Description:  “Founded in 2011 by women reporters, Pública is the first nonprofit investigative journalism agency in Brazil. With breathtaking public interest reports, our stories were republished last year by over 700 media outlets under the Creative Commons license. All our reports are made on the basis of rigorous fact-finding and are based on the uncompromising defense of human rights. We investigated public administration, including all levels of government and legislative houses; the social and environmental impacts of companies, their corruption and anti-transparency practices; the judiciary, its effectiveness, transparency and equity; and violence against vulnerable populations in the city and in the countryside. In the independent journalism promotion program, we provide mentoring for journalists, a micro-scholarship contest, journalism discussion events, and support programs for innovative projects.”


Resource Type(s):  Broad-Coverage Independent Media, Full Website, Blog/News Feed

Location:  (Universal) Brazil

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal