Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
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Found 1997 Results

Earth Policy Institute

Resources and data available. “EPI’s goals were (1) to provide a global plan (Plan B) for moving the world onto an environmentally and economically sustainable path, (2) to provide examples demonstrating how the plan would work, and (3) to keep the media, policymakers, academics, environmentalists, and other decision-makers focused on the process of building a Plan B economy….Plan B is a comprehensive plan for reversing the trends that are fast undermining our future. Its four overriding goals are stabilizing climate, stabilizing population, eradicating poverty, and restoring the earth’s damaged ecosystems.”

Earth Times

“The Earth Times aims to provide you with current environmental news coverage and green blogs to give you the background information needed to better understand what can sometimes be enormously complicated and controversial environmental issues. Our encyclopaedia or guide to environmental issues and to some extent environmental concerns, is a relatively new addition to the site that we hope will give you the knowledge to understand these global environmental issues in the rapidly changing world around you. Written to be understandable, without the need to hold a degree in climate change science on the effects of global warming, biology or ecology, The Earth Times Encyclopaedia tries to make sense of these environmental problems, conservation topics and environmental issues that more and more people are becoming engaged and familiar with as they try to make a difference to our planet. From untangling climate change to helping you find an environmental organization you can be happy supporting we do hope you find The Earth Times Encyclopaedia on environmental issues a useful resource to highlight environmental sustainability for a greener life.”

Earth Voice Food Choice

“Vision • To demonstrate to Americans how a plant-based diet is a simple and workable solution to many of the health, environmental and economic problems in the United States. • To encourage parents and school food services to serve more whole, organic plant foods in their homes and cafeterias. • To inspire young people to eat more organically grown, whole plant foods, and to realize their power as consumers.”

Earth | Food | Life

“Edited by Reynard Loki, Earth | Food | Life explores the critical and often interconnected issues facing the climate/environment, food/agriculture and animal/nature rights, and champions action; specifically, how responsible citizens, voters and consumers can help put society on an ethical path of sustainability that respects the rights of all species who call this planet home. Earth | Food | Life emphasizes the idea that everything is connected, so every decision matters.”

News about our planet: Headlines, Environment, Science, Lifestyle, Animals, Plants. Videos and Earthpedia

Earthcare Education Aotearoa

“Empowering sustainable culture through ecological systems design and education”

Earthcare Education Aotearoa (Facebook page)

“Enlivening Community through Permaculture and Deep Ecology. A non-profit trust dedicated to the ethics and principles of sustainability and Permaculture….Our mission (kaupapa) is: * Recreating Right Relationship with ALL Communities – respecting ALL life as sacred. * Facilitating sustainable human settlements, where culture embraces nature. * Restoring ecosystems whilst establishing food security.”


Events, classes and courses on Religious Diversity.

Earthlife Africa

“Earthlife Africa is a non-profit organisation, founded in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1988, that seeks a better life for all people without exploiting other people or degrading their environment. We want to encourage and support individuals, businesses and industries to reduce pollution, minimise waste and protect our natural resources.”


Film: “EARTHLINGS is a 2005 American documentary film about humankind’s total dependence on animals for economic purposes. Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson.”


“EarthSave International is a California non-profit agency committed to serving individuals and families in need. Through our Meals For Health program, EarthSave drastically improves the health of underserved populations. Hunger and obesity are often flip sides of the same malnutrition coin. Both hunger and obesity can be symptoms of poverty. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel diseases, arthritis and a host of other degenerative conditions are rampant in communities experiencing food insecurity. Being poor and having serious health problems create nearly insurmountable obstacles to success. The central health problem plaguing the underprivileged is the same one plaguing much of the modern world: it’s the food.”

EarthSave – Environment

Resources on climate change, factory farms, food choices, vegetarianism and more.

EarthSave – Resources

Resources on: veganism, vegetarianism, health, animal farming, obesity, diseases, diet, climate change, genetically engineered food and more.

EarthSave- Health

Resources on health, obesity, diseases, diet and more.

EarthSave- Lifestyle

Resources on veganism, health, animal farming, recipes and more.

East Point Peace Academy

“The East Point Peace Academy is an organization dedicated to bringing about a culture of peace through training, education and the practice of Nonviolence and Conflict Reconciliation. We are grounded in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, and work with incarcerated populations, youth, activists and community leaders working to bring about the Beloved Community. We come from the traditions of the Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, the leaders of whom trained for a full year before engaging in direct action, and Gandhi and his 78 followers who went through a 15-year process of training and self purification before embarking on the Salt March. We believe that in order for us to create a peaceful world, we need to invest as much into peace as the military invests into war. Investments not only in money, but in time, commitment, strategy, unity and training. Through training and education, East Point transforms the hearts and minds of individuals, connecting them to a broader history of nonviolent social change movements, and inspiring them to become advocates for transforming the policies, cultures and value systems of their communities.”

East Point Peace Academy – Youtube channel

Videos: -Recommended videos on nonviolence, -Dr. King’s speeches, sermons & interviews, -Dr. LaFayette’s speeches & presentation, -Kingian nonviolence, -East Point Peace Academy.

Eastern Environmental Law Center

“The Eastern Environmental Law Center (EELC) advocates on behalf of organizations and community groups to resolve environmental problems that threaten people, natural resources, and communities throughout New Jersey and the surrounding region. EELC represents national, state, and local citizen groups that generally cannot otherwise afford such assistance. EELC’s representation includes general client counseling to our 35+ clients and advocacy to promote effective environmental and land use regulations, to restore, maintain, and enhance the quality of water bodies, to protect communities from disparate impacts, and to promote sustainable development and clean energy. Based on the needs and requests of our client base and our view of the critical issues facing the State and region, EELC’s work emphasizes protection and preservation of open space, air quality, and water quality, with an emphasis on statewide issues as well as those issues affecting the Highlands and Pinelands regions, and selection of appropriate energy sources and technologies to meet demand and lessen environmental impacts. EELC will also continue to advocate on behalf of environmental justice communities, such as Newark, with respect to polluted sites, open space, and climate change.”

Easy beginner vegan shopping list (printable with helpful tips)

“This Easy Beginner Vegan Shopping List will show you a plethora of options and make shopping a breeze! I’ll also give you some pointers along the way that should be helpful for beginners and experienced vegans alike.”

Eat Here: Reclaiming Homegrown Pleasures in a Global Supermarket

Book: “Eating locally is a growing movement that is good for your health―but even better for the planet. Everyone everywhere depends increasingly on long-distance food. Since 1961 the tonnage of food shipped between nations has grown fourfold. In the United States, food typically travels between 1,500 and 2,500 miles from farm to plate―as much as 25 percent farther than in 1980. For some, the long-distance food system offers unparalleled choice. But it often runs roughshod over local cuisines, varieties, and agriculture, while consuming staggering amounts of fuel, generating greenhouse gases, eroding the pleasures of face-to-face interactions, and compromising food security. Fortunately, the long-distance food habit is beginning to weaken under the influence of a young, but surging, local-foods movement. From peanut-butter makers in Zimbabwe to pork producers in Germany and rooftop gardeners in Vancouver, entrepreneurial farmers, start-up food businesses, restaurants, supermarkets, and concerned consumers are propelling a revolution that can help restore rural areas, enrich poor nations, and return fresh, delicious, and wholesome food to cities.”