Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Found 1997 Results

Vegan Festivals Directory: Top Events Worldwide

“Here is our comprehensive directory of major vegan festivals and events happening around the world. These events are packed with dedicated activists and the best vegan restaurants and food companies in your region. Attending one of these events gives you a wonderful opportunity to sample amazing vegan food, make new friends, and listen to some of the vegan world’s most prominent speakers.”

Vegan food & drinks guide

Vegan blog including shopping list, food brands, soups, milk, nutrients guide, tofu, dog food, condiments, chocolate and more

Vegan for Her: The Woman’s Guide to Being Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet

Book: “Vegan for Her, a blueprint for optimal health and wellness at any age, will show you how to: lower your risk for breast cancer and heart disease; manage conditions like arthritis and migraines; diminish PMs and cramps; build strong bones for life; enhance fertility; make an easy transition to a vegan diet; and incorporate principles of both fashion and compassion into your home and wardrobe.”

Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to Be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-Based Diet

Book: “Going vegan? Here’s the go-to-guide, with a six-step transition plan to a plant-based diet, with detailed nutritional information for everyone from athletes to kids to pregnant women. Whether you’re considering going vegan or just want to learn more about plant-based nutrition, Vegan for Life is your comprehensive, go-to guide for optimal healthy eating. Registered dietitians and long-time vegans Jack Norris and Virginia Messina debunk some of the most persistent myths about vegan nutrition and provide essential information about getting enough calcium and protein, finding the best supplements, and understanding the “real deal” about soy. Covering everything from a six-step transition plan to meeting protein requirements and even calorie and nutrient needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding, Vegan for Life is the guide for aspiring and veteran vegans alike, complete with an easy-to-use food chart, tasty substitutions, sample menus, and expansive resources.”

Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World

Book: “In this informative and practical guide, two seasoned vegans offer tips and advice for thriving without animal by-products. Sometimes funny and irreverent yet always aware of its serious message, this resource for being vegan in a world that doesn’t always understand or have sympathy for the lifestyle illustrates how to go vegan in three weeks or less by employing a “cold tofu method;” convince family, friends, and others that there is no such thing as a vegan cult; and survive restaurants, grocery stores, and meals with omnivores. Also offering answers to questions such as “Do you, like, live on apples and twigs?” this reference dispels myths and explains the arguments for ethical, abolitionist veganism, encouraging everyone to embrace their inner vegan.”

Vegan Health

“Evidence-Based Nutrient Recommendations… provides: -Reviews of the scientific literature related to the health benefits of a vegan diet. -Discussions about concerns related to vegan nutrition. -Recommendations for nutrients that can be low in the diets of some vegans.”

Vegan Health – Research

Categories: “Expert Statements on Vegetarian Diets, Vegetarian Cohorts, Type 2 Diabetes and Vegan Diets, Cancer Rates of Vegetarians, Disease Markers, Average Nutrient Intakes of Vegans”

Vegan in the NFL: How 15 Tennessee Titans Made the Switch

“When Tennessee Titans linebacker Derrick Morgan decided to go vegan for his health, little did he realize that his teammates would follow. Roughly 15 players on the Titans roster now eat vegan all or most of the time—nearly 30 percent of the team.”

Vegan India!

“Welcome to Vegan India! The Vegan India! blog was started in early 2010, when there were just a handful of vegans in the country. Today, by 2018, the vegan movement has reached a defining point in India, thanks to each and every vegan who has been a living example of change. Vegan India! has come back with more perspectives and information, as always, for committed vegans, for prospective vegans, for vegans visiting India, for vegetarians, for non-vegans, and for the simply curious!”

Vegan Infographic

The reasons for going vegan.

Vegan Label Reading Guide

“Food can suddenly feel quite foreign when you decide to try vegan. It’s an odd sensation when you realise that you don’t actually know what’s in most of the foods you eat. You start to question even the most obvious, and your local supermarket suddenly feels like uncharted territory. But don’t panic. We’re not talking about learning a language here – within a week you’ll have graduated to Expert Label Reader status, and by the end of the month you’ll be able to add another word to that title: Expert Label Speed Reader. Vegans can read labels astonishingly quickly, it’s like a super power. But we’ll let you in on a little secret, it’s only because we know what to look for… Below are a few tips that’ll have you throwing items into your shopping trolley with confidence! Refer to this as often as necessary. And if in any doubt, it is probably best to leave it out.”

Vegan Living Program

“The Vegan Living Program is a month-long series of educational and social events for new and aspiring vegans, designed to assist and support participants as they transition to lifelong vegan living, and build a community to provide sustained support. In addition to coordinating our own programs, we train and assist individuals and organizations to implement Vegan Living Programs tailored to their own communities. We promote compassionate, healthy and environmentally responsible vegan lifestyles, helping people make life-affirming choices and become more responsible planetary citizens. Until All Are Free.”

Vegan Mentor Program

“Do you want to go vegetarian or vegan but need help making the transition? Are you already vegan and want some one-on-one support? Well, you’re in the right place! Get connected via email with a volunteer mentor who’ll help you with anything from navigating the grocery store aisles to figuring out how to respond when people ask you questions. The Vegan Mentor Program (Programa Mentor Vegano en Español) now has 2,300 mentors in 1,150 cities in 60 countries. Over 4,300 mentees have been matched so far! Are you an experienced vegan who wants to help others adopt this compassionate lifestyle? Well, you’re in the right place too!”

Vegan Online

“Vegan Online is the only vegan store in the world where 100% of the profits are donated to a farm animal sanctuary ~ Freedom Hill Sanctuary Incorporated. Vegan Online brings you the broadest range of vegan products at the best price possible including household food items that can be difficult to find elsewhere. Our range is always expanding and if you would like us to stock an item please feel free to contact us, we are more than happy to help out.”

Vegan Organic Network

“‘Veganic’ is a combination of two words ‘vegan’ and ‘organic’. It’s a guarantee that food is grown in an organic way with only plant based fertilizers, encouraging functional biodiversity so pesticides are not necessary. No chemicals, no GMO and no animal by products in any part of the chain. Veganic food is resilient to the largest problems facing humanity i.e. environmental destruction, pollution of the sea and air and soil erosion. The Vegan Organic Network is the only organisation in the UK solely working for food to be grown the veganic way. Veganic otherwise we are dependant on animal agriculture, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. In essence, veganic is a logical step beyond organic for those who seek safe food grown in a sustainable manner.”

Vegan Organic Network – Articles

Articles on: -buying & saving seeds, -composting/mulching, -container growing, -fertility, -green manures, -growing fruit, -growing non-edibles, -growing techniques, -growing veg, -no dig, -permaculture, -prominent people in vegan organics, -reviews – books & DVDs, -soil type, structure & biology, -stockfree farming, -storing/preserving fruit/veg, -wildlife.

Vegan Organic Network – Farms Directory

“Please contact individual farms for information on buying wholesale, courses, box schemes, seeds, plants, volunteering and working opportunities.”

Vegan Outreach

“Founded in 1993, Vegan Outreach is a 501c3 nonprofit organization working to end violence towards animals. We seek a future when sentient animals are no longer exploited as commodities. We focus on reaching the people who are motivated enough to make changes now—of which there are always many in our target audience who just need some additional encouragement. By steadily increasing the number of vegans we’re laying the groundwork to more quickly reach a tipping point.”

Vegan Outreach – Australia

“Check out the links below to learn how we can help stop violence towards animals by reducing or eliminating animal products in our diet, and replacing them with delicious and nutritious animal-friendly alternatives.”

Vegan Perfection

“Vegan Perfection was founded in 2005 by Jeremy and Rebecca, a husband and wife team committed to a vegan lifestyle, environmental issues, and social justice. They decided they wanted to spread the benefits of a vegan lifestyle to all Australians by introducing innovative and high-quality vegan products to what was a barren market…Our aim is to service the needs and desires of compassionate consumers all over Australia and to make exciting and indulgent vegan foods available to as many people as possible across the length and breadth of the country. Delicious and cruelty-free! At any one time you might find Jeremy scouring obscure locations around the world in search of the next big vegan product, while the Vegan Perfection team pulls out all the stops back at home to keep the products flowing on to our wonderful customers”