Description:  “Throughout our history, humanity has set its sights on seemingly impossible goals, and found a way to realize those goals against all obstacles. This awe-inspiring potential is on full display in the opening moments of the new documentary The Choice is Ours, as retired NASA astronaut and professional astronomer Jeff Hoffman testifies to the glories of space travel…The most pressing issues facing humankind today – from climate change to widespread crime to financial calamity to the rapidly depleting natural resources of our planet – take center stage in The Choice is Ours, but they’re approached from a refreshingly unique perspective. This elegantly produced film promotes our capacity to invoke positive change in the world, and considers the behavioral and cultural shifts which must take place to make this possible.”


Resource Type(s):  Video/Film

Location:  (Universal)

Accessibility:  Online-Free

Wellness Domains:  Human Society, Personal

Wholesome Practices Promoted:  Social Change Theory, Self-reflection/transform.
