Resource Library

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Found 2210 Results

Greenfleet Blog Feed

Blog. “Greenfleet is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to connecting people with real climate action. We are Australia and New Zealand’s most respected source of biodiverse carbon offsets.”

Greening Forward

“Greening Forward is a youth-driven, youth-led, and youth-imagined environmental organization. Founded in 2008 by the then 12-year-old Charles Orgbon III, Greening Forward has grown into one of the largest youth-led nonprofit organizations in the country. Through our grants, mentorships, conferences, and other programs, Greening Forward provides the support for young people to create real change for issues they are passionate about. We take the youthful energy and mindset that young people have and combine them with our tools and structure, then watch as they actually change the world. Working with thousands annually across the country, Greening Forward is paving the way for young people to learn and utilize leadership in shaping the world they want to see.”

Greening Forward – Blog

Blog. “Greening Forward establishes, engages, and empowers a diverse global green movement of people for the protection of the environment powered by young people. It is our goal to develop as many leaders as possible from a wide range of backgrounds. Our whole system is specifically designed to help those people who see room for change but don’t know how they can go about actually making a difference. With our resources and years of experience, we know exactly how to nurture an idea for change from conception all the way to completion, and we do so for as many young people as we can.” (GNR)

“ (GNR) is an independent news service that publishes original, investigative journalism and breaking news about civil liberties in the post-9/11 era.”


“Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.”

Greenpeace (Australia)

“Our mission: Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”

Greenpeace (USA)

“Our mission: Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”

“ is the world’s largest online directory of green, eco-friendly, and holistic goods and services and non-profit organizations, serving consumers since 1998. Our mission is to help consumers and green businesses connect. Our goal is to guide people through a crowded marketplace to find green, eco-friendly and healthy products and services. We help consumers, investors and businesses to harness their economic power to promote environmental sustainability. GreenPeople Directory businesses are reviewed against stringent eco-criteria, examining ingredients, supply sources, organic or other certifications, and the effect the product or service has on the environment. We weed out toxic, or ‘greenwashed’ products or services, resulting in a trusted directory of 20,000 members and growing.”

Greentech Media

“The global electricity sector is in the early stages of its most dramatic transformation in over a century. The rapid expansion of distributed energy, combined with the newfound availability of data and analytics for utilities, will reshape how the world generates, distributes and consumes power. With market research, authoritative news, and events, GTM is the leading information services provider for this next-generation electricity system.”

Greyhounds As Pets (GAP)

“Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) is a registered charity established by Greyhound Racing New Zealand to find pet homes for retired racing greyhounds. Retired greyhounds make great pets – they are intelligent, affectionate and lazy. They adapt to pet life with surprising ease, becoming a family favourite in no time. There are greyhounds coming out of racing throughout the year. The GAP adoption programme steers them through the career change and helps them find a new home as a pet. We also provide advice and support to new owners. Many owners become totally smitten with their greyhound and go on to become part of the GAP community, helping more hounds find homes and enjoying walks and social events.”

Grieving Mothers – The Dairy Industry Steals Newborn Baby Calves from their Mothers

“The dairy industry has more grieving mothers than anywhere else on earth. Bear witness to what she experiences. Milk is for baby cows not for humans.” Article includes a list of “What diary cows endure today” and “Actions you can take”.

Grow Biointensive

“Our mission is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources. What do we do? Since 1972 we and our colleagues have been researching and developing GROW BIOINTENSIVE®, a high-yielding, sustainable agricultural system that emphasizes local food production and is based historically on intensive gardening systems.”

Growing Green International magazine

“Growing Green International is the twice yearly magazine published by the Vegan Organic Network, and is free to members – it is available in printed or digital form. You can download a pdf of a recent back issue, GGI 40 (Winter/Spring 2018), which includes an interview with Wild Earth Farm & Sanctuary in the USA, and a feature on Hodmedod’s, Britain’s pulse and grain pioneers…The magazine reflects a broad range of information and opinions, covering the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of vegan organic growing. We try to feature a mixture of articles that cover practical, technical and ethical issues, as well as hints and tips, letters, photos and illustrations. Most of the articles on our articles page on growing are from this magazine. Growing Green International is now recognised and widely read by those concerned with vegan organic cultivation in many parts of the world.”

Growing Green: Animal-Free Organic Techniques

Book: “Growing Green: Animal-Free Organic Techniques is an essential guide about organic growing and is perfect for absolute beginners as well as experienced professionals. This book introduces the concept of stockfree-organic and shows, through case studies, that when growers abandon the use of slaughterhouse by-products and manures they can be rewarded with healthier crops, less weeds, pests and diseases. In an age where dreams of self-sufficiency seem unattainable, Growing Green shows that making a living from growing organic vegetables can be achieved by anyone who is willing to rent land. Until now there have been no comprehensive guidelines on how to follow the organic standards at the different scales of vegetable production using tractors, small machinery and hand tools…An invaluable guide for the grower, researcher and student; this book will prove to be an important step forward for the organic movement.”

Growing Green: Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg

Video: “Graham Cole demonstrates how you can feed your family on your allotment and garden using vegetable compost and green manures to obtain good crops of high nutritional value. No poisons or artificial fertilisers are used. This method is the kindest to the environment and all Earth’s creatures.”

Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate

Book: “For four decades, Kim Stallwood has had a front seat in the animal rights movement, starting at the grassroots in England and working his way up to leadership positions at some of the best-known organizations in the world, including Compassion In World Farming, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yet, as Stallwood reveals in this memoir of an eventful life dedicated to social justice for the voiceless, finding the truest path for progress has meant learning a lot along the way. Equal parts personal narrative, social history, and impassioned call for rethinking animal advocacy, Growl describes Stallwood’s journey from a meat-eating slaughterhouse worker to a vegan activist for all species. He explains the importance of four key values in animal rights philosophy and practice―compassion, truth, nonviolence, and justice―and how a deeper understanding of their role not only leads us to discover our humanity for animals, but also for ourselves.”

Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

“Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Want to read the papers featuring the most famous results of the sciences? You’ll need to send enormous amounts to publishers like Reed Elsevier…..With enough of us, around the world, we’ll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge – we’ll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us? “

Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating

Booklet (pdf): “Thank you for taking the time to consider the following ideas! This guide is for all thoughtful, compassionate people—from lifelong meat eaters who are just learning about factory farms, to vegetarians seeking new recipes and nutritional information, to vegans interested in more ways to help end cruelty to animals.”


“Better Data. Better Decisions. Better World. Each year, millions of people use GuideStar information to make decisions about nonprofits and the work they do. Donors explore charities and issues they want to support. Nonprofit leaders benchmark their organizations against their peers. Funders research grantees. We strive to provide the highest-quality, most complete nonprofit information available.”

Gutter Kitties

“Gutter Kitties is Auckland’s largest no-kill cat rescue, run by volunteers, and relying entirely on donations to make a difference to the lives of Auckland’s street cats. We pride ourselves in running a no-kill shelter, and dedicate our time and efforts to rescuing timid, anxious and/or undersocialised cats.”