Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
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Found 2072 Results

Resources for Children

Resources on class for children.

resources for organizers

“A list of tools and resources for change agents.”

Responsible Wealth

“We are a network of business leaders, investors, and inheritors in the richest 5% of wealth and/or income in the U.S. that believes that growing inequality is not in our best interest, nor in the best interest of society. As beneficiaries of economic policies tilted in their favor, we feel a responsibility to join with others in examining and changing the corporate and government policies that widen the economic gap. As wealthy and upper-income individuals, we speak out — in Congress, in the media, and in corporate boardrooms — for progressive taxes and greater corporate accountability. Responsible Wealth is a project of United for a Fair Economy — an organization that supports workers organizing and advocating for policies that make our economy more fair and equitable. Responsible Wealth and United for a Fair Economy make a powerful partnership — one that challenges decision makers and politicians to act in the best interests of the people our economy is supposed to serve. By becoming a member of the Responsible Wealth Project, you are able to use your unique voice to support a variety of progressive groups working on many economic, racial, and social justice issues.”

Restorative Justice Library

An extensive library of resources on restorative justice. “Mission: To develop and promote restorative justice in criminal justice systems around the world.”

Rethinking Madness

A book and website critiquing the harms of mainstream mental health treatment and promoting humanistic strategies for supporting people going through mental health crisis.


“We engage and empower the public through investigative journalism and groundbreaking storytelling that sparks action, improves lives and protects our democracy. Founded in 1977 as the nation’s first nonprofit investigative journalism organization, The Center for Investigative Reporting has developed a reputation for being among the most innovative, credible and relevant media organizations in the country. Reveal – our website, public radio program, podcast and social media platform – is where we publish our multiplatform work.”

Reveille for Radicals

Book: “Legendary community organizer Saul Alinsky inspired a generation of activists and politicians with Reveille for Radicals, the original handbook for social change. Alinsky writes both practically and philosophically, never wavering from his belief that the American dream can only be achieved by an active democratic citizenship. First published in 1946 and updated in 1969 with a new introduction and afterword, this classic volume is a bold call to action that still resonates today.”

Reweaving Our Human Fabric: Working Together to Create a Nonviolent Future

“Imagine: A future world in which we all value people and life and participate in a flow of generosity. A world where sharing our gifts and the mundane tasks of life are both done with wholehearted willingness, free of coercion. A world where attending to everyone’s needs is the organizing principle. Miki Kashtan weaves together vivid social science fiction stories that bring that world to life with compelling nonfiction about how to get there.”

Rewild your heart – undomesticate your life

“Hi! My name is Ren Hurst. I’m an author, social entrepreneur, and spiritual activist that is rewilding hearts and undomesticating lives through interspecies relationships. As a former professional horse trainer, I spent nearly two decades mastering how to modify the behavior of others to suit my own needs. All that changed when I stumbled upon a radically different approach, whose philosophy I combined with other areas of my own experience/education to reach far beyond horsemanship. Today, my life is dedicated to speaking up for animals and teaching people what I’ve learned from choosing love over exploitation. “

Rewild your Heart. Undomesticate your Life.

“Are you ready to rewild your heart so you can undomesticate your life? The wild in you hears the calling of your soul. It is your true nature and most authentic self. For far too long we have lived domesticated lives perpetuated by our domestication of others. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from the wisdom of the wild. I’m here to help you restore the connection to your soul’s guidance through a body of work I call Sanctuary13; a set of 13 practically applied principles that can undomesticate your life and empower you to be the person you were meant to be. Our animal kin have a lot to teach us about the true power and unconditional nature of love. Using Sanctuary13, I guide people in revolutionizing their relationships with animals, removing obstacles that are likely keeping them from leading a truly fulfilling and inspired life. The animals, of course, benefit tremendously as well.”

Rhode Island Vegan Awareness

“Rhode Island Vegan Awareness is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advocating veganism for a more peaceful and just world for all life. “

Right Sharing of World Resources

“Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of God’s love by working for equity through partnerships around the world. RSWR gives grants to groups of marginalized women in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and India to fund individual micro-enterprise projects. Right Sharing’s work is grounded in a sense of stewardship for the world’s material, human, and spiritual resources.”

Rising Tide

“Rising Tide is an international, all-volunteer, grassroots network of groups and individuals who organize locally, promote community-based solutions to the climate crisis and take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change. Rising Tide was born out of the conviction that corporate-friendly “solutions” to climate change will not save us and that most government efforts are half-measures at best. We organize through decentralized local groups that support one another with shared resources, ideas, fundraising, training and collaborations. Our activities include grassroots community organizing, publishing educational materials, organizing creative direct actions and protests, and holding public education events in order to further the struggle for climate justice.”

Rising Tide – Climate Action Tour

“Resource Pack and Tour Documentation for Trainers and Facilitators” 38 page pdf

Rising Tide North America – Training Resources

“Below is a list of trainings and resources that we’ve been drawing from and using for many years. There are plenty more training and resources out there, but think of this as a list for getting ideas for your work. We drew pretty heavily upon the Midnight Special Law Collective’s resources as well as those of the ubiquitous Lisa Fithian. Both have contributed greatly to our work.” Categories: “Know Your Rights, Direct Action, Tactics Resources, Facilitation Resources, Some Anti-Oppression Resources, Other Trainings, Websites loaded with resources for organizers and trainers “

Rising Tide North America Trainers’ Network

“The Rising Tide North America Trainers’ Network functions as an all-volunteer grassroots network of trainers, working to further the climate justice movement through sharing skills, building leadership and expanding capacity of local groups. We seek to support local organizations and groups that are engaged in struggles for justice of all kinds.”

River Network

“River Network empowers and unites people and communities to protect and restore rivers and other waters that sustain all life. We envision a future with clean and ample water for people and nature, where local caretakers are well-equipped, effective and courageous champions for our rivers. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, clean water “

Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes

Book: “Katya Andresen, a veteran marketer and nonprofit professional, demystifies winning marketing campaigns by reducing them to ten essential rules and provides entertaining examples and simple steps for applying the rules ethically and effectively to good causes of all kinds. The Robin Hood rules steal from the winning formulas for selling socks, cigarettes, and even mattresses, with good advice for appealing to your audiences’ values, not your own; developing a strong, competitive stance; and injecting into every message four key elements that compel people to take notice. Andresen, who is also a former journalist, also reveals the best route to courting her former colleagues in the media and getting your message into their reporting.”

Rocky Mountain Institute

“Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)’s mission is to transform global energy use to create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future.”