Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1617 Results


Film: “Lucent is a feature-length documentary which explores the darker side of Australia’s pig farming industry through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice. Lucent is the result of a successful crowdfunding campaign initiated in late 2013. Narrated by Lindsay McDougall (The Doctor from Triple J), the film contains footage from over 50 farms and slaughterhouses across Australia – much of this footage has never been seen before.”

M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

“The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a nonprofit that equips people to use nonviolence to create a sustainable and just world for all. The Gandhi Institute collaborates with local organizations, academic institutions, students, and committed peacemakers in the following areas: nonviolence education, sustainability and environmental conservation, and the promotion of racial justice. We prioritize programming for people between the ages of 12 and 24 as well as those who serve those age groups. The Institute continuously offers groups and individuals training in skills such as Nonviolent Communication, meditation, and experiential interconnectedness, and fosters responses to systemic violence in the Rochester area through projects focused on urban agriculture, racial healing work, and restorative approaches to conflict.”

M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence – Workshops & Trainings

“In addition to public offerings, the Gandhi Institute offers learning experiences to groups of all kinds on a donation basis. We adjust the length and content of our offerings to best serve the groups with whom we work. Furthermore, we offer training to high school and university student groups and community groups. Gandhi staff members are available to offer the following workshops designed to build critical skills. The cost of workshops are negotiated by the coordinators, but all contributions benefit the work of the Gandhi Institute.”

Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat

Book: “When former cattle rancher Howard Lyman appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996 to share his insider view of the danger of Mad Cow Disease spreading to this country, his revelations about the beef industry prompted a group of Texas cattlemen to file a lawsuit charging Lyman and the talk show host with “food disparagement.” That wasn’t enough to silence Howard Lyman, and in this stirring account of his journey from meat-loving cowboy to vegetarian environmental activist, he tells the whole truth about the catastrophic consequences of an animal-based diet…Persuasive, straightforward, and full of the down-home good humor and optimism of a son of the soil, Mad Cowboy is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet — for the good of the planet and the health of us all.”

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Inc.

“The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Incorporated, was founded in the United States of America in 1959 by Swami Premananda. The purpose of the Foundation is to disseminate and represent the philosophy, ideal, life, service and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi as well as the cultural heritage of India. The Foundation is a legally independent, nonprofit cultural and educational organization.”

Mahatma: Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948

“This is a film which seeks to tell the life-story of Gandhi the Man and his incessant search for Truth. In this world so full of hatred and violence, this man of peace and goodwill fought all evil and injustice with Soul-Force. He stands out as a challenge giving the message of truth and non-violence, of love supreme and unbounded. He is the Mahatma – the Great Soul – the name given to him by the people of India. Gandhi has left an indelible mark on human history. His thought is ever relevant for all those who aspire for a better and fuller life. The Gandhi National Memorial Trust has made a humble attempt to perpetuate Gandhi’s memory by presenting the first complete biographical documentary film of his life which, in a large measure, reflects the history of India’s struggle for freedom.”

Main Street Vegan

“I’m Victoria Moran, and I’ve been vegan for over three decades. This way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and I’d love to share its joys with you. Check out the Main Street Vegan podcast, our weekly blog, and — if you’re a vegan already and want to take your outreach to the next level — the exciting Main Street Vegan Academy program, training and certifying Vegan Lifestyle Coaches and Educators.”

Main Street Vegan – Victoria Moran

“A lively hour devoted to your health, well-being, and living lightly and lovingly on planet Earth. Host Victoria Moran entertains with the latest on the vegan life—it’s not just for celebrities but for anyone who wants to look and feel amazing, eat extraordinary food, help animals, and create a physical body attuned to spiritual growth.”

Main Street Vegan blog

Blog. “Welcome to the healthy, compassionate world of Main Street Vegan! I’m Victoria Moran, and I’ve been vegan for over three decades. This way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and I’d love to share its joys with you.”

Make Fur History

“The tide is turning against the practice of fur production within Europe as concerns about animal welfare and the ethics of fur continue to grow. Consequently, various countries in Europe have already prohibited fur farming (the United Kingdom, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, the Republic of Macedonia) and/or are presently phasing-out fur farming (the Netherlands, Czechia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Norway), but further measures are needed.”

Maple Farm Sanctuary

“Maple Farm Sanctuary is an animal sanctuary providing lifelong homes for abused, abandoned and unwanted farmed animals while promoting veganism and respect for all life through public information. Maple Farm Sanctuary has taken in a fraction of the billions of farmed animals that are bought, sold, tormented and slaughtered by the meat, dairy and fur industries. At Maple Farm Sanctuary, we strive to treat both humans and non-humans as individuals who are worthy of compassion and respect, where we pursue a vegan diet and a non-violent lifestyle and where our stewardship of these 120 acres of beautiful Massachusetts farmland and wildlife habitat is a sacred trust. We ourselves once raised and sent to slaughter animals as a means of making a living. As a result of a profound change of consciousness, we now choose to see the world and animals in a very different light. We have dedicated our lives to completing our transformation from animal farmers to animal rescuers and caretakers, and to sharing what we have discovered along the way with as many people as possible.”

Mapping veganic farms in the United States

“Veganic farms can be found across the country, but until today, finding them required detective work. Thanks to the work of Professor Mona Seymour at Loyola Marymount University, we are excited to share a map of self-identified veganic, vegan organic, and stockfree organic farms in the United States. The map also includes farms that identify with a method that is veganic in its nature. For the purposes of this mapping project, veganic is defined as growing organically and without inputs from farmed (or formerly farmed) animals. All farms listed here have commercial, charity, educational, or research components (on top of any subsistence function that the farm may have) – they are farms that bring veganic produce or knowledge to a broader community. These farms grow vegetables, fruits, grains, and other food items; the map does not include marijuana farms. Some of the farms on this map are not entirely veganic but might be featured because they exclusively use veganic methods on some of their fields. Click on the dots for details about each farm.”

Marti Kheel

“Marti Kheel was a prominent writer and activist in the areas of ecofeminism, animal advocacy, and environmental ethics and author of the recently published Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective. Her articles have been widely published in journals and anthologies both within the United States and abroad.”

Martin Luther King Jr. Resources

“Martin Luther King Jr. Resources”

Martin Luther King, Jr., on Leadership: Inspiration and Wisdom for Challenging Times

Book: “Using the Civil Rights struggle as his historical perspective, the author has created a detailed and absorbing chronicle of Martin Luther King’s leadership during the most tumultuous period in America’s recent past.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Life

Book: “Marshall Frady, the reporter who became the unofficial chronicler of the civil rights movement, here re-creates the life and turbulent times of its inspirational leader. Deftly interweaving the story of King’s quest with a history of the African American struggle for equality, Frady offers fascinating insights into his subject’s magnetic character, with its mixture of piety and ambition. He explores the complexities of King’s relationships with other civil rights leaders, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover, who conducted a relentless vendetta against him. The result is a biography that conveys not just the facts of King’s life but the power of his legacy.”

Matrix Exercise

“This exercise helps a group match tactics (specific actions) and the objectives to reach the campaign’s goals. This exercise is helpful when a group has not fully decided on action plans.” (2 page pdf)

Maximum Tolerated Dose

“Maximum Tolerated Dose is the first feature-length documentary by Decipher Films. Equal parts found-footage mash-up, verité investigation, and artful meditation, the film charts the lives of both humans and non-humans who have experienced animal testing first-hand, with hauntingly honest testimony of scientists and lab technicians whose ethics demanded they choose a different path, as well as the simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of animals who have seen both sides of the cage. MTD aims to re-ignite the debate about animal testing by bringing these rarely-heard perspectives to the fore.”

May All Be Fed: ‘a Diet For A New World : Including Recipes By Jia Patton And Friends

Book: “The author of Diet for a New America shows how we can significantly improve ourselves and the world by changing the way we eat. May All Be Fed explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little, and it shows how everyone can make a difference by altering food choices.”

Mayors for Peace

“The purposes of the “Mayors for Peace” are to contribute to the attainment of lasting world peace by arousing concern among citizens of the world for the total abolition of nuclear weapons through close solidarity among member cities as well as by striving to solve vital problems for the human race such as starvation and poverty, the plight of refugees, human rights abuses, and environmental degradation.”