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Spirit in Action

“Spirit in Action envisions a world in which every community is strong, vibrant, heart-centered and working joyfully together across our unique identities to sustain an interdependent system of caring for each other and the earth. The mission of Spirit in Action is to create a positive future grounded in the values of equality, peace and justice for all. We develop effective leaders, support organizational sustainability, build cohesive networks, and catalyze transformative social change. Through our programs, we aspire to build a broad and interconnected social force committed to collectively changing the world by working with communities to Reimagine culture, Resist domination, Reform institutions and Recreate society.”

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Spiritual Activism Training

“In this training, you will gain the following skills: -How to listen to people who do not share a progressive worldview without criticism and blame. -How to express empathy and understanding for contrary points of view without necessarily agreeing with those views. -How to identify the needs (social, political, spiritual) of the person who expresses a position with which you don’t necessarily agree. -How to express the vision of a world based on a New Bottom Line. -Understanding of how the Right attracts people who are not racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and whose economic interests are with the Left – and how to win them back. -How to take these ideas into local social change organizations, or religious or spiritual communities, seek endorsements for proposals from elected officials, and raise these issues with your friends.”

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Speciesism: The Movie

Film: “Modern farms are struggling to keep a secret. Most of the animals used for food in the United States are raised in giant, bizarre “factory farms,” hidden deep in remote areas of the countryside. Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries set out to investigate. The documentary takes viewers on a sometimes funny, sometimes frightening adventure, crawling through the bushes that hide these factories, flying in airplanes above their toxic “manure lagoons,” and coming face-to-face with their owners. But this is just the beginning. In 1975, a young writer published a book arguing that no justifications exist for considering humans more important than members of other species. It slowly began to gain attention. Today, a quickly growing number of prominent individuals and political activists are adopting its conclusions. They have termed the assumption of human superiority speciesism. And, as a result, they rank these animal factories among the greatest evils in our history. Speciesism: The Movie brings viewers face-to-face with the leaders of this developing movement, and, for the first time ever on film, fully examines the purpose of what they are setting out to do. After watching Speciesism: The Movie, you’ll never look at animals the same way again. Especially humans.”

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Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in Challenging Times

Book: “Soul of a Citizen awakens within us the desire and the ability to make our voices heard and our actions count. We can lead lives worthy of our convictions. A book of inspiration and integrity, Soul of a Citizen is an antidote to the twin scourges of modern life–powerlessness and cynicism. In his evocative style, Paul Loeb tells moving stories of ordinary Americans who have found unexpected fulfillment in social involvement. Through their example and Loeb’s own wise and powerful lessons, we are compelled to move from passivity to participation. The reward of our action, we learn, is nothing less than a sense of connection and purpose not found in a purely personal life. Soul of a Citizen has become the handbook for budding social activists, veteran organizers, and anybody who wants to make a change—big or small—in the world around them. At this critical historical time , Paul Loeb’s completely revised edition—and inspiring message—is more urgently important than ever.”

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Soul in Wonder

“Soul in Wonder was born after founders, Christopher & Sara serendipitously met while serving as Peace Corps volunteers in Tanzania, Africa. After experiencing the dynamic highs and lows of the world they were guided towards one shared vision; to revolutionize the human spirit and inspire new ways of conscious, connected living. After years of self-discovery and professional training in life coaching, herbal medicine, energy work, and leadership, they founded Soul in Wonder – a conscious hub devoted to your personal and spiritual growth. They now empower truth-seekers like you to go deeper within themselves and expand past their horizon so they can seize new, exciting possibilities—and align with more happiness, passion, and love.”

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SNCC: The New Abolitionists (Radical 60s)

Book: “Howard Zinn tells the story of one of the most important political groups in American history. SNCC: The New Abolitionists influenced a generation of activists struggling for civil rights and seeking to learn from the successes and failures of those who built the fantastically influential Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. It is considered an indispensable study of the organization, of the 1960s, and of the process of social change. Includes a new introduction by the author.”

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Social Ecology: Applying Ecological Understanding to Our Lives and Our Planet

Book: “Social ecology addresses the burning question of how to apply ecological understanding to every aspect of our lives. The twenty-seven contributors, all of whom have directly or indirectly contributed to the teaching of social ecology in Australia and beyond, share their experiences in this “coming of age” anthology of keynote articles. These are of particular relevance to educators and students. The book provides a holistic framework for change, based on the interrelationships among the personal, social, environmental, and spiritual. It helps the reader realize how we got where we are and how to better understand sustainable, caring futures. Students from all disciplines can use this valuable resource to help enrich their learning with insights and principles from the field of social ecology. The introduction maps social ecology as an emerging field. Articles about place, story, nature, education, and community illustrate ways to apply our understanding of social ecology, systems theory, transformative learning, holistic education, empathic intelligence, sense of place, shamanic practices, poetic inquiry, archetypal theory, deep ecology, aesthetics, creativity, curriculum design, drama education, cross-cultural learning, and indigenous knowing. Includes inspiring stories of activists and community educators applying the wisdom of social ecology at the leading edge of change, including a chapter by tCA director James Whelan.”

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Small Acts of Resistance: How Courage, Tenacity, and a Bit of Ingenuity Can Change the World

Book: “In a world of Goliaths, we need stories of Davids to sustain us. With its gutsy, creative and rousing tales of ordinary people creating extraordinary change, Small Acts of Resistance proves that it is possible – armed with a little ingenuity and a lot of passion – to bring down dictators, change unfair laws, fight injustice and raise ones voice in freedom by defying those who would deny it. Spanning the globe and history, this puts a pop culture spin on human rights with its accessible and inspiring approach to international activism. Moving from Albania to Zimbabwe, and throughout Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe, Small Acts offers an engaging collection of over 100 stories celebrating courage, perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit.”

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Simply Vegan: Quick Vegetarian Meals

Book: “An extensive vegan nutrition section written by Reed Mangels, Ph.D. R.D., on topics such as Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B12, Pregnancy and the Vegan Diet. Over 160 Vegan recipes that can be prepared quickly.”

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Skylight Resilience Hub

“We support people of all ages throughout New Zealand who are facing any kind of tough life situation, but we specialise in grief, loss and trauma.”

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Schooling the World

Film: ” If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children. The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th century when it forced Native American children into government boarding schools. Today, volunteers build schools in traditional societies around the world, convinced that school is the only way to a ‘better’ life for indigenous children. But is this true? What really happens when we replace a traditional culture’s way of learning and understanding the world with our own? SCHOOLING THE WORLD takes a challenging, sometimes funny, ultimately deeply disturbing look at the effects of modern education on the world’s last sustainable indigenous cultures.”

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Save the Manatee

“Save the Manatee Club is the world’s leading manatee conservation organization helping to protect manatees and their aquatic habitat for future generations by aiding in the recovery and protection of manatees and their aquatic ecosystems throughout the world.”

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Sacred Economics

“Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. “

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Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals

“What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away. In this book we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people; to realize the democratic dream of equality, justice, peace, cooperation, equal and full opportunities for education, full and useful employment, health, and the creation of those circumstances in which man can have the chance to live by values that give meaning to life.”

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Running for Good

“From Executive Producer James Cromwell and award-winning director Keegan Kuhn (Cowspiracy, What The Health) comes RUNNING FOR GOOD, the feature-length sports documentary narrated by Rich Roll (Finding Ultra), following world record marathon runner Fiona Oakes in her attempt not only to set a new global record in endurance racing, but to compete in the “toughest footrace on earth,” the Marathon Des Sables, a 250km race through the Sahara Desert. Fiona Oakes has made a name for herself as a unique endurance runner. She is the fastest woman in the world to run a marathon on all seven continents, and the north pole, in both cumulative and elapsed time. Fiona’s achievements are made even more astounding due to the fact that she was told at age 14 that she would never walk properly, let alone ever run. She would undergo more than 17 radical knee surgeries which ultimately led to having her entire right kneecap removed. The process was agonizing, the rehab worse, the records she’s gone on to set even more astounding. With overcoming her own adversity, Fiona’s true drive to achieve incredible feats of speed and human endurance are motivated by a deep desire to raise awareness for the plight of animals. Her achievements help fund a 450+ animal sanctuary that she takes care of every day. “

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Roots for Radicals

“Roots for Radicals is a distillation of the Industrial Areas Foundation philosophy and its unique approach to community organizing. The IAF is the oldest and largest institution for community organizing in the United States. For sixty years, its mission has been to train people to take responsibility for solving the problems in their own communities and to renew the interest of citizens in public life. The IAF, now headed by the author, Edward T. Chambers, has taken founder Saul Alinsky’s original vision, refined it, and created a sophisticated national network of citizens’ organizations. One of the key activities is its 10-day training sessions for community organizers.”

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River Network

“River Network empowers and unites people and communities to protect and restore rivers and other waters that sustain all life. We envision a future with clean and ample water for people and nature, where local caretakers are well-equipped, effective and courageous champions for our rivers. We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, clean water “

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Rewild your Heart. Undomesticate your Life.

“Are you ready to rewild your heart so you can undomesticate your life? The wild in you hears the calling of your soul. It is your true nature and most authentic self. For far too long we have lived domesticated lives perpetuated by our domestication of others. In doing so, we cut ourselves off from the wisdom of the wild. I’m here to help you restore the connection to your soul’s guidance through a body of work I call Sanctuary13; a set of 13 practically applied principles that can undomesticate your life and empower you to be the person you were meant to be. Our animal kin have a lot to teach us about the true power and unconditional nature of love. Using Sanctuary13, I guide people in revolutionizing their relationships with animals, removing obstacles that are likely keeping them from leading a truly fulfilling and inspired life. The animals, of course, benefit tremendously as well.”

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Reveille for Radicals

Book: “Legendary community organizer Saul Alinsky inspired a generation of activists and politicians with Reveille for Radicals, the original handbook for social change. Alinsky writes both practically and philosophically, never wavering from his belief that the American dream can only be achieved by an active democratic citizenship. First published in 1946 and updated in 1969 with a new introduction and afterword, this classic volume is a bold call to action that still resonates today.”

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Reweaving Our Human Fabric: Working Together to Create a Nonviolent Future

“Imagine: A future world in which we all value people and life and participate in a flow of generosity. A world where sharing our gifts and the mundane tasks of life are both done with wholehearted willingness, free of coercion. A world where attending to everyone’s needs is the organizing principle. Miki Kashtan weaves together vivid social science fiction stories that bring that world to life with compelling nonfiction about how to get there.”

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Resource Generation

Resource Generation envisions a world in which all communities are powerful, healthy, and living in alignment with the planet. 

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Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism: A Memoir

Book: “In this lucid political memoir, veteran anti-capitalist activist Michael Albert offers an ardent defense of the project to transform global inequality. Albert, a uniquely visionary figure, recounts a life of uncompromising commitment to creating change one step at a time. Whether chronicling the battles against the Vietnam War, those waged on Boston campuses, or the challenges of creating living, breathing alternative social models, Albert brings a keen and unwavering sense of justice to his work, pointing the way forward for the next generation.”

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Reflections on Living Compassion

Book: “This book, created over years of sharing and teaching workshops, individual sessions, and retreats, leads the reader into unsuspected depths. It is a guide for exploring dimensions of wholeness and healing; an invitation to approach our experience in a radically different way. We enter into our difficult experiences to reveal the fullness and beauty in all experience.”

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Re:Imagining Change: How to Use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World

Book: “An inspirational inside look at the trailblazing methodology developed by the nonprofit strategy and training organization, smartMeme, this unique exploration provides progressive activists with the tools to get stories into the media, build successful campaigns, and connect with other organizations the world over. Providing resources, theories, hands-on tools, and illuminating case studies for the next generation of activists, this resource shows how culture, media, memes, and narrative intertwine with social-change strategies and offers practical methods to amplify progressive causes in popular culture. A summation of the smartMeme approach, this study in memetics provides practical exercises to augment movements for justice, ecological sanity, and transformative social change.”

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Realizing Hope: Life Beyond Capitalism (Critique Influence Change)

Book: “Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. Michael Albert would disagree. Realizing Hope offers a speculative vision of a future beyond capitalism – an alternative to the exploitation of human labour, the unchecked destruction of the earth, and the oppression of all for the benefit of the few. Participatory economics – parecon for short – is Albert’s concrete proposal for a classless economy, developed from anarchist principles first introduced by Kropotkin, Bakunin, Pannekoek and others. In this classic text, Albert takes the insights and hopes of parecon and enlarges them to address all key aspects of social life and society – gender, culture, politics, science, technology, journalism, ecology, and others. Realizing Hope provides vision to help us all together conceive a world that might be just over the horizon, a world we can begin building today.”

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Rain Without Thunder: The Ideology of the Animal Rights Movement

Book: “Are “animal welfare” supporters indistinguishable from the animal exploiters they oppose? Do reformist measures reaffirm the underlying principles that make animal exploitation possible in the first place? In this provocative book, Gary L. Francione argues that the modern animal rights movement has become indistinguishable from a century-old concern with the welfare of animals that in no way prevents them from being exploited. Francione maintains that advocating humane treatment of animals retains a sense of them as instrumental to human ends. When they are considered dispensable property, he says, they are left fundamentally without “rights.” Until the seventies, Francione claims, this was the paradigm within which the Animal Rights Movement operated, as demonstrated by laws such as the Federal Humane Slaughter Act of 1958. In this wide-ranging book, Francione takes the reader through the philosophical and intellectual debates surrounding animal welfare to make clear the difference between animal rights and animal welfare. Through case studies such as campaigns against animal shelters, animal laboratories, and the wearing of fur, Francione demonstrates the selectiveness and confusion inherent in reformist programs that target fur, for example, but leave wool and leather alone. The solution to this dilemma, Francione argues, is not in a liberal position that espouses the humane treatment of animals, but in a more radical acceptance of the fundamental inalienability of animal rights.”

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Project Learning Tree

“Mission: Project Learning Tree advances environmental literacy and promotes stewardship through excellence in environmental education, professional development, and curriculum resources that use trees and forests as windows on the world. Vision: Project Learning Tree is committed to creating a future where the next generation values the natural world and has the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions to sustain forests and the broader environment.”

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Pray the Devil Back to Hell

Film: “Pray the Devil Back to Hell chronicles the remarkable story of the Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country. Thousands of women – ordinary mothers, grandmothers, aunts and daughters, both Christian and Muslim – came together to pray for peace and then staged a silent protest outside of the Presidential Palace. Armed only with white T-shirts and the courage of their convictions, they demanded a resolution to the country’s civil war. Their actions were a critical element in bringing about a agreement during the stalled peace talks. A story of sacrifice, unity and transcendence, Pray the Devil Back to Hell honors the strength and perseverance of the women of Liberia. Inspiring, uplifting, and most of all motivating, it is a compelling testimony of how grassroots activism can alter the history of nations.”

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Book: “First published in India in 1977, this discourse on prayer and meditation by the great spiritual leader explores the meaning of devotion and describes the specific pratices he used. Reprint. Original.”

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Practical Ethics

Book: “For thirty years, Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics has been the classic introduction to applied ethics. For this third edition, the author has revised and updated all the chapters, and added a new chapter addressing climate change, one of the most important ethical challenges of our generation. Some of the questions discussed in this book concern our daily lives. Is it ethical to buy luxuries when others do not have enough to eat? Should we buy meat from intensively reared animals? Am I doing something wrong if my carbon footprint is above the global average? Other questions confront us as concerned citizens: equality and discrimination on the grounds of race or sex; abortion, the use of embryos for research, and euthanasia; political violence and terrorism; and the preservation of our planet’s environment. This book’s lucid style and provocative arguments make it an ideal text for university courses and for anyone willing to think about how she or he ought to live. “

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Plant-Based Dietitian – Julieanna

“There is nothing Julieanna loves more than diving into a colossal bowl of salad. Known as The Plant-Based Dietitian, Julieanna has a bachelors of arts degree in Theatre from UCLA in and a masters of science degree in Nutrition from Cal State Northridge, bridging her three biggest passions for food, performing, and helping people.”

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Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate

“In a few short weeks arm yourself with the knowledge you need to improve your overall health, learn new skills, or even inspire a career change. In our online, video-based courses, you’ll learn from over 20+ leading experts”

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Play in the Wild

“Play in the Wild! Initiations into Nonviolence offer a full-immersion education in the principles and practices of nonviolence. We define nonviolence as a lifelong commitment to seeing beyond differences, respecting all living things, and being of service to ourselves and others…Students in these programs learn practical and effective skills for living interdependently with all forms of life while developing knowledge of self and others. These skills and knowledge form the basis for peaceful, harmonious, and productive communities, not just at Play in the Wild!, but in the circles of relationships that the youth create after they leave our program.”

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“PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call – a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. It is a poetic and humbling reminder that now is the time to shift our perspective. PLANETARY asks us to rethink who we really are, to reconsider our relationship with ourselves, each other and the world around us – to remember that we are PLANETARY.”

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Pioneer Network

“Pioneer Network is the national leader of the culture change movement, helping care providers to transition away from a medical, institutional model of elder care to one that is life affirming, satisfying, humane and meaningful. Pioneer Network advocates for a culture of aging in which individual voices are heard and individual choices are respected. Our goal is transformational culture change in organizations to foster care that is directed by the person receiving it.”

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People Power Manual

“The People Power Manual has been created to support facilitators and educators working to help local action groups and social movements win environmental and social justice goals…The manual has been written primarily for educators, trainers and facilitators who are looking for processes to use in their activist education work. We don’t expect people will read the guides cover to cover like a book. Instead, we imagine most people will dip in and out of these pages. We’ve written the guides for readers who already understand the concepts and theory that the processes and handouts are based on. For those interested in further reading, each guide recommends our favourite books, manuals and online resources. Each guide also includes detailed workshop schedules.”

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Peacemaking Circles: From Conflict to Community

Book: “A time-tested paradigm for healing relationships and keeping them healthy, Peacemaking Circles explores how communities can respond to crimes in ways that address the needs and interests of all those affected – victims, offenders, their families and friends, and the community. Based on indigenous teachings combined with current research in conflict resolution, the Circle process described here builds an intentionally safe space where we can bring our best selves to some of our most difficult conversations. Though the book relates the process to criminal justice, the explanantion of Circle philosophy and practice can be readily applied to hurts and conflicts in other areas of life. Above all, the book offers a grounded vision for how we can be together “in a good way,” especially when it seems hardest to do.”

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Peace Action

“Peace Action works for smarter American approaches to global problems. If we want to address problems like war, the nuclear threat, poverty, global warming, terrorism – the U.S. needs to work together, cooperatively, with other nations. It also means overcoming the partisan politics and divisive rhetoric that often drown out alternatives to war. By getting regular Americans involved, we build the political will needed to break through that deadlock. Our success comes from engaging average citizens in foreign policy issues like no other organization.”

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Peace Circle Center

“We believe in human relationships where we go beyond the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ thinking to curiously approach differences and connect to the deeper internal motivations and needs and create bridges of connection…The Peace Circle Center offers standard and customized programs to schools, groups, communities, organizations, parents to bring powerful and compassionate character-building, peacemaking, social and coaching skills. The Peace Circle Center caters directly to youths and children through ‘Mom & Daughter’, ‘Dad & Son’, ‘Youth empowerment’, “Bullying Transformers’ mentorship groups and retreats. The Peace Circle Center has a large community-building effort for interested parents, educators and ‘friends of children’ through DC-area social events, camping trips and annual summer camp partnerships.”

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Passive House Revolution

Film: “Create a Low Energy Home: Join the Passive House Revolution! Passive House Revolution catches you up to all of the most important developments in efficient building and home design over the last 20 years. Applying an innovative combination of construction and retrofitting techniques, and making certain materials and orientation decisions, a home or building can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 80%! Because of this enormous built in energy savings, the Passive House creates an exceptional return from both an environmental and financial perspective.”

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Our Spiritual Crisis: Recovering Human Wisdom in a Time of Violence

Book: “Michael Nagler argues that problems now faced by American society spring from a false way of looking at the world,based on the premise that material things are fundamental, consciousness merely derivative. He advocates a return to the ancient and Eastern spritual view that consciousness is fundamental. In developing a new conception of the universe and applying it to our social problems, Dr. Nagler explains how we can best oppose war, consumerism, commercialism, scientism, and the spiritual hollowness of modern life. Commentary by Lewis S. Mudge.”

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Ornish Lifestyle Medicine

“When we become more aware of how powerfully our choices in diet and lifestyle affect us—for better and for worse—then we can make different ones. When you make healthy choices, you feel better quickly. This allows us to connect the dots between what we do and how we feel. Feeling so much better, so quickly, re-frames the reason for changing from fear of dying to joy of living.”

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Organic, Inc.: Natural Foods and How They Grew

Book: “Who would have thought that a natural food supermarket could have been a financial refuge from the dot-com bust? But it had. Sales of organic food had shot up about 20 percent per year since 1990, reaching $11 billion by 2003 . . . Whole Foods managed to sidestep that fray by focusing on, well, people like me. Organic food has become a juggernaut in an otherwise sluggish food industry, growing at 20 percent a year as products like organic ketchup and corn chips vie for shelf space with conventional comestibles. But what is organic food? Is it really better for you? Where did it come from, and why are so many of us buying it? Business writer Samuel Fromartz set out to get the story behind this surprising success after he noticed that his own food choices were changing with the times. In Organic, Inc., Fromartz traces organic food back to its anti-industrial origins more than a century ago. Then he follows it forward again, casting a spotlight on the innovators who created an alternative way of producing food that took root and grew beyond their wildest expectations. In the process he captures how the industry came to risk betraying the very ideals that drove its success in a classically complex case of free-market triumph.”

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One World Now: The Ethics of Globalization

Book: “One World Now seamlessly integrates major developments of the past decade into Peter Singer’s classic text on the ethics of globalization, One World. Singer, often described as the world’s most influential philosopher, here addresses such essential concerns as climate change, economic globalization, foreign aid, human rights, immigration, and the responsibility to protect people from genocide and crimes against humanity, whatever country they may be in. Every issue is considered from an ethical perspective. This thoughtful and important study poses bold challenges to narrow nationalistic views and offers valuable alternatives to the state-centric approach that continues to dominate ethics and international theory. Singer argues powerfully that we cannot solve the world’s problems at a national level, and shows how we should build on developments that are already transcending national differences. This is an instructive and necessary work that confronts head-on both the perils and the potentials inherent in globalization.”

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On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Book: “As relevant today as when it was first written, Thoreau’s lucidly and passionately argued essay is a blow against the petty tyrannies of government and those who would seek to control us, manipulate us and monitor our e-mails and tweets. This is a classic text for all those concerned with the increasing power of the multi-national corporations and the shady dealings justified by neo-liberalism.”

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Nutrition Facts

“Whenever there is a new drug or surgical procedure, you can be assured that you or your doctor will probably hear about it because there’s a corporate budget driving its promotion. But what about advances in the field of nutrition? The reason we don’t see ads on TV for broccoli is the same reason groundbreaking research on the power of foods and eating patterns to affect our health and longevity gets lost and buried in the medical literature–there’s no profit motive. It may not make anyone money, but what if our lives would profit?”

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NVC Academy

“The NVC Academy was established in 2006 by Mark Schultz and Mary Mackenzie. Its mission is to ensure the accessibility of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training to individuals worldwide, regardless of the availability of trainers in their immediate geographic region. Our primary purpose is to serve as the worldwide online classroom for learning Nonviolent Communication.”

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NVC Aotearoa NZ

“Welcome! NVC (Nonviolent Communication) is a practical toolkit that provides you with a set of concrete skills that you can use to communicate more effectively with others and even yourself!”

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North American Association for Environmental Education

“Our Vision: A sustainable future for all where environmental and social responsibility drive individual and institutional choices. Our Mission: We bring the brightest minds together to accelerate environmental literacy and civic engagement through the power of education. Our Strategies: Our work is based on more than five decades of research about what motivates individuals, organizations, and communities to learn, take action, and create positive societal change. It is also based on the latest thinking about what makes associations and nongovernmental organizations more effective, and how to collaboratively and effectively scale up our collective impact…Anyone can join eePRO—the global community of environmental educators—where you can find and post jobs, events, and resources, connect with other EE professionals, and participate in professional development opportunities.”

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“Noseweek is South Africa’s only investigative magazine and features irreverent, independent, inside information about business, the professions, politics and society in South Africa. Published monthly it is essential reading for anybody interested in what’s going on in the rainbow nation.”

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Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

Book: “1,000,000 copies sold worldwide • Translated in More Than 30 Languages. What is Violent Communication? If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate—judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who’s “good/bad” or what’s “right/wrong” with people—could indeed be called “violent communication.” What is Nonviolent Communication? Nonviolent Communication is the integration of 4 things: -Consciousness: a set of principles that support living a life of empathy, care, courage, and authenticity. -Language: understanding how words contribute to connection or distance. -Communication: knowing how to ask for what we want, how to hear others even in disagreement, and how to move toward solutions that work for all. -Means of influence: sharing “power with others” rather than using “power over others”. Nonviolent Communication serves our desire to do three things: 1. Increase our ability to live with choice, meaning, and connection. 2. Connect empathically with self and others to have more satisfying relationships. 3. Sharing of resources so everyone is able to benefit.”

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No More Bull!: The Mad Cowboy Targets America’s Worst Enemy: Our Diet

Book: “In 1996, when Howard Lyman warned America on The Oprah Winfrey Show that Mad Cow Disease was coming to America, offended cattlemen sued him and Oprah both. Not only were Lyman and Oprah vindicated in court, but events have proved many of Lyman’s predictions absolutely right. Mad Cow Disease has come to America, and Lyman argues persuasively in No More Bull! that the problem will only grow more deadly until our government deals with it seriously. In Mad Cowboy, Lyman, a fourth-generation Montana rancher turned vegetarian then vegan, told the story of his personal transformation after a spinal tumor, which he believes was caused by agricultural chemicals, nearly left him paralyzed. In No More Bull!, Lyman uses his humor, compassion, firsthand experience in agriculture, and command of the facts of health to argue that we might all profit by transforming our diets. He makes a powerful case that Alzheimer’s is yet another disease linked to eating meat. And he explains that the steak at the heart of your dinner plate not only may destroy your own heart but actually offers no more nutritional value than a doughnut! If you’ve been confused by the competing claims of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and other fad diets, No More Bull! is the book that will set you straight. Its pure, unvarnished truth is told with down-home common sense. Lyman’s got a message for meat eaters, vegetarians, and vegans – and the message of No More Bull! is that we can all do better for ourselves and the planet.”

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No Happy Cows: Dispatches from the Frontlines of the Food Revolution

Book: “Internationally known vegan and bestselling author John Robbins has continued his observations and investigations into food politics and food-related issues of the day in his popular HuffingtonPost column, No Happy Cows collects these recent observations along with never before published material for the first time in book form. Robbins shares his dispatches from the frontlines of the food revolution: From his undercover investigations of feed lots and slaughterhouses, to the rise of food contamination, the slave trade behind chocolate and coffee, what he calls the sham of “Vitamin Water,” and the effects of hormones on animals and animal products. Topics include:The skinny on grassfed beefGreed and salmonellaJunk food marketing to kidsSoy and Alzheimer’sHormones in our milkPlus many more. Robbin’s trenchant and provocative observations into the relationships between animals and the humans who raise them remind us of the importance of working for a more compassionate and environmentally responsible world.”

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new organizing

“Welcome to – your one stop place for everything related to online business, marketing, ecommerce, SEO and a lot more. Our goal is to provide you with the best in-depth reviews and guides so you can make an informed decision before deciding to invest your time or money into a project. We do our best, to get our hands on the products we are reviewing, before they are publicly available. The way we are able to achieve that is with a wide variety of partnerships we have in the industry.”

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New York Center for Nonviolent Communication

“The New York Center for Nonviolent Communication (NYCNVC) is a spontaneous, cooperative network of NVC learners, proponents, trainers, facilitators and practitioners who share a passion for the work of Marshall Rosenberg. Our immediate intention is to carefully develop and deliver amazing NVC trainings within and across pervading geographic, cultural, economic and language bounds. Our long term intention is to establish a widespread understanding of Nonviolent Communication as a key to creating a more compassionate and sustainable world to leave for our children’s children.”

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New England Literacy Resource Center

“New England Literacy Resource Center supports the right of all adult members of our community to access adult education and training services regardless of race, religion, gender identity, immigration status, nationality, age or ability. We support programs in protecting the safety, dignity, and civil rights of all who attend.”

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Never Too Late to Go Vegan: The Over-50 Guide to Adopting and Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet

Book: “If you’re 50 or over and thinking (or already committed to!) a vegan diet and lifestyle that will benefit your health, animals, and the planet, look no further than this essential all-in-one resource. Authors Carol J. Adams, Patti Breitman, and Virginia Messina bring 75 years of vegan experience to this book to address the unique concerns of those coming to veganism later in life.”

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National Center for Family Philanthropy

“The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) is the only national nonprofit dedicated exclusively to families who give and those who work with them. We provide the resources, expertise and support families need to transform their values into effective giving that makes a lasting impact on the communities they serve. Together, we make great things happen.”

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Most Good, Least Harm: A Simple Principle for a Better World and Meaningful Life

Book: “With a world steeped in materialism, environmental destruction, and injustice, what can one individual possibly do to change it? While the present obstacles we face may seem overwhelming, author and humane educator Zoe Weil shows us that change doesn’t have to start with an army. It starts with you. Through her straightforward approaches to living a MOGO, or “most good,” life, she reveals that the true path to inner peace doesn’t require a retreat from the world. Rather, she gives the reader powerful and practicable tools to face these global issues, and improve both our planet and our personal lives. Weil explores direct ways to become involved with the community, make better choices as consumers, and develop positive messages to live by, showing readers that their simple decisions really can change the world. Inspiring and remarkably inclusive of the interconnected challenges we face today, Most Good, Least Harm is the next step beyond “green” — a radical new way to empower the individual and motivate positive change.”

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Mountains to Sea – Solving New Zealand’s Freshwater Crisis

Book: “The state of New Zealand’s freshwater has become a pressing public issue in recent years. From across the political spectrum, concern is growing about the pollution of New Zealand’s rivers and streams. We all know they need fixing. But how do we do it? In Mountains to Sea, leading ecologist Mike Joy teams up with thinkers from all walks of life to consider how we can solve New Zealand’s freshwater crisis. The book covers a wide range of topics, including food production, public health, economics and Māori narratives of water. Mountains to Sea offers new perspectives on this urgent problem.”

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Move the Message: Your Guide to Making a Difference and Changing the World

Book: “Many of us—without the money to contract special media consultants or expensive public relations firms—want to create change in the world, but find communicating our vision difficult, whether our audience is one individual, small groups, large audiences, or the media. Take action and empower others to act with this strategic approach. Target your message to the appropriate power holders. Design and pitch a compelling, persuasive presentation with visual impact. Field questions and comments to energize your audience to take action and move the message to others. With confidence, negotiate for progressive outcomes, construct captivating soundbites to the media, deflect personal attacks, and take the message to the streets to get winning results. In Move the Message, communications consultant and activist Josephine Bellaccomo delivers a step-by-step process, complete with tips, tactics, strategies examples and exercises, to ensure that your message is focused, powerful and unstoppable. Whether the difference you want is local or global, this guide is essential for activists and concerned individuals working to create lasting change. “

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Monitor Institute by Deloitte

“Monitor Institute by Deloitte is a team within Deloitte LLP that works with social impact-focused organizations and their leaders, helping to make the hard choices and take the necessary actions to advance progress on pressing societal challenges. The Institute’s approach marries a deep grounding in strategy, networks and social movements, and human systems with the fundamentals of professional advisory services—effective project management, skilled facilitation and well-timed intervention.”

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Money & Life (2013)

Film: “Money & Life is a passionate and inspirational essay-style documentary that asks a provocative question: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity? This cinematic odyssey connects the dots on our current economic pains and offers a new story of money based on an emerging paradigm of planetary well-being that understands all of life as profoundly interconnected.”

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Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth

Book: “Clearly, Gandhi never renounced the world; he was neither pacifist nor cult guru. Who was Gandhi? In the midst of resurging interest in the man who freed India, inspired the American Civil Rights Movement, and is revered, respected, and misunderstood all over the world, the time is proper to listen to Gandhi himself — in his own words, his own “confessions,” his autobiography. Gandhi made scrupulous truth-telling a religion and his Autobiography inevitably reminds one of other saints who have suffered and burned for their lapses. His simply narrated account of boyhood in Gujarat, marriage at age 13, legal studies in England, and growing desire for purity and reform has the force of a man extreme in all things. He details his gradual conversion to vegetarianism and ahimsa (non-violence) and the state of celibacy (brahmacharya, self-restraint) that became one of his more arduous spiritual trials. In the political realm he outlines the beginning of Satyagraha in South Africa and India, with accounts of the first Indian fasts and protests, his initial errors and misgivings, his jailings, and continued cordial dealings with the British overlords. Gandhi was a fascinating, complex man, a brilliant leader and guide, a seeker of truth who died for his beliefs but had no use for martyrdom or sainthood. His story, the path to his vision of Satyagraha and human dignity, is a critical work of the twentieth century, and timeless in its courage and inspiration. “

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“At mindbodygreen we take a 360 degree approach to wellness that incorporates mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being—because we believe these pillars of wellness are vital and interconnected. Hence mindbodygreen (one word, not three). We also believe that wellness is our shared journey, which is why we have a community of voices on mindbodygreen offering unique perspectives to help you cultivate a life of greater meaning, connection, fulfillment, and purpose.”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence

“Our Mission: We encourage people in all walks of life to discover their innate capacity for nonviolence and to cultivate its power for the long-term transformation of themselves and the world, focusing on the root causes of dehumanization and ultimately all forms of violence. We aim to make the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence more accessible to activists and agents of cultural change (which ultimately includes all of us), thereby empowering effective, healing, and principled action around the world…Values & Vision: Our core values grow from the power that it is our privilege to explore—nonviolence: responsibility, human dignity, compassion, respect for all life. We envision a world transformed by an awareness of the true potential of every human being, where all of life is sacred and where all our social systems work in harmony with the earth. We see a world in which conflict rarely occurs, and when it does, can always be addressed by the creative energy of nonviolence. In this world, unarmed peacekeeping has replaced military intervention, restorative justice has replaced retribution, and needs-based economies have replaced consumerism, among other essential changes.”

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Metta Center for Nonviolence – Programs

“Would you like the Metta Center to give a talk, offer a training, webinar, or workshop? We’re happy to help…The Metta Center for Nonviolence provides educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society? The Metta Center holds special consultative status at the UN (Economic and Social Council).”

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“Meta-Activism is a portal dedicated to providing strategic advice to activists and advocates around the world. It aims to create a just and sustainable world by increasing the effectiveness of change-making individuals and organizations.”

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Merdeka and the Morning Star: Civil Resistance in West Papua

Book: “Jason Macleod is a member of the Change Agency team: a dedicated activist educator, mentor and strategist. Having dropped out of university in 1991, Jason hitched to northern Queensland then made his way to Papua New Guinea. Hiking and paddling the Sepik, he made his way into a remote part of West Papua where he contracted malaria. He collapsed into a coma and was cared for by local health workers. Jason’s initial experiences in West Papua led him to form an enduring commitment to justice for the West Papuan people: a 25 year commitment that has involved spending time with leaders of the self-determination movement each year, training hundreds of West Papuan activists and completing a PhD to deepen and articulate his emerging understandings. Jason’s analysis of the West Papuan struggle for self-determination is powerful and compelling. He draws on his 25 years of lived experience as an ally and his deep understanding of social movement theory. Merdeka and the Morning Star speaks equally to academics and activists. Jason applies his deep understanding of theoretical frameworks and political history to analyse strategic options, looking at the West Papuan self-determination struggle in its historical and contemporary forms, and looking forward to its future success. This is a precious example of activist research. Jason writes with the clarity that comes from decades of action and reflection and the commitment of a genuine ally.”

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Meditation for Peacemakers

Book: “Images of Nonviolent activism can be striking: protesters beaten with clubs in India, Civil Rights Activists subjected to firehoses in the south, Occupy students sprayed with neon orange chemicals. How to remain nonviolent, preserve inner calm, in the face of such severe violence? Gandhi maintained that the answer was in a sustained discipline of calming the mind, and in this eShort, lauded nonviolence theorist and meditation practitioner Michael Nagler shows you how.”

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Maximum Tolerated Dose

“Maximum Tolerated Dose is the first feature-length documentary by Decipher Films. Equal parts found-footage mash-up, verité investigation, and artful meditation, the film charts the lives of both humans and non-humans who have experienced animal testing first-hand, with hauntingly honest testimony of scientists and lab technicians whose ethics demanded they choose a different path, as well as the simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of animals who have seen both sides of the cage. MTD aims to re-ignite the debate about animal testing by bringing these rarely-heard perspectives to the fore.”

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Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Book: “NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The instant classic about why some ideas thrive, why others die, and how to improve your idea’s chances—essential reading in the “fake news” era. Mark Twain once observed, “A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on.” His observation rings true: Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus news stories circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas—entrepreneurs, teachers, politicians, and journalists—struggle to make them “stick.” In Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath reveal the anatomy of ideas that stick and explain ways to make ideas stickier, such as applying the human scale principle, using the Velcro Theory of Memory, and creating curiosity gaps. Along the way, we discover that sticky messages of all kinds—from the infamous “kidney theft ring” hoax to a coach’s lessons on sportsmanship to a vision for a new product at Sony—draw their power from the same six traits.”

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M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence – Workshops & Trainings

“In addition to public offerings, the Gandhi Institute offers learning experiences to groups of all kinds on a donation basis. We adjust the length and content of our offerings to best serve the groups with whom we work. Furthermore, we offer training to high school and university student groups and community groups. Gandhi staff members are available to offer the following workshops designed to build critical skills. The cost of workshops are negotiated by the coordinators, but all contributions benefit the work of the Gandhi Institute.”

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Living among Meat Eaters: The Vegetarian’s Survival Handbook

Book: “If you are one of the over twenty million Americans who have adopted vegetarianism, you know that living with and eating with meat eaters can present a myriad of difficult issues. Summer barbecues, Thanksgiving dinner, or even a simple business lunch can be cause for discussions questioning vegetarianism as a lifestyle choice—leading at best to awkward situations and at worst to anger and defensiveness. Beyond these often-tense encounters, simple day-to-day tasks such as grocery shopping and preparing the evening meal can be tough, especially when your husband, wife, partner, or child doesn’t share your commitment to living as a vegetarian. In this bold and original book, Carol J. Adams offers real-life advice that vegetarians can use to defuse any situation in which their dietary choices may be under attack. She suggests viewing meat eaters as blocked vegetarians. Always insightful, this practical guide is full of self-tests, strategies, meditations on vegetarianism, and tips for dining out and entertaining at home when meat eaters are on the invite list. Offering more than fifty of Carol Adams’s favorite vegetarian recipes, Living Among Meat Eaters is sure to become every vegetarian’s most trusted source of support and information.”

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Living in the Gift

A Charles Eisenstein course: “Personal and collective transition from an age of scarcity and separation, to an age of abundance, community, and gift…To inhabit more fully the spirit of Gift is to transform life within us and around us. It is a journey of trust, an exploration of synchronicity, a recalibrating of boundaries, a step into community, a discovery of purpose, and an invitation to friendship with the world. This self-guided, self-paced course is an induction into the habits and perceptions of the Gift. Everything is on the table: economic and social, psychological and relational, spiritual and cosmological. While money (its presence in our lives and minds) is an important theme, the course goes far beyond New Age doctrines of abundance, because ultimately, no one wants merely to prosper personally within an unjust system. We can do better than that! We will see the power that comes from developing the foundational understanding that life is a gift, that the world is a gift, and that the cosmos operates on the principles of gift…You may choose to pay what a normal online program of this level of quality costs, or you may choose more, less, or even zero. “

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Live Kindly

“LIVEKINDLY’s comprehensive article archive where you can find our full history of vegan news items, product reviews, plant based recipes, expert opinions and more.” Includes a meal planner.

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Little Book of Restorative Justice for Colleges & Universities

Book: “Here’s a call to colleges and universities to consider implementing restorative practices on their campuses, ensuring fair treatment of students and staff while minimizing institutional liability, protecting the campus community, and boosting morale. From an associate dean of student affairs who has put these models to work on his campus. Restorative justice is a collaborative decision-making process that includes victims, offenders, and others who are seeking to hold offenders accountable by having them (a) accept and acknowledge responsibility for their offenses, (b) to the best of their ability, repair the harm they caused to victims and communities, and (c) work to reduce the risk of re-offense by building positive social ties to the community.”

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Learning Activism: The Intellectual Life of Contemporary Social Movements

Book: “What do activists know? Learning Activism is designed to encourage a deeper engagement with the intellectual life of activists who organize for social, political, and ecological justice. Combining experiential knowledge from his own activism and a variety of social movements, Choudry suggests that such organizations are best understood if we engage with the learning, knowledge, debates, and theorizing that goes on within them. Drawing on Marxist, feminist, anti-racist, and anti-colonial perspectives on knowledge and power, the book highlights how activists and organizers learn through doing, and fills the gap between social movement practice as it occurs on the ground, critical adult education scholarship, and social movement theorizing. Examples include anti-colonial currents within global justice organizing in the Asia-Pacific, activist research and education in social movements and people?s organizations in the Philippines, Migrant and immigrant worker struggles in Canada, and the Quebec student strike. The result is a book that carves out a new space for intellectual life in activist practice.”

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Learning and Mobilising for Community Development: A Radical Tradition of Community-Based Education and Training

Book: “Learning and Mobilising for Community Development introduces the reader to different ways of thinking about, and organising community-based education and training within different settings. Stories from the global south and north illustrate approaches to collective learning and collective action. The book provides not only an insight into the how-to of community-based education and training, but through a range of applications, demonstrates the often unspoken shadow side of the developmental work we undertake. The first section of the book outlines the key elements that underpin effective community-based education and training. It then locates community-based education and training within a broader pedagogical project, by tracing the tradition of transformative learning and education. The second half of the book focuses on stories and practice, distilling the application of theory and frameworks. The practitioners within this book emerge from unique and challenging contexts. From civil resistance in West Papua and youth empowerment in South Africa to financial freedom in Australia, these diverse experiences speak to a common quest for social change and justice.”

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Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal

Book: “This special updated version of the New York Times-bestseller, Kitchen Table Wisdom, addresses the same spiritual issues that made the original a bestseller: suffering, meaning, love, faith, and miracles. “Despite the awesome powers of technology, many of us still do not live very well,” says Dr. Rachel Remen. “We may need to listen to one another’s stories again.” Dr. Remen, whose unique perspective on healing comes from her background as a physician, a professor of medicine, a therapist, and a long-term survivor of chronic illness, invites us to listen from the soul. This remarkable collection of true stories draws on the concept of “kitchen table wisdom”– the human tradition of shared experience that shows us life in all its power and mystery and reminds us that the things we cannot measure may be the things that ultimately sustain and enrich our lives.”

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“Welcome to JustGiving, your new home for social giving. We’ve worked with the world’s most trusted social giving platform to help you reach more people, raise more money and change more lives.”

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International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers

Events & Updates “We, the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers represent a global alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children, and for the next seven generations to come. We are deeply concerned with the unprecedented destruction of our Mother Earth and the destruction of indigenous ways of life.”

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International Institute for Restorative Practices

“The International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) Graduate School is the world’s first graduate school wholly devoted to restorative practices. Our faculty — all scholar/practitioners — are dedicated to helping individuals find new ways to empower people and transform communities. This field, as well as our institution, is developing across national borders and professional disciplines, in order to positively influence human behavior and improve civil society.”

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Inside Spin: The Dark Underbelly of the PR Industry

Book: “Bob Burton is committed to helping community groups striving for social and environmental justice to understand the influence of the public relations industry – by helping to expose industry front groups, spin served up as media, corporate-sponsored think tanks and government-industry collusion. A tireless and meticulous researcher, Bob is known for his significant and ongoing contribution to and Bob’s latest, Inside Spin includes case studies of recent controversies in public policy ranging from the South Australian state government’s attempt to fast-track a controversial proposal for a nuclear waste dump to the tactics of the corporate-funded Institute of Public Affairs to strip advocacy groups of their charitable tax status. A must-read if you’re sensing you’re being out-manoeuvred in your public communication efforts. It’s definitely worth knowing how spin can be used by government and industry to defend unpopular policies and practices.”

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Inspire Awareness Now

“Ecological Organization Advocating for Sustainability…Inspire Awareness Now substantially curbs or solves many major interconnected world problems by providing a comprehensive public platform of information about the realities of our collective food choices. Inspire Awareness Now develops innovative initiatives that provide solutions, including a viable plan to implement many new green job opportunities. Inspire Awareness Now bridges previous disconnects by aligning with other progressive organizations dedicated to the truth about our world’s needs.”

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Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective (2015)

Film: “Humanity is more than ever threatened by its own actions; we hear a lot about the need to minimize footprints and to reduce our impact. But what if our footprints were beneficial? What if we could meet human needs while increasing the health and well-being of our planet? This is the premise behind permaculture: a design process based on the replication of patterns found in nature. INHABIT explores the many environmental issues facing us today and examines solutions that are being applied using the ecological design lens of permaculture. Focused mostly on the Northeastern and Midwestern regions of the United States, Inhabit provides an intimate look at permaculture peoples and practices ranging from rural, suburban, and urban landscapes. Includes subtitles in English, German, Spanish, Italian and French.”

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Book: “Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say “yes”—and how to apply these understandings. Dr. Robert Cialdini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of influence and persuasion. His thirty-five years of rigorous, evidence-based research along with a three-year program of study on what moves people to change behavior has resulted in this highly acclaimed book. You’ll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for people in all walks of life, the principles of Influence will move you toward profound personal change and act as a driving force for your success.”

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Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools: A Practical Guide to Transforming School Communities

Book: “Restorative practice is a proven approach to discipline in schools that favours relationships over retribution, and has been shown to improve behaviour and enhance teaching and learning outcomes. However, in order for it to work, restorative practice needs a relational school culture. Implementing Restorative Practice in Schools explains what has to happen in a school in order for it to become truly restorative. Section 1 explains the potential of restorative practice in schools, describing the positive outcomes for students and teachers. It also outlines the measures that need to be in place in order to embed restorative practice. Section 2 examines the process of understanding and managing change, providing realistic and pragmatic guidance on the practical and emotional barriers that may be encountered. Finally, Section 3 provides in eight practical steps, strategic guidance for achieving a restorative culture that sticks. Featuring useful pro formas and templates, this book will be an indispensable guide for educators, administrators and school leaders in mainstream and specialist settings.”

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Humor and Nonviolent Struggle in Serbia (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution)

Book: ““If I had no sense of humor, I should long ago have committed suicide,” wrote the late Mahatma Gandhi, expressing the potent power of humor to sustain and uplift. Less obvious is humor’s ability to operate as a cunning weapon in nonviolent protest movements. Over the last few decades, activists are increasingly incorporating subversive laughter in their protest repertoires, realizing the ways in which it challenges the ruling elite’s propaganda, defuses antagonism, and inspires both participants and the greater population. In this highly original and engaging work, Sombatpoonsiri explores the nexus between humor and nonviolent protest, aiming to enhance our understanding of the growing popularity of humor in protest movements around the world. Drawing on insights from the pioneering Otpor activists in Serbia, she provides a detailed account of the protesters’ systematic use of humor to topple Slobadan Miloševic’ in 2000. Interviews with activists, protest newsletters, and documentaries of the movement combine to illustrate how humor played a pivotal role by reflecting the absurdity of the regime’s propaganda and, in turn, by delegitimizing its authority. Sombatpoonsiri highlights the Otpor activists’ ability to internationalize their nonviolent crusade, influencing youth movements in the Ukraine, Georgia, Iran, and Egypt. Globally, Otpor’s successful use of humor became an inspiration for a later generation of protest movements.”

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Humour in Political Activism: Creative Nonviolent Resistance

“This book analyses how humour in political activism contributes to facilitating outreach, mobilisation and the sustaining of cultures of resistance. Drawing on examples of attention-grabbing stunts from around the world, Humour in Political Activism demonstrates how they succeed in turning relations of power upside down. The ambiguity and unpredictability of humour, Sørensen argues, makes it difficult to respond to this form of political activism when it is performed in public. Humorous political stunts can therefore challenge state power, help influence changes in law and make significant contributions to the conversations about how societies should be organised. The book also investigates the potential risks and limitations of using humour in nonviolent action and what makes humour unique compared with other forms of non-humorous political activism.”

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How to Win Campaigns – Communications for Change

Book: “Written for the new campaigner and the experienced communicator alike, this is a comprehensive and systematic exploration of what works in campaigning, and a practical how-to guide for using principles and strategy in campaigning as a new form of public politics. Applicable to any issue and from any point of view, the book’s 100 key steps and tools provide models of motivation, analysis and communication structure.”

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Howard Zinn: You Can’t Be Neutral On a Moving Train (2004)

“In these turbulent times, Howard Zinn is inspiring a new generation. This acclaimed film looks at the amazing life of the renowned historian, activist and author. Following his early days as a shipyard labor organizer and bombardier in World War II, Zinn became an academic rebel and leader of civil disobedience in a time of institutionalized racism and war. His influential writings shine light on and bring voice to factory workers, immigrant laborers, African Americans, Native Americans and the working poor. Featuring rare archival materials and interviews with Zinn and colleagues such as Noam Chomsky, You Can’t Be Neutral captures the essence of this extraordinary man who has been a catalyst for progressive change for more than 60 years.”

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