Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

To narrow down the list to only resources personally endorsed by CNCL, tick the “CNCL-Endorsed” box.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
& Media Sites

Found 1997 Results

German Animal Welfare Association

“The goal of the German Animal Welfare Association is that every animal can lead a species-appropriate life. Be it in private households, in agriculture, in research and wherever humans deal with animals. We want animals to be protected in their natural habitats. Animal, nature and species protection are inseparable for us. Here you will learn everything about pets, animals in agriculture, animal experiments, wildlife, animal welfare abroad and how animals are protected by law.”

Giraffe Social Enterprises

“GSE serves individuals, communities and organisations of all ages, backgrounds or financial means, who wish to learn and contribute to nonviolence primarily through the principles and heart of Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Process. Intentions: To initiate, create, offer and support events and NVC/RC related activities. To encourage and support connection and contribution across all ages. To invite and support NVC/RC facilitators of all experiences to collaborate and contribute to sharing events and to act as a platform for sharing information. To seek funding and to fund ‘outreach’ work where possible that directly contributes to supporting nonviolent principles within the wider community.”

GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)

“GLAAD rewrites the script for LGBTQ acceptance. As a dynamic media force, GLAAD tackles tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change. GLAAD protects all that has been accomplished and creates a world where everyone can live the life they love.”

Global call for joint action on obesity, undernutrition and climate change

“A new international report linking obesity, undernutrition and climate change is calling for strong global actions that address all three issues at once.”

Global Center

“The Global Center works with governments, international organizations, and civil society to develop and implement comprehensive and sustainable responses to complex international security challenges through collaborative policy research, context-sensitive programming, and capacity development. In collaboration with a global network of expert practitioners and partner organizations, the Global Center fosters stronger multilateral partnerships and convenes key stakeholders to support integrated and inclusive security policies across national, regional, and global levels.”

Global Change Lab

“This is a training hub for global activists – on the internet. On Global Change Lab you take training bits and get skills in activism and social change – all in order to change the world. To complete a training bit you have to share something you learned. Your shares inspire and makes the next activist become even smarter.”

Global Community Designs

“This site serves as virtual home for our networks of allied community organizations. Perhaps bookmark our site and return if you seek hope from our beautiful creations…We are a Mutual Benefit Society dedicated to the arts, advocacy, research and development, education, and activism that promote engaged and resilient community wellness for our life on Earth.”

Global Community Monitor

“Global Community Monitor, founded in 2001, trains and supports communities in the use of environmental monitoring tools to understand the impact of fossil fuel industry pollution on their health and the environment. GCM’s work focuses on disempowered “fenceline” communities harmed by serious air pollution from industrial sources and whose concerns agencies and responsible corporations are ignoring. Over the past fifteen years, GCM has developed and pioneered the use of “bucket brigades” (a grassroots air monitoring program) as a method for communities to document and understand the impacts of industrial pollution, to launch advocacy efforts against polluters, and to win stunning victories.”

Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)

“The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents. GEN builds bridges between policy-makers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and ecologically-minded individuals across the globe in order to develop strategies for a global transition to resilient communities and cultures.”

Global Ecovillage Network – Books

Books relevant to ecovillages

Global Ecovillage Network – Magazines

“What is it like to live in an ecovillage, cohousing neighborhood, or intentional community? How do you start one, sustain it, grow it, and solve the hardest challenges? Communities magazine addresses these questions, and shares new models for society. For nearly 45 years this magazine has connected people to the pulse of the communities movement, by chronicling the people, organizations, methods and ideas making it so. Discover inspiring examples of cooperation and creativity, as people work together to solve problems and create a better, more equitable, and ecological world. Diverse Themes: Each quarterly issue focuses on a different theme, such as: Food and Community, Community and the Law, The Many Faces of Community, Finding or Starting Community, etc.”

Global Ecovillage Network – Solution Library

“The Solution Library is a directory of sustainability solutions. It provides short descriptions, vital information, pictures, and links to learn more. It is a place where solutions from all over the internet are gathered in one easy-to-browse platform to help create a more sustainable world.”

Global Exchange

“Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world. We take a holistic approach to creating change and as an education and action resource center, we advance our vision by working to ensure our members and constituents are empowered locally and connected globally to create a just and sustainable world. We realize that in order to advance social, environmental and economic justice we must transform the global economy from profit-centered to people-centered, from currency to community.”

Global Exchange – Blog

Blog. “Global Exchange is an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmnetal justice around the world.”

Global Issues

“Welcome to the global issues web site. This web site looks into global issues that affect everyone and aims to show how most issues are inter-related. There are over 550 articles on this site, mostly written by myself. The issues discussed range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics, the environment, and much more. Spread over these articles, there are over 7,000 links to external articles, web sites, reports and analysis to help provide credence to the arguments made on this web site.”

Global Justice Ecology Project

“Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination. GJEP envisions a world in which all societies are justly and equitably governed with full participation by an engaged and informed populace living in harmony with the natural world and one another. We accomplish our mission by (1) prioritizing campaigns that are key leverage points for advancing systemic change, and (2) linking struggles and strengthening diverse movements with strategic action, information, and analysis.”

Global Justice for Animals and the Environment

“Global Justice for Animals and the Environment (GJAE) exists to provide an uncompromising voice for animals and the environmental defense and to campaign in solidarity with indigenous communities in the fight against pro-corporate free trade agreements and related neoliberal economic policies. Our research team provides animal and environmental advocacy groups, members of Congress, and the broader global justice movement with in-depth analysis of the threat to animals and the planet posed by free trade agreements.”

Global Justice Media News

“Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) explores and exposes the intertwined root causes of social injustice, ecological destruction, and economic domination.”

Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

“The arms race is moving into space. The U.S. Space Command, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has publicly stated that it intends “to control space in order to protect U.S. interests and investments.” It is crucial that the movement to stop this new round in the arms race moves quickly ahead.”

Global Nonviolent Action Database

“Why this database? 1.To provide free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action for learning and for citizen action. We research campaigns that have reached a point of completion. The cases are drawn from all continents and most countries. People are shown struggling for human rights, economic justice, democracy, national and ethnic identity, environmental sustainability, and peace….2.To make available comparative information that will support researchers and writers to develop strategic knowledge and theory.”