Wholesome Practice: Social Change Theory

Critical Resistance

“Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe. We believe that basic necessities such as food, shelter, and freedom are what really make our communities secure. As such, our work is part of global struggles against inequality and powerlessness.”

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Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview (2013)

Film: “Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview is a documentary exploring the depths of the current human condition and the emergence of a worldview that is recreating our world from the inside out. Weaving together insights and findings from biology, psychology, network science, systems science, business, culture and media, the film reveals the inner workings of the human experience in the 21st century, urging viewers to step out of the box and challenge their own assumptions about who we really are, and why we do what we do. Crossroads places evolutionary context to today’s escalating social unrest, natural disasters, and economic failures. It illuminates the footsteps of an integrated worldview, penetrating its way through the power of social networks to the forefront of our personal and collective awareness.”

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Context Institute

“We began as a local living-lightly organization, with a mission “to develop, disseminate, and facilitate techniques and skills for low cash-flow, low environmental-impact lifestyles that make efficient use of personal, social, and planetary resources.” We are still pursuing that same mission, but over the years our understanding of that mission has grown deeper and more systemic. Today we describe it as “catalyzing a graceful transition to the Planetary Era.””

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Common Wonders – Co-creating a culture of peace

Robert Koehler: Peace journalist “We are at a terrifying transition of consciousness, and this transition faces enormous resistance, primarily at the institutional level. If we believe in a society that is more humane, more empathy-driven, than the one we have now, we are on our own and easily marginalized by the powers that be. This is our challenge: to find one another and start building a humane, sustainable future! I mean this website as a link in this process.”

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Coming Back to Life

Book: “Many of us fall prey to despair even as we feel called to respond to these threats to life on our planet. Authors Joanna Macy and Molly Brown address the anguish experienced by those who would confront the harsh realities of our time. In this fully updated edition of Coming Back to Life, they show how grief, anger and fear are healthy responses to threats to life, and when honored can free us from paralysis or panic, through the revolutionary practice of the Work that Reconnects.”

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Collective Intelligence Research Institute

“As a research and development organization, CIRI supports and catalyzes collective intelligence in human society. We operate in a universal, international, independent, apolitical and secular way. Our research goes directly in the public domain, in service of civil society.”

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Climate: A New Story

Book: “Flipping the script on climate change, Eisenstein makes a case for a wholesale reimagining of the framing, tactics, and goals we employ in our journey to heal from ecological destruction. With research and insight, Charles Eisenstein details how the quantification of the natural world leads to a lack of integration and our “fight” mentality. With an entire chapter unpacking the climate change denier’s point of view, he advocates for expanding our exclusive focus on carbon emissions to see the broader picture beyond our short-sighted and incomplete approach. The rivers, forests, and creatures of the natural and material world are sacred and valuable in their own right, not simply for carbon credits or preventing the extinction of one species versus another. After all, when you ask someone why they first became an environmentalist, they’re likely to point to the river they played in, the ocean they visited, the wild animals they observed, or the trees they climbed when they were a kid. This refocusing away from impending catastrophe and our inevitable doom cultivates meaningful emotional and psychological connections and provides real, actionable steps to caring for the earth. Freeing ourselves from a war mentality and seeing the bigger picture of how everything from prison reform to saving the whales can contribute to our planetary ecological health, we resist reflexive postures of solution and blame and reach toward the deep place where commitment lives.”

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Children of the Forest’; Restoring Our Symbiotic Brain & Mind.

Tony Wright is creating ‘Children of the Forest’; Restoring Our Symbiotic Brain & Mind. “I have been developing a theory explaining why our distant ancestors evolved an incredibly rare symbiotic brain that exhibited exceptional abilities, extraordinary perception and a sense of self the lies almost beyond our current comprehension. The same theory presents a clear diagnosis as to why our symbiotic brain has quite literally been eroding away with its associated traits and abilities having virtually disappeared. This has left us in an extremely delusional and self destructive state of mind and yet we are blind to the severity of the situation. Finally and most importantly, if the above diagnosis is accurate, it offers a powerful combination of treatments that can begin to quickly restore the kind of abilities and sense of self alluded to in ancient mythological and spiritual traditions. If the theory is valid and the project is successful it will have a huge impact on how we as a species perceive ourselves and respond to the enormous challenges we face.”

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Charles Eisenstein – Author & Speaker

Topics include: -Ecology & Earth Healing. -Political & Social. -Alternative Narratives. -Self & Psyche. -Money, Gift, & Economics. -Science & Philosophy. Resources: Books, Essays, Podcasts, Audio, Video, Cources and Events.

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Charles Eisenstein – Podcasts

“From the merely unorthodox to the truly revolutionary, this podcast features Charles Eisenstein in conversation with a series of extraordinary guests: activists and healers, scientists and spiritual teachers, artists and entrepreneurs, indigenous people and those from the elite. Topics revolve around concepts of interbeing and “technologies of reunion” — anything drawing from and contributing to a new story, including material, social, psychological, agricultural, healing, and educational “technologies.” For greater interactivity, the podcast includes live chats, discussion forums, and Q&A sessions. “No one can occupy the new story alone,” says Charles. “We need to hold each other there.” That is the purpose of this podcast and the community that surrounds it — to strengthen the field and spread the ideas of a new and ancient story.”

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Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change

Book: “Should anti-war protesters use graphic images to get public support for their cause, or will such images turn the public off? In encouraging the public to adopt sustainable behaviors, should environmental organizations ask for small changes like using fluorescent light bulbs or big changes like giving up cars? Why do most Americans say they oppose the cruel practices of factory farms and sweatshops yet still buy products from these places? And how can non-profits get more people to say yes to their requests to volunteer, donate, recycle, write a letter to a political prisoner, support gay rights, go vegetarian, conserve energy or make other positive changes? Scientific research has generated a wealth of information on how people can be persuaded to alter their behaviors, yet this body of knowledge has been largely ignored by those working to improve society. Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change brings this information to light so that non-profits, community organizers and others can make science-driven decisions in their advocacy work. The book examines more than eighty years of empirical research in areas including social psychology, communication studies, diffusion studies, network systems and social marketing, distilling the highlights into easy-to-use advice and serving as a psychology primer for anyone wanting to spread progressive social change.”

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Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth

Book: “Our current story is about Sacred Money and Markets. Money, it tells us, is the measure of all worth and the source of all happiness. The market is omniscient. Earth is simply a source of raw materials. Inequality and environmental destruction are unfortunate but unavoidable. Although many recognize this story promotes bad ethics, bad science, and bad economics, it will remain our guiding story until replaced by a more compelling story that aligns with our deepest understanding of the universe and our relationship to it. A Sacred Life and Living Earth story is grounded in a cosmology that affirms we are living beings born of a living Earth itself born of a living universe. Our health and well-being depend on an economy that works in co-productive partnership with the processes by which Earth’s community of life maintains the conditions of its own existence—and ours. Offering a hopeful vision, this book lays out the transformative impact adopting this story will have on every aspect of human life and society.” PDF discussion guide available.

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Center for Humans and Nature

“The Center for Humans and Nature partners with some of the brightest minds to explore human responsibilities to each other and the more-than-human world. We bring together philosophers, ecologists, artists, political scientists, anthropologists, poets and economists, among others, to think creatively about a resilient future for the whole community of life.”

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Centre for International Governance Innovation – Opinions

“We are the Centre for International Governance Innovation: an independent, non-partisan think tank with an objective and uniquely global perspective. Our research, opinions and public voice make a difference in today’s world by bringing clarity and innovative thinking to global policy making. By working across disciplines and in partnership with the best peers and experts, we are the benchmark for influential research and trusted analysis.”

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Carl Sagan – Who Speaks for Earth?

“We have heard the rationales offered by the super powers. We know who speaks for the nations. But who speaks for the human species, who speaks for Earth?…Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring” – Carl Sagan

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Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis

Book: “We are in the midst of a monumental transformation in human civilization, akin to a metamorphosis. Just as in Nature where the caterpillar gorges itself before forcibly undergoing a metamorphosis in the chrysalis, we over-consuming humans are reaching a point of being forcibly transformed within the cocoon of our finite planet into compassionate, life-affirming butterflies. Vegan life-affirming butterflies.”

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CAS Group Wiki (complex adaptive systems)

“Welcome to the CAS Group Wiki. The CAS Group is a community for people interested in the science and theory of complex adaptive systems (CAS), and in their basic principles and applied principles. CASs are perhaps the most interesting complex systems, they are not only ‘complex’ – they are diverse and made up of multiple interconnected elements – and ‘adaptive’ – they have also the capacity to change and learn from experience. The basic element of CAS theory is the agent-based model. The logo describes the phenomenon of emergence, as it can be observed for example in swarms and flocks. Like self-organization it is a essential principle in the theory of complex adaptive systems. There are also pages about the emergence and collapse of civilizations and complex societies, the role of chaos in neural networks, self-consciousness, new forms of AI, new kinds of science, theories of everything and new forms of technology and interesting philosophical questions as well, for example if we can describe the mind as a group of interacting agents, an ecology or society of mind. How does the mind work? What is life? What is consciousness? What is evolution, and can we go beyond darwinism and extend Darwinian theory to inanimate matter, too, obtaining some kind of quantum evolution ?”

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Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies

Book: “Using the metaphor of metamorphosis, Carbon Dharma calls for our occupation of the Earth as Butterflies, to undo the damage done by the human species in its present Caterpillar stage of existence. It diagnoses the reasons for our Caterpillar stage of existence as the misinterpretation of the fundamental principles that underlie our democracy and our industrial civilization.”

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Can We Do It Ourselves? (2015)

“Within modern life exists a paradox: we celebrate democracy as a political system, but not as an economic system, even though our workplaces have a far greater impact on our day to day lives. It’s fair to say that most workplaces under capitalist management are organized in an authoritarian fashion, yet this fact is rarely questioned or thought about. Why has it become normal to reject authoritarianism in our governments, while accepting it when we clock into our jobs? “Can We Do It Ourselves?” asks if it is time to start pushing for a democratic, cooperative way of doing business, showing case studies of businesses who are surviving as democracies within our capitalist system.”

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Build Your Own Toolkit

“Welcome to TCA’s exclusive resource search application….All of the campaigners’ resources in our extensive collection have been tagged with keywords to help you find what’s most helpful to you or your organisation.”

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Buddhist Peace Fellowship

“The Buddhist Peace Fellowship shapes movements for ecological and social justice by sharing spiritual-political practices and resources. We come together from multiple lineages, Buddhist and otherwise, to support bold, creative, loving actions to block systemic harm, while building collaborative tools and gatherings that give us the strength to be with our suffering, in order to transform towards liberation. “

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Bright Future Now

“Bright Future Now is a 7-week online course available everywhere in the world. Designed for change agents and cultural co-creatives, it enables you to find the positive momentum of our times – and align your life with it – so you can build a brighter future for yourself and for all life.”

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Blessed Unrest

“How the Largest Movement in the World Came Into Being and Why No One Saw it Coming. A leading environmentalist and social activist’s examination of the worldwide movement for social and environmental change. Paul Hawken has spent over a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. From billion-dollar nonprofits to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location, and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media. Like nature itself, it is organizing from the bottom up, in every city, town, and culture. and is emerging to be an extraordinary and creative expression of people’s needs worldwide. Blessed Unrest explores the diversity of the movement, its brilliant ideas, innovative strategies, and hidden history, which date back many centuries. A culmination of Hawken’s many years of leadership in the environmental and social justice fields, it will inspire and delight any and all who despair of the world’s fate, and its conclusions will surprise even those within the movement itself. Fundamentally, it is a description of humanity’s collective genius, and the unstoppable movement to reimagine our relationship to the environment and one another.”

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Bioneers Media

“Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Bioneers Media – Video

Videos. “Bioneers is a fertile hub of visionaries and innovators who are developing practical solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.”

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Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World

Book: “Ten years ago, in the best-selling Ethics for a New Millennium, His Holiness the Dalai Lama first proposed an approach to ethics based on universal rather than religious principles. With Beyond Relgion, he returns to the conversation at his most outspoken, elaborating and deepening his vision for the nonreligious way—a path to lead an ethical, happy, and spiritual life. Transcending the religion wars, he outlines a system of ethics for our shared world, one that makes a stirring appeal for a deep appreciation of our common humanity, offering us all a road map for improving human life on individual, community, and global levels. “

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Beyond Awakening

“Are we heading for a great awakening or an apocalypse? How can higher consciousness help us rise to answer the call of our world crisis? When we wake up, what comes next? Join in on the deep public conversations where Terry Patten is exploring the “big questions” of our time with today’s most awake and dynamic thought leaders. Terry is the founder of Bay Area Integral and the co-developer and co-author, with Ken Wilber and others, of Integral Life Practice.”

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Beyond Forgiveness: Reflections on Atonement

Book: “Beyond Forgiveness shows how acts of atonement—making amends, providing restitution, restoring balance—can relieve us of the pain of the past and give us a hopeful future. The book contains fifteen thoughtful contributions from high-profile thinkers and activists including, among others, Huston Smith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jacob Needleman, Arun Gandhi, Diane Hennacy Powell, Azim Noordin Khamisa, Rabbi Michael Lerner, James O’Dea, Reverend Heng Sure, Kate Dahlstedt, and Edward Tick.”

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Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs

“The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs seeks a more just and peaceful world by deepening knowledge and solving problems at the intersection of religion and global affairs through research, teaching, and engaging multiple publics. Two premises guide the center’s work: that a comprehensive examination of religion and norms is critical to address complex global challenges, and that the open engagement of religious and cultural traditions with one another can promote peace. To this end, the center engages students, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in analysis of and dialogue on critical issues in order to increase the public understanding of religion.”

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Barefoot Guide 5: Mission Inclusion

Book: “Mission Inclusion Stories and Practices of Building ​a World where All Belong…Everyone agrees that inclusion is hard, that reaching the poorest and most marginalised is difficult. The layers and reinforcing cycles of exclusion defy the conventional development project approach. Something else, something qualitatively different is needed. Many organisations, large and small, are tackling the deep challenges of exclusion and coming up with creative, innovative and workable solutions that are putting into practice the policies and strategies that everyone is talking about. This Barefoot Guide, written by 34 practitioners from 16 different countries on all continents makes many of these successful approaches and solutions more visible. We will be releasing five translations (French, Spanish, Swahili, Arabic and Viet) and three audio translations (Hausa, Arabic and Swahili) over the next several months.” A dyslexic version available too.

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Bay Area Nonviolent Communication

“BayNVC is home to a number of projects and groups working under the same umbrella to apply and promote the principles and practices of Nonviolent Communication. Most of these are operated and run by BayNVC staff and trainers and include private sessions, classes, organizational services, retreats, and a variety of projects designed for social transformation. In addition, BayNVC provides fiscal sponsorship and financial services to other relevant projects by request. VISION: To create a world where everyone’s needs matter and people have the skills to make peace.”

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Ancient Wisdom, Modern World : Ethics for the New Millennium

Book: “This work presents the Dalai Lama’s prescription for the spiritual expansion of humankind. Addressing what he sees as the spiritual void in modern society, the Dalai Lama calls for the necessity of virtue and greater compassion. Besides discussing ways in which we may care for the environment, he gives guidance in the techniques of contemplation. Written as a form of spiritual handbook, this work is also a complement to “Freedom in Exile”, the Dalai Lama’s autobiography.”

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Alternatives to Economic Globalization

Book: “Written by a premier group of 21 thinkers from around the world, the second edition of Alternatives to Economic Globalization lays out democratic, ecologically sound, socially just alternatives to corporate globalization more fully, specifically, and thoughtfully than has ever been done before. Focusing on constructive, achievable goals, the authors present ten governing principles for establishing truly sustainable societies and describe alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO that would better serve the needs of the planet. They offer detailed proposals for protecting vital goods and services from corporate exploitation, limiting corporate privileges and power, rebuilding economies to make them more responsive to human needs, and more. This revised and expanded edition features a new opening chapter on the global balance of power, a new section on the media and globalization, and a new final chapter on what ordinary citizens can do to fight the injustices of globalization. It also includes many new charts, sidebars, and other updated information.”

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Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth

Book: “Nearly two years after the economic meltdown, joblessness and foreclosures are still endemic, Wall Street executives are once again getting massive bonuses, and our leaders in Washington lack the will to make desperately needed fundamental changes to the economy. Change will have to come from below. Agenda for a New Economy is the handbook for that revolution. In this revised and updated edition David Korten has fleshed out his vision of the alternative to the corporate Wall Street economy: a Main Street economy based on locally owned, community-oriented “living enterprises” whose success is measured as much by their positive impact on people and the environment as by their positive balance sheet. We will lose nothing in the process because, as Korten ably demonstrates, the supposed services Wall Street offers are simply a con game. And Korten now offers more in-depth advice on how to mount a grassroots campaign to bring about an economy based on shared prosperity, ecological stewardship, and citizen democracy.”

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Addiction, Climate Change, and the Psychology of Recovery

“As a budding cultural ecologist and student of the emerging field of Ecopsychology, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between our relationship to addiction, drugs, and recovery and our relationship to oil, gas, coal, unchecked capitalism, and all the things that we think we need to keep investing in despite knowing that they aren’t serving us or the rest of life on Earth anymore. How does addiction relate to our relationship to the living world? How have we, as a society, treated our planet and interpreted how to deal with the ecological crisis that we are currently faced with? “

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Active Hope – How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy

Book: “The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheaval, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach known as the Work That Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society.”

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Active Hope Show 1 – The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy

“Joanna Macy tells the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy, twelve centuries old and from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Introduced by Chris Johnstone, this is the first episode of The Active Hope Show, which explores insights and practices that help bring out our best responses to the planetary emergency we face.”

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Active Peace

“Why Become an Active Peacemaker? Active Peace is a holistic approach to personal, interpersonal, and collective healing. It takes in the big picture and addresses the root causes of disrespect, division, and violence. Inner healing is fully integrated with heart-centered service to life and future generations. Through a restorative justice-inspired model of community peacemaking (Active Peace Circles) we address even the most challenging issues in a transformational way that includes root causes and systems change. After successful workshops in Boulder in January 2019, the Active Peace Circle model is ready to be implemented in communities hungry for an integrated and consistently nonviolent approach to conflict transformation. Active Peace prioritizes respect, deep relationships, personal responsibility, and repairing harm at all levels and includes unmasking Privilege, Patriarchy, and Internalized Racism in a proactive and compassionate way. As an Active Peacemaker you will become more relaxed, courageous, compassionate, and resilient. You will be a positive example of what humans are capable of and bring more hope into the world. You will also join a growing network of people channeling their care into effective action.”

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Abundant Living in the Coming Age of the Tree

“The practical and philosophical basis for ecological veganism – that we can feed the world healthily and compassionately and protect the planet with a diverse, mostly home grown, plant-based diet that includes tree crops…We are faced with the challenge of providing for the needs of a rapidly increasing world population from the diminishing resources of a finite and endangered planet. Fundamental changes in the values and practices of the dominant world system, which has created a situation in which millions of people and animals already suffer extreme deprivation and die prematurely, is essential. What is needed is a trend towards compassionate living the vegan way, with the emphasis on the use of trees and their products. As people face the challenge of environmental crises, as the supreme importance of using awesome intellectual powers with compassion for all sentient beings is realised, an evolutionary leap will be achieved. An era of truly abundant living will dawn in which humans, at peace with themselves, with each other and with all living creatures, will reach heights of creativity as yet unimagined.”

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Accidental Anarchist (2017)

“Carne Ross was a government highflyer. A career diplomat who believed Western Democracy could save us all. But working inside the system he came to see its failures, deceits and ulterior motives. He felt at first hand the corruption of power. After the Iraq war Carne became disillusioned, quit his job and started searching for answers. This film traces his journey across the globe as he tries to find an answer to the question so many people today are asking themselves – isn’t there a better way? For Carne there is. Anarchism offers a solution to the brutalities of Capitalism and the dishonesties of Democracy. It offers a world where people have control over their own lives. From the protesters of Occupy Wall Street, to an anarchist collective in Spain, to Noam Chomsky, the grand old man of anarchism himself, Carne finds people who are putting the theory into practice. His journey eventually takes him to one of the most dangerous places on earth – Syria, eight kilometers from the front line with Isis, where a remarkable anarchist state has risen phoenix like from the flames. A powerful film about one man’s epic journey from government insider to anarchist.”

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A Prayer for Compassion

Film: “A Prayer for Compassion is a feature length documentary that strives to inspire and encourage those already on a religious or spiritual path, to expand their circle of compassion to embrace all life, regardless of species, and make choices in alignment with this value. The film follows Thomas Jackson on a quest across America, that ultimately takes him to Morocco for the UN Climate Conference and throughout the Indian subcontinent to ask the question, “Can compassion grow to include all beings? and Can people who identify as religious or spiritual come to embrace the call to include all human and nonhuman beings in our circle of respect and caring and love?””

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A Strategy for Achieving Vegan Critical Mass: How to Make Compassion Easier – Tobias Leenaert

“In this session, we examine a particular and very pragmatic strategy to veganize the world. We will examine how the world could become vegan without expecting people to go vegan right away and without having to talk exclusively about animal rights. The aim of this workshop is to help you think anew about strategy and to help you pick the best ideas and strategies for the current phase of our movement.”

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A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016)

“A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity is a feature-length documentary that follows a community in Australia who came together to explore and demonstrate a simpler way to live in response to global crises. Throughout the year the group built tiny houses, planted veggie gardens, practised simple living, and learned how to live in community.”

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A New Story of Us

“Happiness: it’s what we all want. And contrary to the messages advertisers want us to believe, we cannot buy it. So how do we find happiness? We can start by looking at the way society is currently structured. Do our systems help all of us meet our human needs? Do they foster our sense of compassion? Is everyone treated fairly and justly? Are there widely established mechanisms for building relationships of trust? We can also look at our view of humankind. Do we hold a positive understanding of who we are and what we are here to do? Our short video “A New Story of Us” answers these questions, highlighting a path to the happiness and peace we’re all seeking.”

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A New Story of the Economy

A video and further resources & study. “Real prosperity revolves around the sanctity of life. The economy is much more than a series of transactions: It’s about our relationships, who and what we think we are, and our view on the meaning of life itself. Our current global economy leaves too many of us struggling, and it is harming Earth’s ecosystems. When we change the story of ourselves from consumers to full human beings in relationship to all of life, how does our economy change?”

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A New Story for Humanity (2016)

Film: “A New Story For Humanity presents a beautifully and sensitively woven tapestry of the rich diversity that is the human family. Featuring interviews on the essential topics of our time: from cosmology to ecology, from ancient wisdom to current thinking, from leadership to governance, from economy to social justice, from education to initiation, from community to sustainability. Captured through the lens of both our frailty and our wisdom, our pain and our joy, this inquiry into a new story for humanity offers a gateway into the evolutionary consciousness that will propel us as a species to recognize and embody our interdependence and oneness in harmony with the planet and in partnership with all life. What if we had the power to change the story, and with this awareness, change the world?”

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A Life Connected: VEGAN

Video: “A Life Connected: VEGAN from NonviolenceUnited.org on Vimeo. View in Other Languages: Volunteers from around the world have translated A Life Connected: VEGAN into many different languages. Click the links below to view. And share with people you know. Please contact us if you’d like to translate into another language and we’ll help you get started!”

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A Great Turning: The Process

“A Great turning to an Ecological Civilization cannot be led or imposed by institutions created to secure the relationships of an Imperial Civilization. Leadership must come from We the People. With no precedent or model to guide us, we must learn as we go, sharing the lessons of our experience as we withdraw our support from the institutions of the old economy and live into being the institutions of a New Economy that aligns with Ecological Civilization’s vision of possibility.”

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A Bright Future: Nonviolence and Human Evolution

Book: “”Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind” The words of Mahatma Gandhi are guiding spirit behind the essays in this Eshort, all exploring the deep and powerful promise of nonviolence as a tool for social change. Professor Michael Nagler offers stories of nonviolence in history and today, of hope, and of our bright future.”

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A Crude Awakening (2007)

“Produced and directed by award-winning European journalists and filmmakers Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack, A Crude Awakening tells the story of how our civilization’s addiction to oil puts it on a collision course with geology. Compelling, intelligent, and highly entertaining, the film visits with the world’s top experts and comes to a startling, but logical conclusion – our industrial society, built on cheap and readily available oil, must be completely re-imagined and overhauled.”

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A Call for Revolution: A Vision for the Future

Book: “A Landmark Message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Are we ready to hear it? Are we ready to act? I call on you to confront the challenges of our era by rising up and embarking upon a revolution that has no precedent in human history. This eloquent, urgent manifesto is possibly the most important message the Dalai Lama can give us about the future of our world. It’s his rallying cry, full of solutions for our chaotic, aggressive, divided times: no less than A CALL FOR REVOLUTION.”

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2012: Time For Change (2010)

“”2012: Time for Change” presents an optimistic alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom. Directed by Emmy Award nominee João Amorim, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck, author of the bestselling 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method. As conscious agents of evolution, we can redesign post-industrial society on ecological principles to make a world that works for all. Rather than breakdown and barbarism, 2012 heralds the birth of a regenerative planetary culture where collaboration replaces competition, where exploration of psyche and spirit becomes the new cutting edge, replacing the sterile materialism that has pushed our world to the brink.”

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“Ecological Revival and Sustainable Living in the Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest of Tamil Nadu: A Measurement of Residential Perception in Sadhana Forest”

“Our nations’ leaders should be looking to Sadhana, and communities like them, as models for future development. These locations offer a unique opportunity to learn first -hand about sustainability. As ecovillages continue to grow and expand across the globe, it is clear that there is an increasing interest in living sustainably and perhaps even that there is a preference towards the ecovillage lifestyle. These communities have a record of successful and failed projects that provide a knowledge base and can potentially save a government time and money while implementing sustainable practice and design. Further research in this field should investigate the logistics of how ecovillages can engage with local governments and what resources governments need as they include sustainability in their affairs. “

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“Introduction: What is Natural Agriculture?” from “Farming to Create Heaven on Earth” (Shinji Shumeikai, 2007)

“To understand Natural Agriculture, imagine a seed placed in your hand. Its weight hardly registers, and only with intention will you feel its touch against your skin. But however slight, the seed is the place where all earthly food begins, and what you notice about it will tell much about your relationship to food. A gastronome might recognize the seed as a spice or grain. A scientist might tell you its chemical structure or nutritional value. Afarmer would certainly recognize its worth. But the average person would see little to remark upon and hand it back shortly. Those who practice Natural Agriculture would look at the seed and see a provider, a partner, and a teacher. In their eyes, the seed grants physical energy to nourish the body, and spiritual energy to nourish the heart and mind. It partners with the soil and its human caretakers to make the natural world healthier, more complex. And as we humans build that partnership, the seed shows us how to live with respect and gratitude. In the palm of a Natural Agriculturist’s hand, the seed registers a tremendous presence, for there it is brimming with promise, wisdom, and hope.” 5 page pdf

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Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)

“Zeitgeist: Addendum, a 2008 documentary film produced by Peter Joseph, is a continuation of the film Zeitgeist, the Movie. The film includes facts regarding the Federal Reserve System in the United States, the CIA, Corporate America and others, concluding the advocation of a libertarian movement called the Venus Project, created by social engineer Jacque Fresco. The movie was released free online on October 4, 2008…The failure of our world to resolve the issue of war, poverty, and corruption, rests within a gross ignorance about what guides human behaviour to begin with. ‘Zeitgeist-Addendum’ addresses the true source of the instability in our society, while offering the only fundamental, long term solution. Director Peter Joseph has the ability to take risky subject matter and turn it into a visually, emotionally, and intellectually compelling case for a “greater point of view.””

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Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)

“A feature length documentary by Peter Joseph that presents the case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. The film intends to transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical life ground attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a Resource-Based Economy. Following on fromZeitgeist: Addendum, and the Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide, Moving Forward reinforces and clarifies the information presented in those films. It is done so in a crystal clear fashion beginning with an examination of the conditioning that shapes our behavior, moving on to the failures of the monetary/market system, it’s resultant socio-economic collapse and finally, the transition into a resource based economy for the betterment of humankind.”

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World Peace Society of Australia

“Our Vision: “Peace Begins with Me”. Our Mission Statement: We hold that a lasting peace will not be found in the world, until it is developed in the hearts of humanity. Our goal is to inspire the brothers and sisters of our human family with an achievable vision that is not bound by politics or religion or economics but an inevitable, triumphant victory of the heart. We believe that our responsibility for peace begins within each of us. The peace we offer to ourselves, our families, our communities and finally to our world family is the harbinger of tomorrow’s oneness-world of peace. We believe there is a simple choice for each human being between war and peace, between laying blame and increasing anger and conflict, or opening our hearts and sharing peace and love within our global family. We hold that violence and aggression will not create peace at home or in our schools or communities. We envision an irresistible wave of peace, a critical mass that will not stop until the world is free. We proclaim proudly “PEACE BEGINS WITH ME!” “

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World As Lover, World As Self: Courage for Global Justice and Ecological Renewal (Revised 2nd Edition)

Book: “A visionary ahead of her time, Joanna Macy sounds the call for us to wake up to a deeper relationship with the Earth or risk its destruction. In renewing our commitment to the natural world, she writes, we can nourish and replenish our spirits as well. ‘World as Lover, World as Self’ is a love poem to the planet, a story of personal journey, and a blueprint for social change.”

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“For a long time the ecological development has accepted that on the off chance that you need get individuals to do something, in the event that you need to draw in individuals, fundamentally what you need to do is to make as productively discouraging film or compose as sufficiently awful and hopeless flyer and get that into their hands and they will essentially act. “Goodness my God, that is repulsive, I’ll go and plant a few carrots.” Actually it doesn’t work that way. You can look individuals at changed phases of progress. There are individuals who are just about prepared to roll out an improvement, there are individuals who are mindful of the issues however not by any means inspired by taking any activities, and there are individuals who won’t even concede that there’s an issue. The last couple of hundred of years have been completely uncommon in the standard of mankind’s history. Populace has developed from under a billion to seven billion, the rates of utilization of characteristic assets both on total and every capita premise have become immensely. Yet the reason for this gigantic change as far as creating new advancements, utilizing more stuff, and expanding worldwide exchange, has been vital.”

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Work that Reconnects Network

“The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization.” –Joanna Macy

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Work That Reconnects Network – Practices

“The books, Coming Back to Life, World as Lover, World as Self, and Thinking Like a Mountain, describe many forms of experiential group work relating to deep ecology, deep time, and despair and empowerment. The practices listed below are described in Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown. Please acknowledge the source when you use any of these practices…Gratitude | Honoring our Pain for the World | Seeing with New Eyes/Ancient Eyes | Deep Time | Going Forth | Meditations”

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Within Reach

“Within Reach is a film documenting one resilient couple’s 6,500 mile bicycling journey across the United States in search of sustainable communities. Mandy and Ryan gave up their corporate jobs and houses to travel thousands of miles in search of a new home, while also looking within. One of the most important questions facing the world today is “Can humans live sustainably?” This film answers this in a resounding way – Yes! Within Reach: Journey to Find Sustainable Community. Meet people from around the country showing that there might just be a better way we can live together on this planet. It is not only possible, it is already underway!”

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Wildness: Relations of People and Place

Book: “Whether referring to a place, a nonhuman animal or plant, or a state of mind, wild indicates autonomy and agency, a will to be, a unique expression of life. Yet two contrasting ideas about wild nature permeate contemporary discussions: either that nature is most wild in the absence of a defiling human presence, or that nature is completely humanized and nothing is truly wild. Wildness, edited by Gavin Van Horn and John Hausdoerffer, charts a different path. Exploring how people can become attuned to the wild community of life and also contribute to the well-being of the wild places in which we live, work, and play, Wildness brings together esteemed authors from a variety of landscapes, cultures, and backgrounds to share their stories about the interdependence of everyday human lifeways and wildness.”

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Why the future will be vegan – Tobias Leenaert [IARC 2016]

Video: “So many things are happening, changing, shifting to day. These changes are happening both within our vegan movement, and outside of it, in the technological, economical, creative and other domains. In this talk we will look at the newest developments and trends that are moving us closer and closer to a vegan world. We will also take a look at what position we vegans should take with respect to all these developments.”

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“Welcome to WhoRulesAmerica.net, a site about how power is distributed and wielded in the United States. It both builds upon and greatly supplements the book Who Rules America?, now in its 7th edition. The book’s new subtitle, “The Triumph of the Corporate Rich,” reflects the success of the wealthy few in defeating all of their rivals (e.g., organized labor, liberals, environmentalists) over the course of the past 35 years. The story of how the corporate rich won all the big battles is complicated, but most of the answers are in the new Who Rules America? and/or this Web site; you can also watch some videos of Bill giving invited lectures on the topic.”

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When Corporations Rule the World

Book: “Our Choice: Democracy or Corporate Rule. A handful of corporations and financial institutions command an ever-greater concentration of economic and political power in an assault against markets, democracy, and life. It’s a “suicide economy,” says David Korten, that destroys the very foundations of its own existence. The bestselling 1995 edition of When Corporations Rule the World helped launch a global resistance against corporate domination. In this twentieth-anniversary edition, Korten shares insights from his personal experience as a participant in the growing movement for a New Economy. A new introduction documents the further concentration of wealth and corporate power since 1995 and explores why our institutions resolutely resist even modest reform. A new conclusion chapter outlines high-leverage opportunities for breakthrough change.”

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When Civil Resistance Succeeds: Building Democracy After Popular Nonviolent Uprisings

Monograph: “Why do some nonviolent revolutions lead to successful democratization while others fail to consolidate democratic change? And what can activists do to push toward a victory over dictatorship that results in long-term political freedom? Several studies show that nonviolent revolutions are generally a more positive force for democratization than violent revolutions and top-down political transitions. However, some nonviolent revolutions, such as the Arab Spring revolution in Egypt, do not seem to fit this pattern. This study takes on this puzzle and reveals that the answer lies in large part in the actions of civil society prior to and during transition. Democracy is most likely when activists can keep their social bases mobilized for positive political change while directing that mobilization toward building new political institutions.” 104 page pdf

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What Makes People Tick: The Three Hidden Worlds of Settlers, Prospectors and Pioneers

Book: “Chris Rose’ powerful guide to values mapping is a ‘must-read’ for campaigners. If you want to communicate effectively with people – especially if you want to persuade them to act – you need to start from where they are, not from where you are. The failure to do this lies at the root of many communications damp squibs, disasters and social conflicts. Knowing about the Three Worlds gives you a head start in getting it right. These invisible ‘Worlds’ can only be truly revealed by large scale detailed surveys which identify the connections and correlations between attitudes and beliefs. These sets of attitudes and beliefs create three different versions of ‘common sense’, three distinct ways of seeing the world and of evaluating any offer or ask, any campaign or political idea, any past-time, hobby, social opportunity, any purchase, product or service. Because our place in one world or another is determined by meeting, or not yet having met, unconscious needs – of safety and security or identity, or for esteem of others or self esteem, or for things beyond that such as new ideas, innovations or ethics – we are not ordinarily aware that these worlds exist.”

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What happens when we see ourselves as separate from or as a part of nature?

“We evolved within the community of life, and yet we humans often consider ourselves separate from nature. Are we unique? Is this distinction helpful? How do our ways of thinking of ourselves in relation to other life influence the identities we carry and actions we take? We invite you to share your reflections as we explore the relationship between humans and nature. Read a story, tell your own.”

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What is moral progress? A Conversation with Peter Singer

“In this episode of the Making Sense podcast, Sam Harris speaks with philosopher Peter Singer about the foundations of morality, expanding the circle of our moral concern, politics, free speech, conspiracy thinking, Edward Snowden, the importance of intentions, WWII, euthanasia, eating “happy cows,” and other topics. Peter Singer is Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He’s the author of Animal Liberation, The Most Good You Can Do, and many other books. His most recent book is Ethics in the Real World. He is also the co-founder of The Life You Can Save, a nonprofit devoted to spreading his ideas about why we should be doing much more to improve the lives of people living in extreme poverty.”

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Web of Creation

“The Web of Creation was established to foster the movement for personal and social transformation to a just and sustainable world from religious perspectives. To that end, the information at this site will: -connect you with ideas, resources and strategies for doing eco-justice. -inform, inspire, encourage, educate you about eco-justice. -support you in your efforts to live, work and pray in ways that promote eco-justice. The Web of Creation has also been developed to provide information and connections for theology students interested in environmental ministry.”

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We Are Interconnected

“Hi, I’m Michael Lanfield. The author of six books including two #1 Amazon best-selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey and also my newest book Return to the Gentle Sea: For the Love That Lives in Everyone. I’m also a vegan advocate, YouTuber, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator. I have been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, sharing veganism to millions of people around the world.”

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Waste = Food (2007)

“Man is the only creature that produces landfills. Natural resources are being depleted on a rapid scale while production and consumption are rising in na­tions like China and India. The waste production world wide is enormous and if we do not do anything we will soon have turned all our resources into giant landfills of waste. But there is hope. The German chemist, Michael Braungart, and the American designer-architect William McDonough are fundamentally changing the way we produce and build. If waste would become food for the biosphere or the technosphere (all the technical products we make), produc­tion and consumption could become beneficial for the planet. A design and production concept that they call Cradle to Cradle. A concept that is seen as the next industrial revolution.”

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War Resisters International

“War Resisters’ International (WRI) works for a world without war. WRI is primarily a global pacifist and antimilitarist network of organisations, groups and individuals with over 90 affiliated groups in 40 countries.”

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Voices of Transition (2012)

“This inspirational film presents innovative and very concrete solutions to the food security challenges of our crisis-ridden age. Its powerful images showcase community-led agriculture in Cuba, ingenious woodland farming methods in France and the influential Transition movement in the UK, where communities are already moving towards local resilience. The pioneers of this global movement share a positive vision: a new food system in which soils and people once again support each other in a balanced and sustainable way. The film offers a tantalising glimpse of a future-proof society – one in which our communities are happier and healthier, too.”

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Visionary Plant Consciousness: The Shamanic Teachings of the Plant World

Book: “Visionary Plant Consciousness explores how the “vegetable mind” can affect the human condition. Twenty-three leading ethnobotanists, anthropologists, medical researchers and cultural and religious figures present their understandings, including the late Terence McKenna, Dr. Andrew Weil, Wade Davis, Michael Pollan, Alex Grey, Jeremy Narby and Kat Harrison. They reveal that these plants may help us access the profound intelligence in nature—the “mind of nature”—that we must learn to understand in order to survive our eco-logically destructive way of life.”

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Vernal Education Project

“The Vernal Education Project is a long-term effort to create a comprehensive education and support network that can bolster and sustain grassroots progressive social change movements in the United States. The project is described in the book Inciting Democracy: A Practical Proposal for Creating a Good Society by Randy Schutt. The project seeks to create a network of 50 educational centers around the United States, each of which would facilitate a 1-year program on social change for 120 students every year. The project is currently in the early development stages, focused on distributing Inciting Democracy and recruiting volunteer staffmembers.”

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Veganomics: The Surprising Science on What Motivates Vegetarians, from the Breakfast Table to the Bedroom

Book: “Flip through a magazine, turn on the TV, or browse around online, and it quickly becomes clear: vegetarian eating is on the rise. But just who are vegetarians? How do they make the transition? And what really drives them to take the meat off their plates? Vegetarians differ from omnivores not just in their eating habits but also in their psychology, personalities, friendship choices, even their sex lives. Extensive studies from around the world show that they vote differently, take different jobs, and have brains that fire differently. This research also provides insight into why people who consider themselves vegetarian may not really be vegetarian at all, and why so many fall off the vegetarian wagon. Veganomics is a fascinating journey through the science on vegetarians and vegetarian eating, shedding new light on how and why people eat the way they do, and what impact their dietary choices can have on the world around us. Be forewarned: after reading this book, you may never look at vegetarians the same way again!”

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Utilitarianism: A Very Short Introduction

Book: “Utilitarianism may well be the most influential secular ethical theory in the world today. It is also one of the most controversial. It clashes, or is widely thought to clash, with many conventional moral views, and with human rights when they are seen as inviolable. Would it, for example, be right to torture a suspected terrorist in order to prevent an attack that could kill and injure a large number of innocent people? In this Very Short Introduction Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer provide an authoritative account of the nature of utilitarianism, from its nineteenth-century origins, to its justification and its varieties. Considering how utilitarians can respond to objections that are often regarded as devastating, they explore the utilitarian answer to the question of whether torture can ever be justified. They also discuss what it is that utilitarians should seek to maximize, paying special attention to the classical utilitarian view that only pleasure or happiness is of intrinsic value. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer conclude by analyzing the continuing importance of utilitarianism in the world, indicating how it is a force for new thinking on contemporary moral challenges like global poverty, the treatment of animals, climate change, reducing the risk of human extinction, end-of-life decisions for terminally-ill patients, and the shift towards assessing the success of government policies in terms of their impact on happiness. “

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Unity Earth

“Our calling is to weave threads of unity within the colourful diversity of the Human Family and with the ecosystems that sustain us. Honoring all traditions and lineages, we are inspired by the collective wisdom of humanity to foster community, connect cultures and cultivate peace. Our events and offerings are designed to enhance personal transformation and facilitate planetary consciousness. There are so many inspiring individuals and organisations doing the hard work and taking strides towards greater unity on our planet, our aim is to strengthen and connect this grassroots movement.”

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United Natures: a United Nations of all Species (2013)

“United Natures explores the Rights of Mother Earth, Environmental Philosophy, Wisdom, Spirituality and the potential for a Neo-indigenous future for humanity. Directed and produced by Peter Charles Downey, who most recently made Surviving Earth, United Natures stars some of the world’s most foremost environmental activists and Global Alliance members, Dr. Vandana Shiva, Cormac Cullinan, Linda Sheehan, Prof. Judith Koons, Dr. Alessandro Pelizzon, Polly Higgins, and numerous others.”

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True Wealth

Book: “In True Wealth (titled Plenitude in hardcover), economist and New Dream board co-chair Juliet Schor offers a groundbreaking intellectual statement about the economics and sociology of ecological decline, suggesting a radical change in how we think about consumer goods, value, and ways to live: a plenitude economy. Responding to our current moment, True Wealth puts sustainability at its core. But it is not a paradigm of sacrifice. Instead it’s an argument that through a major shift to new sources of wealth, green technologies, and different ways of living, individuals and the country as a whole can actually be better off and more economically secure. As Schor observes, plenitude is already emerging. In pockets around the country and the world, people are busy creating lifestyles that offer a way out of the work-and-spend cycle. These pioneers’ lives are scarce in conventional consumer goods and rich in the newly abundant resources of time, information, creativity, and community. Urban farmers, D.I.Y renovators, Craigslist users, cob builders—all are spreading their risk and establishing novel sources of income and outlets for procuring consumer goods. Taken together, these trends represent a movement away from the conventional market and offer a way toward an efficient, rewarding life in an era of high prices and traditional resource scarcity.”

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Tribe of Heart

“Inspired by the words and deeds of social justice visionaries of past eras, we create documentary films, educational web sites, critical thinking essays, teaching presentations and grassroots advocacy programs that expose hidden injustices, awaken compassion, empower individual transformation and encourage nonviolent resistance to oppression and socially sanctioned violence.”

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“Transformation publishes great writing at the intersection of the personal and political, believing that deep change is possible where love meets social justice.”

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Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World’s Religions Can Come Together

Book: “‌In perhaps his most important book, the Dalai Lama shares his hopeful yet realistic views on how humanity must step into the future. In our daily lives today no one is untouched by what happens in the rest of the world. New technology, environmental problems, economic gain and loss, nuclear weapons, and instant communication have all created unprecedented familiarity among the world’s many cultures. With this historic development, the Dalai Lama understands that the essential task of humanity in the twenty-first century is to cultivate peaceful coexistence…In Toward a True Kinship of Faiths, the Dalai Lama also explores where differences between religions can be genuinely appreciated instead of becoming sources of conflict. Creating genuine harmony does not depend on accepting that all religions are fundamentally the same or that they lead to the same place. Many fear that recognizing the value of another faith is incompatible with having devotion to the truth of one’s own. Nevertheless, the Dalai Lama shows how a sincere believer can, with integrity, be a pluralist in relation to other religions without compromising commitment to the essence of the doctrinal teachings of their own faith. An issue of central importance for the Dalai Lama personally and for the entire world in general, Toward a True Kinship of Faiths offers a hopeful yet realistic look at how humanity must step into the future. “

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Tomorrow: Take Concrete Steps To A Sustainable Future

Film: “TODAY, we sometimes feel powerless in front of the various crises of our times. TODAY, we know that answers lie in a wide mobilization of the human race. Over the course of a century, our dream of progress commonly called “the American Dream”, fundamentally changed the way we live and continues to inspire many developing countries. We are now aware of the setbacks and limits of such development policies. We urgently need to focus our efforts on changing our dreams before something irreversible happens to our planet. TODAY, we need a new direction, objective… A new dream! The documentary Tomorrow sets out to showcase alternative and creative ways of viewing agriculture, economics, energy and education. It offers constructive solutions to act on a local level to make a difference on a global level. So far, no other documentary has gone down such an optimistic road…TOMORROW is not just a film, it is the beginning of a movement seeking to encourage local communities around the world to change the way they live for the sake of our planet. Start small to grow big, and write a new story for the generations to come.”

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This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century

Book: “There is a craft to uprising—and this craft can change the world. From protests around climate change and immigrant rights, to Occupy, the Arab Spring, and #BlackLivesMatter, a new generation is unleashing strategic nonviolent action to shape public debate and force political change. When mass movements erupt onto our television screens, the media consistently portrays them as being spontaneous and unpredictable. Yet, in this book, Mark and Paul Engler look at the hidden art behind such outbursts of protest, examining core principles that have been used to spark and guide moments of transformative unrest. With incisive insights from contemporary activists, as well as fresh revelations about the work of groundbreaking figures such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Gene Sharp, and Frances Fox Piven, the Englers show how people with few resources and little conventional influence are engineering the upheavals that are reshaping contemporary politics. Nonviolence is usually seen simply as a philosophy or moral code. This Is an Uprising shows how it can instead be deployed as a method of political conflict, disruption, and escalation. It argues that if we are always taken by surprise by dramatic outbreaks of revolt, we pass up the chance to truly understand how social transformation happens.”

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This Changes Everything

“Filmed over 211 shoot days in nine countries and five continents over four years, This Changes Everything is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change.”

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Thinking Like a Mountain: Towards a Council of All Beings

“This book of readings, meditations, rituals and workshop notes prepared on three continents helps us remember that environmental defense is nothing less than “Self” defense. Including magnificent illustrations of Australia’s rainforests, ‘Thinking Like a Mountain’ provides a context for ritual identification with the natural environment, inviting us to begin a process of “community therapy” in defense of Mother Earth. It helps us experience our place in the web of life, rather than on the apex of some human-centered pyramid. An important deep ecology educational tool for activist, school and religious groups, ‘Thinking Like a Mountain’ can also be used for personal reflection.”

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The Work That Reconnects

“The Work That Reconnects (WTR) is an empowerment process that builds motivation, creativity, courage and solidarity for a transition to a sustainable world. It was developed by Joanna Macy and colleagues. This group is here to support participants of WTR/Deep Ecology workshops to keep connected and to share what’s happening in Aotearoa/NZ, including relevant upcoming events we know about.”

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The War on Kids (2009)

“THE WAR ON KIDS is a 95 minute documentary that shows how American public schools continue to become more dangerously authoritarian. In addition to failing in their mission to educate effectively, they erode the country’s democratic foundation and often resemble prisons. School children are interviewed as are high school teachers and administrators, as well as prison security guards, plus renowned educators and authors.”

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The Way of Coyote: Shared Journeys in the Urban Wilds

Book: “With The Way of Coyote, Gavin Van Horn reveals the stupendous diversity of species that can flourish in urban landscapes like Chicago. That isn’t to say city living is without its challenges. Chicago has been altered dramatically over a relatively short timespan—its soils covered by concrete, its wetlands drained and refilled, its river diverted and made to flow in the opposite direction. The stories in The Way of Coyote occasionally lament lost abundance, but they also point toward incredible adaptability and resilience, such as that displayed by beavers plying the waters of human-constructed canals or peregrine falcons raising their young atop towering skyscrapers. Van Horn populates his stories with a remarkable range of urban wildlife and probes the philosophical and religious dimensions of what it means to coexist, drawing frequently from the wisdom of three unconventional guides—wildlife ecologist Aldo Leopold, Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu, and the North American trickster figure Coyote. Ultimately, Van Horn sees vast potential for a more vibrant collective of ecological citizens as we take our cues from landscapes past and present. Part urban nature travelogue, part philosophical reflection on the role wildlife can play in waking us to a shared sense of place and fate, The Way of Coyote is a deeply personal journey that questions how we might best reconcile our own needs with the needs of other creatures in our shared urban habitats.”

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The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge

Book: “Human dependence on technology has increased exponentially over the past several centuries, and so too has the notion that we can fix environmental problems with scientific applications. The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge proposes an alternative to this hubristic, shortsighted, and dangerous worldview. The contributors argue that uncritical faith in scientific knowledge has created many of the problems now threatening the planet and that our wholesale reliance on scientific progress is both untenable and myopic. Bill Vitek, Wes Jackson, and a diverse group of thinkers, including Wendell Berry, Anna Peterson, and Robert Root-Bernstein, offer profound arguments for the advantages of an ignorance-based worldview. Their essays explore this philosophy from numerous perspectives, including its origins, its essence, and how its implementation can preserve vital natural resources for posterity. All conclude that we must simply accept the proposition that our ignorance far exceeds our knowledge and always will. Rejecting the belief that science and technology are benignly at the service of society, the authors argue that recognizing ignorance might be the only path to reliable knowledge. They also uncover an interesting paradox: knowledge and insight accumulate fastest in the minds of those who hold an ignorance-based worldview, for by examining the alternatives to a technology-based culture, they expand their imaginations. Demonstrating that knowledge-based worldviews are more dangerous than useful, The Virtues of Ignorance looks closely at the relationship between the land and the future generations who will depend on it. The authors argue that we can never improve upon nature but that we can, by putting this new perspective to work in our professional and personal lives, live sustainably on Earth.”

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