Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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“, a project of Demand Progress, is a progressive organization whose one million activists work to guard the interests of ordinary Americans — and fight back against corporations and wealthy interests that seek undue control over our government, economy and society.”

Water Footprint Calculator

“What’s your water footprint? This calculator helps you estimate your total water use. You know water comes from the tap, but do you know how much water goes into your sandwich? Your gadgets? The electricity that powers them? Soon you will!”

Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution And Profit

Book: “While draught and desertification are intensifying around the world, corporations are aggressively converting free-flowing water into bottled profits. The water wars of the twenty-first century may match or even surpass the oil wars of the twentieth. In Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution and Profit -Vandana Shiva, the world’s most prominent radical scientist ( the Guardian) , shines a light on activists who are fighting corporate maneuvers to convert this life-sustaining resource into more gold for the elites. In Water Wars, Shiva uses her remarkable knowledge of science and society to outline the emergence of corporate culture and the historical erosion of communal water rights. Using the international water trade and industrial activities such as damming, mining and aquafarming as her lens, Shiva exposes the destruction of the earth and the disenfranchisement of the world’s poor as they are stripped of rights to a precious common good. In her passionate, feminist style, Shiva celebrates the spiritual and traditional role water has played in communities throughout history, and warns that water privatization threatens cultures and livelihoods worldwide. Shiva calls for a movement to preserve water access for all, and offers a blueprint for global resistance based on examples of successful campaigns.”

WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation

“WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation is the leading charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins.”

We Are Change

“We Are Change is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. Founded by Luke Rudkowski, We Are Change is comprised of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite who constantly trash our humanity. By asking the hard questions the mainstream media refuses to ask, we shine a little more light on truth. Furthermore, we seek to connect, educate, and motivate those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives each and every day. Our goal is to create a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action. We Are Change is not so much an individual or group, but an idea, an idea that “We the People” are the change we wish to see in this world. Together, as residents of this planet, we can push back against those who wish to dominate our lives and begin to restore liberty to all.”

We Are Interconnected

“Hi, I’m Michael Lanfield. The author of six books including two #1 Amazon best-selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey and also my newest book Return to the Gentle Sea: For the Love That Lives in Everyone. I’m also a vegan advocate, YouTuber, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. I have been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions of people around the world.”

We. A documentary of Arundhati Roy

“We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror, corporate globalization, justice and the growing civil unrest. It’s witty, moving, alarming and quite a lesson in modern history. We is almost in the style of a continuous music video. The music used sets the pace and serves as wonderful background for the words of Ms. Roy and images of humanity in the world we live all in today. We is a completely free documentary, created and released anonymously on the internet. There are many ways to download and view it. See the About This Project page for more information about the documentary, the filmmaker and this web site.”

Wealthy Owning Class

Resources for “people grappling with issues related to having wealth”

Web of Creation

“The Web of Creation was established to foster the movement for personal and social transformation to a just and sustainable world from religious perspectives. To that end, the information at this site will: -connect you with ideas, resources and strategies for doing eco-justice. -inform, inspire, encourage, educate you about eco-justice. -support you in your efforts to live, work and pray in ways that promote eco-justice. The Web of Creation has also been developed to provide information and connections for theology students interested in environmental ministry.”

Web Resources for Environmental Justice Activists

“-Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) & Milk, -Biomass, -Crematoria, -Dioxin, -Depleted Uranium, -Energy Justice Network, -Environmental Justice / Environmental Racism, -Incineration, -Israel / Palestine, -Landfills, -NukeNet Anti-Nuclear Network, -Plastics, -RACHEL’s Environment & Health Weekly Web Archive, -Sewage Sludge, -Toxics, Environmental Health and Pollution Mapping Projects, -Vegetarianism/Veganism”

Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising

Book: “Since her arrest and five-day jail stay during the Seattle anti-WTO protests in November 1999, Starhawk has poured her energy into the global justice movement, participating in direct actions, leading nonviolence training workshops, and writing, always writing. Webs of Power is the outcome: an account from the front lines of that movement as it migrated from Seattle to Prague, then Brazil, Quebec City, and Genoa. As well as reporting the actions on the street, it includes a privileged glimpse behind the scenes, too, at the fierce discussion of the issues, strategies, and tactics of an always-evolving social movement. The book is also a personal vision of what an alternative future might look and feel like beyond the version offered up to us by the promoters of corporate globalization. Webs of Power is a unique contribution to our understanding of one of the most pivotal struggles of our time.”

Weightlifting for Vegans

“Many weightlifters think a vegan diet might be detrimental to their efforts because of the lower protein content of a typical vegan diet. Other weightlifters feel that a vegan diet enhances their training regimen by reducing fatigue and improving general health. Unfortunately, there are no studies looking directly at vegan weightlifters, but there is a fair amount of research that can be used to extrapolate to vegans.”

Wellington Rabbit Rescue

“We are a non profit rabbit rescue group. We aim to take on unwanted, neglected or stray rabbits and educate the public on rabbit welfare.” Also rehomes rabbits.

West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

“The West Virginia Highlands Conservancy promotes, encourages and works for the conservation – including both preservation and wise management – and an appreciation of the natural resources of West Virginia and the Nation. We focus primarily on the Highlands Region of West Virginia, but our work is for the cultural, social, educational, physical health, spiritual and economic benefit of present and future generations of residents and visitors alike.”

Whale and Dolphin Conservation – News & Blogs

“All the latest news from the world of whales and dolphins.”

What Can Be Recycled?: A List of 200+ Items

“We all know that we should recycle, unfortunately knowing where or how to recycle it isn’t always so intuitive. To help you determine what can be recycled, we built a recycling resource with information about how to dispose of the items we use most often. We asked our friends and neighbors to find out which items they have the most trouble recycling and then searched for environmentally friendly solutions. The result is this compendium of recycling instructions for more than 200 items from your home and garden. Please note, though, while these recommendations are best practices for most areas, they may not apply in your city. For any gray areas, check with local recycling centers to make sure you are following your region’s localized recycling guidelines.”

What happens when we see ourselves as separate from or as a part of nature?

“We evolved within the community of life, and yet we humans often consider ourselves separate from nature. Are we unique? Is this distinction helpful? How do our ways of thinking of ourselves in relation to other life influence the identities we carry and actions we take? We invite you to share your reflections as we explore the relationship between humans and nature. Read a story, tell your own.”

What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy (2000)

“This is a powerful 10-part compilation that (in important ways) pulls aside the veil of Official myths and Lies about “freedom”, “democracy”, Human Rights, etc., being the basis of U.S. foreign policy…Frank Dorrel: “I’ve put together this 2-hour video called ‘What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy’. The basic message being that the CIA, the military-industrial-complex, the Pentagon, the multinational corporations, the media and the government of the United States are responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the third world, not to mention the poverty and oppression of millions more. We support, arm, and train dictators and militaries that do these evil actions to their own people. All of this is to ensure that we control the natural resources of these countries and their market place, use the people for cheap labor and keep the business of war (which is our biggest business) ongoing.”

What is moral progress? A Conversation with Peter Singer

“In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with philosopher Peter Singer about the foundations of morality, expanding the circle of our moral concern, politics, free speech, conspiracy thinking, Edward Snowden, the importance of intentions, WWII, euthanasia, eating “happy cows,” and other topics. Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He’s the author of Animal Liberation, The Most Good You Can Do, and many other books. His most recent book is Ethics in the Real World. He is also the co-founder of The Life You Can Save, a nonprofit devoted to spreading his ideas about why we should be doing much more to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty.”

What Is Restorative Practices?

“All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive. Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities.”