating vegetarian food, vegan food, organic food, GMO free food, organic raw food, and GMO free raw food. More than 400 new members join our community each month. We invite you to create a profile for free and try vegetarian dating today!”

“ ~ your virtual library of information about the benefits of a healthy & nutritional vegetarian enhanced diet. You will also find many resources here relating to the protection of our environment on this earth, and the animals that co-exist with man. “

“ is a world wide, community-maintained guide to veg-friendly restaurants and shopping.”


“Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. Reaching more than 2.5 million people each month across its print, digital, and social platforms, VegNews is beloved by readers and has won nearly every major award in the industry. The country’s best-selling plant-based magazine, every issue of VegNews is packed with today’s best vegan lifestyle content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, and beauty. In addition to its flagship publication, VegNews also produces websites, cookbooks, and even international vacations. With offices in Los Angeles and Northern California—and a global team of writers—VegNews coverage of the plant-based world is unparalleled. The VegNews team is experienced, savvy, and has been living the veg lifestyle for decades.”


“Your source for all things vegetarian!”


“VegTV is a full service production company creating original content with vegan recipes and information to support a healthful and compassionate plant based lifestyle for TV and the Internet since 2001. Our experienced host, crew and development team come together to create video content from recipe videos for our vegan cooking channel to interviews with plant based product producers, nutrition experts and product showcase videos. VegTV produces, promotes and hosts broadcast quality content disseminated to a broad range of targeted consumers, viewers and readers with an interest in products and ideas that contribute to a healthy and cruelty free lifestyle.”


FIlm: “Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover the hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. This entertaining documentary showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who discover they can change the world one bite at a time.”


“Download our free VeGuide app, it’s everything you need to start your vegan journey….The Vegan Society is the first vegan charity in the world and for over 70 years, we have been helping people go and stay vegan. Now we have taken those decades of experience to create an easy-to-use app that will guide you through your vegan journey. “