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View this at the Allied Communities of Earth website: https://alliedcircles.org/earth-healing-alliances

The time has indeed come to illuminate the terrain in a new way because our current roster of organizations has grown quite extensive.
Dedicated pages are now being created for listing rosters of organizations united together in PartnerShips through our collaborative projects and campaigns: #ProjectArmada, Wellness Initiative Network, EarthLight Project, Global Star Alliance, Earth Healing, and most certainly, =ACE= (Alliance for Collaborative Excellence).

The twelve organizations currently in the Earth Healing Campaign of strategic collaborations include:

Global Community Designs, Ripples of Wellness Allied Networks (ROWAN), National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, The Center for Nonviolence and Conscious Living, Planet Repair Institute, Live & Learn’s peerrespite.net, The City Repair Project, The RadioCave Foundation, Hearing Voices Network, International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS), Earth Guardians, World Beyond War’s Action Network, Earthdance, Good News Planet, and Festival Fire Magazine.