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    I think we need a topic for ideas relating to intentional living within the perspective of uniting to make a difference, be part of the solution, multiply our numbers, and promote conscious living ways for healing and reconnection.

    It would be great if folks could add their own view points on the How part of viable solutions to turning around Climate Change by supporting each other and the Earth in making lifestyle changes more affordable and practical. Sharing information and encouragement that our choices do matter. “Alone we may be powerful (though we may not always feel like it) but together we are mighty.”


    View this at the Allied Communities of Earth website: https://alliedcircles.org/earth-healing-alliances

    The time has indeed come to illuminate the terrain in a new way because our current roster of organizations has grown quite extensive.
    Dedicated pages are now being created for listing rosters of organizations united together in PartnerShips through our collaborative projects and campaigns: #ProjectArmada, Wellness Initiative Network, EarthLight Project, Global Star Alliance, Earth Healing, and most certainly, =ACE= (Alliance for Collaborative Excellence).

    The twelve organizations currently in the Earth Healing Campaign of strategic collaborations include:

    Global Community Designs, Ripples of Wellness Allied Networks (ROWAN), National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, The Center for Nonviolence and Conscious Living, Planet Repair Institute, Live & Learn’s peerrespite.net, The City Repair Project, The RadioCave Foundation, Hearing Voices Network, International Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS), Earth Guardians, World Beyond War’s Action Network, Earthdance, Good News Planet, and Festival Fire Magazine.


    ​Next Steps in Reconnecting with the Earth webinars–
    an extension of the​ GCD Status Update for 7/14/2019

    [not all URL’s are properly displayed, please inquire for clarity]
    New definition is becoming currently in the Mutual Benefit Society expanding around Global Community Designs in these present days. With the introduction of a Patreon account to bring our communities more so into the world, there are many new options and pathways to explore. Linked Reddit presence and activity on the Discord platform have been made available as a result of the Patreon expansion.

    Your interest in our expanding life is appreciated–your contributions and suggestions are so very valuable to us, participation is key. The Allied Circles website will continue to serve as our central hub, our home base for the virtual presence of Global Community Designs. Thank you for being part of this glorious becoming, this shout out goes to all of us, every buddy!

    The following are some key communications within the Reconnecting with the Earth webinar team to share:

    ​​​On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 4:35 PM Paris Williams wrote:

    It was great to connect with you all again,

    As discussed, here are a few links I’d like to share (mostly on our website – cncl.info):

    –A comprehensive continuously updated news/blog feed of media articles related to holistic wellness (encompassing the wellness of self, humanity, Earthlings, and the Earth)

    –A comprehensive and highly filterable resource library (still adding resources daily ): I have a different resource list related to “extreme states” here: http://www.rethinkingmadness.com/resources/4558983450

    –The “Conscious Living Resolution” — my original hope for this, along with those at Nonviolence United who originally came up with the idea, was to develop something of a living “meme” that could go viral and support humankind in stepping out of apathy/hopelessness to taking here-and-now action (and reclaiming our power from the elites). Many of these ideas have gained popularity since this was first developed about 15yrs ago, but still clearly we have a long way to go…

    –Diet Impact Calculators — encouraging people to consider that the one strategy we can all do right now to make a significant difference to our impact on the planet is the change how we eat

    –A calendar of events (focusing on sustainable living, Nonviolent Communication, green building, deep ecology and other related events) — we plan to add many more events in coming weeks/months — please send me any relevant events you’d like us to include here

    –A community forum – we’d be happy to use this as a platform to host any forums related to our mission. Just say the word, and I can set it up.

    Finally, here is an article I recently wrote that some of you may enjoy. I’d love to hear your thoughts/reflections:

    Reclaim our Power or Face Extinction: The Choice is Ours

    Warm regards


    Dr Paris Williams

    Clinical Psychologist


    On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 3:08 PM Rev. Luke A Shootingstar wrote:

    Aloha team,

    Here is a new thread because

    many of our communications

    result in massively long threads.

    It is amazing what we have though!

    I want to say that if we can

    start utilizing the forums

    Paris and I have it will

    improve our ability to

    communicate together.

    AND, it will also allow others

    connected to us who wish to

    become involved in the what

    we have going on the ability

    to do contribute to this too.

    In Paris’ last email he shared

    the forums and more at cncl.info,

    and I have been promoting it.

    Please look at the new features on

    Allied Circles’ Earth Healing page,

    when you get a chance, as it

    now has forum features

    for both of our sites:


    Thanks for your time and energy,

    we had a great meeting recently.

    I’m still feeling charged from it!


    On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 1:46 PM Rev. Luke A Shootingstar wrote:

    Kia ora, Dear Sister and Brothers,

    I pleased to announce that my comments

    to elaborate upon my presentation of

    some of our Next Steps is complete,

    finally! a big task off my plate.

    Although we did not feature it

    in our webinar, it is quite alright,

    good things come to those who wait.

    Check it out when you get a chance,

    comments are at the bottom of

    the Earth Healing page at:


    One more thing:

    I do wish to add more organizations

    to our Alliance in the Campaign

    and some of you have suggested

    some very strong candidates.

    At this point there are too many

    organizations to list in the Roster

    for the Earth Healing Campaign.

    One of my next tasks is to update

    the method of listing organizations.

    I intend to provide a link to view

    the roster instead that will link to

    a page at Allied Circles featuring

    our alliances by partnership

    and association…

    The Earth Healing Campaign

    is one such roster to display.

    Love and Blessed Wishes,



    ~ Omnipresence is a very tall order, possible for us

    through working and playing together…as allies ~

    ​On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 9:20 PM Paris Williams wrote:

    Aloha, Reverend Luke and fellow Earth Jedis,

    Thanks for these great resources. I’ve got them on my list now to add to CNCL’s resource library and post the articles in our blog over the next few weeks. While on the topic of sustainable building, I came across this article today encouraging simple steps for people to take to join in the movement towards creating pollinator/wilderness/habitat corridors: https://www.losaltosonline.com/special-sections2/sections/your-home/60353-

    I was wondering how we could get some momentum to our forums. Perhaps we can send out invites to people to (a) submit a personal introduction (I’ve got a separate introduction forum at CNCL) and (b) pose a questions/comment/insight to the community…? Of course it would make sense for us to begin doing this ourselves… Other thoughts?

    Clinical Psychologist


    On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 9:25 PM Rev. Luke A Shootingstar wrote:

    Kia ora Earth Healers,

    Thanks so much for your attempts

    to be supportive in your special ways.

    I am very curious about your travels

    in Brazil, Chris, and if you thought

    more about the Healing Field

    accommodating a global network.

    My words in this message may help

    to envision how to achieve such as this.

    And, I would love to hear all of your ideas

    which may come out of your creative glory

    as a result of taking this in. I know this

    is a long email, but trust me, this is

    my attempt to communicate some

    very big stuff regarding Next Steps.

    I have been wrestling with this stuff,

    but perhaps we can share in this a little

    to move the mountain, ultimately, together…

    The future is full of variables and some

    of us may continue on to remain

    strong members of the team

    and some may come and go

    throughout the lifespan of

    this great tradition. I feel

    the desire to bring these ideas

    up to share among us regardless.

    The meeting we had for post webinar

    briefing between us was powerful

    with a lot of huge ideas that are

    actually quite realistic goals.

    In order to take things to

    the next stage, I would like

    to share my vision as to what

    we need to do next. What do you

    see for next important steps to take?

    First step that I see is to establish

    evidence of our commonality.

    We are united in this tradition–

    although we have the Article

    and webinars in our portfolio,

    as we know from being owners

    and founders of businesses,

    there are other pieces that

    are needed as well for such

    endeavors like securing funding.

    Christine, you asked about what

    displays our values last meeting,

    the ethos, in a creed or charter,

    when we were on the topic

    of your travels to Brazil and

    serving to connect with groups

    you encounter there. I can

    share these pieces which

    are helpful to establish

    evidence of commonality:

    1. I hope this speaks to your interest effectively: The Grace Accord is the primary unifying instrument in this society which I founded; it is intended to unite organizations upon a common ground to sustain our bonds of respect, love, and trust together. I have also recently developed an online form for folks to indicate that they have adopted it in their life.

    2. The second aspect of substantiating an alliance is a charter. I shared this with you, Paris and Oryx, last year. This is the Charter for Wellness Initiative Network (WIN), such an instrument is very important for a larger body made up of organizations like a network, partnership, or association. Paris, you may have noticed the themes I absorbed from the content you shared last year. It is good for these pieces to be influenced in their development from many of our contributions to represent our collective brilliance. This document version, thanks to input from some similarly brilliant minds, a couple months ago was finally pronounced as a final draft sharable with the public.

    Although these instruments do not

    communicate any financial obligations,

    or duty to be responsible for our parts

    in the Earth Healing campaign,

    they are essential to demonstrate

    we agree we have a common vision.

    I think I mentioned last meeting

    also that as an alliance we can

    cite achievements of others

    in our partnership when

    seeking to build upon

    our credibility. This is

    how we do it, coming from

    a more confident position

    with evidence of bonds

    is a very integral part.

    Let’s work what we have,

    maximize our potential for

    interests of mutual benefit.

    If we can embrace this level

    of togetherness between us,

    as organizations, I think we will

    be in a better position to be taking

    the Next Steps such as approaching

    Resilient by Design, Crazy Wise film,

    City Governments in San Francisco Bay,

    and City Repair’s Board with a proposal

    as Mark mentioned to accommodate

    the development of training and

    projects for Community Wellness.

    I am pursuing alliances with a few

    other well-respected organizations

    to add to our roster in the Campaign,

    among them, Crazy Wise, Iron Tribe,

    and MindFreedom International–

    and it appears iNAPS will likely

    be removed in the near future.

    Yes, you may have guessed, my energy

    is seemingly insufficient to me also

    simply because this is big stuff,

    not entirely unrealistic though.

    Mahalo ~


    ​On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 4:25 PM Rev. Luke A Shootingstar wrote:

    Kia ora, fellow Earth Jedi,

    This is a reposting per Paris’ request

    with the City Repair link added in also:

    I am reposting that article you shared, Paris,

    onto City Repair’s Facebook page. That is

    really in line with a big part of activities

    that Mark and our crew focuses on.

    He spoke about pollinator species support

    in his presentation featured in The Calling.

    I like your ideas for promoting the forums,

    I am incorporating introduction to this

    range of support with new members,

    and as an option to participate in

    webinar production team process.

    I have been focusing on efforts

    to promote these, actually now

    there is a Reddit platform too!

    It came about as a result of GCD

    having presence on Patreon now.

    Yes folks, there is now a platform

    being developed on Patreon for

    fundraising to fuel many efforts

    projects in Global Community Designs,

    like Reconnecting with the Earth webinars!


    Woo hoo! Go team, onward and upward ~


    ~ Omnipresence is a very tall order, possible for us

    through working and playing together…as allies ~


    Last week I caught up with both Mike Weaver
    of International Association of Peer Supporters
    and Oryx Cohen of National Coalition for
    Mental Health Recovery both on
    separate occasions and was able to
    get some traction under our feet for
    taking the next steps that are needed
    to bring this effort to the next level
    of influence. This is very significant.

    The particular topic of discussion involves
    rolling out specialist trainings for
    facilitation of Community Wellness.
    This is one of the big ways that we
    realize the vision of Reconnecting with
    the Earth for Personal and Global Healing.

    Linking the wellness of the individual
    and the planetary body in the same circle.
    Peer Wellness Specialist, Peer Bridger,
    and Community Wellness Specialist
    are to be the focus roles to develop,
    surely there are more possibilities.

    Let us keep our goals realistic for now,
    after all isn’t that a big part of
    the recipe for success? In my
    last post I also mentioned
    the importance of evidence that
    we are all united in a common vision.

    We are growing and fortifying the platform…

    blankRoy Baxter

    Community wellness for earth healing involves taking steps to promote the health and well-being of both individuals and the environment. Here are some ideas for how communities can work together to promote wellness and healing for the earth:

    Promote sustainable living: Encourage community members to adopt sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and using renewable resources. This could include organizing workshops and educational events to teach people about sustainable living.

    Plant trees and gardens: Planting trees and community gardens can improve air quality, provide food, and create a sense of community. This could involve organizing community-wide tree-planting events or working with local schools to start garden projects.

    Connect with nature: Encourage community members to spend time in nature and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. This could include organizing nature walks or outdoor activities, or creating community spaces such as parks and green spaces.

    Support local agriculture: Support local farmers and businesses that prioritize sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. This could involve organizing community farmers markets or advocating for policies that support sustainable agriculture.

    Advocate for policy change: Work with local and national governments to promote policies that support environmental protection and sustainability. This could involve advocating for renewable energy policies, supporting green transportation initiatives, or working to reduce pollution.

    By promoting community wellness for earth healing, we can create a healthier and more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

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