Wholesome Practice: Nonviolence (general)

The Peace Abbey

“The mission of the Peace Abbey Foundation is to create and install public works of art that promote peace and nonviolence; and to administer and care for Abbey Interfaith Peace Chaplaincy, The Pacifist Memorial, The Animal Rights Memorial, Abbey Cremation Cemetery for Conscientious Objectors and the National Registry for Conscientious Objection. Throughout the year, the Foundation presents the Int’l Courage of Conscience Award at conferences and peace ceremonies and extends the impact of the Peace Seeds interfaith prayers for peace through their dissemination worldwide. We conduct and support programs that bring together and promote the cooperation of people of different faith traditions and non-theists as well. We do this in the spirit of the 1986 International Day of Prayer for World Peace, as celebrated that year by religious leaders from around the globe in Assisi, Italy. The Foundation supports grassroots efforts to link the many dimensions of the peace movement with a committed emphasis on human rights and animal rights. We recognize these two dimensions of intrinsic rights as inextricably interconnected, just as social and economic justice require environmental sustainability and deep respect for the biosphere. Central to our universalist approach is the premise that nonviolence is the most effective and long-term strategy in addressing the multitude of challenges that now threaten our increasingly imperiled planet.”

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The Peace Alliance

“The Peace Alliance empowers civic action toward a Culture of Peace…One of the unique things that the Peace Alliance does is to focus not only on doing, and also being. We shift human understanding toward empathy, compassion and connection, thus fostering interdependence among citizens and dialogue toward common ground and peaceful solutions to conflict. This is the only approach that will work. Our Peace Alliance Council Leads establish what they feel are the clear and direct actions, through education, advocacy and collaboration, to expand and reinforce this shift to compassionate understanding and an expanded culture of peace.”

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The Nonviolence Handbook: A Guide for Practical Action

“Love Is Stronger Than Hate. “Nonviolence is not the recourse of the weak but actually calls for an uncommon kind of strength; it is not a refraining from something but the engaging of a positive force,” renowned peace activist Michael Nagler writes. Here he offers a step-by-step guide to creatively using nonviolence to confront any problem and to build change movements capable of restructuring the very bedrock of society. Nagler identifies some specific tactical mistakes made by unsuccessful nonviolent actions such as the Tiananmen Square demonstrations and the Occupy protests and includes stories of successful nonviolent resistance from around the world, including an example from Nazi Germany. And he shows that nonviolence is more than a tactic—it is a way of living that will enrich every area of our lives.”

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The Network of Spiritual Progressives

“The Network of Spiritual Progressives is a broad network that seeks to transform our materialist and corporate-dominated culture into a loving and just society. We envision a world based on a New Bottom Line of awe and wonder at the universe where everyone is seen as fundamentally valuable regardless of their role in the marketplace. We call this framework “a spiritual progressive worldview.” Our network includes environmentalists, social activists and people of all walks of life who identify as religious, spiritual, atheist, and secular humanist. We are the interfaith advocacy arm of Tikkun magazine.”

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The Little Book of Courageous Living

“With grace, acuity, and humor, Miki Kashtan has shared with thousands of people on five continents how to live from love, courage and truth – in every moment, in thought, word, and deed. By integrating these three hallmarks of nonviolence into daily life, radical shifts happen…you begin to choose how to respond to life, rather than merely reacting; you no longer settle for solutions that work only for you or only for others; and, more and more, you step into leadership by taking responsibility for the whole in every situation. This little book contains 200 concise, evocative distillations of her wisdom, illustrated with powerful and original images. The Little Book of Courageous Living is an invitation to you to begin to build your own courageous life.”

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The Library of Peace

“MISSION: The Library of Peace is developing into a global archive of inspiring stories, photos and videos from sisters and brothers of our global family… like you. VISION: Human history is full of people who take the high-road and choose to cultivate peace and nonviolence. WE will tell their stories and we invite you to add your support at this exciting time. You are invited to join us and become an official co-founder too!”

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The LIFE program

“The primary focus of the LIFE program is to develop awareness of the consciousness of “the living energy of needs” or “the beauty of needs.” This is the foundational base for Living Compassion and is core to living and integrating NVC into life. The deepening work of the LIFE program is designed to establish a clear pathway to first identifying, then experiencing and cultivating this consciousness. This work supports an embodied spirituality and a way to engage in a living practice in our everyday, moment-to-moment living. Processes and tools are offered that serve this integration and development.”

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The King Center

“We prepare global citizens to create a more just, humane and peaceful world using Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology (Nonviolence365®).”

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The Institute for Human Rights & Responsibilities, Inc. (IHRR)

“The Institute for Human Rights & Responsibilities, Inc. (IHRR) is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that promotes adult leadership education for nonviolent democratic social change programs and projects. Located in Galena, Ohio, the IHRR publishes nonviolence and democracy educational materials, and conducts residential adult education leadership programs and nonviolence conflict reconciliation projects. Emphasis is placed on the institutionalization of nonviolence and democracy skills and information programs.”

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The Hakomi Institute, New Zealand

“We are part of the International Hakomi Institute based in the United States and have been offering practitioner training, workshops, and supporting the growth of Hakomi in New Zealand and Australia since 1989. Hakomi Experiential Psychotherapy is a mindfulness-based approach to self-understanding. Mindfulness is not simply part of the ‘tool kit’ in Hakomi, it forms the very foundation of the therapeutic encounter. Much more than a method or set of techniques, Hakomi is a way of looking at the world that is compassionate, mindful, curious, non-invasive, humorous and respectful.”

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The FANG Collective

“Founded in 2013, The FANG Collective seeks to escalate resistance to the fracked gas industry while supporting other movements for justice.”

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The Fearless Heart

“The Fearless Heart is a project of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication. Like many projects, it started small when, in 2010, Miki Kashtan finally got the nerve to start her own blog. The response was so positive, and the pleasure of putting out her ideas and experiences so meaningful, that writing emerged as a core aspect of Miki’s work. As her visibility and reach grew over time, a team of people coalesced in support of the vision that she is holding for what’s possible for individuals and for the world. The Fearless Heart is where Miki blogs. It acts as the publisher for her books and upcoming multimedia self-study guide to Nonviolent Communication. The Fearless Heart team supports trainings around the world conducted by Miki, and a number of other projects. We invite you to look around this site and see what draws your attention. We believe there is something here for anyone, from CEO to social activist.”

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The City Repair Project

“Mission: The City Repair Project fosters thriving, inclusive and sustainable communities through the creative reclamation of public space. We facilitate artistic and ecologically-oriented placemaking through projects that honor the interconnection of human communities and the natural world. We are an organized group action that educates and inspires communities and individuals to creatively transform the places where they live. The many projects of City Repair have been accomplished by a mostly volunteer staff and thousands of volunteer citizen activists. Our immediate service area is the Portland Metro Area and we have worked with communities in Gresham, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Oregon City, and Vancouver. Additionally, we can consulate with communities and organizations outside of our region. “

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The Change Agency – Books

“Over the past ten years we’ve put together a catalogued collection of over 200 books on social change, social movements, activist research and community campaigns and that challenge, inform and inspire. This is a list of our current favourites.”

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The Checklist for Ending Tyranny

Chapter available for download in multiple languages. Peter Ackerman and Hardy Merriman From the book: Is Authoritarianism Staging a Comeback? “Description: Today the most deadly conflicts in the world are not between states but rather within them, pitting tyrants against the populations they oppress. It is widely believed that these oppressed populations have two choices: acquiesce to tyranny in hopes that it will evolve to something milder or launch a violent insurrection to gain freedom. This limited view is refuted by the fact that civil resistance campaigns (sometimes referred to as “people power” movements or nonviolent conflicts) have occurred far more frequently than generally realized. Beginning in 1900, there has been on average one major campaign of civil resistance challenging an incumbent ruler per year. These citizen-­‐led movements have increasingly defined the outcome of the most geo-politically significant conflicts and democratic transitions since 1972. Yet policy makers, scholars, journalists, and other interested observers consistently underestimate this capacity of ordinary people to undermine tyranny and achieve rights without violence.”

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The Circle Works – Services

“We specialize in research and evidence-based practices for bringing about reconciliation to conflict and disharmony between individuals and within organizations and communities. We offer training utilizing the peacemaking circle process, theories of nonviolence, and other restorative practices to bring about peace, harmony, and balance in relationships. We can customize our services to meet your specific needs. We provide social justice-based training, consultation, and coaching. We assist individuals, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, community groups, non-profit and governmental agencies, faith-based communities, and others by utilizing restorative and transformative processes for problem-solving, conflict resolution, peace-building, team and community building, strategic planning, leadership development, racial healing, and racial equity analysis. We are an active partner of The Nonviolence Training Hub, an international consortium of trainers.”

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The Center on Conscience & War

“CCW is a non-profit organization that advocates for the rights of conscience, opposes military conscription, and serves all conscientious objectors to war. The Center on Conscience & War (CCW) works to extend and defend the rights of conscientious objectors (COs), those who oppose their participation in war, including members of the US military who, following a crisis of conscience, seek discharge as conscientious objectors. CCW also assists others who oppose their participation in war and the preparation for war, including youth required to register with Selective Service; individuals seeking US Citizenship who wish to take the alternative, nonviolent oath; and citizens of other countries facing mandatory military service. CCW opposes conscription, and, in the event of an active military draft, CCW will assist in the placement of conscientious objectors in alternative service programs, as we did in previous draft years. CCW, formerly the National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO), founded in 1940, is a founding member of the G.I. Rights Hotline, a national referral and counseling service for military personnel. All services are provided free of charge.”

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The Alternatives to Violence Project-USA

“To build an international movement of creative conflict resolution built on affirmation, respect for all, community, cooperation and trust. AVP-USA is an association of community, school and prison-based groups offering experiential workshops in personal growth, community development and creative conflict management. Founded in prison and developed from the real life experiences of prisoners, AVP encourages every person’s innate power to positively transform first themselves and then the world we live in. Alternatives to Violence Project brings together diverse groups of people to build Dr. King’s nonviolent “beloved community”. Together, we will build a more peaceful and equitable world.”

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Te Whiti o Rongomai: A Forerunner of Gandhi – by Helena Nielson

“Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Gandhi are all well known as advocates of peace, but not many people, even in New Zealand, have heard of Te Whiti, a Maori leader who practised nonviolent resistance against the British Empire two generations before Gandhi. It is unclear whether Gandhi was inspired by Te Whiti’s philosophy and actions but there is evidence that he heard about him from two Irish visitors who had visited Parihaka, Te Whiti’s model community in New Zealand. This article is an attempt to acknowledge and honour Te Whiti’s life and achievements.”

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Teach for Life

“The Teach for Life: NVC Educators Institute provides educational professionals with practical experience in a beautiful, nurturing retreat environment. Participants learn hands-on processes for facilitating vibrant and compassionate classrooms – places where students, teachers and parents thrive.”

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Strategy For A Living Revolution

Book: “Gandhi taught that nonviolence is all-pervasive. A commitment to nonviolence is more than acting nonviolently in any given conflict; it’s also a commitment to the creation of a nonviolent society. A theory of nonviolent revolution is evolving that encompasses the broad institutional, economic, and social changes needed to dismantle the war system on which our society is now based. In Powerful Peacemaking, George Lakey lays out a flexible five-step model for bringing about these fundamental changes, on the individual and societal level, with lots of historical examples. Lakey’s twenty years’ experience in the trenches of nonviolent action puts inspiration, reality, and guts behind his words.”

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Students for a Free Tibet

“Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a chapter-based network of young people and activists around the world. Through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom. Our role is to empower and train youth as leaders in the worldwide movement for social justice.”

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Stop Nuclear Power Network

“We are a UK-based non-hierarchical grassroots network of groups and individuals campaigning and taking nonviolent action against nuclear power and its expansion and supporting sustainable alternatives, so we can leave a nuclear-free, safe and healthy environment for future generations.”

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Still Relevant: What Makes an Action Nonviolent?

“”What makes an action nonviolent?” The question had acquired urgency among peace and justice activists in the wake of the November 1999 massive protests in Seattle against the World Trade Organization. I picked this issue to review because Iíd wished that discussion had gone on longer and gotten deeper, and because we are once again in a time of protest with a considerable urgency…We should not judge those who, for many reasons, do not embrace the term “nonviolent.” But we should not shy away from the use of the word. We must continue our exploration of the power of nonviolent actions, campaigns and movements. We must engage in this movement for racial justice. We are now witnessing empowering ways of engaging in conflict, resisting systems of violence and oppression, resisting the destruction of people without harming the perpetrators. That is what makes an action nonviolent and has the potential for revolutionary social change.”

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ssociation for Global New Thought

“The goal of the Association for Global New Thought’s programs in spiritually guided activism is to support concerned and informed citizens in their emerging role as ethically motivated community leaders. Spiritually guided activism is a term pioneered by the Association for Global New Thought and like-minded organizations to describe individuals who are spiritually mature and believe that, from this worldview, we need to take action in our communities to create positive change in this nation and beyond.”

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Spinning Threads of Radical Aliveness: Transcending the Legacy of Separation in Our Individual Lives

Book: “Do you carry within you a longing for an entirely different world? One which is aligned with our human needs, in which we collaborate with each other and the natural world, in which separation, scarcity, and powerlessness are a thing of the past? If so, this book will give you an extraordinary gift by serving as a blueprint for how you can become a one-person model of what life could be like. The key to this path is to radically change your relationship with your human needs, so that you can accept, even embrace them, and use them as guides for all your actions.”

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“Are you tired of ‘the problems’ and want to be more solutions-focused? Do you seek to live compassionately without the unnecessary exploitation of people, animals and the environment? Are you concerned about climate change and future generations? Create the change you wish to see in this world with permaculture! Our focus is on active learning, designing innovative courses and workshops that are participatory, fun, lively and inclusive. Adapted from the Permaculture Association (Britain)’s PDC core curriculum and much more, we create learning experiences that empower you, your organisation or your community to make positive change happen today.”

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SNCC: The New Abolitionists (Radical 60s)

Book: “Howard Zinn tells the story of one of the most important political groups in American history. SNCC: The New Abolitionists influenced a generation of activists struggling for civil rights and seeking to learn from the successes and failures of those who built the fantastically influential Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. It is considered an indispensable study of the organization, of the 1960s, and of the process of social change. Includes a new introduction by the author.”

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SOA Watch

“SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas. We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.”

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Silaturahmi: The Power of Visiting

“Silaturahmi: The Power of Visiting. Friends Peace Teams in Asia West Pacific presents a Blaze Nowara film, a 33-minute video that introduces the work of Friends Peace Teams and the power of visiting in preserving peace in the world.”

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Seeds of Peace Collective

“Since 1986, the Seeds of Peace Collective has provided logistical support and trainings to activists struggling on the front lines for social, environmental, and economic justice. We are a small but motivated group of individuals dedicated to furnishing the basics–namely, food, water, and skill sets–essential to the success of direct action campaigns and mass mobilizations. It is our intention to use our skills and equipment, not merely to provide a “service,” but rather to promote individual empowerment and community solidarity by providing an effective and adaptable framework. As a small collective, we cannot, by ourselves, cook for 5,000 people. But by providing kitchen equipment and a certain level of experience, we can work with and facilitate a group of people to cook , deliver, and serve a meal on such a scale. Seeds of Peace is dedicated to feeding, training, and in all ways supporting the practitioners of radical political change. We have a mobile kitchen that can serve thousands, we have the experience and determination to assist in organizing mass mobilizations and direct action campaigns, and we offer a wide variety of trainings, incuding: campaign strategizing, nonviolent direct action- and mass action tactics, community health and safety, guerilla kitchen basics, and action first aid. We also organize Direct Action Camps now and again.”

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Seacoast Peace Response

“Seacoast Peace Response is dedicated to promoting peace and justice worldwide. We oppose aggressive U.S foreign policy including threats and acts of war. We seek to foster dialogue within the Seacoast community through public programs and nonviolent action. We offer resources, organizing, and inspiration to replace the terror of war with global cooperation and equality.”

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School of the Americas Watch

“SOA Watch is a nonviolent grassroots movement working to close the SOA / WHINSEC and similar centers that train state actors such as military, law enforcement and border patrol. We strive to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas. We act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.”

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School Mediation Associates

“The mission of School Mediation Associates is to transform schools into safer, more caring, and more effective institutions. Through our work we: -Encourage young people to become leaders in their schools. -Help students and educators see conflict as an opportunity for personal and institutional growth. -Teach students and educators the skills to resolve conflict non-violently and collaboratively. -Mediate challenging conflicts at educators’ requests. -Disseminate an approach to problem solving that values diversity and respects differences of opinion. -Provide educators with the knowledge, experience and the materials necessary to integrate collaborative conflict resolution processes into their professional practices, their curricula, and their personal lives.”

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Save Poppy

“We are here to share important information about unnecessary cruelty, environmental destruction and the health impact of animal agriculture. We`d love you to take a moment to read the facts presented here. Here you will be exposed to the truth that too many vested interests have desperately attempted to prevent you from learning. The information that is shared within these pages can improve your own life immeasurably, while offering the clearest solution to some of the most pressing issues of our age.”

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Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos

“Mission​: To promote multicultural social justice, nonviolence and economic equity through cultural healing, civic leadership and youth & community development…Vision:
In all of our endeavors, we seek to provide curative space in the face of oppression. We seek the end of mass incarceration. We seek meaningful pathways for our youth, whether it be political and economic or interpersonal and spiritual. We seek a community where the importance of culture is understood and individuals can draw strength from their authentic selves. We seek a world that is truly just for all. We move forward knowing peace is possible when we come together with understanding, respect and love.”

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S. Brian Willson

“This site contains essays describing the incredible historic pattern of U.S. arrogance, ethnocentrism, violence and lawlessness in domestic and global affairs, and the severe danger this pattern poses for the future health of Homo sapiens and Mother Earth. Other essays discuss revolutionary, nonviolent alternative approaches based on the principle of radical relational mutuality. This is a term increasingly used by physicists, mathematicians and cosmologists to describe the nature of the omnicentric*, ever-unfolding universe. Every being, every aspect of life energy in the cosmos, is intrinsically interconnected with and affects every other being and aspect of life energy at every moment. *everything is at the center of the cosmos at every moment”

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Ruckus Society – Trainings

Training Topics: Nonviolent Direct Action, Direct Action Planning, Direct Action Support Skills, Blockades, Direct Action Climbing, Media and Messaging, Arts in Action…”The Ruckus Society is a multi-racial network of trainers dedicated to providing the necessary tools, preparation, and support to build direct action capacity for ecological justice and social change movements. We work with Indigenous communities and other communities of color working to preserve their homes and environments and for climate justice.”

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Rising Tide North America – Training Resources

“Below is a list of trainings and resources that we’ve been drawing from and using for many years. There are plenty more training and resources out there, but think of this as a list for getting ideas for your work. We drew pretty heavily upon the Midnight Special Law Collective’s resources as well as those of the ubiquitous Lisa Fithian. Both have contributed greatly to our work.” Categories: “Know Your Rights, Direct Action, Tactics Resources, Facilitation Resources, Some Anti-Oppression Resources, Other Trainings, Websites loaded with resources for organizers and trainers “

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Rising Tide

“Rising Tide is an international, all-volunteer, grassroots network of groups and individuals who organize locally, promote community-based solutions to the climate crisis and take direct action to confront the root causes of climate change. Rising Tide was born out of the conviction that corporate-friendly “solutions” to climate change will not save us and that most government efforts are half-measures at best. We organize through decentralized local groups that support one another with shared resources, ideas, fundraising, training and collaborations. Our activities include grassroots community organizing, publishing educational materials, organizing creative direct actions and protests, and holding public education events in order to further the struggle for climate justice.”

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Reweaving Our Human Fabric: Working Together to Create a Nonviolent Future

“Imagine: A future world in which we all value people and life and participate in a flow of generosity. A world where sharing our gifts and the mundane tasks of life are both done with wholehearted willingness, free of coercion. A world where attending to everyone’s needs is the organizing principle. Miki Kashtan weaves together vivid social science fiction stories that bring that world to life with compelling nonfiction about how to get there.”

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Resource Center for Nonviolence

“The Resource Center for Nonviolence, founded in 1976, is a peace and justice organization promoting the practice of nonviolent social change. Located in Santa Cruz, California, we cultivate relationships with allies around California, across the United States, in Latin America, the Middle East and elsewhere. Our primary mission is to support the growth of nonviolent activists. The Center hosts activists and analysts from nonviolent struggles around the world.”

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Quotations for Social Change

“This collection of 303 quotations related to positive social change made by over 160 people, some famous, some not so, includes the 263 quotations interspersed throughout Inciting Democracy plus 40 more that were too profound or clever to leave out.”

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Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

“We are a wide network of peacemakers who engage issues of both national and international import. Our call is to be movers and shakers within the PC(USA) and beyond, encouraging one another to take seriously God’s call to God’s people to participate in God’s nonviolent work of love, peace, and justice in the world. The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship started in the 1940s as a group that provided support to Conscientious Objectors to World War II, a war in which objection was quite unpopular. Since our birth we have continued to be a prophetic voice in our church, urging the abolition of war and encouraging our sisters and brothers to enact peace in the midst of our broken world. We have helped lead the PC(USA) to take bold stances in the face of violence.”

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Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace

Book: “The Power of Goodness: Stories of Nonviolence and Reconciliation is a storybook with original artwork by young people ages 6 – 20 from Chechnya, Russia and around the world illustrating narratives of nonviolence, healing and reconciliation. Together they capture the excitement of action, joy of seeing from new perspectives and encouragement of witnessing how small actions make big differences.”

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Book: “Power-Under offers important new insights that can help us to break cycles of violence. Analyzing connections between oppression, trauma, and internalized powerlessness, this book shows how trauma is a link in complex chains of domination. Because large numbers of traumatized people are both oppressors and oppressed, understanding internalized powerlessness is critically important for our ability to build effective social change movements. Strategies including nonviolent self-protection, humanizing the oppressor, and a new politics of compassion are proposed for mobilizing traumatic rage toward progressive ends. Power-Under is strikingly relevant to a post-September 11 world in which we need to mount resistance to chain reactions of violence.”

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Popular Resistance

“With the corporate takeover of federal and state governments, growing state violence and oppression, a widening wealth gap and the climate crisis, more people are becoming politically active in new and creative ways. A growing culture of resistance is utilizing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience as primary tactics, and is forming real democratic organizations to empower local communities—as opposed to working within the corrupt government dominated by a two-corporate party system and within an unfair, big finance, capitalist economy. PopularResistance.org is a resource and information clearinghouse for this movement of movements. We provide a daily stream of resistance news from the United States and around the world, and a national events calendar. “

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Politics of Nonviolent Action, Part Two: The Methods of Nonviolent Action

Book: “A detailed examination of 198 specific methods of the technique – illustrated with actual cases – within the broad classes of nonviolent protest and persuasion, non-cooperation (social, economic and political) and nonviolent intervention. This book examines revolutionary events including the American Revolution, through common sense and analysis.”

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Play in the Wild

“Play in the Wild! Initiations into Nonviolence offer a full-immersion education in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We define nonviolence as a lifelong commitment to seeing beyond differences, respecting all living things, and being of service to ourselves and others…Students in these programs learn practical and effective skills for living interdependently with all forms of life while developing knowledge of self and others. These skills and knowledge form the basis for peaceful, harmonious, and productive communities, not just at Play in the Wild!, but in the circles of relationships that the youth create after they leave our program.”

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Physicians for Global Survival

“Physicians for Global Survival (PGS), formed in 1980, was formerly a charity and is now a not for profit organization. It is the Canadian affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which is the only international medical organization dedicated to preventing nuclear war. PGS recognizes that the catastrophic health and environmental consequences of a nuclear war are at the extreme end of a continuum of armed violence that undermines health and security. IPPNW and PGS are committed to studying the root causes of armed conflict from a public health perspective and to educating others. PGS promotes nonviolent means of conflict resolution and social justice in a sustainable world. Through examination of the connections between nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, PGS and IPPNW are now concerned about global energy sustainability and climate change issues. For its work, IPPNW was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.”

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“PeaceVoice is a program of the Oregon Peace Institute. We are devoted to changing U.S. national conversation about the possibilities of peace and justice and the inadvisability of war and injustice. We believe that nonviolent conflict transformation from destructive to constructive —peace and justice by peaceable means—can help shape public discourse and thus, ultimately, public policy.”

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Peace News

“Welcome to Peace News, the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement. We seek to oppose all forms of violence, and to create positive change based on cooperation and responsibility.”

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Peaceable Journey

“In the hearts and minds of people from every culture and background, there exists a vast, untapped reservoir of potential. Yet many of these global citizens, motivated to help create a more just and compassionate future for us all, lack access to effective tools for education and outreach. Meeting this crucial and often unmet need is why Tribe of Heart was founded in 2000, and it is what has inspired our work ever since. “This film has changed my life” is a phrase we often hear, and it simultaneously humbles us and excites our imaginations. We wonder, what might be possible if a large enough number of people were to see Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home or The Witness? With individual lives being changed one by one, and more people becoming empowered to carry that change forward to others, could the tragic plight of the animals on our planet begin to turn around? Could the environment be spared from ever-greater devastation? Could many more people live longer, healthier lives? Could a growing ethic of compassion and justice arise in our culture, transforming the way we relate to our fellow beings, individually and collectively? If you are as captivated by these possibilities as we are and want to get involved, please use this page to learn more about Tribe of Heart and explore the many ways you can make a difference. Working together, we can awaken and empower a vast number of people to become agents of peaceful transformation in their communities, and thereby make a lasting difference for those most in need. Please join us!”

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Peace Factory

“At Peace Factory, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is our source of inspiration for communication, dialogue and conflict resolution…Peace Factory comes to life as an adult training center and eco-hamlet cooperative, firmly rooted in valuing the needs of every human being. The transformation of the site, initiated in spring 2009 aims to develop a place of eco-cohabitation, integrating a training and well-being center anchored in the development of universal human needs.”

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Pax Christi USA

“Grounded in the Gospel and Catholic social teaching, Pax Christi USA (PCUSA) is a membership organization that rejects war, preparation for war, every form of violence and domination, and personal and systemic racism. As PCUSA, a section of Pax Christi International, we are a Catholic peace and justice movement that seeks to model the Peace of Christ in our witness to the mandate of the nonviolence of the Cross.”

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Peace Brigades International

“Human rights defenders are at the heart of all we do at PBI. We provide protection, support and recognition to local human rights defenders who work in areas of repression and conflict and have requested our support. We believe that lasting transformation of conflicts cannot come from outside, but must be based on the capacity and desires of local people. We avoid imposing, interfering or getting directly involved in the work of the people we accompany. Our work is effective because we take an integrated approach, combining a presence alongside human rights defenders on the ground with an extensive network of international support.”

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Peace Circle Center

“We believe in human relationships where we go beyond the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ thinking to curiously approach differences and connect to the deeper internal motivations and needs and create bridges of connection…The Peace Circle Center offers standard and customized programs to schools, groups, communities, organizations, parents to bring powerful and compassionate character-building, peacemaking, social and coaching skills. The Peace Circle Center caters directly to youths and children through ‘Mom & Daughter’, ‘Dad & Son’, ‘Youth empowerment’, “Bullying Transformers’ mentorship groups and retreats. The Peace Circle Center has a large community-building effort for interested parents, educators and ‘friends of children’ through DC-area social events, camping trips and annual summer camp partnerships.”

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Pax Christi Peace Stories

“This blog is about the power of stories–in particular, the power of stories to change the world–and maybe, just maybe, to change us too. Our scriptures, that original collection of stories that our ancestors cherished and passed down to us generation after generation, tell us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The stories told here on this site, whether taken individually or woven together, provide us a vision that speaks to both the presence of peace in our world today and the promise of peace for peoples and places that so desperately yearn for it. The voices here come from throughout our global movement, 120 member organisations on 5 continents, individuals and groups who are witnessing to peace with justice through the practice of active nonviolence and reconciliation. These are the voices and stories of people close to the action, on the ground, at the grassroots, all joined together to make Pax Christi International.”

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Papers on Nonviolent Action and Cooperative Decision-Making

“Collected here are papers about progressive social change… In 1980, I began facilitating workshops to prepare people for nonviolent direct action. I found it useful to prepare sample agendas which I could then easily modify to suit the occasion. I also developed notes and handouts that included everything I had learned about these subjects. I freely distribute these papers and encourage other people to use them to facilitate workshops for progressive activists. Please spread the word!.”

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Organizing Cools the Planet: Tools and Reflections on Navigating the Climate Crisis

Pamphlet: “Organizing Cools The Planet weaves together stories, analysis, organizing tools, and provocative questions, to offer a snapshot of U.S. climate activism and provide pathways for readers to participate in it. Authors share hard lessons learned, reflect on strategy, and grapple with the challenges of their roles as organizers who do not come from “frontline” communities, but work to amplify and build a climate justice movement led by low-income people, communities of color, Indigenous, youth and other constituencies most directly impacted by the crisis. Rooted in the authors’ experiences organizing in local, national, and international arenas, this pamphlet grapples with the challenges and overwhelming odds young activists face today. Organizing Cools the Planet challenges readers to look at the scale of ecological collapse with open eyes, without falling prey to disempowering doomsday narratives. It asks key pressing questions for those who wish to take our generational challenge seriously. This pamphlet is for anyone who wants to build a movement with the resiliency to navigate one of the most rapid transitions in human history.”

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Organising for Power, Organising for Change – Links

Resource directory divided into categories. “I am so glad you found this website. It’s full of information, resources, photos, stories and more from past movements, campaigns and actions. I hope it will be useful to you as an organizer, student, activist, journalist or researcher.”

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One Voice

“There may be no fighting but there is one fight and that is against violence, One Voice acts to reverse it wherever it develops and on whoever the victim is. It defends animal and planetary ethics. It fights for all sentient beings, for the recognition of the status of animal personhood and the “link” between violence to animals and humans.
One Voice, law association 1908, was created by Muriel Arnal in 1995. It operates in France and in the world for the respect of life in all its forms and denounces both animal exploitation and its consequences ethically, environmentally and healthily. It develops campaigns of lobbying and sensitization relying in particular on the work from investigations by its investigators and reports from experts. It works with international NGOs, sanctuaries and shelters around the world where its actions are useful.”

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NVC in Australia

“This website represents a growing community of trainers and supporters of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) committed to teaching and creating Nonviolent Communication awareness throughout Australia and neighbouring regions. This community is an informal arrangement of people making individual offerings, and individually holding legal responsibility for their own offerings. It includes volunteers giving freely and joyfully, time and energy to this vision. Others are enjoying contributing to sharing this work and supporting and sustaining themselves financially as independent business entities.”

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NVC Academy

“The NVC Academy was established in 2006 by Mark Schultz and Mary Mackenzie. Its mission is to ensure the accessibility of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training to individuals worldwide, regardless of the availability of trainers in their immediate geographic region. Our primary purpose is to serve as the worldwide online classroom for learning Nonviolent Communication.”

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NVC Aotearoa NZ

“Welcome! NVC (Nonviolent Communication) is a practical toolkit that provides you with a set of concrete skills that you can use to communicate more effectively with others and even yourself!”

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NVC Family Camp

“Family Camp is a place where everyone’s needs matter: – playing – learning – growing – loving – autonomy – safety – respect… It’s a place to explore the realm of compassionate strength and connection, starting at home.”

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“News & Information on Nuclear Weapons, Power, Waste & Nonviolent Resistance…Nukewatch brings critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons and radioactive wastes. Join our staff and volunteers in raising awareness and taking nonviolent action to address the nuclear dangers that threaten current and future generations.”

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Nukewatch – Workshops

“Nukewatch trainers are available to lead workshops in Nonviolent Action and Action Planning. Our reimbursement rates are very reasonable and we’re willing to travel! If your group is ready to take a struggle for social justice or environmental protection to the next level, or if you are just looking for more information on what we have to offer, please contact us.”

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Nonviolent Leadership for Social Justice Intensive

“Since it’s inception in 2007, we have worked together to design, develop and present the work offered at the Nonviolent Leadership for Social Justice Intensive. Our passion for this work is founded in our own life experiences with the issues we address and is fueled by extensive study in Nonviolent Communication and the theories and practical application of frameworks for social transformation.”

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Nonviolent Peaceforce

“Nonviolent Peaceforce is a global non-profit organization. We protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies. We build peace side-by-side with local communities. We advocate for wider adoption of these approaches to safeguard human lives and dignity…We most often respond to invitations by credible local organizations committed to nonviolent solutions. Once invited, we meet key players, including commanders from opposing sides, local police, religious, business, and civil society leaders. We live and work in communities within conflict zones alongside local people. When violence erupts, civilians under threat often contact us. They know and trust us. We have been living among them. Visibly nonpartisan and unarmed, we arrive in NP uniforms, with NP vehicles, letting our presence be known. We build the confidence and safety of civilians deeply affected by conflict so they can access available structures and mechanisms for addressing problems and grievances. Our activities have ranged from entering active conflict zones to remove civilians in the crossfire to providing opposing factions a safe space to negotiate. Other activities include serving as a communication link between warring factions, securing safe temporary housing for civilians displaced by war, providing violence prevention measures during elections and negotiating the return of kidnapped family members.”

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Nonviolence Radio

“The Beat of an Unstoppable Movement…Nonviolence Radio (formerly Peace Paradigm Radio) is a 60-minute program featuring news about nonviolence culture and movements around the world. The show also includes inspiring discussions with nonviolence practitioners and movement-builders. “

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Nonviolence Workshops

Material for nonviolence workshops. “We have divided the workshops into ‘Nonviolence and nonviolent action’ and ‘Group work and dynamics’.”

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Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Book: “1,000,000 copies sold worldwide • Translated in More Than 30 Languages. What is Violent Communication? If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate—judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who’s “good/bad” or what’s “right/wrong” with people—could indeed be called “violent communication.” What is Nonviolent Communication? Nonviolent Communication is the integration of 4 things: -Consciousness: a set of principles that support living a life of empathy, care, courage, and authenticity. -Language: understanding how words contribute to connection or distance. -Communication: knowing how to ask for what we want, how to hear others even in disagreement, and how to move toward solutions that work for all. -Means of influence: sharing “power with others” rather than using “power over others”. Nonviolent Communication serves our desire to do three things: 1. Increase our ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection. 2. Connect empathically with self and others to have more satisfying relationships. 3. Sharing of resources so everyone is able to benefit.”

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Nonviolence Training

“Our Training and Special Projects Team provides internal and external nonviolence training, alongside outreach that cultivates new trainers and innovative partnerships…Our Nonviolence trainers provide over 8,000 hours of nonviolence trainings every year. We work with companies, nonprofits, schools and professional and social groups to teach the principles and practices of nonviolence, to inspire others to spread the message of nonviolence, and to grow The Beloved Healthy Community. “

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Nonviolence International

“Nonviolence International researches and promotes nonviolent action and seeks to reduce the use of violence worldwide.  We believe that every culture and religion can employ appropriate nonviolent methods for positive social change and international peace.”

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Nonviolence Institute

“Our Mission: The mission of the Nonviolence Institute is to teach, by word and example, the principles and practices of nonviolence, and to foster a community that addresses potentially violent situations with nonviolent solutions. Our Vision: We work every day to build a Beloved Healthy Community reflective of the actions and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We serve as a leader in the nonviolence movement, serving as a model for other organizations across the country and training people from all walks of life in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We envision the Institute becoming an international center of excellence for the nonviolence movement.”

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Nonviolence Magazine

“A Magazine for Practical Idealists…Opening a picture on nonviolence culture and movements. Brought to you by the Metta Center for Nonviolence.” Categories: Peacebuilding, Economy, Social Justice, Environment.

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Nonviolence Now

Stories of nonviolence. Click on location on map for the story there. Also has categories: Community, Courage, Justice, Love. Includes a list of websites on nonviolence and an opportunity to share your story of using nonviolence.

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