Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
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Found 1997 Results

Stop Force Feeding .com

Opposing the force feeding of ducks and geese to produce foie gras.

Stop Nuclear Power Network

“We are a UK-based non-hierarchical grassroots network of groups and individuals campaigning and taking nonviolent action against nuclear power and its expansion and supporting sustainable alternatives, so we can leave a nuclear-free, safe and healthy environment for future generations.”

Stories of the Great Turning

“This book tells stories of how ordinary people in their everyday lives have responded to the challenges of living more sustainably. In these difficult times, we need stories that engage, enchant and inspire. Most of all, we need stories of practical changes, of community action, of changing hearts and minds. This is a book that takes the question, “What can I do?” and sets out to find some answers using one of our species’ most vital skills: the ability to tell stories in which to spread knowledge, ideas, inspiration and hope. Read about the transformation of wasteland and the installation of water power, stories about reducing consumption and creating sustainable business, stories from people changing how they live their lives and the inner transformations this demands. “

Storm Clouds Gathering

“The Storm Clouds Gathering project was created, and is primarily maintained by Aaron Hawkins. Aaron was born in the United States, but relinquished U.S. citizenship upon acquiring French nationality in 2015. He has lived in the Commonwealth of Dominica since 2012, where he manages an off-grid farm in the mountains. An antiwar activist since the first Iraq war, Aaron launched the Storm Clouds Gathering project in 2010 in an effort to counter corporate and government propaganda, and expose the dirty underbelly of U.S. foreign policy.”

Strategic Action for Animals: A Handbook on Strategic Movement Building, Organizing, and Activism for Animal Liberation

Book: “The animal liberation movement is growing in size and strength, but so are the industries that exploit animals. These industries have vastly more resources at their disposal than activists do. Given this tremendous power differential, how can activists hope to compete? The good news is that there is a way to shift the balance of power in favor of the movement. And strategy is the way. In Strategic Action for Animals, Melanie Joy explains how to use strategy to exponentially increase the effectiveness of activism for animals. Drawing on diverse movements and sources, she offers tried and true tactics based on well-established principles and practices. She also explains how to address the most common problems that weaken the movement, such as dissidence among organizations and activists, inefficient campaigns, wasted resources, and high rates of burnout. Whether you are working alone or with a group, whether you are a seasoned activist or new to the movement, Strategic Action for Animals, can help you make the most of your efforts to make the world a better place for animals.”

Strategic Culture Foundation

“Strategic Culture Foundation provides a platform for exclusive analysis, research and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs. We are covering political, economic, social and security issues worldwide. Since 2005 our journal has published thousands of analytical briefs and commentaries with the unique perspective of independent contributors. SCF works to broaden and diversify expert discussion by focusing on hidden aspects of international politics and unconventional thinking. Benefiting from the expanding power of the Internet, we work to spread reliable information, critical thought and progressive ideas. You are warmly encouraged to join our Facebook, Twitter accounts, take part in conversations, think, doubt, argue and perfect. Welcome to Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal.”

Strategy & Soul

Book: “Strategy and soul: a campaigner’s tale of fighting billionaires, corrupt officials, and philadelphia casinos. When Daniel Hunter and Jethro Heiko began planning at a kitchen table, they knew that their movement would be outspent by hundreds of millions of dollars. They were up against powerful elected officials, private investigators, hired thugs, and the state supreme court. Even before they started, newspapers concluded the movement had no chance. This riveting David versus Goliath story is a rare first-person narrative, giving unparalled access to the behind-the-scenes of campaigns: the fervent worrying in late-night meetings, yelling matches behind church benches, and last-minute action planning outside judges’ chambers. It’s in the heat of these moments that the nuances of strategy come to life, showing what it takes to overpower billionaires for a cause you believe in. Written by an experienced and unusually self-reflective direct action organizer, this book might be the most enjoyable way you’ve ever empowered yourself to change the world.”

Strategy & Soul: a campaigner’s tale of fighting billionaires, corrupt officials, and Philadelphia casinos

Book: “When Daniel Hunter and Jethro Heiko began planning at a kitchen table, they knew that their movement would be outspent by hundreds of millions of dollars. They were up against powerful elected officials, private investigators, hired thugs, and the state supreme court. Even before they started, newspapers concluded the movement had no chance.This riveting David versus Goliath story is a rare first-person narrative, giving unparalled access to the behind-the-scenes of campaigns: the fervent worrying in late-night meetings, yelling matches behind church benches, and last-minute action planning outside judges’ chambers. It’s in the heat of these moments that the nuances of strategy come to life, showing what it takes to overpower billionaires for a cause you believe in. Written by an experienced and unusually self-reflective direct action organizer, this book might be the most enjoyable way you’ve ever empowered yourself to change the world.”

Strategy For A Living Revolution

Book: “Gandhi taught that nonviolence is all-pervasive. A commitment to nonviolence is more than acting nonviolently in any given conflict; it’s also a commitment to the creation of a nonviolent society. A theory of nonviolent revolution is evolving that encompasses the broad institutional, economic, and social changes needed to dismantle the war system on which our society is now based. In Powerful Peacemaking, George Lakey lays out a flexible five-step model for bringing about these fundamental changes, on the individual and societal level, with lots of historical examples. Lakey’s twenty years’ experience in the trenches of nonviolent action puts inspiration, reality, and guts behind his words.”

Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism

Book: “Animal protection is one of the most passionately debated issues of our day. In light of recent legislation and intensified pressure put on activists around the world, those advocates fighting for animal liberation or even animal welfare need a single resource covering the major, and some minor, models of animal activism. Striking at the Roots: A Practical Guide to Animal Activism brings together the most effective tactics for speaking out for animals and gives voice to activists from around the globe, who explain why their chosen models of activism have been successful — and how others can get involved.”

Students for a Free Tibet

“Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a chapter-based network of young people and activists around the world. Through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom. Our role is to empower and train youth as leaders in the worldwide movement for social justice.”

Studies (ProVeg)

Articles on meat, dairy and eggs and their link to diseases.

Sunny Meadow Sanctuary

“Sunny Meadow Sanctuary is a safe haven for rescued farm animals and wildlife.”

Super Size Me

“Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock makes himself a test subject in this documentary about the commercial food industry. After eating a diet of McDonald’s fast food, three times a day for a month straight, Spurlock proves the physical and mental effects of consuming fast food. Spurlock also provides a look at the food culture in America through it’s schools, corporations, and politics. “Super Size Me” is a movie that sheds a new light on what has become one of our nation’s biggest health problems: obesity.”

Survival International

“We are the global movement for tribal peoples. From the Amazon to the Kalahari, from the jungles of India to the Congo rainforest, we work in partnership with tribal peoples to protect their lives and land. They suffer racism, land theft, forced development and genocidal violence just because they live differently. It must stop.”

Sustainable Diets: What You Need to Know in 12 Charts

“What we eat is rapidly changing around the globe, as people converge toward diets high in calories, protein and animal-based foods. A new WRI paper, Shifting Diets for a Sustainable Food Future, explores these changes and the challenges they pose for food security and a sustainable future. It shows that just small shifts in the choices consumers make can have a huge impact in reducing agriculture’s resource use and mitigating environmental problems”

Sustainable Human

“The root cause of any human behavior is the story they tell themselves. If you desire to change any human behavior, whether individual or collective, you first must understand their story. Sustainable Human exists to examine the faulty stories that are driving our ecocidal, global civilization and explore alternative stories founded in the knowledge that all life is interconnected.”

Sustainable Human – Facebook site

“Sustainable Human examines the root causes of our sustainability crises and offers alternative stories that help us live in harmony with one another.”

Sustainable Human – Youtube channel

“Changing the way we think is the most difficult and necessary challenge for our species right now. It’s like the old adage that says that “fish don’t know they’re in water.” They’re so surrounded by it that it’s impossible for them to see. The water is like our ways of thinking. The assumptions we make about life have been so reinforced throughout our lives that we have difficulty seeing them. Yet our survival as a species depends us making the choice to understand, develop, and live from a new manner of thinking. This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing these new ways of thinking.”

Sustainable Vegan Activism: How to Be More Effective and Fulfilled While Advocating Animal Rights

“In this workshop, psychologist Dr. Melanie Joy will explain the common causes of burnout, frustration, and ineffective activism that impact many animal rights activists. She will discuss how “unsustainable” activism is one of the most serious obstacles to the success of the animal rights movement, and a leading cause of depression and burnout among activists. She will explain specific strategies that activists can take to improve their activism and their lives.”