Wholesome Practice: Nonviolence (general)

Nonviolence 101

Brochure: “WRL’s new, updated brochure on nonviolence – what it is and how to use it – and deeper information on its impact, including: -Basics of Nonviolence. -Strengthening Campaigns. -Why use Nonviolence? -What is Nonviolence? -WRL’s Nonviolent Struggle History. -What is nonviolence? Revolutionary nonviolence is an active form of resistance to systems of privilege and domination. It’s not simply the absence of violence, and it’s certainly not passive. Nonviolence is a philosophy for liberation, an approach to movement building, a tactic of non-cooperation, and defense. It is a willingness to break unjust laws and take action. It’s a powerful practice we employ to resist and transform our world. People all over the world have effectively used nonviolence in their work for peace and justice.”

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Nobel Women’s Initiative

“The Nobel Women’s Initiative uses the prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize and six courageous women peace laureates—Mairead Maguire, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi, Tawakkol Karman, and Leymah Gbowee—to magnify the power and visibility of women working in countries around the world for peace, justice and equality. The six women bring together their extraordinary experiences and work to spotlight, amplify and promote the work of grassroots women’s organizations and movements around the world. The Nobel Women’s Initiative was established in 2006.”

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“Our mission is to inspire, motivate and engage youth to understand how to solve conflicts peacefully. We have educated and trained more than 8 million students, athletes, teachers, coaches and youth leaders since 1993 and are aiming to reach one hundred million by 2030.”

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New York Center for Nonviolent Communication

“The New York Center for Nonviolent Communication (NYCNVC) is a spontaneous, cooperative network of NVC learners, proponents, trainers, facilitators and practitioners who share a passion for the work of Marshall Rosenberg. Our immediate intention is to carefully develop and deliver amazing NVC trainings within and across pervading geographic, cultural, economic and language bounds. Our long term intention is to establish a widespread understanding of Nonviolent Communication as a key to creating a more compassionate and sustainable world to leave for our children’s children.”

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New England Nonviolence Trainers Network

“Over 50 activists throughout New England who have experience facilitating nonviolence training sessions are part of the Nonviolence Trainers Network. The purpose of the Network is to make nonviolence training widely available and to provide trainers with a variety of resources. The Network, through the support of the New England War Resisters League, provides opportunities for nonviolence trainers to share skills and resources, and learn new methods of training. Trainings for those wishing to become nonviolence trainers are also organized.”

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Nature and Nonviolence (Thich Nhat Hanh)

“We human beings have always singled ourselves out from the rest of the natural world. We classify other animals and living beings as ‘Nature’, a thing apart from us, and act as if we’re somehow separate from it. Then we ask, “How should we deal with Nature?” We should deal with Nature the same way we should deal with ourselves: nonviolently. Human beings and Nature are inseparable. Just as we should not harm ourselves, we should not harm Nature. Causing harm to other human beings causes harm to ourselves. Accumulating wealth and owning excessive portions of the world’s natural resources deprives fellow humans of the chance to live. Participating in oppressive and unjust social systems creates and deepens the gap between rich and poor, and aggravates the situation of social injustice. While the rest of the human family suffers and starves, the enjoyment of false security and wealth is a delusion.”

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National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

“The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee supports individuals who refuse to pay for war, and promotes war tax resistance in the context of a broad range of nonviolent strategies for social change. Through the redirection of our tax dollars, war tax resisters contribute directly to the struggle for peace and justice for all. NWTRCC is a coalition of local, regional, and national groups and individuals from across the United States. For everyone interested in or actively refusing to pay taxes for war, NWTRCC offers information, referral, support, resources, publicity, campaign sponsorship, and connection to an international network of conscientious objectors to war taxes.”

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Muslim Peace Fellowship

Our objectives: -To work against injustice and for peace in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world. -To affirm the commitment to peace on behalf of all Muslims. -To explore and deepen our understanding of Islamic teachings about peace and nonviolence. -To expose and transcend the vicious circle of religious stereotyping and false identity. -To develop faithful and authentic nonviolent strategies for the establishment of sustainable social balance and the redress of wrongs. -To reach out to people of other religious traditions to further mutual understanding and respect, and to build solidarity in the service of the planet. -To work together with all people of good will to keep open the Straight Path between human conscience and the creator of the worlds. Muslim Peace Fellowship pursues its goals through conferences, publications, service projects, teaching in academic and grassroots settings, speaking engagements, coalition building, and interreligious social action. And, of course, through interior work and prayer.

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Movement Building for Allies

Manual: “Members and organizations of the traditional peace movement have been increasingly coming to recognize the importance not only of partnering and “joining forces” with groups and organizations led primarily by poor people and people of color, but also of taking leadership from those groups and learning how to be effective allies to them through our organizing efforts. Movement Building for Allies is a facilitators’ manual for a workshop intended for white activists working in groups within the peace movement and other anti-militarist movements who want to deepen their understanding of how to do strategic organizing using an anti-oppression and cross-movement approach. This includes a focus on how to be strong allies to directly impacted communities (i.e. those whose immediate survival-level needs are impeded by U.S. militarism) through relationship-building and a clear understanding of the root causes of war and militarism.”

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Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Book: “Clearly, Gandhi never renounced the world; he was neither pacifist nor cult guru. Who was Gandhi? In the midst of resurging interest in the man who freed India, inspired the American Civil Rights Movement, and is revered, respected, and misunderstood all over the world, the time is proper to listen to Gandhi himself — in his own words, his own “confessions,” his autobiography. Gandhi made scrupulous truth-telling a religion and his Autobiography inevitably reminds one of other saints who have suffered and burned for their lapses. His simply narrated account of boyhood in Gujarat, marriage at age 13, legal studies in England, and growing desire for purity and reform has the force of a man extreme in all things. He details his gradual conversion to vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence) and the state of celibacy (brahmacharya, self-restraint) that became one of his more arduous spiritual trials. In the political realm he outlines the beginning of Satyagraha in South Africa and India, with accounts of the first Indian fasts and protests, his initial errors and misgivings, his jailings, and continued cordial dealings with the British overlords. Gandhi was a fascinating, complex man, a brilliant leader and guide, a seeker of truth who died for his beliefs but had no use for martyrdom or sainthood. His story, the path to his vision of Satyagraha and human dignity, is a critical work of the twentieth century, and timeless in its courage and inspiration. “

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Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute

“Mission: Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute instigates, trains, and supports racially, sexually, culturally, ethnically, religiously, and economically diverse individuals and organizations to become trauma-informed, resilience-oriented, and restorative justice-focused empowering communities in Minnesota, the USA, and around the world.”

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Metta Centre for Nonviolence – Blog

An extensive range of categories and posts on nonviolence. Mission: “We encourage people in all walks of life to discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and to use its power trategically for the long-term transformation of themselves and the world, focusing on the root causes of injustice, competition, and violence. We aim to make the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us).”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence

“Our Mission: We encourage people in all walks of life to discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and to cultivate its power for the long-term transformation of themselves and the world, focusing on the root causes of dehumanization and ultimately all forms of violence. We aim to make the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us), thereby empowering effective, healing, and principled action around the world…Values & Vision: Our core values grow from the power that it is our privilege to explore—nonviolence: responsibility, human dignity, compassion, respect for all life. We envision a world transformed by an awareness of the true potential of every human being, where all of life is sacred and where all our social systems work in harmony with the earth. We see a world in which conflict rarely occurs, and when it does, can always be addressed by the creative energy of nonviolence. In this world, unarmed peacekeeping has replaced military intervention, restorative justice has replaced retribution, and needs-based economies have replaced consumerism, among other essential changes.”

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Meta Peace Team – Skills Training

An outline of the skills training. ​”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence – Programs

“Would you like the Metta Center to give a talk, offer a training, webinar, or workshop? We’re happy to help…The Metta Center for Nonviolence provides educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? The Metta Center holds special consultative status at the UN (Economic and Social Council).”

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Merdeka and the Morning Star: Civil Resistance in West Papua

Book: “Jason Macleod is a member of the Change Agency team: a dedicated activist educator, mentor and strategist. Having dropped out of university in 1991, Jason hitched to northern Queensland then made his way to Papua New Guinea. Hiking and paddling the Sepik, he made his way into a remote part of West Papua where he contracted malaria. He collapsed into a coma and was cared for by local health workers. Jason’s initial experiences in West Papua led him to form an enduring commitment to justice for the West Papuan people: a 25 year commitment that has involved spending time with leaders of the self-determination movement each year, training hundreds of West Papuan activists and completing a PhD to deepen and articulate his emerging understandings. Jason’s analysis of the West Papuan struggle for self-determination is powerful and compelling. He draws on his 25 years of lived experience as an ally and his deep understanding of social movement theory. Merdeka and the Morning Star speaks equally to academics and activists. Jason applies his deep understanding of theoretical frameworks and political history to analyse strategic options, looking at the West Papuan self-determination struggle in its historical and contemporary forms, and looking forward to its future success. This is a precious example of activist research. Jason writes with the clarity that comes from decades of action and reflection and the commitment of a genuine ally.”

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Meta Peace Team

​”Creating an alternative to militarism and violence through empowered peacemaking. Our Vision: We seek a just world grounded in nonviolence and respect for the sacred interconnectedness of all life. Our Mission: Meta Peace Team pursues peace through active nonviolence in places of conflict. Our Goals: -Educating the public to the vision and practice of nonviolence, particularly as it relates to nonviolent conflict intervention/transformation. -Providing training in active nonviolence designed for the specific needs of the participants. -Recruiting, training, and placing Peace Teams both domestically and internationally. -Cooperating, supporting, and participating with local peace and justice groups, particularly as it relates to our Mission.”

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Meditation for Peacemakers

Book: “Images of Nonviolent activism can be striking: protesters beaten with clubs in India, Civil Rights Activists subjected to firehoses in the south, Occupy students sprayed with neon orange chemicals. How to remain nonviolent, preserve inner calm, in the face of such severe violence? Gandhi maintained that the answer was in a sustained discipline of calming the mind, and in this eShort, lauded nonviolence theorist and meditation practitioner Michael Nagler shows you how.”

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Mediation Works

Link to Mediation Works – Peace Education Programmes Newsletter. “The Peace Foundation (Foundation for Peace Studies Aotearoa/New Zealand) offers innovative and quality programmes, services and resources that are used in many schools, homes and communities – both in New Zealand and overseas. It helps to establish and maintain peaceful and non-violent relationships by teaching skills that encourage better communication, co-operation and non-violent conflict resolution.”

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Mediate Your Life – A training company

“The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”

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Mediate Your Life – Shedule

Upcoming Trainings. “The skills and processes that comprise the Mediate Your Life training are drawn from the worlds of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), mediation, mindfulness, compassion, positive psychology, and brain science. The result is nothing less than in-depth training in a new language and consciousness. It offers a set of skills and “maps” to be able to mediate and navigate any aspect of conflict or challenge in your life, internal or external, and help other people by offering empathic communication coaching and mediation.”

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Life

Book: “Marshall Frady, the reporter who became the unofficial chronicler of the civil rights movement, here re-creates the life and turbulent times of its inspirational leader. Deftly interweaving the story of King’s quest with a history of the African American struggle for equality, Frady offers fascinating insights into his subject’s magnetic character, with its mixture of piety and ambition. He explores the complexities of King’s relationships with other civil rights leaders, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover, who conducted a relentless vendetta against him. The result is a biography that conveys not just the facts of King’s life but the power of his legacy.”

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Matrix Exercise

“This exercise helps a group match tactics (specific actions) and the objectives to reach the campaign’s goals. This exercise is helpful when a group has not fully decided on action plans.” (2 page pdf)

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Maple Farm Sanctuary

“Maple Farm Sanctuary is an animal sanctuary providing lifelong homes for abused, abandoned and unwanted farmed animals while promoting veganism and respect for all life through public information. Maple Farm Sanctuary has taken in a fraction of the billions of farmed animals that are bought, sold, tormented and slaughtered by the meat, dairy and fur industries. At Maple Farm Sanctuary, we strive to treat both humans and non-humans as individuals who are worthy of compassion and respect, where we pursue a vegan diet and a non-violent lifestyle and where our stewardship of these 120 acres of beautiful Massachusetts farmland and wildlife habitat is a sacred trust. We ourselves once raised and sent to slaughter animals as a means of making a living. As a result of a profound change of consciousness, we now choose to see the world and animals in a very different light. We have dedicated our lives to completing our transformation from animal farmers to animal rescuers and caretakers, and to sharing what we have discovered along the way with as many people as possible.”

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Mahatma: Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948

“This is a film which seeks to tell the life-story of Gandhi the Man and his incessant search for Truth. In this world so full of hatred and violence, this man of peace and goodwill fought all evil and injustice with Soul-Force. He stands out as a challenge giving the message of truth and non-violence, of love supreme and unbounded. He is the Mahatma – the Great Soul – the name given to him by the people of India. Gandhi has left an indelible mark on human history. His thought is ever relevant for all those who aspire for a better and fuller life. The Gandhi National Memorial Trust has made a humble attempt to perpetuate Gandhi’s memory by presenting the first complete biographical documentary film of his life which, in a large measure, reflects the history of India’s struggle for freedom.”

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Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Inc.

“The Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Foundation, Incorporated, was founded in the United States of America in 1959 by Swami Premananda. The purpose of the Foundation is to disseminate and represent the philosophy, ideal, life, service and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi as well as the cultural heritage of India. The Foundation is a legally independent, nonprofit cultural and educational organization.”

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence

“The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence is a nonprofit that equips people to use nonviolence to create a sustainable and just world for all. The Gandhi Institute collaborates with local organizations, academic institutions, students, and committed peacemakers in the following areas: nonviolence education, sustainability and environmental conservation, and the promotion of racial justice. We prioritize programming for people between the ages of 12 and 24 as well as those who serve those age groups. The Institute continuously offers groups and individuals training in skills such as Nonviolent Communication, meditation, and experiential interconnectedness, and fosters responses to systemic violence in the Rochester area through projects focused on urban agriculture, racial healing work, and restorative approaches to conflict.”

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence – Workshops & Trainings

“In addition to public offerings, the Gandhi Institute offers learning experiences to groups of all kinds on a donation basis. We adjust the length and content of our offerings to best serve the groups with whom we work. Furthermore, we offer training to high school and university student groups and community groups. Gandhi staff members are available to offer the following workshops designed to build critical skills. The cost of workshops are negotiated by the coordinators, but all contributions benefit the work of the Gandhi Institute.”

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Love in Action

Book: “Love in Action is a collection of over two decades of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writing on nonviolence, peace, and reconciliation. Reflecting on the devastation of war, he makes the strong argument that mindfulness, insight, and altruistic love are the only sustainable bases for political action. This timeless book is an important resource for those interested in social change.”

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Little Friends For Peace

“Our Mission: To counter violence and contribute to a worldwide culture of peace by sharing skills to prevent, resolve, and transform conflict with individuals, families, teams, and communities. Our Vision: LFFP’s vision is the Beloved Community, a world where relationships are based on respect and acceptance, conflicts end in reconciliation, and everyone is safe, cared for, and able to realize their unique potential.”

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Library on Wheels for Non-Violence and Peace

“The Library on Wheels for Nonviolence and Peace, located in Jerusalem and Hebron, offers educational programs and serves as an active library interested in promoting nonviolence and peace for Palestinian children. Founded by the Palestinian Center for the Study of Nonviolence in 1986 and became independent in 1994. LOWNP developed a variety of ideas to explore the significance of nonviolence and peace tradition in Islam, enhance its practical use at personal, family, school and also at the social level under violent situations. LOWNP has a special interest in nonviolence and peaceful means leading to empowerment for social change and justice. LOWNP believes active nonviolence is empowering. It’s presence and activities are helping make a positive in the quality of life for thousands of Palestinian families”

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LEPOCO (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern)

“Our Mission: We envision a world free from war, violence, and injustice. Our members share a vision of a more peaceful society and we are deeply committed to the nonviolent action we know it will take to make that vision a reality. What we do: As concerned citizens, we plan, organize, and initiate change at the local, national, and international level. We advocate for political action, participate in demonstrations, and host public conversations. Who we are: LEPOCO is a non-profit citizens group that brings residents together to work on a range of problems that threaten peace and our planet.”

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Legal Issues / Risking Arrest

2 page pdf with practical tips and information. “The decisions that we make are political, not legal. The reaction of the government to what we are doing, to what we stand for, will also be political. We can have quite an impact on what happens to us in jail, in court and during processing, if we are prepared. It can be an important part of our nonviolent opposition as anything that comes before the arrest. “

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Last Chance For Animals

“Founded in 1984 by Hollywood actor Chris DeRose, Last Chance For Animals (LCA) has its roots in fighting and exposing the inherent cruelty of vivisection. In the organization’s early years, DeRose led teams of dedicated activists employing non-violent strategies modeled after social movements led by such leaders as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr….With an increased budget and staff, LCA expanded its focus beyond vivisection. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, and 2010s, LCA has worked on virtually every animal rights issue, including farming, fur, and animals in entertainment. LCA’s primary focuses are vivisection, pet theft, fur, and circuses.”

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King’s Work

“a list of some of Dr. King’s most well known writings, speeches and sermons, as well as books by and about him.” (Martin Luther King Jr)

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Karuna Center for Peacebuilding

“Karuna Center for Peacebuilding envisions a just and peaceful world in which difference is a source of creativity and strength. Our mission is to empower people divided by conflict to develop mutual understanding and to create sustainable peace…We work across deep divides to transform violent conflict: to foster reconciliation, interrupt cycles of violence, and strengthen community resilience. Through collaborations with local partners in conflict-affected areas, we help people discover their shared capacity for building peace. In many cases, participants go on to create their own local peacebuilding organizations and networks that remain Karuna Center partners. “

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Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire

“Brian is well known to Australian activists for his extensive work around whistle-blowing and resisting repression. His new text deals with tactics against injustice. Case studies include the massacres at Sharpeville and Dili, the 1930 salt march in India, the beating of Rodney King, treatment of whistleblowers, environmental disasters, the invasion of Iraq, Abu Ghraib, torture technology, and terrorism. (ps The publishers offer a discount.)”

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Jonah House

“Jonah House is an intentional, peace-and-justice community located in Baltimore, Maryland. We aim to live by these four roots: community, spirituality, stewardship, activism”

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Joshua Kahn Russell

“Joshua Kahn is a social movement facilitator and has trained thousands of activists across the globe. He is a core trainer with The Wildfire Project, and facilitator/action-coordinator with the Ruckus Society. Most recently, Joshua managed the Global Training Program at 350.org. He has helped campaigns win against banks, oil companies, logging corporations, and coal barons; worked with a wide variety of groups in a breadth of arenas, from local resiliency projects, to national coalitions, to the United Nations Climate Negotiations. He has spent the last 17 years as an organizer, campaign strategist, and non-violent direct action coordinator.” Webiste includes a blog and resources for change agents.

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John Dear

“John Dear is an internationally known voice for peace and nonviolence. A long time activist, popular lecturer, and movement organizer, John is the author of 35 books and hundreds of articles, including “Living Peace,” “Jesus the Rebel,” and “The Nonviolent Life.” He was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.”

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Jewish Peace Fellowship

“The Jewish Peace Fellowship unites those who believe that Jewish ideals and experience provide inspiration for a nonviolent commitment to life. Drawing upon the traditional roots of Judaism and upon its meaning in the world today, the JPF maintains an active program of draft and peace education, opposition to war and belief in the reconciliation of Israel, Jews and Palestinians. It also aids and supports those who, in a spirit of nonviolence, address themselves to the remaking of a more peaceful society. “

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James Lawson Institute

“The James Lawson Institute (JLI) was established in 2013 by the International Center for Nonviolent Conflict, Washington, DC. It is now independent. The institute offers periodic assemblies for individuals to have an intensive learning experience in the basic theories and practice of the historic technique of nonviolent action. The institute stands in the tradition of Mohandas K. Gandhi, Alice Paul, Rosa Parks, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ella Baker, Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta, the anti-apartheid United Democratic Front of South Africa, and other individuals and struggles that have helped to improve nonviolent resistance as a method for social change.”

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International Fellowship Of Reconciliation

“Founded in response to the horrors of war in Europe, the IFOR has taken a consistent stance against war and its preparation throughout its history. Perceiving the need for healing and reconciliation in the world, the founders of IFOR formulated a vision of the human community based upon the belief that love in action has the power to transform unjust political, social, and economic structures. Today IFOR has branches, groups, and affiliates in over 40 countries on all continents. Although organized on a national and regional basis, IFOR seeks to overcome the division of nation-states which are often the source of conflict and violence. Its membership includes adherents of all the major spiritual traditions as well as those who have other spiritual sources for their commitment to nonviolence.”

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International Fellowship Of Reconciliation – News

News & Updates from the Movement. “Founded in response to the horrors of war in Europe, the IFOR has taken a consistent stance against war and its preparation throughout its history. Perceiving the need for healing and reconciliation in the world, the founders of IFOR formulated a vision of the human community based upon the belief that love in action has the power to transform unjust political, social, and economic structures. Today IFOR has branches, groups, and affiliates in over 40 countries on all continents. Although organized on a national and regional basis, IFOR seeks to overcome the division of nation-states which are often the source of conflict and violence. Its membership includes adherents of all the major spiritual traditions as well as those who have other spiritual sources for their commitment to nonviolence.”

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Interfaith Peace-Builders

“Interfaith Peace-Builders fosters a network of informed and active individuals who understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the United States’ political, military, and economic role in it. To build and nurture such a network, we lead diverse delegations to Israel/Palestine…IFPB’s two complementary programs, the Eyewitness Palestine Delegation Program and the Education and Advocacy Program, ensure that the US based movement for Israeli-Palestinian peace is rooted in the activism and life-stories of those that live the conflict everyday…Interfaith Peace-Builders is much more than a delegation program. Our comprehensive vision aims for a new reality and a new framework for US policy in Israel and Palestine.”

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“This site publishes a large number of nonviolence resources including regular editions of ‘Nonviolent News’.”

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Inciting Democracy

Book: “Inciting Democracy offers a vision of what a good society might look like and explores how we can overcome five key obstacles to creating such a society. It offers a practical way to develop a large, decentralized education and support program (the Vernal Education Project) that would bolster grassroots movements so that people of goodwill can democratically and nonviolently transform society.”

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In Communion

“In Communion is the name of the educational and publishing arm of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. Several book series, a podcast, blog, university courses, this website, and an occasional journal are among the many initiatives of In Communion. Our mission is to promote the fullness of the faith through research and education.”

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“ImaniWorks ​is a 501(c)(3) Noprofit Public Charity for the promotion of Human Rights through advocacy and education. We believe: -Human Rights are to be enjoyed by all. -Advocacy is easier than you think. -Sustainable living is healthy and fun.”

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Humor and Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution)

Book: ““If I had no sense of humor, I should long ago have committed suicide,” wrote the late Mahatma Gandhi, expressing the potent power of humor to sustain and uplift. Less obvious is humor’s ability to operate as a cunning weapon in nonviolent protest movements. Over the last few decades, activists are increasingly incorporating subversive laughter in their protest repertoires, realizing the ways in which it challenges the ruling elite’s propaganda, defuses antagonism, and inspires both participants and the greater population. In this highly original and engaging work, Sombatpoonsiri explores the nexus between humor and nonviolent protest, aiming to enhance our understanding of the growing popularity of humor in protest movements around the world. Drawing on insights from the pioneering Otpor activists in Serbia, she provides a detailed account of the protesters’ systematic use of humor to topple Slobadan Miloševic’ in 2000. Interviews with activists, protest newsletters, and documentaries of the movement combine to illustrate how humor played a pivotal role by reflecting the absurdity of the regime’s propaganda and, in turn, by delegitimizing its authority. Sombatpoonsiri highlights the Otpor activists’ ability to internationalize their nonviolent crusade, influencing youth movements in the Ukraine, Georgia, Iran, and Egypt. Globally, Otpor’s successful use of humor became an inspiration for a later generation of protest movements.”

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Humour in Political Activism: Creative Nonviolent Resistance

“This book analyses how humour in political activism contributes to facilitating outreach, mobilisation and the sustaining of cultures of resistance. Drawing on examples of attention-grabbing stunts from around the world, Humour in Political Activism demonstrates how they succeed in turning relations of power upside down. The ambiguity and unpredictability of humour, Sørensen argues, makes it difficult to respond to this form of political activism when it is performed in public. Humorous political stunts can therefore challenge state power, help influence changes in law and make significant contributions to the conversations about how societies should be organised. The book also investigates the potential risks and limitations of using humour in nonviolent action and what makes humour unique compared with other forms of non-humorous political activism.”

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Hope or Terror? Gandhi and the Other 9/11

Book: “Almost a century before September 11, 2001, on September 11, 1906, M.K. Gandhi officially launched the world’s first Satyagraha, or strategic, nonviolent resistance campaign. Noted peace scholar Michael Nagler tells the story of the birth of Satyagraha (literally “clinging to truth”) in South Africa.”

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Hope and History: Why We Must Share the Story of the Movement

Book: “An impassioned call to the clergy, community activists, and educators to remember and keep alive the story of the black-led freedom movement. Harding argues the importance of knowing for ourselves, incorporating into our lives, and teaching to others the events and goals of this historic movement.”

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Holistic Security

“Holistic Security is a strategy manual to help human rights defenders maintain their well-being in action. The holistic approach integrates self-care, well-being, digital security, and information security into traditional security management practices.”

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Heart Politics Revisited

Book: ““Heart politics revisited” is part autobiography, part manifesto, and it dares to dream about a new politics with people at the center. “Heart Politics Revisited” is a new and expanded edition of the classic 1985 handbook for activists. Peavey’s approach shuns careerism, rigid ideologies, revenge and recrimination–and offers a pathway towards reconciliation and living with difference through empathy, non-violence, co-operation and person-to-person contact. And it has a humor which carries the reader through.”

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Healing Anger

“Our objective is to provide counseling that focuses on anger management tailored specifically for women and couples….Anger moves us. Anger can be like a hot coal, only burning the one who holds it. When this occurs anger burns. Anger can also illuminate. Anger can move people to really pay attention to what needs to be looked at. In this healthier response to anger, we reflect, and choose who to speak with, how to speak, what to say, and become deliberate and thoughtful. The emotions are present, but are expressed without hostility. People don’t often think of anger as healing, but we believe that in fact it is behind all significant change. Look at history. Do you think that maybe Ghandi was a little pissed off that the British were ruling India? What about Nelson Mandela? Any significant political change seems to start with anger. Anger can fuel you to do what is needed. When women attend our groups and individual counselling it is to turn that energy, that focus, that drive, into something that creates an accomplishment.”

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Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns

“The War Resisters’ International’s ‘Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns’ is a 232 page toolbox of ideas and resources to support activists to run more effective campaigns. The original edition, published in 2009, was translated into over ten languages, including Spanish, German, Nepalese, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Korean, and Arabic, and has been used by activists all over the world. The 2014 edition added 50 pages. There is no definitive recipe for successful nonviolent actions and campaigns. This handbook, however, is a series of resources that can inspire and support your own work, especially if you adapt the resources to your own needs and context.”

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Growl: Life Lessons, Hard Truths, and Bold Strategies from an Animal Advocate

Book: “For four decades, Kim Stallwood has had a front seat in the animal rights movement, starting at the grassroots in England and working his way up to leadership positions at some of the best-known organizations in the world, including Compassion In World Farming, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yet, as Stallwood reveals in this memoir of an eventful life dedicated to social justice for the voiceless, finding the truest path for progress has meant learning a lot along the way. Equal parts personal narrative, social history, and impassioned call for rethinking animal advocacy, Growl describes Stallwood’s journey from a meat-eating slaughterhouse worker to a vegan activist for all species. He explains the importance of four key values in animal rights philosophy and practice―compassion, truth, nonviolence, and justice―and how a deeper understanding of their role not only leads us to discover our humanity for animals, but also for ourselves.”

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“Greenpeace uses non-violent creative action to pave the way towards a greener, more peaceful world, and to confront the systems that threaten our environment.”

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Greenpeace (Australia)

“Our mission: Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”

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Globalize liberation: how to uproot the system and build a better world

“The attacks of 9/11 have renewed a hunger for ideas about how to effect change. The strategies and hard-won victories of dedicated activists from global justice and community struggles can provide vision and hope, and in this collection of 33 articles and essays, we hear first-hand accounts from North America, Europe and Latin America. In recent years, thousands have flooded the streets to effectively challenge the global economic system. Globalize Liberation aims to deepen, popularize, update and provide concrete practical ideas for this spirit of resistance and innovation.”

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Global Nonviolent Action Database

“Why this database? 1.To provide free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action for learning and for citizen action. We research campaigns that have reached a point of completion. The cases are drawn from all continents and most countries. People are shown struggling for human rights, economic justice, democracy, national and ethnic identity, environmental sustainability, and peace….2.To make available comparative information that will support researchers and writers to develop strategic knowledge and theory.”

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Giraffe Social Enterprises

“GSE serves individuals, communities and organisations of all ages, backgrounds or financial means, who wish to learn and contribute to nonviolence primarily through the principles and heart of Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Process. Intentions: To initiate, create, offer and support events and NVC/RC related activities. To encourage and support connection and contribution across all ages. To invite and support NVC/RC facilitators of all experiences to collaborate and contribute to sharing events and to act as a platform for sharing information. To seek funding and to fund ‘outreach’ work where possible that directly contributes to supporting nonviolent principles within the wider community.”

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Gaza Freedom March

“The International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza formed after Israel’s 22-day assault on Gaza in winter 2008-09. To mark the one-year anniversary of the Israeli attack the coalition is mobilizing an international contingent for a nonviolent march alongside the people of Gaza on Jan. 1, 2010, to end the illegal blockade. The coalition conceives this march as part of a broader strategy to end the Israeli occupation by targeting nonviolently its flagrant violations of international law from the house demolitions and settlements to the curfews and torture.”

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Gandhi and King

“The lives and work of Mohandis Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. have much to teach us about nonviolent resistance to oppression.”

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Gandhi Searches for Truth: A Practical Biography for Children

“Mahatma Gandhi was an ordinary child who tried to do something extraordinary with his life: he wanted to discover Truth. This book chronicles Gandhi’s inner and outer journey from childhood to the independence of India in twelve short stories, with beautiful watercolor and ink images of Gandhi and his family. For both children and grown-ups, this book explores how Gandhi discovered key principles and tools of nonviolence, including concepts like “satyagraha” and “nonviolent non-cooperation.” Perhaps most importantly, it addresses how we can bring his great message in our own lives and become peacemakers at any age!”

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Gandhi’s Way: A Handbook of Conflict Resolution

Book: “Gandhi’s Way provides a primer of Mahatma Gandhi’s principles of moral action and conflict resolution and offers a straightforward, step-by-step approach that can be used in any conflict―-at home or in business; in local, national, or international arenas. This invaluable handbook, updated with a new preface and a new case study on terrorism in Northern Ireland, sets out Gandhi’s basic methods and illustrates them with practical examples. Juergensmeyer shows how parties at odds can rise above a narrow view of self-interest to find resolutions that are satisfying and beneficial to all involved. He then pits Gandhi’s ideas against those of other great social thinkers in a series of imaginary debates that challenge and clarify Gandhi’s thinking on issues of violence, anger, and love. He also provides a Gandhian critique of Gandhi himself and offers viable solutions to some of the gaps in Gandhian theory. “

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Freedom Riders

Film: “Freedom Riders is the powerful harrowing and ultimately inspirational story of six months in 1961 that changed America forever. From May until November 1961, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives—and many endured savage beatings and imprisonment—for simply traveling together on buses and trains as they journeyed through the Deep South. Deliberately violating Jim Crow laws in order to test and challenge a segregated interstate travel system, the Freedom Riders met with bitter racism and mob violence along the way, sorely testing their belief in nonviolent activism. From award-winning filmmaker Stanley Nelson (Wounded Knee, Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple, The Murder of Emmett Till) Freedom Riders features testimony from a fascinating cast of central characters: the Riders themselves, state and federal government officials, and journalists who witnessed the Rides firsthand. The two-hour documentary is based on Raymond Arsenault’s book Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice.”

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Food Not Bombs

“Food Not Bombs is gaining momentum throughout the world. There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty. Food Not Bombs is not a charity. This energetic all volunteer grassroots movement is active throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. For over 30 years the movement has worked to end hunger and has supported actions to stop the globalization of the economy, restrictions to the movements of people, end exploitation and the destruction of the earth and its beings.”

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Fellowship of Reconciliation USA (FORusa)

Purpose: “Create a network of peacemakers. Organize and train local activists and justice leaders. Provide a national support framework for groups and communities to mobilize and drive moral movements. Welcome all people of conscience. Improve the lives of the disadvantaged. End structures of oppression, violence and war. Create peace through the transformative power of nonviolence.”

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Family Heart Camp

“We have a dream… that Family HEART Camp is a place where children learn to cherish, honor and respect their parents, and parents learn to cherish, honor and respect their children. We create a supportive community of like-minded people who feel like a new family by the end of the week. We envision an environment where parents and children thrive, supported by experienced staff and by their new friends. We want to make it possible for parents and children to learn new skills together to support harmony, cooperation and peace in their families, with lots of play and fun for everyone.”

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Extinction Rebellion

Mission: “To spark and sustain a spirit of creative rebellion, which will enable much needed changes in our political, economic and social landscape. We endeavour to mobilise and train organisers to skilfully open up space, so that communities can develop the tools they need to address Britain’s deeply rooted problems. We work to transform our society into one that is compassionate, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and connected.”

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Extinction Rebellion – International Signup

“International Signup. We declare: International non-violent rebellion against the world’s governments for criminal inaction on the ecological crisis. We demand: Governemnts tell the truth about the ecological crisis, zero emissions and drawdown by 2025, participatory democracy. Join the rebellion.”

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Extinction Rebellion – Events

Extinction Rebellion – Events “To spark and sustain a spirit of creative rebellion, which will enable much needed changes in our political, economic and social landscape. We endeavour to mobilise and train organisers to skilfully open up space, so that communities can develop the tools they need to address Britain’s deeply rooted problems. We work to transform our society into one that is compassionate, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and connected.”

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Eyes on the Prize

Series of films: “Produced by Blackside, Eyes on the Prize tells the definitive story of the civil rights era from the point of view of the ordinary men and women whose extraordinary actions launched a movement that changed the fabric of American life, and embodied a struggle whose reverberations continue to be felt today. Winner of numerous Emmy Awards, a George Foster Peabody Award, an International Documentary Award, and a Television Critics Association Award, Eyes on the Prize is the most critically acclaimed documentary on civil rights in America. Eyes on the Prize recounts the fight to end decades of discrimination and segregation. It is the story of the people — young and old, male and female, northern and southern — who, compelled by a meeting of conscience and circumstance, worked to eradicate a world where whites and blacks could not go to the same school, ride the same bus, vote in the same election, or participate equally in society. It was a world in which peaceful demonstrators were met with resistance and brutality — in short, a reality that is now nearly incomprehensible to many young Americans.”

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Europe for peace

“Europe free from nuclear weapons…The idea of carrying out this campaign arose in Lisbon, in the European Humanist Forum of November 2006 in the working group of Peace and Nonviolence. Different organizations participated and different opinions converged very clearly on one issue: violence in the world, the return of the nuclear arms race, the danger of a nuclear catastrophe and the need to urgently change the course of events. The words of Gandhi, M. L. King and Silo resounded in our minds on the importance of having faith in life and on the great force that nonviolence is. We were inspired by these examples. “

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Education for Justice

“Education for Justice is an award-winning global digital subscription membership service that provides resources for those who wish to study, teach, and practice Catholic social tradition. We offer members access to a growing library of thousands of text-based and multimedia resources, a monthly e-newsletter, and other benefits to help them approach the world’s headlines from the perspective of Catholic social tradition.”

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East Point Peace Academy

“The East Point Peace Academy is an organization dedicated to bringing about a culture of peace through training, education and the practice of Nonviolence and Conflict Reconciliation. We are grounded in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, and work with incarcerated populations, youth, activists and community leaders working to bring about the Beloved Community. We come from the traditions of the Nashville Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, the leaders of whom trained for a full year before engaging in direct action, and Gandhi and his 78 followers who went through a 15-year process of training and self purification before embarking on the Salt March. We believe that in order for us to create a peaceful world, we need to invest as much into peace as the military invests into war. Investments not only in money, but in time, commitment, strategy, unity and training. Through training and education, East Point transforms the hearts and minds of individuals, connecting them to a broader history of nonviolent social change movements, and inspiring them to become advocates for transforming the policies, cultures and value systems of their communities.”

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Film: “EARTHLINGS is a 2005 American documentary film about humankind’s total dependence on animals for economic purposes. Presented in five chapters (pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research) the film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, featuring music by Moby, and was written, produced and directed by Shaun Monson.”

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DC Peace Team

Mission: “We commit to sustaining a DC Peace Team that cultivates the virtue of nonviolent peacemaking and key corresponding practices. We commit to unleashing the power of ordinary civilians to increasingly serve their communities particularly as nonviolent peacekeepers, and by extension as peacemakers and peacebuilders.”

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