Description:  “Find Out What’s in Season Near You. The Seasonal Food Guide is most comprehensive national database of seasonal food available in the US. We designed the Seasonal Food Guide website and apps to help you find out what produce is in season in your state throughout the year. We’re your one stop shop for seasonal food information, boasting comprehensive data on more than 140 types of fruits, veggies, legumes, nuts and herbs in all 50 states! By purchasing local foods in season from local farms, your food dollar goes directly to farmers, you eliminate environmental damage caused by shipping foods thousands of miles and you’ll enjoy the health benefits of eating fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Plus, local, seasonal produce just tastes better. And don’t worry: you can trust us. We sourced our data from the experts: The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), state agriculture extension offices and state departments of agriculture.”


Resource Type(s):  Full Website, Resource Directory

Location:  USA

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Earth, Earthlings, Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Vegan/Vegetarian, Sustainable Economy

Harmful Practices Critiqued:  Fossil Fuel