Resource Library

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Found 2210 Results

Djurens Rätt (Animal Rights)

“The Animal Right has existed since 1882 and is today Sweden’s leading animal rights and animal welfare organization. We work for all the animals suffering from animal experiments, in the food industry’s animal factories, in cages on fur farms and animals that are used in other ways by humans so that they do not get an outlet for their natural behavior. The Animal Right is a pronounced anti-violence movement, because we believe that neither humans nor animals should be subjected to violence. Through democratic advocacy, political influence and attitude change we want to realize our goal: a world where animals are respected as sentient individuals with the right to their own lives. We work primarily in Sweden but cooperate with other organizations and networks internationally and within the EU.”

DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the Military

“DMZ: A Guide to Taking Your School Back from the Military is a comprehensive counter military recruitment organizing manual for youth activists and their allies. This 48 page magazine-style handbook includes everything you need to know about organizing to keep military recruiters out of your school, including detailed legal information, concrete campaign suggestions, and up-to-date statistics.”

Do schools kill creativity?

“Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.”

Do the Math Tour

“We’re jumpstarting a new movement, and we need your help. It’s simple math: we can emit 565 more gigatons of carbon dioxide and stay below 2°C of warming — anything more than that risks catastrophe for life on earth. The only problem? Burning the fossil fuel that corporations now have in their reserves would result in emitting 2,795 gigatons of carbon dioxide — five times the safe amount. Fossil fuel companies are planning to burn it all — unless we rise up to stop them. In November 2012, Bill McKibben and hit the road to build a movement strong enough to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis. The Do the Math Tour was a massive success, with sold out shows in every corner of the country. The USA tour is now over, but the campaign it launched is just getting started and the tour has gone global. “

Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany

“We are a charitable organisation of doctors and scientists who work in the medical field. We support the immediate abolition of all animal experiments on ethical and scientific grounds. In order to make the cruel and unscientific nature of animal experiments public, we provide scientifically based information material on animal experiments both for doctors and scientists, as well as for the general public.”

Documentary 24

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Documentary Lovers

“We are a curated movie catalog bringing you the best and most intriguing documentaries free to watch online from any device. Our list consists of short and full-length films, educational talks and video previews that you can sort by topic to pique your curiosity.”

Documentary Storm

“Welcome to DocumentaryStorm, the leading source for 100% free documentary films. We curate the best documentary films available online for educational purposes as well as personal enjoyment. We believe that documentaries are an effective and entertaining way to learn. The main goal of this website is to share knowledge, spread ideas, and have fun. The formula for a great documentary is half Hollywood blockbuster and half Ivy League Education. We are dedicated to finding you the best free full-length documentaries from around the web that fit these standards. We invite you to browse through DocumentaryStorm. Click around. Get lost. Pause. Learn. Speak. Listen. Knowledge is Power.”

Documentary Tube

“We believe documentaries provide the best outlet for presenting important issues and experiences which may not reach mainstream media. Our goal is to provide you with the World’s best platform for your Documentary viewing experience – Allowing you to discover the best documentaries that interest you, categorise your favourite content by playlists and have your say on meaningful documentaries and important issues. Over the past 20 years we’ve seen vast improvements in cinematic technology which make the creation of documentaries far more accessible than ever before, and with it, an explosion in the popularity and production of documentaries. Services like Netflix have brought documentaries into the mainstream public eye and they’re in more demand than ever before. We’re dedicated to bringing you the best and latest in documentaries, completely free.”

Documentary Wire

“Watch Free Documentaries Online. Discover thousands of eye-opening, paradigm shifting, and mind-blowing top documentary films.”

“Our mission is to bring you news and insights from all around the world backed by video-reports, documentary films and photographs. Today, news and stories can spread around the world within seconds. We aggregate & produce films and constantly observe what is happening on the globe. We report on current events, dig deeper when it is unwanted and connect people. helps you saving time by filtering the mass of content on the web and by curating only quality content that is really worth spreading. We the people have the most powerful voice, together we can achieve something for the better. Please contribute by sharing and sending in links, videos and stories.”

Documentary: Meat The Truth

“Earlier climate films ignored the most important cause of climate change: livestock farming. Meat the Truth shows that livestock farming generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all cars, lorries, boats and planes added together.”


“Dogwatch rescues and rehomes dogs and puppies who, through no fault of their own, have ended up in the Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri pounds. After the 7 day holding period the council becomes the legal owner and at their discretion may rehome the dog/puppy or destroy it. Dogwatch is contacted if no one steps forward to claim these dogs and, if we have kennel space, we will take them into our care. Dogs with special needs and extremely young puppies will go into foster homes until they are ready for adoption.”

Dogwood Alliance

“Dogwood alliance mobilizes diverse voices to protect southern forests and communities from destructive industrial logging. For over 20 years, Dogwood Alliance has worked with diverse communities, partner organizations and decision-makers to protect Southern forests across 14 states. We do this through community and grassroots organizing, holding corporations and governments accountable and working to conserve millions of acres of Southern forests.”

Doing Democracy with Circles: Engaging Communities in Public Planning

“Here is the definitive guide on circles with planners in mind. Primal and potent in equal measure, the circle is the basis for all good conversation. It is well nigh indispensable today for those practicing planning as collective communicative action whereby common, meaning-filled places get made. [This book] presses many of the hot buttons for planners looking to be more relevant and effective in today’s world, while also stretching minds into the realm of hearts and souls. Circles may be regarded as a conduit for tapping the precious galvanizing spirit in their communities and (if professional planners dare admit it) in themselves. This is a timely call for planners to consciously circle their praxis … to realize fuller, fairer processes and to facilitate a democratics that can transcend mere politics and contribute to a more just society. –Ian Wight, Associate Professor, City Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg” (Review)

Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organising Social Movements

Book: “Citizen activism has achieved many positive results. But the road to success for social move-ments is often complex, usually lasting many years, with few guides for evaluating the precise stage of a movement’s evolution to determine the best way forward. Doing Democracy provides both a theory and working model for understanding and analyzing social movements, ensuring that they are successful in the long term. Beginning with an overview of social movement theory and the MAP (Movement Action Plan) model, Doing Democracy outlines the eight stages of social movements, the four roles of activists, and case studies from the civil rights, anti-nuclear energy, Central America, gay/lesbian, women’s health, and globalization movements.”

Doing the most good: Help as much animals as possible and maximize your impact РSharon N̼̱ez

“The talk “Doing the Most Good” from Sharon Núñez will show some of the ways in which you can help as much animals as possible and maximize the impact of your organization, campaign and team. This talk will be a complete overview on why, where and how to focus on what is most effective.”

Dollars and Votes: How Business Campaign Contributions Subvert Democracy

A book about campaign contributions and their influence on elections.


“Dominion, (2018) is a vegan Documentary that uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom. While mainly focusing on animals used for food, it also explores other ways animals are exploited and abused by humans, including clothing, entertainment and research.”