Description:  “A well-planned, balanced, diverse vegan diet is a great for all people young and old. Nutrition professionals all over the world recognise numerous health benefits of vegan lifestyles, and going vegan is also great for animals and for the Earth. But is it just as good for people with increased nutritional demands, such as vegan athletes? Well, in short, there is absolutely no reason why it wouldn’t be, provided one is getting all required nutrients! And although high quality studies assessing the suitability of plant-based nutrition for athletic demands are yet to be conducted, a large body of anecdotal evidence already exists.”


Resource Type(s):  Article/Post, Resource Directory

Location:  (Universal)

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Vegan/Vegetarian
