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Found 2210 Results

Carl Sagan – Who Speaks for Earth?

“We have heard the rationales offered by the super powers. We know who speaks for the nations. But who speaks for the human species, who speaks for Earth?…Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring” – Carl Sagan

Carnivores Anonymous

“A free, psychiatrist-developed 12-Step program supporting and providing strategies to help you maintain optimum health, lose weight, reverse chronic illness and tackle food addiction while adopting a plant-based lifestyle.”

Carol J. Adams

“The heart-opening work of loving and responding with care to this fragile world and its inhabitants has shaped me as a writer and activist.”

CAS Group Wiki (complex adaptive systems)

“Welcome to the CAS Group Wiki. The CAS Group is a community for people interested in the science and theory of complex adaptive systems (CAS), and in their basic principles and applied principles. CASs are perhaps the most interesting complex systems, they are not only ‘complex’ – they are diverse and made up of multiple interconnected elements – and ‘adaptive’ – they have also the capacity to change and learn from experience. The basic element of CAS theory is the agent-based model. The logo describes the phenomenon of emergence, as it can be observed for example in swarms and flocks. Like self-organization it is a essential principle in the theory of complex adaptive systems. There are also pages about the emergence and collapse of civilizations and complex societies, the role of chaos in neural networks, self-consciousness, new forms of AI, new kinds of science, theories of everything and new forms of technology and interesting philosophical questions as well, for example if we can describe the mind as a group of interacting agents, an ecology or society of mind. How does the mind work? What is life? What is consciousness? What is evolution, and can we go beyond darwinism and extend Darwinian theory to inanimate matter, too, obtaining some kind of quantum evolution ?”

Cat Rescue Christchurch

“Cat Rescue Christchurch Charitable Trust is located in Christchurch, New Zealand, and focuses on reducing stray cat overpopulation by using the trap, neuter, return (TNR) method. Stray kittens who are under 8 weeks of age are socialised, desexed and rehomed. Cat Rescue Christchurch also promotes the desexing of companion and stray cats whom people are feeding, and the early desexing of kittens before being rehomed from any adoption facility. Cat Rescue Christchurch relies on donations from generous people to fund its work. We do not have a shelter but instead have volunteers who foster and socialise our cats and kittens in their own homes until they are ready for their forever homes.”

Catalyst Project

“Catalyst Project helps to build powerful multiracial movements that can win collective liberation. In the service of this vision, we organize, train and mentor white people to take collective action to end racism, war and empire, and to support efforts to build power in working-class communities of color.”

Catholic Peace Fellowship

“Guided by a personalist philosophy, the Catholic Peace Fellowship works for peace before, during, and after war through education, counseling, advocacy, and accompaniment.”

Cats In Need Trust

“We are an organisation that rescues cats and kittens that are unwanted, abandoned, or abused. The animals are cared for by foster carers around Auckland, where we bring them back to good health to go on to being adopted. All cats that are adopted through the Trust are spayed or neutered, wormed, vaccinated and microchipped. We are a registered charity and rely solely on public donations from fundraising and cat sponsorships. We charge an adoption fee of $130 per cat which helps to cover the costs associated with their care (some cats require additional care and can have slighty higher adoption costs).”


“Mission: Causa works to improve the lives of Latino immigrants and their families in Oregon through advocacy, coalition building, leadership development, and civic engagement. Latino immigrants and their families are the heart of Causa and inspire, implement, and champion our work. Vision: Causa envisions a world where all people have the opportunities and resources needed to thrive. We envision a community that welcomes and values the contributions, strengths, and assets of Latino immigrants and their families.”

Cedar Row

“Cedar Row has been in existence since 1999 and is one of the oldest farm sanctuaries in Ontario. Siobhan and Peter Poole run the sanctuary with help from with their two children Cicada and Patrick as well as a group of dedicated volunteers. Hundreds of animals have been rescued over the years, each just as special of the other. Prior to establishing Cedar Row, Siobhan and Pete worked with wildlife rescue and purchased the sanctuary property with intention to continue this work. Soon after purchasing the farm the Poole’s heard of many local animal rescue groups looking for homes to place rescued farm animals. Soon many animals in need made their way to Cedar Row changing a hobby to a full-time focus for the Poole family.”

Celebrating non-violent resistance in Aotearoa-New Zealand

“Pax Christi has joined a growing minority who are trying to put Parihaka and its celebration of non-violent resistance in its proper place of honour. So, as November comes around, we turn our minds again to find some way in which we can promote the memory of these two prophetic heroes who tried to integrate their own traditional spirituality with the stories of resistance in the Christian scriptures which they knew well. In doing so, they developed a practice of non-violent resistance which is part of a world-wide movement reaching into our own time. We are working to see that they are given full recognition in this their own land among other such leaders, both international and indigenous, who have sought the path of reconciliation and the non-violent resolution of conflict in the spirit of the peace of Christ.”

Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS)

“The Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS) is a non-profit, non-governmental, international network, oriented to educational work related to strategic nonviolent conflict…The core of CANVAS’s work is rather to spread the word of “people power” to the world than to achieve victories against one dictator or another. Our next big mission should obviously be to explain to the world what a powerful tool nonviolent struggle is when it comes to achieving freedom, democracy and human rights.”

Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

“The Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation seeks to reduce nuclear weapons arsenals, halt the spread of nuclear weapons, and minimize the risk of war by educating the public and policy makers.”

Center for Biological Diversity

“At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.”

Center for Biological Diversity – Publications

Publications. “At the Center for Biological Diversity, we believe that the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature — to the existence in our world of a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. Because diversity has intrinsic value, and because its loss impoverishes society, we work to secure a future for all species, great and small, hovering on the brink of extinction. We do so through science, law and creative media, with a focus on protecting the lands, waters and climate that species need to survive. We want those who come after us to inherit a world where the wild is still alive.”

Center for Building a Culture of Empathy

“The Center for Building a Culture of Empathy is a leader of the global empathy movement. Our mission is to build a movement for creating a global worldwide culture of empathy and care. We do this through a variety of means. First is by community organizing and by collecting, curating and organizing all the material we find on the internet on the topic. A current focus is on; bridging social and political divides, designing a free online empathy training course, building an academic empathy training literature wiki, and holding public activist Empathy Tent Pop-ups.”

Center for Development and the Environment

“The CED’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the rights, interests, culture and aspirations of local and indigenous communities in the forests of Central Africa, by promoting environmental justice and the sustainable management of forests and natural resources in the region. Our goals are: Reduce the ecological and social impacts of extractive industries; Contribute to the local development of indigenous communities and peoples, respecting their environment and culture; Contribute to changing forest, biodiversity and extractive industry management policies and practices, for reasons of effectiveness and the promotion of participation; Contribute to the improvement of land policies to secure the rights of communities on their lands.”

Center for Ecoliteracy

“The Center for Ecoliteracy is dedicated to cultivating education for sustainable living. We recognize that students need to experience and understand how nature sustains life and how to live accordingly. We encourage schools to teach and model sustainable practices.”

Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy

“The Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy (CEVA) aims to increase the impact of vegan advocacy worldwide. CEVA is a program of Beyond Carnism, a charitable organization dedicated to exposing and transforming carnism, the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. The production and consumption of animals is a leading cause of widespread animal and human suffering and environmental damage, and it is enabled by carnism – a global system of oppression. Veganism is the counterpoint to carnism, so increasing the power of the vegan movement is a key to ending carnism. At CEVA, we aim to empower the vegan movement by empowering advocates and organizations. Through offering on-site trainings, organizational consulting, grants to qualifying organizations, and a strategy resource center, we seek to increase the effectiveness of vegans and vegan organizations and therefore to increase the impact of the vegan movement as a whole.”

Center for Effective Vegan Advocacy – on-site trainings

“Our two-day, on-site trainings are led by Dr. Melanie Joy and Tobias Leenaert, who have over 30 years of combined experience. Our trainings aim to increase the impact of individual advocates and to provide participants with tools to increase the effectiveness of the organizations they may be affiliated with.”