Archives: Resources

Helen Caldicott

Physician – Author – Speaker. “Helen Caldicott is an Australian physician, author, and anti-nuclear advocate who has founded several associations dedicated to opposing the use of nuclear power, depleted uranium munitions, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons proliferation, and military action in general.”

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Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations

Book: “An extraordinary exploration of how technology can empower social and political organizers. For the first time in history, the tools for cooperating on a global scale are not solely in the hands of governments or institutions. The spread of the internet and mobile phones are changing how people come together and get things done—and sparking a revolution that, as Clay Shirky shows, is changing what we do, how we do it, and even who we are. Here, we encounter a whoman who loses her phone and recruits an army of volunteers to get it back from the person who stole it. A dissatisfied airline passenger who spawns a national movement by taking her case to the web. And a handful of kids in Belarus who create a political protest that the state is powerless to stop. Here Comes Everybody is a revelatory examination of how the wildfirelike spread of new forms of social interaction enabled by technology is changing the way humans form groups and exist within them. A revolution in social organization has commenced, and Clay Shirky is its brilliant chronicler.”

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Henry David Thoreau

“Henry David Thoreau lived for two years, two months, and two days by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. His time in Walden Woods became a model of deliberate and ethical living. His words and deeds continue to inspire millions around the world who seek solutions to critical environmental and societal challenges.”

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Healthy School Food

“Plant-based meals provide students with good nutrition today and promote healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. The Physicians Committee works with school districts, the government, and parents across the country to bring plant-based food to schools….The Physicians Committee provides plant-based recipes, webinars, toolkits, and more for schools, parents, and students looking to improve school nutrition.”

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“HEARTWOOD is a regional network that protects forests and supports community activism in the eastern United States through education, advocacy, and citizen empowerment. We are people helping people protect the places they love. Heartwood was founded in 1991, when concerned citizens from several midwestern states each defending their national forest from logging, mining, roads and ruin, met and began to work together to protect the heartland hardwood forest.”

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Heinrich Böll Foundation

“The Heinrich Böll Foundation is a catalyst for green visions and projects, a think tank for policy reform, and an international network We work with 160 project partners in over 60 countries and currently maintain 29 international offices.”

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Heart Politics Revisited

Book: ““Heart politics revisited” is part autobiography, part manifesto, and it dares to dream about a new politics with people at the center. “Heart Politics Revisited” is a new and expanded edition of the classic 1985 handbook for activists. Peavey’s approach shuns careerism, rigid ideologies, revenge and recrimination–and offers a pathway towards reconciliation and living with difference through empathy, non-violence, co-operation and person-to-person contact. And it has a humor which carries the reader through.”

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Healthy Happy Life

“Kathy’s mission is to inspire everyday people to eat more plants, embrace their natural compassion towards animals, and show love to their own souls + bodies — all while changing the world one vegan meal at a time.”

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Healing Anger

“Our objective is to provide counseling that focuses on anger management tailored specifically for women and couples….Anger moves us. Anger can be like a hot coal, only burning the one who holds it. When this occurs anger burns. Anger can also illuminate. Anger can move people to really pay attention to what needs to be looked at. In this healthier response to anger, we reflect, and choose who to speak with, how to speak, what to say, and become deliberate and thoughtful. The emotions are present, but are expressed without hostility. People don’t often think of anger as healing, but we believe that in fact it is behind all significant change. Look at history. Do you think that maybe Ghandi was a little pissed off that the British were ruling India? What about Nelson Mandela? Any significant political change seems to start with anger. Anger can fuel you to do what is needed. When women attend our groups and individual counselling it is to turn that energy, that focus, that drive, into something that creates an accomplishment.”

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Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples

“Why do some people age in failing health and sadness, while others grow old with vitality and joy? In Healthy at 100, bestselling author John Robbins presents us with a bold new paradigm of aging, showing us how we can increase not only our life span but also our health span. Through the example of four very different cultures that have the distinction of producing some of the world’s healthiest, oldest people, Robbins reveals the secrets for living an extended and fulfilling life in which our later years become a period of wisdom, vitality and happiness. Bringing the traditions of these ancient and vibrantly healthy cultures together with the latest breakthroughs in medical science, Robbins reveals that, remarkably, they both point in the same direction. The result is an inspirational synthesis of years of research into healthy aging in which Robbins has isolated the characteristics that will enable us to live long — and most important — joyous lives.”

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Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary

“Our mission is to provide life-long care for our rescued animals, and to educate the public about humane animal care and practices. We rehabilitate, both physically and psychologically, mistreated animals and, if possible, we will find appropriate homes for them. In an effort to prevent further cruelty to these animals, we educate the public on caring for companion animals as well as on issues concerning farmed animals.”

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Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating

“The renowned scientist who fundamentally changed the way we view primates and our relationship with the animal kingdom now turns her attention to an incredibly important and deeply personal issue-taking a stand for a more sustainable world. In this provocative and encouraging book, Jane Goodall sounds a clarion call to Western society, urging us to take a hard look at the food we produce and consume-and showing us how easy it is to create positive change.Offering her hopeful, but stirring vision, Goodall argues convincingly that each individual can make a difference. She offers simple strategies each of us can employ to foster a sustainable society. Brilliant, empowering, and irrepressibly optimistic, HARVEST FOR HOPE is one of the most crucial works of our age. If we follow Goodall’s sound advice, we just might save ourselves before it’s too late.”

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Happy Cow

“HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find plant-based / vegan options and healthy food. We are vegan-run, from a vegan perspective, and staffed by vegans and vegetarians. Today, our online community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living. More than simply a restaurant and health food store guide, HappyCow is an ever-evolving online hub that serves millions worldwide each month.”

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Happy Cow – the veggie blog

Vegan and Vegetarian blog with many categories. “Our purpose is to make healthy food easy to find and more accessible. HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find plant-based / vegan options and healthy food. We are vegan-run, from a vegan perspective, and staffed by vegans and vegetarians. Today, our online community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living. More than simply a restaurant and health food store guide, HappyCow is an ever-evolving online hub that serves millions worldwide each month.”

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Hands Off Venezuela

“The Hands Off Venezuela Campaign, which is a broad-based campaign, was established to generate awareness about Venezuela within the labour and trade union movement and among young people. Our main task is to promote the social gains of the Bolivarian Revolution and mobilise public opinion against imperialist aggression towards Venezuela.”

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Gutter Kitties

“Gutter Kitties is Auckland’s largest no-kill cat rescue, run by volunteers, and relying entirely on donations to make a difference to the lives of Auckland’s street cats. We pride ourselves in running a no-kill shelter, and dedicate our time and efforts to rescuing timid, anxious and/or undersocialised cats.”

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Hanford Challenge

“To create a future for the Hanford Nuclear Site that secures human health and safety, advances accountability, and promotes a sustainable environmental legacy.”

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Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

“The War Resisters’ International’s ‘Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns’ is a 232 page toolbox of ideas and resources to support activists to run more effective campaigns. The original edition, published in 2009, was translated into over ten languages, including Spanish, German, Nepalese, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, and Arabic, and has been used by activists all over the world. The 2014 edition added 50 pages. There is no definitive recipe for successful nonviolent actions and campaigns. This handbook, however, is a series of resources that can inspire and support your own work, especially if you adapt the resources to your own needs and context.”

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Guerilla Open Access Manifesto

“Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations. Want to read the papers featuring the most famous results of the sciences? You’ll need to send enormous amounts to publishers like Reed Elsevier…..With enough of us, around the world, we’ll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge – we’ll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us? “

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Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating

Booklet (pdf): “Thank you for taking the time to consider the following ideas! This guide is for all thoughtful, compassionate people—from lifelong meat eaters who are just learning about factory farms, to vegetarians seeking new recipes and nutritional information, to vegans interested in more ways to help end cruelty to animals.”

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“Better Data. Better Decisions. Better World. Each year, millions of people use GuideStar information to make decisions about nonprofits and the work they do. Donors explore charities and issues they want to support. Nonprofit leaders benchmark their organizations against their peers. Funders research grantees. We strive to provide the highest-quality, most complete nonprofit information available.”

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Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate

Book: “For four decades, Kim Stallwood has had a front seat in the animal rights movement, starting at the grassroots in England and working his way up to leadership positions at some of the best-known organizations in the world, including Compassion In World Farming, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yet, as Stallwood reveals in this memoir of an eventful life dedicated to social justice for the voiceless, finding the truest path for progress has meant learning a lot along the way. Equal parts personal narrative, social history, and impassioned call for rethinking animal advocacy, Growl describes Stallwood’s journey from a meat-eating slaughterhouse worker to a vegan activist for all species. He explains the importance of four key values in animal rights philosophy and practice―compassion, truth, nonviolence, and justice―and how a deeper understanding of their role not only leads us to discover our humanity for animals, but also for ourselves.”

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Growing Green: Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg

Video: “Graham Cole demonstrates how you can feed your family on your allotment and garden using vegetable compost and green manures to obtain good crops of high nutritional value. No poisons or artificial fertilisers are used. This method is the kindest to the environment and all Earth’s creatures.”

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Greyhounds As Pets (GAP)

“Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) is a registered charity established by Greyhound Racing New Zealand to find pet homes for retired racing greyhounds. Retired greyhounds make great pets – they are intelligent, affectionate and lazy. They adapt to pet life with surprising ease, becoming a family favourite in no time. There are greyhounds coming out of racing throughout the year. The GAP adoption programme steers them through the career change and helps them find a new home as a pet. We also provide advice and support to new owners. Many owners become totally smitten with their greyhound and go on to become part of the GAP community, helping more hounds find homes and enjoying walks and social events.”

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Grow Biointensive

“Our mission is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources. What do we do? Since 1972 we and our colleagues have been researching and developing GROW BIOINTENSIVE®, a high-yielding, sustainable agricultural system that emphasizes local food production and is based historically on intensive gardening systems.”

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Growing Green International magazine

“Growing Green International is the twice yearly magazine published by the Vegan Organic Network, and is free to members – it is available in printed or digital form. You can download a pdf of a recent back issue, GGI 40 (Winter/Spring 2018), which includes an interview with Wild Earth Farm & Sanctuary in the USA, and a feature on Hodmedod’s, Britain’s pulse and grain pioneers…The magazine reflects a broad range of information and opinions, covering the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of vegan organic growing. We try to feature a mixture of articles that cover practical, technical and ethical issues, as well as hints and tips, letters, photos and illustrations. Most of the articles on our articles page on growing are from this magazine. Growing Green International is now recognised and widely read by those concerned with vegan organic cultivation in many parts of the world.”

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Growing Green: Animal-Free Organic Techniques

Book: “Growing Green: Animal-Free Organic Techniques is an essential guide about organic growing and is perfect for absolute beginners as well as experienced professionals. This book introduces the concept of stockfree-organic and shows, through case studies, that when growers abandon the use of slaughterhouse by-products and manures they can be rewarded with healthier crops, less weeds, pests and diseases. In an age where dreams of self-sufficiency seem unattainable, Growing Green shows that making a living from growing organic vegetables can be achieved by anyone who is willing to rent land. Until now there have been no comprehensive guidelines on how to follow the organic standards at the different scales of vegetable production using tractors, small machinery and hand tools…An invaluable guide for the grower, researcher and student; this book will prove to be an important step forward for the organic movement.”

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Greentech Media

“The global electricity sector is in the early stages of its most dramatic transformation in over a century. The rapid expansion of distributed energy, combined with the newfound availability of data and analytics for utilities, will reshape how the world generates, distributes and consumes power. With market research, authoritative news, and events, GTM is the leading information services provider for this next-generation electricity system.”

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“Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.”

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Greenpeace (Australia)

“Our mission: Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”

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Greenpeace (USA)

“Our mission: Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”

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“ is the world’s largest online directory of green, eco-friendly, and holistic goods and services and non-profit organizations, serving consumers since 1998. Our mission is to help consumers and green businesses connect. Our goal is to guide people through a crowded marketplace to find green, eco-friendly and healthy products and services. We help consumers, investors and businesses to harness their economic power to promote environmental sustainability. GreenPeople Directory businesses are reviewed against stringent eco-criteria, examining ingredients, supply sources, organic or other certifications, and the effect the product or service has on the environment. We weed out toxic, or ‘greenwashed’ products or services, resulting in a trusted directory of 20,000 members and growing.”

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“ (GNR) is an independent news service that publishes original, investigative journalism and breaking news about civil liberties in the post-9/11 era.”

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Greening Forward

“Greening Forward is a youth-driven, youth-led, and youth-imagined environmental organization. Founded in 2008 by the then 12-year-old Charles Orgbon III, Greening Forward has grown into one of the largest youth-led nonprofit organizations in the country. Through our grants, mentorships, conferences, and other programs, Greening Forward provides the support for young people to create real change for issues they are passionate about. We take the youthful energy and mindset that young people have and combine them with our tools and structure, then watch as they actually change the world. Working with thousands annually across the country, Greening Forward is paving the way for young people to learn and utilize leadership in shaping the world they want to see.”

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“Greenfleet is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to connecting people with real climate action. We are Australia and New Zealand’s most respected source of biodiverse carbon offsets. Since 1997, we have planted more than 9.2 million native trees across 500 biodiverse forests in Australia and New Zealand to offset carbon emissions on behalf of thousands of leading brands, businesses, councils, universities, NGOs and individuals.”

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Greenfleet Blog Feed

Blog. “Greenfleet is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to connecting people with real climate action. We are Australia and New Zealand’s most respected source of biodiverse carbon offsets.”

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Greening Forward – Blog

Blog. “Greening Forward establishes, engages, and empowers a diverse global green movement of people for the protection of the environment powered by young people. It is our goal to develop as many leaders as possible from a wide range of backgrounds. Our whole system is specifically designed to help those people who see room for change but don’t know how they can go about actually making a difference. With our resources and years of experience, we know exactly how to nurture an idea for change from conception all the way to completion, and we do so for as many young people as we can.”

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Green Left Weekly

“In these days of growing media concentration, Green Left Weekly is a proudly independent voice committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality. By printing the news and ideas the mainstream media won’t, Green Left Weekly exposes the lies and distortions of the power brokers and helps us to better understand the world around us.”

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Green Is the New Red: An Insider’s Account of a Social Movement Under Siege

Book: “At a time when everyone is going green, most people are unaware that the FBI is using anti-terrorism resources to target environmentalists and animal rights activists. The courts are being used to push conventional boundaries of what constitutes “terrorism” and to hit nonviolent activists with disproportionate sentences. Some have faced terrorism charges for simply chalking slogans on the sidewalk. Like the Red Scare, this “Green Scare” is about fear and intimidation, using a word—”eco-terrorist”—to push a political agenda, instill fear and silence dissent. The animal rights and environmental movements directly threaten corporate profits every time activists encourage people to go vegan, to stop driving, to consume fewer resources and live simply. Their boycotts are damaging, and corporations and the politicians who represent them know it. In many ways, the Green Scare, like the Red Scare, can be seen as a culture war, a war of values.”

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Green Vegans

“Green Vegans is a solutions-oriented vegan environmental and justice organization that sees human behavior—our human ecology—as both the cause and cure for the most important issues of our time: environmental destruction; loss of biodiversity; climate change; human overpopulation; social and economic injustice, and unsustainable economic systems.”

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Green Acres Farm Sanctuary

“The mission of Green Acres Farm Sanctuary is the prevention of cruelty to, and the commercialization of animals, especially farmed animals. We put this mission into action by providing shelter, care and board to abused, abandoned, and unwanted farm animals. We look to inspire change through creating a place where members of the public can have positive interaction with farm animals by providing for their care and the animals can, in turn, educate them about the abusive use of farmed animals.”

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Green and Healthy Monday

“Start your week by being Green & Healthy! On Mondays, switch the meat, dairy and eggs in your meals to tasty plant-based foods like tofu and soya milk to reduce your environmental impact, improve your well-being, and of course, be kinder to animals! By making this simple change in our lives just one day a week, we help make the Earth a cleaner, healthier and more compassionate place to live in! Everyone can do their bit to create a better future – one Green & Healthy meal at a time!”

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Green For Al

“Green For All works to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty. Our goal is to make sure people of color and working families have a place and a voice in the climate movement. That our neighborhoods are strong, resilient, and healthy. That as the clean energy economy grows, it brings jobs and opportunity to our communities.”

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Green Corps

“The mission of Green Corps is to train organizers, provide field support for today’s critical environmental campaigns, and graduate activists who possess the skills, temperament and commitment to fight and win tomorrow’s environmental battles.”

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Great Vegan Athletes

“Great Vegan Athletes was formed in 2011 by a small group of vegans interested in sport and fitness. The aims have always been two-fold: to showcase the range of athletic ability at the higher levels among vegans, and to encourage people of all backgrounds to give veganism a try.”

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GrassRoots Recycling Network

“GRRN has a vision of the world where waste is not waste – it is a resource. We are the voice of all those who recycle and want to waste less and do more. GRRN is the leading voice calling for Zero Waste (ZW) in the United States by promoting the message that we must go “beyond recycling” and go upstream to the headwaters of the waste stream which is the industrial designer’s desk. ZW means not only 100% recovery of society’s discards, but also a redesign of the products and packaging of our lives such that everything produced for our consumer economy is non-toxic and designed to be recovered for re-use, recycling or composting.”

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Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT)

“The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) is a multiracial organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. We believe that how groups are funded is as important to achieving their goals as how the money is spent, and that building community support is central to long-term social change. We provide training, resources and analysis to strengthen organizations, with an emphasis on those focused on social justice and based in communities of color.”

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Grassroots Fundraising Journal

Journal. “Mission Statement: The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) is a multiracial organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. We believe that how groups are funded is as important to achieving their goals as how the money is spent, and that building community support is central to long-term social change. We provide training, resources and analysis to strengthen organizations, with an emphasis on those focused on social justice and based in communities of color.”

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Grassroots Vegan – Blog

Blog. “The spirit of this site is to provide support for vegans, a deeper understanding of veganism, and information about all aspects of vegan living, including ethics, philosophy, and everyday practical applications.”

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Graphic Witness

“Welcome to Graphic Witness, a site dedicated to social commentary through graphic imagery by artists working from the turn of the 20th Century to the present, with related bibliographic and biographic data. “

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Good Neighbour

“To provide practical opportunities for people to support one another so that lives and neighbourhoods are transformed.” Activities: Food Rescue, Community Gardens, Neighbourhood Projects and Kitchen

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GRACE Communications Foundation

“GRACE Communications Foundation develops innovative strategies and consumer tools to increase public awareness of the critical environmental and public health issues created by our current industrial food system, and to advocate for more sustainable alternatives.” Provides links to GRACE projects: Sustainable Table, Seasonal Food Guide, The Meatrix, Water Footprint Calculator, Ecocentric Blog.

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Good News Network

“Since 1997, people have turned to the Good News Network® as an antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced in the mainstream media. Because of its long history, staying power, and public trust, GNN has remained #1 on Google. From its beginnings, the website has been a clearinghouse for the gathering and dissemination of positive news stories from around the globe, confirming what people already know — that good news itself is not in short supply; the broadcasting of it is.”

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Good News Planet (GNP)

“Since July 4, 1998, GNP is offering a new media concept for news and entertainment about people making a positive, constructive impact on society, no matter what the obstacles are. UP-BEAT, NOT BEAT-UP, SOLUTIONS ORIENTATED MEDIA. Good News Planet (GNP) was established by Milestone Broadcast Corporation, est. 1985 and is a rapidly growing media lifestyle publications covering and distributing news and entertainment from domestic and international sources related to health, science, business, international relations, and multi-cultural and niche community interests.”

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“Good aligns unparalleled expertise in social science, social media, and social change. We bring people together, change perceptions, and inspire actions that impact culture for good…Want to partner with us? Let’s do some good together.”

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Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden

“Bob Linden, vegan for 29 years, animal lover and dog-spoiler, is the host and executive producer of the listener-supported non-profit production GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN ( – the first-ever mainstream-media vegan animal liberation, health, and environmental program, now broadcasting for 12 years.”

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Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics (2009)

“The definitive documentary explaining the influence of money on politics by Jonathan Shockley….This film is based on Thomas Ferguson’s book Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party Competition and the Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems. The film offers an in depth look at the influence of money in politics–analyzing social forces and events that the mainstream media and scholarship have largely distorted or kept hidden. It also analyzes the meaning of democracy.”

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Go Eco

“We provide community education, collaborate with and support environmental groups and projects, provide inspiration for living lighter and advocates on behalf of the environment. We are home to a depot for recycling electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs, toner cartridges, and we run Kaivolution Food Rescue.”

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Global Zero

“Global Zero is the international movement for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. Its members understand that the only way to eliminate the nuclear threat – including proliferation, nuclear terrorism and humanitarian catastrophe – is to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, secure all nuclear materials and eliminate all nuclear weapons: global zero. The movement combines cutting-edge policy development and direct dialogue with governments with public outreach, including media, online and grassroots initiatives to make the elimination of nuclear weapons an urgent global imperative.”

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Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes

“The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes celebrates inspiring, public-spirited young people from diverse backgrounds all across North America. Established in 2001 by author T.A. Barron, the Barron Prize annually honors 25 outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive impact on people, their communities, and the environment.”

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Globalize liberation: how to uproot the system and build a better world

“The attacks of 9/11 have renewed a hunger for ideas about how to effect change. The strategies and hard-won victories of dedicated activists from global justice and community struggles can provide vision and hope, and in this collection of 33 articles and essays, we hear first-hand accounts from North America, Europe and Latin America. In recent years, thousands have flooded the streets to effectively challenge the global economic system. Globalize Liberation aims to deepen, popularize, update and provide concrete practical ideas for this spirit of resistance and innovation.”

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Go Vegan

“Go Vegan is a national organisation dedicated to growing the vegan population in New Zealand. We support the cessation of commercial animal use. We focus on: 1) Vegan advocacy 2) Supporting regional advocates with resources, and 3) Providing resources for those transitioning to veganism”

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Global Witness

“Global Witness campaigns to end environmental and human rights abuses driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system.”

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Global Security Institute

“The Global Security Institute is dedicated to strengthening international cooperation and security based on the rule of law, with a particular focus on nuclear arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament. GSI was founded by Senator Alan Cranston whose insight that nuclear weapons are impractical, unacceptably risky, and unworthy of civilization continues to inspire GSI’s efforts to contribute to a safer world. GSI has developed an exceptional team that includes former heads of state and government, distinguished diplomats, effective politicians, committed celebrities, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Laureates, disarmament and legal experts, and concerned citizens.”

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Global Voices

“Global Voices is an international and multilingual community of bloggers, journalists, translators, academics, and human rights activists. Together, we leverage the power of the internet to build understanding across borders.”

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Global Stewards

An extensive resource directory of eco tips, green actions and issues. “The goal of Global Stewards, created in 1998, is to provide green eco tips for creating a sustainable lifestyle. This site is run by Lea Dutton and supported with inspirations from concerned humans around the globe. Global stewards defined: I define a “global steward” as being someone who, in recognizing their kinship with all living beings, chooses a lifestyle that is sustainable for all life, including future generations. This is a form of conscious stewardship over our own lives vs. stewardship over nature. “

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Global Nonviolent Action Database

“Why this database? 1.To provide free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action for learning and for citizen action. We research campaigns that have reached a point of completion. The cases are drawn from all continents and most countries. People are shown struggling for human rights, economic justice, democracy, national and ethnic identity, environmental sustainability, and peace….2.To make available comparative information that will support researchers and writers to develop strategic knowledge and theory.”

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Global Oneness Project – library

“Welcome to the Global Oneness Project. We believe that stories play a powerful role in education. Founded in 2006, as an initiative of Kalliopeia Foundation, we bring the world’s cultures alive in the classroom using stories as a pedagogical tool for growing minds. Committed to the exploration of cultural, environmental, and social issues, we offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and articles. Companion curriculum and discussion guides are also available. All for free.”

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Global Population Speak Out

“Speak Out helps equip those already engaged in environmental work, as well as new learners, with tools to help spread important environmental and social-change messages and bring international attention to the burdens human population size and growth are putting on the planet’s ecosystems — and to emphasize the sensible, progressive and compassionate means human communities have to stabilize our numbers and seek an improved balance with our home planet.”

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Global Oneness Project

“Welcome to the Global Oneness Project. We believe that stories play a powerful role in education. Founded in 2006, as an initiative of Kalliopeia Foundation, we bring the world’s cultures alive in the classroom using stories as a pedagogical tool for growing minds. Committed to the exploration of cultural, environmental, and social issues, we offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and articles. Companion curriculum and discussion guides are also available. All for free.”

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Global Issues

“Welcome to the global issues web site. This web site looks into global issues that affect everyone and aims to show how most issues are inter-related. There are over 550 articles on this site, mostly written by myself. The issues discussed range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics, the environment, and much more. Spread over these articles, there are over 7,000 links to external articles, web sites, reports and analysis to help provide credence to the arguments made on this web site.”

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Global Justice for Animals and the Environment

“Global Justice for Animals and the Environment (GJAE) exists to provide an uncompromising voice for animals and the environmental defense and to campaign in solidarity with indigenous communities in the fight against pro-corporate free trade agreements and related neoliberal economic policies. Our research team provides animal and environmental advocacy groups, members of Congress, and the broader global justice movement with in-depth analysis of the threat to animals and the planet posed by free trade agreements.”

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Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

“The arms race is moving into space. The U.S. Space Command, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has publicly stated that it intends “to control space in order to protect U.S. interests and investments.” It is crucial that the movement to stop this new round in the arms race moves quickly ahead.”

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Global Justice Ecology Project

“Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination. GJEP envisions a world in which all societies are justly and equitably governed with full participation by an engaged and informed populace living in harmony with the natural world and one another. We accomplish our mission by (1) prioritizing campaigns that are key leverage points for advancing systemic change, and (2) linking struggles and strengthening diverse movements with strategic action, information, and analysis.”

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Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)

“The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.”

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Global Exchange

“Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world. We take a holistic approach to creating change and as an education and action resource center, we advance our vision by working to ensure our members and constituents are empowered locally and connected globally to create a just and sustainable world. We realize that in order to advance social, environmental and economic justice we must transform the global economy from profit-centered to people-centered, from currency to community.”

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Global Ecovillage Network – Magazines

“What is it like to live in an ecovillage, cohousing neighborhood, or intentional community? How do you start one, sustain it, grow it, and solve the hardest challenges? Communities magazine addresses these questions, and shares new models for society. For nearly 45 years this magazine has connected people to the pulse of the communities movement, by chronicling the people, organizations, methods and ideas making it so. Discover inspiring examples of cooperation and creativity, as people work together to solve problems and create a better, more equitable, and ecological world. Diverse Themes: Each quarterly issue focuses on a different theme, such as: Food and Community, Community and the Law, The Many Faces of Community, Finding or Starting Community, etc.”

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Global Change Lab

“This is a training hub for global activists – on the internet. On Global Change Lab you take training bits and get skills in activism and social change – all in order to change the world. To complete a training bit you have to share something you learned. Your shares inspire and makes the next activist become even smarter.”

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Global Community Monitor

“Global Community Monitor, founded in 2001, trains and supports communities in the use of environmental monitoring tools to understand the impact of fossil fuel industry pollution on their health and the environment. GCM’s work focuses on disempowered “fenceline” communities harmed by serious air pollution from industrial sources and whose concerns agencies and responsible corporations are ignoring. Over the past fifteen years, GCM has developed and pioneered the use of “bucket brigades” (a grassroots air monitoring program) as a method for communities to document and understand the impacts of industrial pollution, to launch advocacy efforts against polluters, and to win stunning victories.”

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Global Center

“The Global Center works with governments, international organizations, and civil society to develop and implement comprehensive and sustainable responses to complex international security challenges through collaborative policy research, context-sensitive programming, and capacity development. In collaboration with a global network of expert practitioners and partner organizations, the Global Center fosters stronger multilateral partnerships and convenes key stakeholders to support integrated and inclusive security policies across national, regional, and global levels.”

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Global Community Designs

“This site serves as virtual home for our networks of allied community organizations. Perhaps bookmark our site and return if you seek hope from our beautiful creations…We are a Mutual Benefit Society dedicated to the arts, advocacy, research and development, education, and activism that promote engaged and resilient community wellness for our life on Earth.”

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