Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1620 Results

Energy Star

“Happy ENERGY STAR Day! It’s time to celebrate the benefits of energy efficiency with ENERGY STAR. By choosing products that have earned the ENERGY STAR, you’ll be saving today, tomorrow and for good. Look for the ENERGY STAR label and start your savings now! Check out our Best Value Finder tool for the lowest prices on ENERGY STAR certified products. Also, see offers from our participating utility, manufacturer and retailer partners. Together, we can make a difference for the environment while saving energy for good.”

Energy Transition

“This website highlights how energy transitions around the world are moving forward. It shows how they work, and what challenges lie ahead. The e-book on Germany’s Energiewende explains the country’s politics and policies, often regarded as the front runner in the global energy transition.”


“With the increasingly evident reality of global climate change, there is an imperative to change the ways in which we create and use energy, in all its different forms and applications. Many human activities have an impact on our planet’s biosphere. The majority view of scientists around the world is that greenhouse gas emissions have to be brought under control. With atmospheric carbon dioxide at the highest level ever, we need to take urgent action. The former Howard Government proposed nuclear power as a solution to global warming and proponents continue to advance that proposition. The Briefing Papers available on this website discuss key issues in the debate around the suitability of nuclear power for Australia’s electricity needs, and the problems that surround this technology.”

energyscience – The Briefing Papers

“The contributors to have authored a range of briefing papers to inform and encourage debate about sustainable energy choices and the need for change.”


“Enformable is focused on providing critical information about energy related topics for readers around the world. The functional goal of the project is to provide a user-friendly public resource, complete with database of supporting research materials and data. Enformable supports researchers and experts in the fields of alternative energy production, and provides valuable research and nuclear news to readers from around the world. This support includes coordinating with leading experts to provide an available medium for sharing critical information with an international reader-base. Our writers focus on the world-wide issues, and issues in your back yard, providing critical research and expert opinion on new regulations, safety procedures and equipment, and financial cost analysis to better prepare nations for a “nuclear” decision.”

Engines of Domination – Director’s Cut (2018)

Film: “Political power—armed central authority, with states and war—is it part of human nature? Is it necessary for human community? Or is it a tool that ruling elites use to live at the community’s expense? A tool that does violence to human nature and the world? Engines of Domination offers a theory of political power as a tool for making tools of human beings—an engine that converts human energy into authority and privilege for the rulers. Invented in the Bronze Age, brilliantly refined for six thousand years, today the engine has caused a human emergency that threatens to destroy our world. This documentary makes a powerful argument that there is only one hope for saving the future. Armed central authority must be abolished, creating a world of cooperative peaceful communities—in other words, an argument for anarchism.”


“EnviroLink is a non-profit organization… a grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in almost every country in the world. EnviroLink is dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news.”

EnviroLink Forum

Online forum to discuss environmental issues, animal concerns issues and an open forum.

Environment America

“Through Environment America, you protect the places we love and promote core environmental values, such as clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean energy to power our lives. With 29 state affiliates* and members and supporters in every state, together we focus on timely, targeted action that wins tangible improvements in the quality of our environment and our lives.”

Environmental Education Fund

“The mission of EEF is to promote eco-literacy and stewardship of the environment by encouraging and helping individuals, communities, schools, religious and other organizations plan and hold engaging programs using film and multimedia events. EEF believes in the power of cinema as a vehicle for information on environmental reality and inspiration for action and hope of change. We have developed relationships with some of the most influential Environmental filmmakers in the country and continue to explore the entire arena of environmental films for the EEF roster. “

Environmental Footprint Calculator (Vegan)

“Use the calculator below to see the impact you will have on the planet if you decide to go vegan. And if you are vegan, you can use the calculator to see what kind of impact you are already having. Please share this calculator with your friends and show them that the devastation of our planet – the oceans, the air, the rainforests – is very real. This is not solely about how much we care about animals, it is also about how much we care about the planet that supports our existence and provides the air that our children and their children will breathe.”

Environmental Justice Aotearo

“We work and speak for communities and creatures bearing the cost of poor environmental decision-making. We aim to be New Zealand’s centre of environmental and ecological justice expertise….Mission statement: First, to expose environmental and ecological injustice. Second, to confront privilege and power structures that are or have been unjust. Third, to ensure the life force (mauri) of the environment, and all creatures whose home is that environment, are protected in their own right. Fourth, to restore kaitiakitanga, and strive for meaningful involvement of all people in listening and speaking for their place.”

Environmental Justice Aotearoa – Blog

“We work and speak for communities and creatures bearing the cost of poor environmental decision-making. We aim to be New Zealand’s centre of environmental and ecological justice expertise.”

Environmental Science

“ is the ultimate guide to everything you need to know about starting your career as an Environmental Scientist. We offer information on all aspects of becoming and working as an Environmental Scientist.”

Environmental Science Degree Guide

“Find and compare online environmental science degrees and get started in the renewable resources sector to help sustain and preserve our planet for the future. Environmental Science Degree .org strives to be the most comprehensive resource for environmental science degrees on the web, with program reviews for all undergraduate and graduate degree levels, plus a career guide covering all program areas of environmental science.”

Environmental Working Group

“The Environmental Working Group’s mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, we drive consumer choice and civic action. We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. “


“EnviroVideo produces environmental and social justice programs for television – including interview and news shows, specials, and documentaries. The underlying premise of EnviroVideo is that there are critical environmental issues at hand that can best be communicated to large numbers of people through the media most favored for news and information – television and now on-line. When there is broad public awareness, pressing environmental matters can be dealt with and action taken to truly resolve them. Our goal is to provide information people can use to make informed decisions and take positive action to create a sustainable future.”

EnviroVideo – Index of Programs

Index of programs “EnviroVideo produces environmental and social justice programs for television – including interview and news shows, specials, and documentaries. The underlying premise of EnviroVideo is that there are critical environmental issues at hand that can best be communicated to large numbers of people through the media most favored for news and information – television and now on-line. When there is broad public awareness, pressing environmental matters can be dealt with and action taken to truly resolve them. Our goal is to provide information people can use to make informed decisions and take positive action to create a sustainable future.”

Episcopal Peace Fellowship

“The Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF) is a national organization connecting all who seek a deliberate response to injustice and violence and want to pray, study and take action for justice and peace in our communities, our church, and the world. We are called to do justice, dismantle violence, and strive to be peacemakers. Become a peacemaker.”

Essays on Reducing Suffering

“This site contains writings on the topic of reducing suffering, including the suffering of non-human animals and far-future beings. Most content is by Brian Tomasik, though a few pieces are written by others.”