Resource Library

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Found 2210 Results

In Communion

“In Communion is the name of the educational and publishing arm of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. Several book series, a podcast, blog, university courses, this website, and an occasional journal are among the many initiatives of In Communion. Our mission is to promote the fullness of the faith through research and education.”

In Context

“Context Institute’s award-winning journal, IN CONTEXT, A Quarterly of Humane Sustainable Culture. While In Context is no longer in print, all of its articles are available here in this section of the website…Our fabric included environmental and social concerns, but we weren’t simply activists. There were always spiritual threads, but they were worn lightly and we just didn’t fit in the New Age box. Many of the articles had scholarly sophistication, but we weren’t an intellectual publication…So I invite you to explore the over 900 articles from In Context here on this website. You might find it helpful to start with the summary listing of all 43 issues with brief descriptions and cover photos. I hope you will be nourished by what you find.”

In Defense of Animals

“With your help, In Defense of Animals has become an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 valued supporters and a 30-year history of protecting animals, people and the environment. We accomplish our mission through education, campaigns, sanctuaries and hands-on animal rescuers in India, Korea, and rural Mississippi. Our main headquarters are established in San Rafael, California.”

In Defense of Animals – News & Alerts

News & Alerts “In Defense of Animals has become an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 valued supporters and a 30-year history of protecting animals, people and the environment. We accomplish our mission through education, campaigns, sanctuaries and hands-on animal rescuers in India, Korea, and rural Mississippi. “

In Search of Balance: Discovering Harmony in a Changing World

Book: “Offers brief meditations on remorse, guilt, inner callings, self-judgment, discontent, the fear of failure, risk, anger, illness, loneliness, sexuality, harmony, prayer, and balance”

In the Tiger’s Mouth: An Empowerment Guide for Social Action

Book: “Katrina Shields guides you through the big issues that show up in activism: how to avoid burn-out, network, create stable groups, as well as how to approach listeners with bad news that they may not want to hear. The guide includes exercises that encourage discovery and growth, both for individuals and groups.”

In These Times

“In These Times, an independent, nonprofit magazine, is dedicated to advancing democracy and economic justice, informing movements for a more humane world, and providing an accessible forum for debate about the policies that shape our future.”

In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times (2012)

“This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up community power stations. Transition is an idea that has gone viral, a social experiment that is about responding to uncertain times with solutions and optimism. In a world of increasing uncertainty, here is a story of hope, ingenuity and the power of growing vegetables in unexpected places. It features the following subtitles, all of which have been done by volunteers in their respective countries: Albanian, Croatian, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.”

Inciting Democracy

Book: “Inciting Democracy offers a vision of what a good society might look like and explores how we can overcome five key obstacles to creating such a society. It offers a practical way to develop a large, decentralized education and support program (the Vernal Education Project) that would bolster grassroots movements so that people of goodwill can democratically and nonviolently transform society.”

Independent Media Center

“The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media’s distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity.”

Independent Media Institute

“The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. We work with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels. For more than three decades, the Independent Media Institute has served the public through the creation and distribution of content about political and social issues. In 1998, IMI founded AlterNet, an award-winning news website that published original reporting by independent investigative journalists, syndicated a broad range of partner publications and reached diverse audiences for more than 20 years, reaching a peak of an average of 6.5 million unique monthly visitors in 2016, and publishing 1,000 articles a month. “

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition

“The Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC) is a coalition of environmental, health and public policy organizations, founded in 2001 to address the vulnerability of the nuclear reactors at Indian Point. Over 20 million people live within 50 miles of the plant. Our concerns include both existing radiation releases and potential additional releases from either human error, aging infrastructure or terrorism, and the flawed, unfixable evacuation plan. Our grassroots efforts have enlisted the support of hundreds of local, state and federal officials.”

Indigenous Environmental Network

“IEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law”

Indraloka – Animal Sanctuary

“Indraloka provides “heaven on earth” for farm animals that have nowhere else to turn. We inform, inspire, and empower the community, especially children, on ways in which we can better care for ourselves and the environment while helping animals in need. We advocate for a kind and compassionate diet that protects animals, the earth, and our own health.”

Inequality For All (2013)

“A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, INEQUALITY FOR ALL features Robert Reich—professor, best-selling author, and Clinton cabinet member—as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate portrait of a man who’s overcome a great deal of personal adversity and whose lifelong goal remains protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the American workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the economy, Reich uses humor and a wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic inequality affects each and every one of us.”

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Book: “Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say “yes”—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book. You’ll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.”

Influencer : The Power to Change Anything

Book: “Whether you’re a CEO, a parent, or merely a person who wants to make a difference, you probably wish you had more influence with the people in your life. “Influencer” a thought-provoking book that combines the remarkable insights of behavioral scientists and business leaders with the astonishing stories of high-powered influencers from all walks of life.”

Infographics – Physicians Committe for Responsible Medicine

Infographics on ‘Nutrition and Preventive Medicine’ & ‘Ethical Research and Education’

Information Clearing House

“Information Clearing House is one of the webs only truly independent sources of news and opinion. “

Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective (2015)

Film: “Humanity is more than ever threatened by its own actions; we hear a lot about the need to minimize footprints and to reduce our impact. But what if our footprints were beneficial? What if we could meet human needs while increasing the health and well-being of our planet? This is the premise behind permaculture: a design process based on the replication of patterns found in nature. INHABIT explores the many environmental issues facing us today and examines solutions that are being applied using the ecological design lens of permaculture. Focused mostly on the Northeastern and Midwestern regions of the United States, Inhabit provides an intimate look at permaculture peoples and practices ranging from rural, suburban, and urban landscapes. Includes subtitles in English, German, Spanish, Italian and French.”