
A Young Poet Tells the Story of Darfur

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Grief and resilience live together. –Michelle Obama

A Young Poet Tells the Story of Darfur
–by, syndicated from, Aug 09, 2019

I was 10 years old when I learned what the word “genocide” meant. It was 2003, and my people were being brutally attacked because of their race — hundreds of thousands murdered, millions displaced, a nation torn apart at the hands of its own government.

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Disinformation and False Accusations of Anti-Semitism: Permitting Israel’s Slow Motion Genocide of Palestinians

The convoys of ambulances packed with medical supplies, (Viva Palestina 2009) grew out of an inspirational idea put forward by George Galloway. Both within the UK and indeed globally, individuals were/and continue to be shocked by the brutal attacks on a largely defenceless population living under siege in Gaza. The Israeli ‘Operation Cast Lead’ of 2008/9 left around 1,440 people dead and many more thousand injured. Ten years on, Gaza continues to face a slow genocide so the motivation to place blame on those who speak out about these outrageous war crimes and crimes against humanity, are well entrenched within the establishment and media.

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