Resource Library

Our extensive library is filled with quality books, articles, audio/video, websites/blogs, teaching materials, etc., that embrace the principles of Nonviolence and Conscious Living.

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Broad-Coverage Independent 
& Media Sites

Found 1997 Results

Global Oneness Project

“Welcome to the Global Oneness Project. We believe that stories play a powerful role in education. Founded in 2006, as an initiative of Kalliopeia Foundation, we bring the world’s cultures alive in the classroom using stories as a pedagogical tool for growing minds. Committed to the exploration of cultural, environmental, and social issues, we offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and articles. Companion curriculum and discussion guides are also available. All for free.”

Global Oneness Project – blog

“Education blog with strategies, teacher tips, and classroom stories.”

Global Oneness Project – library

“Welcome to the Global Oneness Project. We believe that stories play a powerful role in education. Founded in 2006, as an initiative of Kalliopeia Foundation, we bring the world’s cultures alive in the classroom using stories as a pedagogical tool for growing minds. Committed to the exploration of cultural, environmental, and social issues, we offer a rich library of multimedia stories comprised of award-winning films, photo essays, and articles. Companion curriculum and discussion guides are also available. All for free.”

Global Population Speak Out

“Speak Out helps equip those already engaged in environmental work, as well as new learners, with tools to help spread important environmental and social-change messages and bring international attention to the burdens human population size and growth are putting on the planet’s ecosystems — and to emphasize the sensible, progressive and compassionate means human communities have to stabilize our numbers and seek an improved balance with our home planet.”

Global Research

Center for Research on Globalization

Global Security Institute

“The Global Security Institute is dedicated to strengthening international cooperation and security based on the rule of law, with a particular focus on nuclear arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament. GSI was founded by Senator Alan Cranston whose insight that nuclear weapons are impractical, unacceptably risky, and unworthy of civilization continues to inspire GSI’s efforts to contribute to a safer world. GSI has developed an exceptional team that includes former heads of state and government, distinguished diplomats, effective politicians, committed celebrities, religious leaders, Nobel Peace Laureates, disarmament and legal experts, and concerned citizens.”

Global Stewards

An extensive resource directory of eco tips, green actions and issues. “The goal of Global Stewards, created in 1998, is to provide green eco tips for creating a sustainable lifestyle. This site is run by Lea Dutton and supported with inspirations from concerned humans around the globe. Global stewards defined: I define a “global steward” as being someone who, in recognizing their kinship with all living beings, chooses a lifestyle that is sustainable for all life, including future generations. This is a form of conscious stewardship over our own lives vs. stewardship over nature. “

Global Voices

“Global Voices is an international and multilingual community of bloggers, journalists, translators, academics, and human rights activists. Together, we leverage the power of the internet to build understanding across borders.”

Global Witness

“Global Witness campaigns to end environmental and human rights abuses driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system.”

Global Zero

“Global Zero is the international movement for the elimination of all nuclear weapons. Its members understand that the only way to eliminate the nuclear threat – including proliferation, nuclear terrorism and humanitarian catastrophe – is to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, secure all nuclear materials and eliminate all nuclear weapons: global zero. The movement combines cutting-edge policy development and direct dialogue with governments with public outreach, including media, online and grassroots initiatives to make the elimination of nuclear weapons an urgent global imperative.”

Globalize liberation: how to uproot the system and build a better world

“The attacks of 9/11 have renewed a hunger for ideas about how to effect change. The strategies and hard-won victories of dedicated activists from global justice and community struggles can provide vision and hope, and in this collection of 33 articles and essays, we hear first-hand accounts from North America, Europe and Latin America. In recent years, thousands have flooded the streets to effectively challenge the global economic system. Globalize Liberation aims to deepen, popularize, update and provide concrete practical ideas for this spirit of resistance and innovation.”

Go Eco

“We provide community education, collaborate with and support environmental groups and projects, provide inspiration for living lighter and advocates on behalf of the environment. We are home to a depot for recycling electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs, toner cartridges, and we run Kaivolution Food Rescue.”

Go Vegan

“Go Vegan is a national organisation dedicated to growing the vegan population in New Zealand. We support the cessation of commercial animal use. We focus on: 1) Vegan advocacy 2) Supporting regional advocates with resources, and 3) Providing resources for those transitioning to veganism”

Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden

“Bob Linden, vegan for 29 years, animal lover and dog-spoiler, is the host and executive producer of the listener-supported non-profit production GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN ( – the first-ever mainstream-media vegan animal liberation, health, and environmental program, now broadcasting for 12 years.”

Going Out? Here’s How to Find Vegan Restaurants Near You

“Most cities have incredible restaurants that are either all-vegan or can create fantastic vegan dishes. You just have to know how to find them. Of course, Google is a great first option, but here are some other great ways that should help”

Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics (2009)

“The definitive documentary explaining the influence of money on politics by Jonathan Shockley….This film is based on Thomas Ferguson’s book Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Party Competition and the Logic of Money-Driven Political Systems. The film offers an in depth look at the influence of money in politics–analyzing social forces and events that the mainstream media and scholarship have largely distorted or kept hidden. It also analyzes the meaning of democracy.”

Good Neighbour

“To provide practical opportunities for people to support one another so that lives and neighbourhoods are transformed.” Activities: Food Rescue, Community Gardens, Neighbourhood Projects and Kitchen

Good News Network

“Since 1997, people have turned to the Good News Network® as an antidote to the barrage of negativity experienced in the mainstream media. Because of its long history, staying power, and public trust, GNN has remained #1 on Google. From its beginnings, the website has been a clearinghouse for the gathering and dissemination of positive news stories from around the globe, confirming what people already know — that good news itself is not in short supply; the broadcasting of it is.”

Good News Planet (GNP)

“Since July 4, 1998, GNP is offering a new media concept for news and entertainment about people making a positive, constructive impact on society, no matter what the obstacles are. UP-BEAT, NOT BEAT-UP, SOLUTIONS ORIENTATED MEDIA. Good News Planet (GNP) was established by Milestone Broadcast Corporation, est. 1985 and is a rapidly growing media lifestyle publications covering and distributing news and entertainment from domestic and international sources related to health, science, business, international relations, and multi-cultural and niche community interests.”

GRACE Communications Foundation

“GRACE Communications Foundation develops innovative strategies and consumer tools to increase public awareness of the critical environmental and public health issues created by our current industrial food system, and to advocate for more sustainable alternatives.” Provides links to GRACE projects: Sustainable Table, Seasonal Food Guide, The Meatrix, Water Footprint Calculator, Ecocentric Blog.