Other Organizations Providing Kingian Nonviolence Trainings
“East Point Peace Academy is part of a growing movement of organizations providing Kingian Nonviolence Trainings. Check out some of our friends below.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“East Point Peace Academy is part of a growing movement of organizations providing Kingian Nonviolence Trainings. Check out some of our friends below.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“When we become more aware of how powerfully our choices in diet and lifestyle affect us—for better and for worse—then we can make different ones. When you make healthy choices, you feel better quickly. This allows us to connect the dots between what we do and how we feel. Feeling so much better, so quickly, re-frames the reason for changing from fear of dying to joy of living.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
Nonviolent Communication Training in Australia. Intro sessions, foundation level trainings, advanced level trainings and other.
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“This website represents a growing community of trainers and supporters of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) committed to teaching and creating Nonviolent Communication awareness throughout Australia and neighbouring regions. This community is an informal arrangement of people making individual offerings, and individually holding legal responsibility for their own offerings. It includes volunteers giving freely and joyfully, time and energy to this vision. Others are enjoying contributing to sharing this work and supporting and sustaining themselves financially as independent business entities.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Welcome! NVC (Nonviolent Communication) is a practical toolkit that provides you with a set of concrete skills that you can use to communicate more effectively with others and even yourself!”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“News & Information on Nuclear Weapons, Power, Waste & Nonviolent Resistance…Nukewatch brings critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons and radioactive wastes. Join our staff and volunteers in raising awareness and taking nonviolent action to address the nuclear dangers that threaten current and future generations.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Nukewatch trainers are available to lead workshops in Nonviolent Action and Action Planning. Our reimbursement rates are very reasonable and we’re willing to travel! If your group is ready to take a struggle for social justice or environmental protection to the next level, or if you are just looking for more information on what we have to offer, please contact us.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation was founded in 1982. Its mission is to educate and advocate for peace and a world free of nuclear weapons and to empower peace leaders. The Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with consultative status to the United Nations and is comprised of over 80,000 individuals and groups worldwide who realize the imperative for peace in the Nuclear Age.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our Vision: A sustainable future for all where environmental and social responsibility drive individual and institutional choices. Our Mission: We bring the brightest minds together to accelerate environmental literacy and civic engagement through the power of education. Our Strategies: Our work is based on more than five decades of research about what motivates individuals, organizations, and communities to learn, take action, and create positive societal change. It is also based on the latest thinking about what makes associations and nongovernmental organizations more effective, and how to collaboratively and effectively scale up our collective impact…Anyone can join eePRO—the global community of environmental educators—where you can find and post jobs, events, and resources, connect with other EE professionals, and participate in professional development opportunities.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Since it’s inception in 2007, we have worked together to design, develop and present the work offered at the Nonviolent Leadership for Social Justice Intensive. Our passion for this work is founded in our own life experiences with the issues we address and is fueled by extensive study in Nonviolent Communication and the theories and practical application of frameworks for social transformation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“Our Training and Special Projects Team provides internal and external nonviolence training, alongside outreach that cultivates new trainers and innovative partnerships…Our Nonviolence trainers provide over 8,000 hours of nonviolence trainings every year. We work with companies, nonprofits, schools and professional and social groups to teach the principles and practices of nonviolence, to inspire others to spread the message of nonviolence, and to grow The Beloved Healthy Community. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our Mission: The mission of the Nonviolence Institute is to teach, by word and example, the principles and practices of nonviolence, and to foster a community that addresses potentially violent situations with nonviolent solutions. Our Vision: We work every day to build a Beloved Healthy Community reflective of the actions and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We serve as a leader in the nonviolence movement, serving as a model for other organizations across the country and training people from all walks of life in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We envision the Institute becoming an international center of excellence for the nonviolence movement.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our mission is to inspire, motivate and engage youth to understand how to solve conflicts peacefully. We have educated and trained more than 8 million students, athletes, teachers, coaches and youth leaders since 1993 and are aiming to reach one hundred million by 2030.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The New York Center for Nonviolent Communication (NYCNVC) is a spontaneous, cooperative network of NVC learners, proponents, trainers, facilitators and practitioners who share a passion for the work of Marshall Rosenberg. Our immediate intention is to carefully develop and deliver amazing NVC trainings within and across pervading geographic, cultural, economic and language bounds. Our long term intention is to establish a widespread understanding of Nonviolent Communication as a key to creating a more compassionate and sustainable world to leave for our children’s children.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Over 50 activists throughout New England who have experience facilitating nonviolence training sessions are part of the Nonviolence Trainers Network. The purpose of the Network is to make nonviolence training widely available and to provide trainers with a variety of resources. The Network, through the support of the New England War Resisters League, provides opportunities for nonviolence trainers to share skills and resources, and learn new methods of training. Trainings for those wishing to become nonviolence trainers are also organized.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our mission is to connect young people to the wonder and science of the natural world, igniting self-discovery and inspiring stewardship of our planet. Through our overnight, hands-on environmental science programs, we take more than 35,000 children and teens each year into our national parks to explore the outdoors, connect with their peers, discover themselves and develop a lasting relationship with the environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Nature Explore is a national nonprofit program of Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, which works collaboratively with a network of organizations throughout the nation. Our goal is to help nature become an integral, joyful part of children’s daily learning. Nature Explore provides research-based workshops, design consultations and resources created to support programs as they continue to connect children and families to the wonders of nature. Our goal with the Nature Explore program is to support your important efforts to connect children with nature. “
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Mission: Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute instigates, trains, and supports racially, sexually, culturally, ethnically, religiously, and economically diverse individuals and organizations to become trauma-informed, resilience-oriented, and restorative justice-focused empowering communities in Minnesota, the USA, and around the world.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Mohawk Nation News service began during the Mohawk/Oka crisis of 1990 by providing updates on the resistance. MNN grew to become an internationally recognized news service providing independent indigenous commentary on land, legal, culture, history, and current issues as they affect the nation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
An outline of the skills training. ”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Would you like the Metta Center to give a talk, offer a training, webinar, or workshop? We’re happy to help…The Metta Center for Nonviolence provides educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? The Metta Center holds special consultative status at the UN (Economic and Social Council).”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Peace, connection, happiness and fulfillment are learnable skills. When we are able to understand and communicate our needs with clarity, and with empathy for the universality of those needs, conflict leads to connection. The illusion of separation between self and other fades. Finally, we are at home with the world, and can work together to respond to the challenges we face.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“MediaJustice (formerly Center for Media Justice) is a racial justice hub for winning equity in a digital age. We boldly advance communication rights, access, and power for communities harmed by persistent dehumanization, discrimination and disadvantage. We envision a future where everyone has sustained and universal access to open and democratic media and technology platforms; a future in which we are all connected, represented and free.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
Upcoming Trainings. “The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Media Alliance was formed in 1976 by a group of media workers to unite the professional media community with the public interest communities of the Bay Area. MA was founded with the belief that in order to ensure the free and unfettered flow of information and ideas necessary to maintain a truly democratic society, media must be accessible, accountable, decentralized, representative of society’s diversity and free from covert or overt government control and corporate dominance. MA dedicates itself to fostering a genuine diversity of media voices and perspectives, holding the media accountable for their impact on society and protecting freedom of speech. Media Alliance is a media resource and advocacy center for media workers, non-profit organizations, and social justice activists.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“I’m Victoria Moran, and I’ve been vegan for over three decades. This way of living becomes more rewarding, and more important, all the time, and I’d love to share its joys with you. Check out the Main Street Vegan podcast, our weekly blog, and — if you’re a vegan already and want to take your outreach to the next level — the exciting Main Street Vegan Academy program, training and certifying Vegan Lifestyle Coaches and Educators.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a nonprofit that equips people to use nonviolence to create a sustainable and just world for all. The Gandhi Institute collaborates with local organizations, academic institutions, students, and committed peacemakers in the following areas: nonviolence education, sustainability and environmental conservation, and the promotion of racial justice. We prioritize programming for people between the ages of 12 and 24 as well as those who serve those age groups. The Institute continuously offers groups and individuals training in skills such as Nonviolent Communication, meditation, and experiential interconnectedness, and fosters responses to systemic violence in the Rochester area through projects focused on urban agriculture, racial healing work, and restorative approaches to conflict.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“In addition to public offerings, the Gandhi Institute offers learning experiences to groups of all kinds on a donation basis. We adjust the length and content of our offerings to best serve the groups with whom we work. Furthermore, we offer training to high school and university student groups and community groups. Gandhi staff members are available to offer the following workshops designed to build critical skills. The cost of workshops are negotiated by the coordinators, but all contributions benefit the work of the Gandhi Institute.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our Mission: To counter violence and contribute to a worldwide culture of peace by sharing skills to prevent, resolve, and transform conflict with individuals, families, teams, and communities. Our Vision: LFFP’s vision is the Beloved Community, a world where relationships are based on respect and acceptance, conflicts end in reconciliation, and everyone is safe, cared for, and able to realize their unique potential.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“LSPC organizes communities impacted by the criminal justice system and advocates to release incarcerated people, to restore human and civil rights and to reunify families and communities. We build public awareness of structural racism in policing, the courts and prison system and we advance racial and gender justice in all our work. Our strategies include legal support, trainings, advocacy, public education, grassroots mobilization and developing community partnerships.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
A resource directory on NVC trainings, practice groups and the CNVC bookstore
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Graduate School is the world’s first graduate school wholly devoted to restorative practices. Our faculty — all scholar/practitioners — are dedicated to helping individuals find new ways to empower people and transform communities. This field, as well as our institution, is developing across national borders and professional disciplines, in order to positively influence human behavior and improve civil society.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal), CNCL-Endorsed
“Our mission is educational. We develop and share knowledge and resources on civil resistance with interested recipients throughout the world. This includes activists, scholars, educators, nongovernmental organizations, media professionals, and members of the policy community.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“IEER provides activists, policy-makers, journalists, and the public with understandable and accurate scientific and technical information on energy and environmental issues. Our aim is to bring scientific excellence to public policy issues in order to promote the democratization of science and a safer, healthier environment.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“ImaniWorks is a 501(c)(3) Noprofit Public Charity for the promotion of Human Rights through advocacy and education. We believe: -Human Rights are to be enjoyed by all. -Advocacy is easier than you think. -Sustainable living is healthy and fun.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Honor the Earth uses indigenous wisdom, music, art, and the media to raise awareness and support for Indigenous Environmental Issues. We leverage this awareness and support to develop financial and political capital for Indigenous struggles for land and life.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“Advocating for animal rights and ending needless euthanasia of at-risk felines through protection, adoption, and sanctuary.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our mission is to provide life-long care for our rescued animals, and to educate the public about humane animal care and practices. We rehabilitate, both physically and psychologically, mistreated animals and, if possible, we will find appropriate homes for them. In an effort to prevent further cruelty to these animals, we educate the public on caring for companion animals as well as on issues concerning farmed animals.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Our mission is to train people worldwide to better feed themselves while conserving resources. What do we do? Since 1972 we and our colleagues have been researching and developing GROW BIOINTENSIVE®, a high-yielding, sustainable agricultural system that emphasizes local food production and is based historically on intensive gardening systems.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“The mission of Green Corps is to train organizers, provide field support for today’s critical environmental campaigns, and graduate activists who possess the skills, temperament and commitment to fight and win tomorrow’s environmental battles.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“GRRN has a vision of the world where waste is not waste – it is a resource. We are the voice of all those who recycle and want to waste less and do more. GRRN is the leading voice calling for Zero Waste (ZW) in the United States by promoting the message that we must go “beyond recycling” and go upstream to the headwaters of the waste stream which is the industrial designer’s desk. ZW means not only 100% recovery of society’s discards, but also a redesign of the products and packaging of our lives such that everything produced for our consumer economy is non-toxic and designed to be recovered for re-use, recycling or composting.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT) is a multiracial organization that promotes the connection between fundraising, social justice and movement-building. We believe that how groups are funded is as important to achieving their goals as how the money is spent, and that building community support is central to long-term social change. We provide training, resources and analysis to strengthen organizations, with an emphasis on those focused on social justice and based in communities of color.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“To provide practical opportunities for people to support one another so that lives and neighbourhoods are transformed.” Activities: Food Rescue, Community Gardens, Neighbourhood Projects and Kitchen
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The goal of the German Animal Welfare Association is that every animal can lead a species-appropriate life. Be it in private households, in agriculture, in research and wherever humans deal with animals. We want animals to be protected in their natural habitats. Animal, nature and species protection are inseparable for us. Here you will learn everything about pets, animals in agriculture, animal experiments, wildlife, animal welfare abroad and how animals are protected by law.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Friends Peace Teams is a Spirit-led organization working to develop long-term relationships with communities in conflict around the world to create programs for peace building, healing and reconciliation.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019
“The Friends Committee on National Legislation lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, opportunity, and environmental stewardship. Founded in 1943 by members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), FCNL fields an expert team of lobbyists on Capitol Hill and works with a grassroots network of tens of thousands of people across the country to advance policies and priorities established by our governing General Committee. FCNL is a nonpartisan organization that seeks to live our values of integrity, simplicity, and peace as we build relationships across political divides to move policies forward.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Purpose: “Create a network of peacemakers. Organize and train local activists and justice leaders. Provide a national support framework for groups and communities to mobilize and drive moral movements. Welcome all people of conscience. Improve the lives of the disadvantaged. End structures of oppression, violence and war. Create peace through the transformative power of nonviolence.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary in Co Meath, Ireland, is a vegan home where farmed animals who have been rescued from the animal use industries, are given sanctuary for life. At Eden they are regarded with the dignity and respect that is their right. We may be different species but we have equal fundamental rights not to be bred, owned, used, exploited, harmed or killed.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The Eco-Dharma Centre is situated in a beautiful and wild part of the Catalan Pyrenees. We offer courses, events and retreats which support the realisation of our human potential and the development of an ecological consciousness honouring our mutual belonging within the web of life – drawing on the Buddhist Dharma and the emerging ecological paradigms of our time.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“The East Point Peace Academy is an organization dedicated to bringing about a culture of peace through training, education and the practice of Nonviolence and Conflict Reconciliation. We are grounded in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, and work with incarcerated populations, youth, activists and community leaders working to bring about the Beloved Community. We come from the traditions of the Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, the leaders of whom trained for a full year before engaging in direct action, and Gandhi and his 78 followers who went through a 15-year process of training and self purification before embarking on the Salt March. We believe that in order for us to create a peaceful world, we need to invest as much into peace as the military invests into war. Investments not only in money, but in time, commitment, strategy, unity and training. Through training and education, East Point transforms the hearts and minds of individuals, connecting them to a broader history of nonviolent social change movements, and inspiring them to become advocates for transforming the policies, cultures and value systems of their communities.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | CNCL-Endorsed
“Empowering sustainable culture through ecological systems design and education”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“There is little doubt that we face environmental challenges on a scale we have not seen before and that solving those challenges will require a deep understanding of STEM concepts and the ability to apply those concepts to real-world situations. Earth Force is committed to ensuring that young people have the knowledge, skills, and motivation to be effective civic participants who bring their environmental values to public decision-making. To do this we are partnering with school districts, education and environmental organizations to incorporate civic experiences into STEM and environmental education. Together we are working toward a world where everyone has the knowledge and skills they need to participate in environmental decision making in their community.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Courses, workshops and educational events. “Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“Earth Activist Training’s mission statement: To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources. To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries. To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“We openly rescue animals in captivity, exposing violence behind closed doors.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
Mission: “We commit to sustaining a DC Peace Team that cultivates the virtue of nonviolent peacemaking and key corresponding practices. We commit to unleashing the power of ordinary civilians to increasingly serve their communities particularly as nonviolent peacekeepers, and by extension as peacemakers and peacebuilders.”
Read MoreAug 14, 2019 | (Universal)
“CULTURAL SURVIVAL works toward a future that RESPECTS AND HONORS Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly interwoven in LANDS, LANGUAGES, SPIRITUAL TRADITIONS, and artistic expression, rooted in self-determination and self-governance.”
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