
Description:  “We work and speak for communities and creatures bearing the cost of poor environmental decision-making. We aim to be New Zealand’s centre of environmental and ecological justice expertise….Mission statement: First, to expose environmental and ecological injustice. Second, to confront privilege and power structures that are or have been unjust. Third, to ensure the life force (mauri) of the environment, and all creatures whose home is that environment, are protected in their own right. Fourth, to restore kaitiakitanga, and strive for meaningful involvement of all people in listening and speaking for their place.”


Resource Type(s):  Full Website, Blog/News Feed

Location:  (Universal) New Zealand

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Wilderness Restoration, Political Campaigning

Harmful Practices Critiqued:  Animal Farming, Social Inequality, Corp. Finance/Banking